TODAY MURLI || 31/05/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, become pure by following shrimat and you will be liberated from the punishment of Dharamraj. In order to become like a diamond, drink the nectar of knowledge and renounce poison.

QuestionOn what is a golden-aged status based?

AnswerIt is based on purity. Stay in remembrance and you will definitely become pure. Only by becoming pure will you receive salvation. Those who don’t become pure will experience punishment and return to their own religion. You may live at home with your family, but do not remember any bodily beings. Remain pure and you will claim a high status.

SongHaving found You, we have found everything. The earth and sky all belong to us.  

Om Shanti

God Shiva speaks. No one else can be called God. Only the one incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called Shiv Baba. He is the Father of all souls. Firstly, you should have the faith that we are definitely Shiv Baba’s children. At a time of sorrow, people call out: O Supreme Soul, protect us! Have mercy on us! They don’t even know that it is their souls who are remembering the Supreme Soul. He is the Father of us souls. At this time, the world is full of impure souls. They sing: We are degraded sinners whereas You are completely viceless, yet they do not consider themselves to be that. The Father explains: Since you say that God is the one Father that makes all of you brothers. Then, in terms of your bodies, you are all brothers and sisters. You are children of Shiv Baba and also children of Prajapita Brahma. That One is your unlimited Father, Teacher and Guru. He says: I do not make you impure. I have come to make you pure, but only if you follow My directions. Here, all human beings follow the dictates of Ravan. The five vices are present in everyone. The Father says: Children, now become viceless; follow shrimat! However, they still don’t renounce the vices and so they don't become the masters of heaven. All have become sinners like Ajamil. This is Ravan's community, the cottage of sorrow, and everyone is experiencing so much sorrow. The Father comes and creates the kingdom of Rama. So, you children understand that this is the true battlefield. In the Gita, God says: Lust is the greatest enemy. Gain victory over it. However, they do not conquer it. The Father now sits here and explains to you. You souls listen through your organs and then relate it to others. It is the soul that acts. I am a soul and I adopt a body and play a part. However, instead of being soul conscious, human beings have become body conscious. The Father says: Now become soul conscious. In the golden age you remain soul conscious; you don’t know the Supreme Soul. Here, you are body conscious and you do not know the Supreme Soul. This is why you have become degraded. People don’t even understand what degradation is. Those who have a lot of wealth think that they are sitting in heaven. The Father says: They will all become poor because destruction has to take place. It is good that destruction takes place; we will then go to the land of liberation. Therefore, you should be happy about this. You are making preparations to die. Human beings are afraid of dying. The Father is making you worthy of being taken to Paradise. Impure ones continue to take rebirth in the impure world. None of them are residents of heaven. The Father says: The main thing is to become pure. Without becoming pure, you cannot go to the pure world. It is because of purity that innocent ones are beaten. They consider poison to be nectar. The Father says: I make you become like diamonds with the nectar of knowledge. So, why do you drink poison and become like worthless shells? You have been drinking poison for half the cycle. Now obey My instructions! Otherwise, there will have to be punishment from Dharamraj. Even a worldly father says: Children, don’t perform such actions that you defame the name of the family. The unlimited Father says: Follow shrimat and become pure. If you sit on the pyre of lust, you will become uglier than you are now. You are now made to sit on the pyre of knowledge and made beautiful. By sitting on the pyre of lust, you will not be able to see the face of heaven. This is why the Father says: Now follow shrimat! The Father only speaks to the children. Only you children know that the Father has come to give you the inheritance of heaven. The iron age is about to end. Only for those who follow the Father's shrimat will there be salvation. If they don't become pure, they will experience punishment and then return to their religion. The residents of Bharat were the residents of heaven. They have now become impure. They don’t even know about heaven. The Father says: If you don’t follow My directions, but follow the dictates of others instead and indulge in vice, you die. Then, although you will go to heaven towards the end, the status you claim will be very low. Those who are wealthy now will be poor. Those who are poor here will become wealthy there. The Father is the Lord of the Poor. Everything depends on purity. You will become pure by having yoga with the Father. The Father explains to the children: I teach you Raja Yoga. I do not make you renounce your home and family. Stay at home with your family, but don’t indulge in vice and don’t remember any bodily beings. At this time, all are impure, whereas in the golden age there were pure deities. Now they too have become impure. By taking rebirth, you have now reached your last birth. All of you are Parvatis. Now the Father, the Lord of Immortality, is telling you the story of immortality to make you into the masters of the land of immortality. Therefore, now remember the Father, the Lord of Immortality. Only by having remembrance will your sins be absolved. It isn't that Shiva, Shankar or Parvati are sitting on the mountains. All of that is the stumbling of the path of devotion. For half the cycle, you stumbled a great deal. Now Baba says: I will take you to heaven. There is nothing but happiness in the golden age; you neither stumble nor fall. The main thing is to remain pure. When there is a lot of violence here, the urn of sin becomes full and destruction takes place. Now become pure for one birth and you will become the masters of the pure world. However, this only applies to those who follow shrimat. Those who didn’t follow shrimat in the previous cycle will not follow it now and will not claim a status. You are children of the one Father. You are brothers and sisters among yourselves. However, if, after belonging to the Father, you fall, you will go into the depths of hell and become even more of a sinful soul. This is God's Government. If you do not become pure by following My directions, there will have to be very severe punishment from Dharamraj. There will have to be punishment experienced for whatever sins you have committed for birth after birth and the accounts will be settled in that way. You will either have to have your sins burnt away with the power of yoga or there will have to be very severe punishment. There are so many Brahma Kumars and Kumaris and they all remain pure. They are making Bharat into heaven. You are the Shiv Shakti, Pandava Army; both gopes and gopis are included in this. God is teaching you. Lakshmi and Narayan are called a goddess and god. God must definitely have given them the inheritance. It is God alone who comes and makes you into deities. In the golden age, there were the king, queen and subjects and all of them were elevated. It is now the kingdom of Ravan. If you want to go to the kingdom of Rama, become pure and follow the directions of Rama. By following the dictates of Ravan, you have become degraded. It is remembered: Some people's wealth will be buried underground and that of others will be looted. People hide gold underground or in the walls. If they die suddenly, everything just remains there. Destruction has to take place. When earthquakes etc. take place, many thieves appear at that time. The Father, the Lord and Master, has now come to make you belong to Him and to make you into the masters of the world. Nowadays, even people in the stage of retirement cannot live without vice. They have become absolutely tamopradhan; they don’t even recognize the Father. The Father says: I have come to make you pure. If you indulge in vice, there will be very severe punishment. I have come to make you pure and to establish the pure world. You then become impure and cause obstacles. You are creating obstacles in the creation of heaven, and so there will have to be very severe punishment. I have come to make you into residents of heaven. If you don't renounce vice, there will be a lot of punishment from Dharamraj. You will then cry out in distress. This is the Court of Indra. There is the story of the angels of knowledge. When an impure person was brought into the gathering, that vibration was felt. No impure person is allowed to sit here in the gathering. No one is allowed to sit here without making a promise of purity. Otherwise, the one who brings such a person will also be blamed. The Father knows everything. Therefore, if any of you still bring such a person, He gives you teachings. By remembering Shiv Baba, the soul becomes clean and pure and the atmosphere becomes one of silence. The Father sits here and gives His introduction: I am your Father. I have come to make you into deities from human beings as I did 5000 years ago. Claim your inheritance of unlimited happiness from the unlimited Father. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Settle all your sinful accounts with the power of yoga, purify and cleanse the soul and make the atmosphere peaceful.
2. Follow the Father's shrimat and promise to become completely pure. Do not be influenced by vices and thereby become an obstacle in the creation of heaven.


May you die alive and finish being ordinary by making the sanskars of your speciality your nature.

Whatever is someone’s nature, it automatically does its work. You don’t need to think or do anything about it. In the same way, let the sanskar of your speciality become your nature and let it emerge from each one’s lips and mind that this soul’s nature is of that speciality. When your ordinary actions finish, you would then be said to have died alive. You have died from being ordinary and are living with your speciality. Let there not be anything ordinary even in your thoughts.


A powerful soul is one who finishes all waste with one or another method.

TODAY MURLI || 29/05/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, peace is the garland around your necks. It is the original religion of the self. Therefore, there is no need to wander around for peace. Simply stabilise yourself in your original religion.

QuestionWhat method do people use to purify something? What method has the Father created?

