TODAY MIRLI !! 26/05/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban !! HINDI (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the Father has come to fulfil all your pure desires. Ravan fulfils your impure desires and the Father fulfils your pure desires.

Question: What will be the final state of those who disobey the Father's shrimat?


Those who disobey shrimat will be taken home by the evil spirits of Maya to the sounds of "Rama is with you!" There will then be very severe punishment. Anyone who doesn't follow shrimat will die. Dharamraj will take the full account. This is why the Father gives you children very good directions: Children, beware of the wrong directions of Maya! It shouldn't be that you belong to the Father and then perform sinful actions, for there would then have to be one hundred-fold punishment. Not to follow shrimat and to stop studying is to have bad wishes for yourself and not have mercy for yourself.

Song: Salutations to Shiva.

Om Shanti
Devotees sing this praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. They even say: O God; O Shiv Baba! Who said this? The soul remembered Baba because the soul knows that it has a physical father and also the parlokik Father, Shiv Baba. Only once does He come and incarnate in Bharat. People sing: O Purifier, come and make the impure corrupt beings elevated and pure. However, none of them consider themselves to be impure or corrupt. Not everyone is the same. Each one's status is his own. The story of the karma of each one is unique; one cannot be the same as another’s. The Father sits here and explains: Because of not knowing the Father you have become such impure orphans. People say: You are the Purifier and the Bestower of Salvation for All. So, how could the Gita or the Ganges be the Purifier? Who made you so senseless? Ravan, the five vices. Everyone is now in Ravan's kingdom, that is, they are all in the cottage of sorrow. The heads have so many worries. Everyone is unhappy and this is why they call out: O Baba, come and take us to heaven. Make us constantly free from disease, make us into those with a long lifespan, full of peace and wealth. The Father is the Ocean of Peace and Happiness. This cannot be the praise of human beings. Human beings say "Shivohum" (I am Shiva) of themselves, but they are impure. The Father explains: You say that the Father is omnipresent, but nothing seems to ring true with that idea. Even devotion couldn't continue because devotees remember God. There is only one God and many devotees. When they all say that I, God, am in the pebbles and stones and their intellects become stone, I have to come. He has the pure world established through Brahma, the Father of People. These are adopted children of Brahma, the Father of People. There are so many children. The number of them will continue to grow even now. Those who become Brahmins will then become deities. Previously, you were shudras. You then became Brahmins, the mouth-born progeny of Brahma and you will then become deities and warriors. This cycle continues to turn. Only the Father explains this. This is the human world whereas in the subtle region there are angels. There are no trees there; the human world tree is here. Therefore, the Father comes and places the urn of the nectar of knowledge on the heads of the mothers. In fact, there is no nectar; this is knowledge. The Father comes and gives the teachings of easy Raja Yoga. The Father says: I am incorporeal. I enter the body of the number one human being. He Himself says: Only when I enter the body of Brahma can there be the Brahmin community. Brahma is needed here. That resident of the subtle region is the subtle Brahma. I enter this gross one in order to make him into an angel. You too become angels at the end. You Brahmins have to become pure here. You will then go and take birth in the pure world. You don't indulge in either type of violence. To use the sword of lust is the strongest violence through which human beings experience sorrow from its beginning, through the middle to the end. People have been using the sword of lust from the copper age onwards and it was from that time that they started to fall. Human beings have knowledge of devotion, of studying the Vedas and scriptures and performing worship. They speak of knowledge, devotion and disinterest. It is only after devotion that Baba inspires you to have disinterest in the whole world because this impure world has to be destroyed. This is why you have to forget all bodily relations including your body. Connect your intellects in yoga with Me alone. Let your practice be such that you don't remember anyone else at the end. You are inspired to renounce this old world. Only the unlimited Father inspires you to have unlimited renunciation. Everyone has to take rebirth. How else would there be so much growth? The people of Bharat receive the power of purity through those who have limited renunciation. There can be no other land as pure as Bharat was. This is the birthplace of the Father. However, people don't know how the Father incarnates or what He does; they don't know anything at all. They speak of the day of Brahma and the night of Brahma. Day means heaven and night means hell. They don’t know this. The night of Brahma is also the night of you children. The day of Brahma means it also becomes the day of you children. Everyone has become degraded in the kingdom of Ravan. You children are now receiving salvation from the Father. At this time you are the children of God. Brahma is the son of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and you are his adopted children and you are therefore the grandchildren of Shiv Baba. This child, Brahma, listens to everything and you grandchildren also listen to it. This knowledge will disappear. Only the Father comes and teaches you Raja Yoga. The parts of the sannyasis are separate from the parts of you who belong to the original eternal deity religion. There, the lifespan of deities is long; there is no untimely death there. There, deities are soul conscious, not God conscious. Then, when Maya enters, they become body conscious. At this time you are soul conscious and also God conscious. You know that, at this time, you are the children of God. You also know the occupation of God. This is pure pride. To say “Shivohum” of yourself or to