01/05/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || English ||(OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the Father has come to change human beings into deities. Therefore, give thanks to Him from your heart. Continue to follow shrimat and have true love for just the One.

Question: What are the signs of children who love the Father?


Those who truly love the Father remember Him alone and only follow His directions. They never cause sorrow for anyone through their thoughts, words or deeds. They never have animosity towards anyone. They give their true accounts to the Father. They protect themselves from bad company.

Have patience o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come.  

Om Shanti

Brahmins would definitely have patience because it is only Brahmins who have love for the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, numberwise, according to the effort they make. Not everyone loves Him to the same extent; just as Baba, Mama and the children share their own experiences. They would say: I, the soul. Baba would say: I, the Supreme Soul. I, the soul, say: I am remembering the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, a great deal because for half the cycle, I have seen a lot of sorrow in the kingdom of Ravan. It isn't that there has been sorrow from the beginning; no. Sorrow increases gradually in the kingdom of Ravan; the degrees continue to decrease. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, tells you, souls: At first, you performed unadulterated worship and you remembered Me alone. You then went into adulterated, rajoguni worship. Now, worship is tamoguni. People continue to worship whatever comes in front of them. That is called worship of the elements because the body is made up of the five elements. When they speak of a particular swami (guru), they only say that because of seeing the body of five elements; they fall at his feet. That is tamopradhan worship. I, the soul, now know that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has come once again to give us our inheritance. Therefore, remember Him as much as possible. His orders are: Constantly remember Me alone. May you be soul conscious! Baba tells you how he repeatedly thanks the Father. Baba, You removed me from darkness. I love Baba. All others have non- loving intellects at the time of destruction. They cannot claim their full inheritance. Physical children love their father. Their father is pleased with them when they follow his directions; but he is not pleased when his children don't follow his directions. Those who don't follow directions are said to be disobedient. Therefore, the unlimited Father also says: Remember Me and then your sins will continue to be burnt away. Now that you belong to Me, don't commit any sin through your physical senses. Never disobey shrimat. The Father is making you worthy-of-worship from a worshipper. Therefore, you should thank the Father so much! If you don't follow His directions, your status will be destroyed for birth after birth. Although we say here that those who are impure are degraded, a low status there is said to be degraded. The Father says: Have true love for Me. Just as a wife remembers her husband, remember Me in the same way. Follow My shrimat. Don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. Don't let your mind have any animosity for anyone. Every soul is playing his own part. You know that your birth of the present time is even more elevated than that of the future. Here, we have become God’s children. In the golden age we will be children of the deities. The praise of now is greater. You receive the inheritance of 21 births through the World Mother (Jagadamba). What do you receive through Lakshmi? A new person would not be able to understand these things. Many people come here, but those who don't have faith are unable to stay here. When friends and relatives of Baba, Mama and the children come here, or even officers, they are allowed to come in case the arrow strikes the target and the poor helpless ones are benefited. You can instantly know whether they belong to the Godly clan or the devilish clan and whether they are able to love the Father or not. Many come here and they are all right here but they become vicious again when they go outside into bad company or into the company of Maya. Then they write: I was defeated. However, if they don't tell Baba about it, that would continue to increase. Your intellects now have love for the Father. Yes, among you too, your intellects have love numberwise, according to the effort you make. Shiv Baba explains to you children: Never perform any sinful acts. Follow shrimat! You belong to Baba and so your activity should also be likewise. Baba should be told everything. Baba grants you liberation and liberation-in-life and the sovereignty of the world and the Father doesn't even know what the children have! The Father should receive your full account. By giving that to Me, you will not incur a loss. Those people take all your money for themselves, but I am incorporeal; I use everything for you children. Gandhiji used everything for the country and this is why his name is glorified. Gandhiji truly established the Congress Party. Otherwise, there was the rule of kings here. The Father is now once again establishing a new kingdom, the kingdom of Rama. This doesn't sit in the intellects of all the children. If it sat in their intellects, their mercury of happiness would rise and they would continue to have yoga with Baba. Baba says: Remember the Father who stays in the supreme abode, where you have to go. The drama is now about to end. No one knows the drama or has love for Me. They say that they have been bathing in the Ganges from time immemorial. Did they do that even in the golden age? They don't even understand the meaning of ‘time immemorial’. Baba says: Your days of happiness are now about to come. Your intellects have patience. Some don't understand anything. When they understand something here and then go outside, Maya completely swallows them. Just as all the ants completely swallow a dead fly, so here, when you die, all the ants come and totally swallow you. Maya is powerful as well; she is no less. There is a big battle. While staying here, if you don’t attend class, it is understood that you can’t become the masters of heaven and that you can’t go to the land of Krishna. You would have no value. You, who are becoming like diamonds, are valuable. You know that you are becoming worth a pound. If there are a swan and a stork in the same house, there would definitely be conflict. Here, you step away from storks. You cannot eat food prepared by those who are impure. However, some children don't love the Father that much and this is why they think about how their stomachs would be satisfied. Ah! but how do natives survive? Nowadays, if someone puts on a saffron robe, he continues to receive everything free and everyone bows down to him. Anyone who goes there puts money in front of the idol; it is very easy for them. Such is the world! You children should think about this world ending soon so that you can go to heaven. However, you first have to become worthy. You have to claim a status. There, too, there is a difference in the position. The One who is teaching you is only One. Some become kings and queens, some become maids and servants and others become wealthy subjects. A kingdom is being established. Other founders of a religion do not establish a kingdom. This is why Baba continues to tell you to remain cautious. At the time of destruction, you must totally have loving intellects. The more love you have, the more inheritance you will accordingly claim from the Father. You are also taught how to remember Baba. Baba tells you how you have to remember Baba and the cycle. Spin the discus of self-realisation. We are lighthouses. The Boatman is taking our boats across. Keep the land of peace in one eye and the land of happiness in the other eye. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. While seeing the part of every actor, don't have animosity towards anyone. Don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds.
2. Give your full account to the Father. Have a totally loving intellect at the time of destruction. Let your activity be elevated according to shrimat. Remain cautious of bad company.