AnswerIn order to purify something, people put it in fire. When they create a yagya, they make a fire. Here, too, the Father has created the sacrificial fire of Rudra, but this is the sacrificial fire of knowledge. Everyone's offering has to be sacrificed into this. You children sacrifice everything you have including your bodies. You have to have yoga. This is a race of yoga. Through this, you will first become the garland around the neck of Rudra and then you will be threaded in the rosary around the neck of Vishnu.

Song: Salutations to Shiva.  

Om Shanti

Whose praise did you hear? That of the Supreme Father from beyond, the Supreme Soul, God. All devotees and those who make spiritual endeavour remember Him. His name is the Purifier too. You children know that Bharat was pure. The religion of Lakshmi and Narayan etc. was that of the pure family path. That was called the original eternal deity religion. In Bharat, there used to be everything: purity, peace, happiness and prosperity. When there is no purity, there is no peace or happiness. People continue to wander around for peace; they continue to wander in the forests. Not a single person has peace because neither do they know the Father nor do they understand themselves to be souls and that their bodies belongs to them. You have to perform actions through a body. My original religion is peace. These are the organs of the body. Souls don't know that they are residents of the land beyond sound, the supreme abode. We take the support of bodies to play our parts on this field of action. They have a garland of peace around their necks and yet they stumble around outside! They continue to ask how they can have peace of mind. They don't know that a soul consists of a mind and an intellect. A soul is a child of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He is the Ocean of Peace and we are His children. The whole world is peaceless. Everyone says: Let there be peace! The Master of the whole world is just the One to whom people say: Salutations to Shiva. Who is God, the Highest on High, Shiva? No human being knows this. They still worship Him. Some say of themselves: Shivohum (I am Shiva). Shiva is the one Father. When people call themselves Shiva, that is a great sin. It is Shiva who is called the Purifier. Neither Brahma nor Vishnu or Shankar or any human being can be called the Purifier. Only the One is the Purifier and the Bestower of Salvation for All. Human beings cannot purify human beings because it is a question of the whole world. The Father explains: When it was the golden age, Bharat was pure and it is now impure. Therefore, you should remember the One who purifies the whole world. However, this is the impure world. They speak of great souls, but there really isn't any great soul. They don't even know the Father from beyond this world. The birthday of Shiva is remembered in Bharat, and so He must surely have come in Bharat in order to purify the impure. He says: I come at the confluence age, which is called the kumbha (confluence). It is not the confluence of the ocean and rivers of water. The kumbha is when the Purifier Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, comes and purifies all souls. You also know that when Bharat was heaven, there was just one religion. There was the sun-dynasty kingdom in the golden age and then the moon-dynasty kingdom in the silver age. This is praised as: Rama is the king and all the people belong to Rama. There is so much praise of the silver age! Therefore, the praise of the golden age must be even greater. Bharat was heaven and there were pure, living souls there. The souls of all the other religions were in the land beyond sound. None of those human beings knows what a soul is or what the Supreme Soul is. A soul is a tiny point and he has a part of 84 births recorded in him. There cannot be 8.4 million births. It is not possible that you could continue to go around the cycle, cycle after cycle, taking 8.4 million births. The cycle is just 84 births. That too is not for everyone. Those who existed at the beginning are now here at the end, and they will then come at the beginning again. All the souls who come later stay in the land beyond sound. The Father explains all of these things. He alone is called the World Almighty Authority. The Father says: I explain to you through Brahma the essence of all the Vedas, the scriptures and the Gita. They have made up all the scriptures about the physical activities of the path of devotion. How I came and created the sacrificial fire is not mentioned in the scriptures. This is called the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra for self- sovereignty in which the horse is sacrificed. Shiva is Rudra and everyone has to be sacrificed into this sacrificial fire. The Father says: Forget all your friends and relatives including your body. Only remember the one Father. "I am a sannyasi.I am a Christian etc." All of those are bodily religions.Renounce all of them and constantly remember Me alone. The Incorporeal would definitely enter a body. He says: I have to take the support of matter. I come and establish the new world through this body. Destruction of the old world is just ahead. Establishment through Brahma, the Father of People, is remembered. The subtle region is the world of angels. There are no flesh and bones there. There are subtle bodies there, all white, just like ghosts. Souls who don't receive a body wander around like that. You can see the shadow of a body, but you cannot catch it. The Father says: Children, now remember Me because your sins will be absolved by having this remembrance. It is remembered: A lot of time has gone by and little time remains. Very little time now remains. Remember the Father as much as possible and your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. A few words mentioned in the Gita are right. A few words like “A pinch of salt in a sackful of flour” are correct. First of all, they should know that God is incorporeal. How does incorporeal God speak? He says: I enter the ordinary body of Brahma and teach you Raja Yoga. Children, remember Me! I come to establish the one religion and to inspire the destruction of all other religions. There are now innumerable religions. Five thousand years ago, there was just the one original eternal deity religion in the golden age. All souls go back after settling their karmic accounts. This is called the time of settlement. The karmic accounts of everyone's sorrow are to be settled. Sorrow is received because of sins committed. After the accounts of sin are settled, the account of charity begins. Fire is created to purify everything. When a sacrificial fire is created, a fire is made. This is not a material sacrificial fire. This is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. It is not said that this is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Krishna. Krishna did not create a sacrificial fire. Krishna was a prince. Sacrificial fires are created at a time of calamity. At this time, there are calamities everywhere. Many people create sacrificial fires of Rudra. They don't create the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. Only Rudra, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, comes and creates that. It is said that everyone will be sacrificed into the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. Baba has come and the sacrificial fire has also been created. It will continue until the kingdom is established and everyone has become pure. Not everyone becomes pure instantly. Continue to have yoga till the end. This is a race of yoga. The more you remember the Father, the more you will be able to race and become the garland around the neck of Rudra. Then you will become the garland around the neck of Vishnu. First is the rosary of Rudra and then that of Vishnu. First, the Father takes everyone back home and then, according to the effort they make, they become Narayan from an ordinary man and Lakshmi from an ordinary woman and rule the kingdom. This means that the original eternal deity religion is being established. The Father is teaching you Raja Yoga, just as He taught it 5000 years ago. He has come to teach it again after a cycle. People celebrate the birthday of Shiva and the night of Shiva. The night means the end of the iron-aged old world and the beginning of the new world. The golden and silver ages are the day, and the copper and iron ages are the night. There is the unlimited day of Brahma and then the unlimited night of Brahma. The day and night of Krishna are not remembered. Krishna doesn't have any knowledge. Brahma receives knowledge from Shiv Baba. Then you children receive it through him. It means that Shiv Baba is giving you knowledge through the body of Brahma. He is making you trikaldarshi. Not a single person in the human world can be trikaldarshi. If someone were that, he would give that knowledge. No one can give the knowledge of how this world cycle turns. The God of everyone is One. Not everyone would believe Krishna to be God; he is a prince. Would a prince be God? If he rules a kingdom, he will also have to lose it. The Father says: I make you into the masters of the world and then I go and reside in the land beyond sound. Then My part begins when sorrow begins. I hear you. I am called the Merciful One. Devotion is at first unadulterated, that is, they worship Shiva alone, and then they begin to worship deities. Devotion has now become adulterated. Even worshippers don't know when worshipping began. Shiva and Somnath are One and the same. Shiva is incorporeal. Why do they call Him Somnath (Lord of Nectar)? Because the Somnath Father gave you children the nectar of knowledge to drink. They have given Him many names. He is also called Babulnath (Lord of Thorns) because He changes you from thorns into flowers. The Father is the Bestower of Salvation for All. To call Him omnipresent is to insult Him. The Father says: Only once when it is the confluence age, do I then come. Only when devotion comes to an end do I come. It is the rule that I only come once. The Father is only One and there is just one incarnation. I only come once and make you all into pure Raja Yogis. Yours is Raja Yoga whereas sannyasis have hatha yoga. They cannot teach you Raja Yoga. Hatha yogis have that religion to support Bharat. Purity is required. Bharat was 100% pure. It is now impure. This is why they call out: Come and purify us. The golden age is the world of pure human beings. The household religion now is that of impurity.In the golden age, the household religion was that of purity.That pure household religion is now being established once again. Only the one Father is the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life for all. Human beings cannot grant liberation or liberation-in-life to human beings. You are the children of the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. You Brahmins take everyone on a true pilgrimage whereas everyone else takes people on a false pilgrimage. You are doubly non-violent. You do not commit any type of violence: you neither fight nor use the sword of lust. It requires effort to conquer lust. You have to conquer the vices. You Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are claiming your inheritance from Shiv Baba. You are brothers and sisters among yourselves. You are now children of incorporeal God and so you are brothers. You are then the children of Brahma Baba and so you definitely have to become viceless. This means that you receive the sovereignty of the world. This is the last of many births. Become as pure as a lotus and you will then receive a high status. You are now being made very sensible by the Father. You have the knowledge of the world in your intellects. You are now spinners of the discus of self-realisation. The soul has a vision of the self. That is, you receive knowledge from the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is called the knowledge-full One. He is the Seed of the human world tree and He is living. He has now come to give you knowledge. There is just the one Seed. You also know how the tree emerges from the Seed. This is an inverted tree; the Seed is at the top. First of all, the deity tree emerges, then Islam, the Buddhists etc., and it continues to grow. You have now received this knowledge. No one else can give this to you. Whatever you hear, that stays in your intellects. There are no scriptures at the beginning of the golden age. This is such an easy story of 5000 years, is it not? Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Very little time remains. A lot of time has gone by and only a little remains.Therefore, whatever breath remains, use that in a worthwhile way in remembrance of the Father. Settle your karmic accounts of sins you have committed in the past.
2. In order to stabilise in your original religion of peace, you definitely have to become pure. Where there is purity, there is peace. My original religion is peace. I am a child of the Father, the Ocean of Peace.Experience this.