say that you are God is impure pride. You have now come to know yourselves and also God from God. You know that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, comes every cycle. It is He who gives temporary happiness even on the path of devotion. All of those images are non-living. Whatever pure desires you have when you pray, I fulfil all those pure desires of yours. It is Ravan who fulfils your impure desires. Many people learn occult powers. Those are the dictates of Ravan. I am the Bestower of Happiness. I don't cause anyone sorrow. People say that God gives happiness and sorrow. That is also defaming Me. If it were like that, why do they call out to Me: “God, have mercy and forgive me!” You know that there will be a lot of punishment from Dharamraj. The Father explains: Children, there is no essence in those scriptures of the path of devotion. You no longer enjoy devotion. You don't even say: O God! A soul remembers the Father with his heart. This is the soundless chant. The incorporeal Father speaks to souls. Souls listen. If you say that He is omnipresent, then all are God. The Father says: Your intellects have become stone-like. Human beings are very afraid of receiving bad wishes from their guru. The Father is the Bestower of Happiness. The Father doesn't have bad wishes nor is He without mercy for the children. When children don't follow shrimat or don't study, they are being merciless to themselves. The Father says: Children, remember Me, your Father! There is no devotion in the golden and silver ages. It is now the night and so people continue to stumble around. This is why it is said that there is darkness without the Satguru. Only the Satguru comes and explains to you the secrets of the whole cycle and how you were deities and then became warriors, merchants and shudras. This is how you completed your 84 births. You took eight rebirths in the golden age, 12 births in the silver age and then 63 births in the copper and iron ages. The cycle has to turn. Human beings don't know these things. This Bharat was the master of the world. There were no other lands at that time. When the land of falsehood begins, all other lands come into existence. Look how much battling and quarrelling etc. there is now! This is the world of orphans. They don't know the Father. They continue to cry out: O God! The Father says: I only come once to purify the impure world. People thought that Bapu (Gandhi) was establishing the kingdom of Rama and gave him a lot of money. However, he never used that money for himself. In spite of that, the kingdom of Rama was not established. This one is Shiv Baba and He is the Bestower. He simply explains that destruction has to take place. Rather than that, use your money in a worthwhile way. Open centres etc. Put up a board: Come and claim your inheritance of heaven from the Father in a second. The Father says: Only by remembering Me will you become pure. This cycle should turn around in your intellects. Only brahmin become protectors of sacrificial fires. This is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra, not a sacrificial fire of Krishna. There are no sacrificial fires in the golden age. This is the sacrificial fire of knowledge. All the rest are sacrificial fires of devotion. When they have a sacrificial fire they have so many types of scripture; they make a pickle out of all of them (they mix them all up); that cannot be called a sacrificial fire of knowledge. Baba says: I have created the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. Those who follow My directions will receive a big prize of the kingdom of the world. I give you children the gift of liberation and liberation-in-life. Baba says: At least you have said of human beings that there are 8.4 million species to go through, whereas of Me, you have said that I am in every particle! Nevertheless, I uplift everyone and become their Server. By following the dictates of Ravan, you have been insulting Me. This drama is also predestined. You children now have to follow shrimat at every step. The Father gives very good directions. Maya gives you bad directions and this is why you have to remain cautious. If, after belonging to Me, you perform any sinful actions, there will be one hundred-fold punishment. With the power of yoga, you will even receive a pure body. Sannyasis say that souls are immune to the effect of action and that their bodies are impure and this is why they go and bathe in the Ganges. Oh! But if the soul is not real gold, how could the jewellery be real gold? At this time, even the five elements are tamopradhan. This spiritual Government of yours is the greatest. However, you don't have even three square feet of land for service. I make you into the masters of the world. I give you such a kingdom of the world that no one can cause any complications there. You become the masters of the sky, the ocean and everything. There are no limits there. You have now become completely poverty-stricken. You are now becoming the masters of the world once again and so you have to follow shrimat. If you don't follow shrimat, you die. Then, to the sounds of, "Rama is with you", the evil spirits of Maya will carry you home with them; there will be severe punishment. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. Serve the yagya with a lot of love, follow shrimat at every step and claim from the Father the fruit you want, which means the kingdom of the world.
2. Destruction has to take place. So, use everything you have in a worthwhile way. If you have money, open a centre and become an instrument to benefit many.
May you become Maya-proof by having love for God and fly beyond the gravity and attraction of the earth.
Love for God is the means with which to fly beyond the earth’s gravity. Those who stay beyond the earth, that is, beyond the attraction of body consciousness cannot be pulled by Maya. No matter how attractive a form may be, no attraction of Maya can reach you when you are in the flying stage. Just as a rocket goes beyond the earth’s gravity, similarly, you also have to go beyond. The way to be this is to be detached and stay merged in love for the one Father. By doing this, you will become Maya-proof.
Make your original stage so powerful that no adverse situation cannot make you fluctuate.

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