May you be a supremely worthy-of-worship soul who inculcates purity into your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections.

Purity is not just celibacy, for there can be no negative thoughts for anyone in your mind; no such words can emerge from your mouth. Your relationships and connections have to be good with everyone. When there isn’t the slightest impurity you can then be said to be a supremely worthy of worship soul. So, check your foundation of purity. Let there always be the awareness: I am a supremely worthy of worship soul who lives in the temple of this body. No waste thoughts can enter this temple.


In order to see and know your future clearly, remain stable in the stage of perfection.

Points on God of the Gita from Sakar Murlis – Part 1

1. God said a cycle ago and also says now: I enter this ordinary body at the end of his many births. I take his support. It is also mentioned in that Gita: I enter an ordinary old body at the end of his many births. That body is of this Brahma.
2. The knowledge of the God of the Gita is received to become the most elevated human beings. The Gita is the scripture for the establishment of religion. No other scripture is for the establishment of religion. The Gita is the jewel of all scriptures. All the other religions come into existence later. They cannot be said to be the jewel on the forehead.
3. Only the one Father is the Lord of the Tree. He is the Lord (Husband) and also the Father of all. He is called the Husband of all husbands and the Father of all fathers. This praise is sung of the incorporeal One. The praise of Krishna is compared with the praise of the incorporeal Father. Shri Krishna is the prince of the new world and so how can he teach Raj Yoga at the confluence age in the old world?
4. The unlimited Father is the Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier and the God of the Gita. He carries out the establishment of the new world through knowledge and the power of yoga. There is a lot of influence of the power of yoga. The ancient yoga of Bharat is very well known.
5. Only the one Father, the Supreme Soul, has knowledge. You take a new birth through knowledge and this is why the Gita is said to be the mother. Since there is a mother, there must surely be a father too. You are the children of Shiv Baba: He is the Father and then the Gita is the mother. The knowledge of the Gita is to change from an ordinary man into Narayan.
6. Now, who is the God of the Gita? If it is said to be Krishna, it is very easy to remember Him. He is in the corporeal form. The incorporeal Father says: Constantly remember Me alone. Shri Krishna cannot say: Be Manmanabhav and remember Me alone. So now, say who the God of the Gita is?
7. All the people of the world have versions spoken by God Shri Krishna in their intellect. However, how could Krishna say: Who I am, what I am, only a handful out of multimillions recognise me as I am? Everyone would know Krishna. Only the incorporeal Father can say this.
8. It is not that God says this through the body of Krishna; no. Krishna exists in the golden age. How can God go there? God comes at the most auspicious confluence age when the iron age has to change and the golden age has to come.
9. You should have writings from many people saying who the God of the Gita is. At the top, it should be written: The Highest on High is the Father, the Supreme Soul. Krishna is not the highest on high. He can never say: Forget your body, including all your bodily religions and constantly remember Me alone. These elevated versions are only of the one God.
10. You are now receiving Godly directions. You belong to the God’s dynasty and clan. God comes and establishes the deity dynasty. The deity religion, where the sun dynasty and moon dynasty kingdoms exist are being established once again. The Brahmin clan, the sun and moon dynasty clans were established from the Gita. If the Gita were spoken in the copper age, then there should have been the existence of the Brahmin clan and the sun and moon dynasty clans after that.
11. People think that a great annihilation takes place and that Krishna then comes floating on a pipal leaf. How can a human being come floating on a pipal leaf in the ocean? It is a matter of the palace of womb. First of all, it is the soul of Shri Krishna who comes from the palace of womb. His birth takes place with the power of yoga and this is why He is called the Lord of Vaikunth (Paradise).
12. God speaks: I teach you Raj Yoga and make you into the kings of kings. So, surely, Krishna would first become a prince. There is no such thing as the versions of Shri Krishna. Krishna is the aim and objective of this study. This is a place of study.

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