May you have faith in the intellect and remain constantly unshakeable and immovable by experiencing benefit even in non-benevolent scenes.

Because this is the benevolent age, whatever happens in the drama is benevolent and when you are able to see benefit even in something non-benevolent, you can then be said to have faith in the intellect. It is only at a time of adverse situations that your stage of faith is tested. Faith means not to have any name or trace of doubt. No matter what happens, no situation can make those who have faith in the intellect fluctuate.To fluctuate means to be weak.


Be worthy of God’s love and you will easily become a conqueror of Maya.

TODAY MURLI || 28/05/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 03/04/82 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

The first and foremost renunciation is the renunciation of body consciousness.

Today, BapDada is seeing His children who are images of renunciation. Each and every Brahmin soul is an embodiment of renunciation. However, just as you have been told about fortune - that even though all of you are children of the one Father and you all receive the same fortune and inheritance, you become numberwise on the basis of how you take care of it and increase it - all of you have become images of renunciation, but you are also numberwise in this. You had renunciation and became Brahmins but the definition of renunciation is very deep. For the sake of it, all of you say the same thing: that you have renounced your body, mind, wealth and relations. However, renunciation of the body means renunciation of the consciousness of the body. So, have you renounced the consciousness of the body, or are you still renouncing it? Renunciation means to let go of everything and every situation, to step away from the feeling of anything belonging to you and to finish your rights to it. The one to whom you renounced that thing, it now belongs to that person. You cannot even have any thoughts of whatever you renounced, because you cannot take back anything that you have renounced or promised to renounce - even in your thoughts. For example, limited sannyasis renounce their homes and relations and go away. However, if they were to return home again, what would that be called? According to their rules, they cannot return. In the same way, you Brahmins are unlimited sannyasis and renunciates. You images of renunciation have renounced your old homes, that is, your old bodies and the consciousness of old bodies. Your intellects had the thought of never again being attracted to that old home. You would not come back to it even in your thoughts. That was the first renunciation. This is why it is said: Renounce all bodily relations, including the body and all consciousness of the body. So, you don’t come back into the old house that you have already renounced, do you? What did you promise? Did you say “Even the body belongs to You” or did you just say “The mind belongs to You”? The first word you used was “body”. You speak of body, mind and wealth. You speak of the body and bodily relations. So, what was the first renunciation? To forget the consciousness of the old body and to step away from it. This was the first step of renunciation. In a home, you have all the paraphernalia of a household. In the same way, the different physical senses are the paraphernalia of the home, the body. Therefore, renunciation of the home means the renunciation of everything. So, although you have left your home, if there is still attachment to even one thing, would that be called renunciation? Similarly, if any physical senses pull you, would that then be called complete renunciation? Check yourself in this way. Don’t be careless and think that you have let go of everything else, and so if only one of the physical senses causes mischief, that will automatically be put right in time. The fact is, the attraction of even one of the physical senses will stop you from belonging to the Father. It won’t allow you to stabilise in a constant and stable stage. It won’t allow you to enter number one (the first division). If someone has given up all their diamonds, jewels, and palaces but still has some attachment to a damaged earthenware vessel, what would happen? Just as a diamond attracts towards itself, similarly, the broken earthenware vessel would repeatedly attract that person even more than a diamond. Even against their conscious wish, their intellect would repeatedly be pulled towards it. In this way, if you are still attracted by any of the physical senses, then that will repeatedly bring you down and stop you from claiming an elevated status. So, there has to be renunciation of the old home and all the old paraphernalia of that. Don’t think that that is just a little thing, because even that small amount will make you lose a great deal. So, there has to be complete renunciation. Consider that old body to be an invaluable treasure that you have received from BapDada. You have to use it for service. That body is not yours, but an invaluable treasure for service. It is as though you are living in that body as a guest. BapDada has given you that body for a short time in order to carry out a task. So, what have you become? A guest! Renounce the consciousness of “mine”, and, while considering yourself to be a guest (mehmaan), use the body for a great task (mahaan). What do guests remember? Do they remember their real home or do they get trapped in this one? So the home of the body of all of you is that of the angelic form and then that of a deity form. Therefore, remember them! Just as BapDada takes the support of this old body and yet doesn’t get trapped in it, live in that old body in the same way. Take the support of it in order to perform actions and then stabilise yourself in your angelic form. Stabilise yourself in your incorporeal form. Come down from your elevated stage of being up above and detached simply, in order to perform actions through the physical organs. This is known as being a guest, that is, being great. Do you live like this? Have you finished taking the first step of renunciation?

Something amusing that BapDada hears nowadays is that none of you considers yourself to be any less than anyone else. If any of you are told, that, out of two people, one is junior to the other, what do you do? Do any of you consider yourself to be any less? You take the weapons of “Why?” and “What?” and show the wrong form of power. These ornaments are no less! Just as there are the ornaments of all powers, so too, the arms of Maya, Ravan, are no less. Shaktis have been portrayed with many arms. They are portrayed with eight or 16 arms, but Ravan has been portrayed with many heads. Why is this? Because the power of Ravan, Maya, first of all creates upheaval in the head. How many forms does Maya take the second she comes? So many heads of the questions are created in the form of: “Why? What? Is it like this? Is it like that?” As soon as one is cut off, another one is created. Ten things instantly come into your intellect at the same time. Therefore that is like giving one thing ten heads. You have experienced these things have you not? Each head then shows its own form. You become one who has the weapons of ten heads.

Shakti means to be co-operative; not a Shakti with the head of arrogance, but someone who always has all arms, that is, someone who co-operates in every situation. Souls who have the ten heads of Ravan never co- operate even in small situations. Through the heads of “Why? What? How?” they would reveal their false arrogance. They solve the question of “Why?” and then raise the head of “How?” That is, they solve one thing and then start something else. They solve the second thing and a third head emerges. They repeatedly say: That is fine, but what about this? Why is that like that? This is called being a Shakti who gives one thing ten heads. They never co-operate; they constantly create opposition in every situation. Therefore, those who create opposition belong to the community of Ravan, do they not? Although they have become Brahmins, because they are influenced at that time, there is the influence of devilish power, whereas someone who is an embodiment of power will constantly co-operate in every situation. The symbol of co- operation is the arms. This is why, whenever a task has to be accomplished collectively, what words do you use? Each one to give a finger. Therefore, this is giving co-operation, is it not? Fingers are part of the arms, are they not? So the arms are the symbol of co-operation. Therefore, do you understand about the arms of the Shaktis and heads of Ravan? So, examine yourselves to see whether you are constantly images of co-operation. Have you followed the Father in taking the first step of renunciation? You saw or heard about Brahma Baba. What did he constantly have in his thoughts and on his lips? “This is the Father’s chariot”. So, to whom does your chariot belong? Was it just Brahma who gave his chariot or did all of you also give your chariot? The part of entering Brahma is different, but all of you also said: “The body is Yours”. You didn’t say: “The body is mine”. The promise that all of you made was: However You make me move, wherever You make me sit...” This was your promise, was it not? Or, is it that I will use my eyes and the Father will use everything else? That you will in part follow your own dictates and in part follow shrimat? Was that your promise? So, is it shrimat or your own dictates for you to be influenced by any of the physical senses? Therefore, do you understand how deep the definition of renunciation is? This is how it becomes numberwise. Now, Baba has just told you about the renunciation of the body. There is still a lot more. There are many steps of renunciation but Baba is just talking about the first step. You don’t find renunciation difficult, do you? You have to renounce everything. If you receive something new in return for something old, then is that difficult? And you receive it now! To receive it in the future is not a big thing. However, you have to renounce the old consciousness now and take on the angelic form. What do you become when you renounce the consciousness of the body of the old world? Double light! You become this now. However, if you neither belong here nor there, then you find it difficult. You neither have full renunciation, nor have you taken this on fully, and so you are only half dead, and this is why you repeatedly have to take a deep breath. Whenever you find something difficult, you take a deep breath. There is pleasure in dying, but only when you die completely. In terms of receiving, you say that you will claim fully, whereas in terms of renouncing, you won’t even renounce an earthenware vessel! This is why it becomes difficult. In fact, if any of you want to keep an earthenware vessel, then BapDada says: Fine! What does it matter to the Father? You may keep it! However, you yourself become distressed by that. This is why BapDada tells you to renounce it. What is the result of your holding onto something old? Your intellect will constantly wander towards that thing. Then, because of that, you are not able to become an angel. This is why BapDada would give you a thousand more earthenware vessels and you can accumulate as many as you want. However, what is created, where there is a lot of rubbish? Mosquitoes. And, who do the mosquitoes bite? So, it is only for your own benefit that BapDada is telling you children to renounce everything old. Don’t be those who are only half-dead. If you want to die, then die completely. Otherwise, you can stay alive! It isn’t difficult, but you make it difficult.It sometimes becomes difficult.It becomes difficult when the heads of Ravan are created. When you become the Shaktis with many arms, it becomes easy. Simply take one step of giving co-operation and you receive multi-millions of steps of co-operation. However, you become afraid to take the first step. You forget what you are going to receive, and only remember what you have to give. This is why you find it difficult. Achcha.

To those who are constantly images of co-operation, to those who constantly experience this elevated fortune by having renunciation, to those who follow the Father at every step, to those who constantly consider themselves to be guests, that is, to be great souls, to the elevated souls who have such unlimited renunciation, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

Avyakt BapDada meeting groups:

1. Overcome any mountain of adverse situations by taking a jump with your original stage.

Do you constantly consider yourselves to be powerful souls? A powerful soul is one who constantly challenges Maya and gains victory over her. They constantly stay in the company of the powerful Father. Just as the Father is the Almighty Authority, so, you too are master almighty authorities. All the powers are weapons and ornaments. Therefore, do you consider yourselves to be souls who are holding all the ornaments? Those who are constantly powerful never shake in any adverse situation; they are able to overcome all situations. When flying in an aeroplane, you go over so many mountains and seas because you are flying very high. Therefore, you are able to overcome everything with your elevated stage in a second. It is as though you have jumped over the mountains and seas. You won’t find anything hard work.

2. Become true servers who renounce bossiness and imbibe spirituality.

Do all of you kumars constantly maintain your spirituality? You don’t get bossy, do you? Youths quickly get bossy. They think that they know everything and that they can do everything. They have the energy of youth. However, spiritual youths means those who constantly maintain their spirituality. They are constantly humble because, to the extent that you are humble, you will accordingly be constructive. Where you are constructive, there will be no bossiness, but there will be spirituality. Just see how the Father comes with so much humility. Therefore, follow the Father. If there is the slightest bossiness in service, then that service finishes. Achcha.


May you be an equal companion who is victorious even in your dreams by experiencing being close to the Father.

On the path of devotion, they have shown spiritual gatherings to be an important way of staying close to God. Only those who are equal are able to have the company, that is, are able to remain close. Those who remain constantly with the Father in their thoughts are victorious in as much as that Maya cannot attack them in their thoughts or even in their dreams. Constantly to be a conqueror of Maya means constantly to be in constant in the Father’s close company. No one has the power to separate you from the Father’s company.


To stay constantly free from obstacles and to make others free from obstacles is accurate service.

TODAY MURLI || 28-05-17 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति “अव्यक्त-बापदादा” रिवाइज: 03-04-82 मधुबन || HINDI || (OM SHANTI)

सर्वप्रथम त्याग है– देह-भान का त्याग

बापदादा अपने त्यागमूर्त बच्चों को देख रहे हैं। हर एक ब्राह्मण आत्मा त्याग स्वरूप है– लेकिन जैसे भाग्य का सुनाया ना कि एक बाप के बच्चे होते, एक जैसा भाग्य का वर्सा मिलते, सम्भालने और बढ़ाने के आधार पर नम्बर बन जाते हैं। ऐसे त्याग मूर्त तो सभी बनें हैं, इसमें भी नम्बरवार हैं। त्याग किया और ब्राह्मण बनें लेकिन त्याग की परिभाषा बड़ी गुह्य है। कहने में तो सभी एक बात कहते कि तन-मन-धन, सम्बन्ध सबका त्याग कर लिया। लेकिन तन का त्याग अर्थात् देह के भान का त्याग। तो देह के भान का त्याग हो गया है वा हो रहा है? त्याग का अर्थ है किसी भी चीज को वा बात को छोड़ दिया, अपने पन से किनारा कर लिया, अपना अधिकार समाप्त हुआ। जिसके प्रति त्याग किया वह वस्तु उसकी हो गई। जिस बात का त्याग किया उसका फिर संकल्प भी नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि त्याग की हुई बात, संकल्प द्वारा प्रतिज्ञा की हुई बात फिर से वापिस नहीं ले सकते हो। जैसे हद के सन्यासी अपने घर का, सम्बन्ध का त्याग करके जाते हैं और अगर फिर वापिस आ जाएं तो उसको क्या कहा जायेगा! नियम प्रमाण वापिस नहीं आ सकते। ऐसे आप ब्राह्मण बेहद के सन्यासी वा त्यागी हो। आप त्याग मूर्तियों ने अपने इस पुराने घर अर्थात् पुराने शरीर, पुराने देह का भान त्याग किया, संकल्प किया कि बुद्धि द्वारा फिर से कब इस पुराने घर में आकर्षित नहीं होंगे। संकल्प द्वारा भी फिर से वापिस नहीं आयेंगे। पहला-पहला यह त्याग किया इसलिए तो कहते हो देह सहित देह के सम्बन्ध का त्याग। देह के भान का त्याग। तो त्याग किए हुए पुराने घर में फिर से वापिस तो नहीं आ जाते हो! वायदा क्या किया है? तन भी तेरा कहा वा सिर्फ मन तेरा कहा? पहला शब्द “तन” आता है। जैसे तन-मन-धन कहते हो, देह और देह के सम्बन्ध कहते हो। तो पहला त्याग क्या हुआ? इस पुराने देह के भान से विस्मृति अर्थात् किनारा। यह पहला कदम है त्याग का। जैसे घर में घर की सामग्री (सामान) होती है, ऐसे इस देह रूपी घर में भिन्न-भिन्न कर्मेन्द्रियां ही सामग्री हैं। तो घर का त्याग अर्थात् सर्व का त्याग। घर को छोड़ा लेकिन कोई एक चीज में ममता रह गई तो उसको त्याग कहेंगे? ऐसे कोई भी कर्मेन्द्रिय अगर अपने तरफ आकर्षित करती है तो क्या उसको सम्पूर्ण त्याग कहेंगे? इसी प्रकार अपनी चेंकिग करो। ऐसे अलबेले नहीं बनना कि और तो सब छोड़ दिया बाकी कोई एक कर्मेन्द्रिय विचलित होती है वह भी समय पर ठीक हो जायेगी। लेकिन कोई एक कर्मेन्द्रिय की आकर्षण भी एक बाप का बनने नहीं देगी। एकरस स्थिति में स्थित होने नहीं देगी। नम्बरवन में जाने नहीं देगी। अगर कोई हीरेजवाहर, महल-माडि़यां छोड़ दे और सिर्फ कोई मिट्टी के फूटे हुए बर्तन में भी मोह रह जाए तो क्या होगा? जैसे हीरा अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करता, वैसे हीरे से भी ज्यादा वह फूटा हुआ बर्तन उसको अपनी तरफ बार-बार आकर्षित करेगा। न चाहते भी बुद्धि बार-बार वहाँ भटकती रहेगी। ऐसे अगर कोई भी कर्मेन्द्रिय की आकर्षण रही हुई है तो श्रेष्ठ पद पाने से बार-बार नीचे ले आयेगी। तो पुराने घर और पुरानी सामग्री सबका त्याग चाहिए। ऐसे नहीं समझो यह तो बहुत थोड़ा है, लेकिन यह थोड़ा भी बहुत कुछ गंवाने वाला है, सम्पूर्ण त्याग चाहिए। इस पुरानी देह को बापदादा द्वारा मिली हुई अमानत समझो। सेवा अर्थ कार्य में लगाना है। यह मेरी देह नहीं लेकिन सेवा अर्थ अमानत है। जैसे मेहमान बन देह में रह रहे हैं। थोड़े समय के लिए बापदादा ने कार्य के लिए आपको यह तन दिया है। तो आप क्या बन गये? मेहमान! मेरे-पन का त्याग और मेहमान समझ महान कार्य में लगाओ। मेहमान को क्या याद रहता है? असली घर याद रहता है या उसी में ही फंस जाते हो! तो आप सबका यह शरीर रूपी घर भी यह फरिश्ता स्वरूप है, फिर देवता स्वरूप है। उसको याद करो। इस पुराने शरीर में ऐसे ही निवास करो जैसे बापदादा पुराने शरीर का आधार लेते हैं लेकिन शरीर में फंस नहीं जाते हैं। कर्म के लिए आधार लिया और फिर अपने फरिश्ते स्वरूप में स्थित हो जाओ। अपने निराकारी स्वरूप में स्थित हो जाओ। न्यारेपन की ऊपर की ऊंची स्थिति से नीचे साकार कर्मेन्द्रियों द्वारा कर्म करने लिए आओ, इसको कहा जाता है मेहमान अर्थात् महान। ऐसे रहते हो? त्याग का पहला कदम पूरा किया है? बापदादा हंसी की बात यह सुनते हैं कि वर्तमान समय कोई भी अपने को कम नहीं समझते। अगर किसी को भी कहा जाए कि दो में से एक छोटा, एक बड़ा बन जाए तो क्या करते हैं! अपने को कम समझते हैं? क्यों, क्या के शस्त्र लेकर उल्टा शक्ति स्वरूप दिखाते हैं। यह भी अलंकार कोई कम नहीं हैं। जैसे सर्व शक्तियों के अलंकार हैं, वैसे माया वा रावण की भुजायें भी कोई कम नहीं हैं। शक्तियों को भुजायें धारी दिखाया है। अष्ट भुजाधारी, 16 भुजाधारी भी दिखाते हैं लेकिन रावण के सिर ज्यादा दिखाते हैं। यह क्यों? क्योंकि रावण माया की शक्ति पहले दिमाग को ही हलचल में लाती है। जिस समय कोई भी माया आती है तो सेकेण्ड में उसके कितने रूप होते हैं? क्यों, क्या, ऐसे, वैसे, जैसे कितने क्वेश्चन के सिर पैदा हो जाते हैं। एक काटते हैं तो दूसरा पैदा हो जाता है। एव ही समय में 10 बातें बुद्धि में फौरन आ जाती हैं। तो एक बात को 10 सिर लग गये ना! इन बातों का तो अनुभव है ना? फिर एक-एक सिर अपना रूप दिखाता है। यही 10 शीश के शस्त्रधारी बन जाते हैं। शक्ति अर्थात् सहयोगी। अभिमान के सिर वाली शक्ति नहीं लेकिन सदा सर्व भुजाधारी अर्थात् सर्व परिस्थिति में सहयोगी। रावण के 10 सिर वाली आत्मायें हर छोटी-सी परिस्थिति में भी कभी सहयोगी नहीं बनेंगी। क्यों, क्या, कैसे के सिर द्वारा अपना उल्टा अभिमान प्रत्यक्ष करती रहेंगी। क्यों का क्वेश्चन हल करेंगी तो फिर कैसे का सिर ऊंचा हो जायेगा अर्थात् एक बात को सुलझायेंगी तो फिर दूसरी बात शुरू कर देंगी। दूसरी बात को ठीक करेंगी तो तीसरा सिर पैदा हो जायेगा। बार-बार कहेंगे यह बात तो ठीक है लेकिन यह क्यों? वह क्यों? इसको कहा जाता है कि एक बात के 10 शीश लगाने वाली शक्ति। सहयोगी कभी नहीं बनेंगे, सदा हर बात में अपोजीशन करेंगे। तो अपोजीशन करने वाले रावण सम्प्रदाय हो गये ना। चाहे ब्राह्मण बन गये लेकिन उस समय के लिए आसुरी शक्ति का प्रभाव होता है, वशीभूत होते हैं। और शक्ति स्वरूप हर परिस्थिति में, हर कार्य में सदा सहयोगी होंगे। सहयोग की निशानी भुजायें हैं, इसलिए कभी भी कोई संगठित कार्य होता है तो क्या शब्द बोलते हो? अपनी-अपनी अंगुली दो, तो यह सहयोग देना हुआ ना। अंगुली भी भुजा में है ना। तो भुजायें सहयोग की ही निशानी हैं। तो समझा शक्ति की भुजायें और रावण के सिर। तो अपने को देखो कि सदा के सहयोगी मूर्त बने हैं? त्याग मूर्त बनने का पहला कदम फालो फादर के समान किया है? ब्रह्मा बाप को देखा, सुना– संकल्प में, मुख में सदैव क्या रहा? यह बाप का रथ है। तो आपका रथ किसका है? क्या सिर्फ ब्रह्मा ने रथ दिया वा आप लोगों ने भी रथ दिया? ब्रह्मा का प्रवेशता का पार्ट अलग है लेकिन आप सबने भी तन तेरा कहा– न कि तन मेरा। आप सबका भी वायदा है जैसे चलाओ, जहाँ बिठाओ... यह वायदा है ना? वा आंख को मैं चलाऊंगा, बाकी को बाप चलायें? कुछ मनमत पर चलेंगे, कुछ श्रीमत पर चलेंगे। ऐसा वायदा तो नहीं है ना? तो कोई भी कर्मेन्द्रिय के वशीभूत होना– यह श्रीमत है वा मनमत है? तो समझा, त्याग की परिभाषा कितनी गुह्य है! इसलिए नम्बर बन गये हैं। अभी तो सिर्फ देह के त्याग की बात सुनाई है। आगे और बहुत हैं। अभी तो त्याग की सीढि़यां भी बहुत हैं, यह पहली सीढ़ी की बात कर रहे हैं। त्याग मुश्किल तो नहीं लगता? सबको छोड़ना पड़ेगा। अगर पुराने के बदले नया मिल जाए तो मुश्किल है क्या! अभी-अभी मिलता है। भविष्य मिलना तो कोई बड़ी नहीं लेकिन अभी-अभी पुराना भान छोड़ो, फरिश्ता स्वरूप लो। जब पुरानी दुनिया के देह का भान छोड़ देते हो तो क्या बन जाते हो? डबल लाइट। अभी ही बनते हो। परन्तु अगर न यहाँ के न वहाँ के रहते हो तो मुश्किल लगता है। न पूरा छोड़ते हो, न पूरा लेते हो तो अधमरे हो जाते हो, इसलिए बार-बार लम्बा श्वास उठाते हो। कोई भी बात मुश्किल होती तो लम्बा श्वास उठता है। मरने में तो मजा है– लेकिन पूरा मरो तो। लेने में कहते हो पूरा लेंगे और छोड़ने में मिट्टी के बर्तन भी नहीं छोड़ेंगे इसलिए मुश्किल हो जाता है। वैसे तो अगर कोई मिट्टी का बर्तन रखता है तो बापदादा रखने भी दें, बाप को क्या परवाह है, भले रखो। लेकिन स्वयं ही परेशान होते हो इसलिए बापदादा कहते हैं छोड़ो। अगर कोई भी पुरानी चीज रखते हो तो रिजल्ट क्या होती है? बार-बार बुद्धि भी उन्हों की ही भटकती है। फरिश्ता बन नहीं सकते इसलिए बापदादा तो और भी हजारों मिट्टी के बर्तन दे सकते हैं– कितने भी इकठ्ठे कर लो लेकिन जहाँ किचड़ा होगा वहाँ क्या पैदा होंगे? मच्छर! और मच्छर किसको काटेंगे? तो बापदादा बच्चों के कल्याण के लिए ही कहते हैं पुराना छोड़ दो। अधमरे नहीं बनो। मरना है तो पूरा मरो, नहीं तो भले ही जिंदा रहो। मुश्किल है नहीं लेकिन मुश्किल बना देते हो। कभी-कभी मुश्किल हो जाता है। जब रावण के सिर लग जाते हैं तो मुश्किल होता है। जब भुजाधारी शक्ति बन जाते हो तो सहज हो जाता है। सिर्फ एक कदम सहयोग देना और पदम कदमों का सहयोग मिलना हो जाता। लेकिन पहले जो एक कदम देना पड़ता है उसमें घबरा जाते हो। मिलना भूल जाता है, देना याद आ जाता है इसलिए मुश्किल अनुभव होता है। अच्छा! 

ऐसे सदा सहयोग मूर्त, सदा त्याग द्वारा श्रेष्ठ भाग्य अनुभव करने वाले, कदम-कदम में फालो फादर करने वाले सदा अपने को मेहमान अर्थात् महान आत्मा समझने वाले, ऐसे बेहद के सन्यास करने वाले श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को बापदादा का यादप्यार और नमस्ते। 
पार्टियों के साथ– अव्यक्त बापदादा की मुलाकात 

1- परिस्थिति रूपी पहाड़ को स्वस्थिति से जम्प देकर पार करो
अपने को सदा समर्थ आत्मायें समझते हो! समर्थ आत्मा अर्थात् सदा माया को चेलेन्ज कर विजय प्राप्त करने वाले। सदा समर्थ बाप के संग में रहने वाले। जैसे बाप सर्वशक्तिमान है वैसे हम भी मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान हैं। सर्व शक्तियां शस्त्र हैं, अलंकार हैं, ऐसे अलंकारधारी आत्मा समझते हो? जो सदा समर्थ हैं वे कभी परिस्थितियों में डगमग नहीं होंगे। परिस्थिति को पार कर सकते हो। जैसे विमान द्वारा उड़ते हुए कितने पहाड़, कितने समुद्र पार कर लेते हैं, क्योंकि ऊंचाई पर उड़ते हैं। तो ऊंची स्थिति से सेकेण्ड में पार कर लेंगे। ऐसे लगेगा जैसे पहाड़ को वा समुद्र को भी जम्प दे दिया। मेहनत का अनुभव नहीं होगा। 

2- रोब को त्याग रूहाब को धारण करने वाले सच्चे सेवाधारी बनो 
सभी कुमार सदा रूहानियत में रहते हो, रोब में तो नहीं आते? यूथ को रोब जल्दी आ जाता है। यह समझते हैं हम सब कुछ जानते हैं, सब कर सकते हैं। जवानी का जोश रहता है। लेकिन रूहानी यूथ अर्थात् सदा रूहाब में रहने वाले। सदा नम्रचित क्योंकि जितना नम्रचित होंगे उतना निर्माण करेंगे। जहाँ निर्माण होंगे वहाँ रोब नहीं होगा, रूहानियत होगी। जैसे बाप कितना नम्रचित बनकर आते हैं, ऐसे फालो फादर। अगर जरा भी सेवा में रोब आया तो वह सेवा समाप्त हो जाती है। अच्छा– ओम् शान्ति। 

बाप की समीपता के अनुभव द्वारा स्वप्न में भी विजयी बनने वाले समान साथी भव

भक्ति मार्ग में समीप रहने के लिए सतसंग का महत्व बताते हैं। संग अर्थात् समीप वही रह सकता है जो समान है। जो संकल्प में भी सदा साथ रहते हैं वह इतने विजयी होते हैं जो संकल्प में तो क्या लेकिन स्वप्न मात्र भी माया वार नहीं कर सकती। सदा मायाजीत अर्थात् सदा बाप के समीप संग में रहने वाले। कोई की ताकत नहीं जो बाप के संग से अलग कर सके।


सदा निर्विघ्न रहना और सर्व को निर्विघ्न बनाना-यही यथार्थ सेवा है।

TODAY MURLI || 27-05-17 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति “बापदादा” मधुबन || HINDI || (OM SHANTI)

“मीठे बच्चे– तुम्हें शुद्ध नशा होना चाहिए कि हम श्रीमत पर अपने ही तन-मन-धन से खास भारत आम सारी दुनिया को स्वर्ग बनाने की सेवा कर रहे हैं”
प्रश्न: तुम बच्चों में भी सबसे अधिक सौभाग्यशाली किसको कहें? 
उत्तर:जो ज्ञान को अच्छी रीति धारण करते और दूसरों को भी कराते हैं, वे बहुत-बहुत सौभाग्यशाली हैं। अहो सौभाग्य तुम भारतवासी बच्चों का, जिन्हें स्वयं भगवान बैठकर राजयोग सिखला रहे हैं। तुम सच्चेस च्चे मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण बने हो। तुम्हारा यह झाड़ धीरे-धीरे बढ़ता जायेगा। घर-घर को स्वर्ग बनाने की सेवा तुम्हें करनी है। 
ओम् शान्ति।

तुम बच्चे समझते हो कि हम सेना हैं। तुम हो सबसे पावरफुल क्योंकि सर्वशक्तिमान् के तुम शिव शक्ति सेना हो। इतना नशा चढ़ना चाहिए। बाबा यहाँ नशा चढ़ाते हैं, घर में जाने से भूल जाते हैं। तुम शिव शक्ति सेना क्या कर रहे हो? सारी दुनिया जो रावण की जंजीरों में बंधी हुई है, उनको छुड़ाते हो। यह शोकवाटिका में हैं। भल एरोप्लेन में घूमते हैं। बड़े-बड़े मकान हैं, परन्तु यह तो सब खत्म होने वाले हैं। इनको रूण्य के पानी (मृगतृष्णा) मिसल राज्य कहा जाता है। बाहर से देखने में भभका बहुत है, अन्दर पोलमपोल लगा हुआ है। द्रोपदी का मिसाल भी है। बाबा कहते हैं कि मैं जब आया था तो यही सब था जो अभी तुम देख रहे हो। पार्टीशन भी अब हुआ जो तुम देख रहे हो। बाकी लड़ाई के मैदान आदि की तो बात है नहीं। यह रथ है जिसमें शिवबाबा विराजमान हो बैठकर बच्चों को ज्ञान देते हैं। तुम भारत की सेवा कर रहे हो। जो भी त्योहार हैं, इस भारत में मनाये जाते हैं– वह सब अभी के हैं। तीजरी की कथा, गीता की कथा, शिव पुराण, रामायण आदि सभी इस समय के लिए बैठ बनाये हैं। सतयुग, त्रेता में तो यह बात नहीं है। बाद में शास्त्र बनाने शुरू किये हैं। वह तो फिर भी बनेंगे। तुम बच्चों ने सब समझ लिया है। आगे तो बिल्कुल घोर अंधियारे में थे। इस समय कोई भी सृष्टि चक्र को यथार्थ रीति नहीं जानते हैं। अभी तुम बच्चों को शुद्ध अंहकार होना चाहिए। तुम तन-मन-धन से भारत की सेवा कर रहे हो, खास भारत की आम सारी दुनिया की। बाप की मदद से हम मुक्ति जीवनम् क्ति का रास्ता बतलाते हैं। तुम श्रीमत पर ये सेवा करते हो। श्रीमत है शिवबाबा की। परन्तु शिव का नाम गुम कर दिया है। बाकी ब्रह्मा की मत और श्रीकृष्ण की मत दिखाई है। सो भी कृष्ण को द्वापर में ले गये हैं। तुम भारत को स्वर्ग अर्थात् हीरे मिसल बनाते हो। परन्तु हो कितने साधारण, कोई घमण्ड नहीं। तुमको यहाँ अपना सब कुछ स्वाहा करना है, गोया शिवबाबा पर पूरा-पूरा बलि चढ़ना है। तो शिवबाबा फिर 21 जन्म बलि चढ़ते हैं। बाबा ऐसे नहीं कहते कि गृहस्थ व्यवहार नहीं सम्भालना है। वह भी सम्भालना है, परन्तु श्रीमत पर। अविनाशी सर्जन से कुछ छिपाना नहीं। गाया भी जाता है गुरू बिगर घोर अंधियारा। यह ब्रह्मा दादा भी कहते हैं कि शिवबाबा बिगर हम और तुम बिल्कुल घोर अंधियारे में थे। वह तो शिव शंकर को मिला देते हैं। ब्रह्मा कौन है? कब आते हैं? क्या आकर करते हैं? हर एक बात समझना चाहिए ना। जानवर तो नहीं समझेंगे। अभी तुम बच्चे नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार जान गये हो। विद्वान, पण्डित आदि कोई नहीं जानते हैं कि सतगुरू बिगर घोर अन्धियारा है। गुरू लोग तो बहुत हैं। सभी का सतगुरू एक है, जिसको वृक्षपति कहते हैं। तो तुम बच्चों को नशा चढ़ना चाहिए। यह दुनिया जो इन ऑखों से देख रहे हो, वह नहीं रहेगी। जो अब बुद्धि से जानते हो वही रहना है। तो इस पुरानी दुनिया से ममत्व मिटा देना चाहिए। बच्चों को भी सम्भालना है। बाबा को कितने ढेर बाल-बच्चे हैं। कोई तो कहते हैं बाबा हम आपका दो मास का बच्चा हूँ। कोई कहते एक मास का बच्चा हूँ। एक मास के बच्चे भी झट धारणा कर एकदम जवान बन जाते हैं और कोई तो 20 वर्ष वाले भी जामड़े (बौने) बन जाते हैं। यह तो तुम जानते हो कि नया झाड़ है, धीरे- धीरे वृद्धि को पायेंगे। पहले जरूर पत्ते निकलेंगे। बाद में फूल निकलेंगे। यहाँ ही फूल बनना है। वहाँ सब फूल ही फूल हैं। यहाँ तो कोई गुलाब के, कोई चम्पा के बनते हैं। जैसी-जैसी धारणा ऐसा पद मिल जाता है। वहाँ फूल की बात नहीं। मर्तबे की बात है। तो यह नशा रहना चाहिए कि हम इन ऑखों से पवित्र शिवालय स्वर्ग को देखेंगे। आधाकल्प सिर्फ कहते थे कि फलाना स्वर्ग पधारा। वह कामना प्रैक्टिकल में बाप ही अब पूरी करते हैं। अभी तुम बाप के बच्चे बन जाते हो तो भारत का खाना आबाद हो जाता है। 33 करोड़ देवता गाये जाते हैं, वह इतने कोई सतयुग त्रेता में नहीं रहते हैं। यह तो सारे भारत के देवी-देवता धर्म की आदमशुमारी है। बाहर की तरफ देखो तो कितने फ्राक्शन पड़ गये हैं। चीन-जापान है तो बौद्धी, नाम फिर भी बौद्ध का लेंगे लेकिन फ्राक्शन (मतभेद) कितनी है। यहाँ भारत में तो शिवबाबा को उड़ा दिया है, उनको बिल्कुल जानते ही नहीं। चित्र हैं, गाते भी हैं, नंदीगण भी है परन्तु जानते नहीं। अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो, बाप ने बताया है कि हम परमधाम से आकर यहाँ यह शरीर ले पार्ट बजा रहे हैं। तुम चक्र को जान गये हो। ज्ञान-अंजन सतगुरू दिया, अज्ञान अंधेर विनाश। आगे तो कुछ भी पता नहीं था। अभी बेहद के बाप क्रियेटर, डायरेक्टर, मुख्य एक्टर को तुम जान गये हो। 84 जन्म किसको लेने चाहिए! कौन लेते होंगे, तो तुम जानते हो। तुम्हारा अब तीसरा नेत्र खुला है तो इतना नशा रहना चाहिए। मनुष्य जब शराब पीते हैं तो भल दीवाला मारा हुआ हो तो भी नशे में समझते हैं कि सबसे साहूकार मैं हूँ। बाबा तो वैष्णव थे, कभी टच नहीं किया। बाकी सुना है कि शराब पिया और नशा चढ़ा। कहते हैं कि यादवों ने भी शराब पी, मूसल निकाल एक दो के कुल का नाश किया। यहाँ भी मिलेट्री को शराब पिलाते हैं तो मरने, मारने का ख्याल नहीं रहता। नशा चढ़ जाता है। तो तुम बच्चों को भी सदैव नारायणी नशा रहना चाहिए। हम वही कल्प पहले वाले शक्ति सेना हैं। अनेक बार हमने भारत को हीरे जैसा बनाया है, इसमें मूँझने की बात नहीं है। संशयबुद्धि विनशन्ती, निश्चयबुद्धि विजयन्ती। संशय बुद्धि ऊंच पद नहीं पायेंगे। प्रजा में कम पद पा लेंगे। वहाँ तो तुम्हारे महलों में सदैव बाजे बजते रहेंगे। दु:ख की बात ही नहीं। आगे राजाओं के महलों के दरवाजे के बाहर चबूतरे पर शहनाईयां बजती थी। अभी तो वह राजाओं का ठाठ खत्म हो गया है। प्रजा का राज्य हो गया है। अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो कि हम पवित्र बन योग में रह और चक्र को याद करते-करते भारत को स्वर्ग बना देंगे, परन्तु बहुत बच्चे भूल जाते हैं। बाबा राय देते हैं कि सबसे अच्छा कर्तव्य है गरीबों की सेवा करना। आजकल गरीब तो बहुत हैं। मनुष्य हॉस्पिटल बहुत बनाते हैं तो मरीजों को सुख मिले, जो हॉस्पिटल खोलेंगे उनको दूसरे जन्म में कुछ अच्छी काया मिलेगी, रोगी नहीं बनेंगे। कोई-कोई अच्छा तन्दरूस्त होते हैं, मुश्किल कभी बीमार होते हैं। तो जरूर आगे जन्म में तन्दरूस्ती का दान दिया होगा। वह है हॉस्पिटल खोलना। कोई एज्यूकेशन में बहुत होशियार होते हैं तो जरूर विद्या का दान किया होगा। कोई-कोई सन्यासियों को छोटेपन में ही शास्त्र कण्ठ हो जाते हैं तो कहेंगे पास्ट जन्म के आत्मा संस्कार ले आई है। तो यहाँ भी कोई 3 पैर पृथ्वी का लेकर यह रूहानी हॉस्पिटल खोले और लिख दे कि आकर 21 जन्मों के लिए हेल्थ का वर्सा लो बाप से। कितनी सहज बात है। तुम पूछते हो बताओ लक्ष्मी-न् रायण को यह वर्सा किसने दिया, तो जरूर पूछने वाला खुद जानता होगा। बाप ही स्वर्ग का रचयिता है। कैसे रचता है, वह बैठो तो हम समझायें। हम भी उनसे वर्सा ले रहे हैं। शिवबाबा, ब्रह्मा बाबा द्वारा स्थापना करा रहे हैं फिर पालना भी वही करेंगे। शंकर द्वारा विनाश भी होना है। विनाश जरूर नर्क का होगा ना। नई दुनिया तो अब बन रही है। छोटे से बैज पर तुम समझा सकते हो कि ब्रह्मा द्वारा स्थापना हो रही है। यही राजयोग है। मनुष्य से देवता बनना है, जो अपने कुल का होगा उसको झट दिल में लग जायेगा। उसका चेहरा ही चमक जायेगा और पुरूषार्थ से अपना वर्सा ले लेंगे। अपने ब्राह्मण कुल के जो हैं– वह शुद्र कुल से बदलने जरूर हैं, यह ड्रामा में नूँध है। तुम भारत की बहुत सेवा करते हो परन्तु गुप्त। आगे भी ऐसे-ऐसे की थी। ड्रामा को अभी अच्छी रीति जानना है। गाया जाता है आप मुये मर गई दुनिया। बाकी आत्मा रह जाती है। आत्मा तो मरती नहीं। आत्मा शरीर से अलग हो जाती है तो उनके लिए दुनिया ही नहीं रही। फिर जब शरीर में जायेगी तब माँ-बाप का सम्बन्ध आदि नया होगा। यहाँ भी तुमको अशरीरी बनना है। अभी तो यह दुनिया प्रैक्टिकल में खत्म होनी है। बाप कहते हैं मुझे याद करते रहो तो विकर्मो का जो बोझा है वह उतर जायेगा और तुम सम्पूर्ण बन जायेंगे। बच्चों के मैनर्स बहुत अच्छे होने चाहिए। बोलना, चलना, खाना, पीना...। बहुत थोड़ा बोलना चाहिए। राजायें लोग बहुत थोड़ा और आहिस्ते बोलते हैं, चुप रहते हैं। तुम्हारे में तो बहुत फजीलत (सभ्यता) होनी चाहिए। देवताओं में फजीलत थी। यहाँ तो मनुष्य बन्दर मिसल हैं तो बदफजीलत हैं। कुछ भी अक्ल नहीं। बेहद का बाप जो सृष्टि को स्वर्ग बनाते हैं, उनको पत्थर ठिक्कर कुत्ते बिल्ली सबमें ढकेल दिया है। माया ने एकदम बुद्धि को गॉडरेज का ताला लगा दिया है। अब बाबा आकर ताला खोलते हैं। अभी तुम बच्चे कितने बुद्धिवान बन गये हो। शिवबाबा, ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर, लक्ष्मी-नारायण, जगदम्बा आदि सबकी बायोग्राफी को तुम जान गये हो।। अब तुमको सतगुरू शिवबाबा से पूरी समझ मिली है। बाबा नॉलेजफुल है ना। हर एक अपने दिल से पूछे तो बरोबर हम कुछ नहीं जानते थे। बन्दर जैसी चलन थी। अब हम सब जान गये हैं। नई रचना कैसे रचते हैं। ऊंचे ते ऊंचा ब्राह्मण कुल बनाते हैं सो तुम जानते हो। मूर्ति जो पूज्य है वह कुछ बोलती नहीं है। अभी तुम समझते हो कि हम ही पूज्य फिर पुजारी बनते हैं। अभी तुम सच्चे-सच्चे ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण हो। तुम जानते हो कि संगम युग पर सतयुग की रचना कैसे होती है, यह और कोई नहीं जानते। बैरिस्टर पढ़ायेगा तो क्या बनायेगा? भगवान भी आकर सहज राजयोग सिखलाते हैं। अहो सौभाग्य भारतवासी बच्चों का... तुम्हारे में भी सौभाग्यशाली वह जो अच्छी रीति धारणा करके दूसरों को कराते रहते हैं। आगे चल बहुत घर स्वर्ग बनेंगे। झाड़ धीरे-धीरे बढ़ता है। मेहनत है। जितना ऊंच जायेंगे उतना माया के तूफान जोर से आयेंगे। पहाड़ी पर जितना ऊंच जायेंगे उतना तूफान ठण्डी आदि का सामना भी होगा। सर्विस में जितना टाइम मिले उतना अच्छा है, एडवरटाइज करो। जो दिल में राय आवे वह बताओ कि ऐसे-ऐसे करना चाहिए। बाबा कहेंगे कि भल करो। बिचारे मनुष्य बहुत दु:खी हैं। इस समय सब तमोप्रधान बन पड़े हैं। कोई भी चीज सच्ची नहीं रही है। झूठी माया, झूठी काया... अब तुम बच्चे स्वर्गवासी बनते हो। (गीत: नई उमर की कलियां) इस गीत में सीता की महिमा करते हैं। जिस देश में सीता थी, वह देश पवित्र था। उस देश में फिर रावण कहाँ से आया? वन्डर तो यह है कि फिर कहते कि बन्दरों की सेना ली। अब बन्दरों की सेना कहाँ से आई! यहाँ भी मनुष्यों का लश्कर है। गवर्मेन्ट बन्दरों का लश्कर थोड़ेही लेती है। फिर वहाँ बन्दरों की सेना कैसे आई? यह भी समझते नहीं हैं। अच्छा!

मीठे-मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात-पिता बापदादा का यादप्यार और और गुडमर्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:

1) सम्पूर्ण बनने के लिए याद की यात्रा से अपने विकर्मों का बोझ उतारना है, अच्छे मैनर्स धारण करना है। सभ्यता (फजीलत) से व्यवहार करना है। बहुत कम बोलना है।
2) किसी भी बात में संशय बुद्धि नहीं बनना है। भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने की सेवा में अपना सब कुछ सफल करना है। शिवबाबा पर पूरा-पूरा बलि चढ़ना है। 

चारों ही सबजेक्ट को अपने स्वरूप में लाने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव 

पढ़ाई की जो चार सबजेक्ट हैं, उन सबका एक दो के साथ सम्बन्ध है। जो ज्ञानी तू आत्मा है, वह योगी तू आत्मा भी अवश्य होगा और जिसने ज्ञान-योग को अपनी नेचर बना लिया उसके कर्म नेचुरल युक्तियुक्त वा श्रेष्ठ होंगे। स्वभाव-संस्कार धारणा स्वरूप होंगे। जिनके पास इन तीनों सबजेक्ट की अनुभूतियों का खजाना है वह मास्टर दाता अर्थात् सेवाधारी स्वत: बन जाते हैं। जो इन चारों सबजेक्ट में नम्बरवन लेते हैं उन्हें ही कहा जाता है विश्व कल्याणकारी।
ज्ञान-योग को अपनी नेचर बनाओ तो कर्म नेचुरल श्रेष्ठ और युक्तियुक्त होंगे।

TODAY MURLI || 27/05/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH ||(OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, you should have the pure intoxication that, by following shrimat, you are using your mind, body and wealth to serve Bharat in particular, and the world in general, to make it into heaven.

Question: Even among you children, who is considered to be the most fortunate?

Those who imbibe knowledge accurately and inspire others to do the same are very, very fortunate. What fortune you children of Bharat have! God, Himself, is sitting here and teaching you Raja Yoga! You children have become true mouth-born Brahmins. Your tree will continue to grow gradually. You have to do the service of changing each home into heaven.

Om Shanti

You children understand that you are an army. You are the most powerful, because you are the Shiv Shakti Army of the Almighty Authority. You should have such great intoxication! Baba makes you very intoxicated here, but, as soon as you go home, you forget it. What are you, the Shiv Shakti Army, doing? You are liberating the world from Ravan’s chains in which they are trapped. Everyone is in the cottage of sorrow. Although people travel in aeroplanes and have big houses, all of that is to end. It is called the kingdom that is like a mirage. Externally, there is a lot of splendour, but internally, it is completely empty. There is the example of Draupadi. Baba says: When I came, everything that you see now existed. Partition has now taken place and you also see that. However, it is not a question of being on a battlefield. This is the chariot in which Shiv Baba is at present sitting here giving children knowledge. You are now serving Bharat. All the festivals that are celebrated in Bharat are of this present time. The story of the third eye, the story of the Gita, the Shiv Purana and the Ramayana are all about this present time. There is no question of them in the golden and silver ages. All of those scriptures were made later on and they will be made again. You children have now understood everything. Previously, you were in total darkness. At this time, no one knows the world cycle accurately. You children should now have the pure pride that you are serving Bharat in particular and the world in general with your bodies, minds and wealth. With the help of the Father we are showing the path to liberation and liberation-in-life. We do this service according to shrimat. Shrimat is from Shiv Baba, but they have lost Shiva’s name and have instead shown that the instructions came from Brahma and Krishna; and, in that, too, they have shown Krishna in the copper age. Although you are changing Bharat into heaven, that is, into a diamond, you are so simple; you do not have any arrogance. Here, you have to surrender everything to Baba, that is, you have to sacrifice yourself completely to Shiv Baba. Then Shiv Baba surrenders everything to you for 21 births. Baba doesn’t tell you not to look after your household. That too has to be looked after, but according to shrimat. You must not hide anything from the eternal Surgeon. It is also sung: Without a guru there is extreme darkness. This Brahma Dada also says: Without Shiv Baba, you and I were in extreme darkness. They have mixed up Shiva and Shankar. Who is Brahma? When does he come? What does he do when he comes? All of these points have to be understood. Animals will not understand this. You children now understand, numberwise, according to the effort you make. Scholars and pundits do not know how there is extreme darkness without the Satguru. There are many gurus, but only one Satguru for everyone and He is known as the Father of the Tree (Vrakshpati). You children should be very intoxicated. This world that your eyes see is not going to remain, but the world that you know with your intellect will remain. Therefore, finish all your attachment to this old world. However, you also have to look after your children. Baba has countless children. Some say: Baba, I am Your child of two months and others say: I am Your child of one month. A child of one month can imbibe very quickly and become mature, whereas, even after 20 years, others still have midget intellects. You know that this is a new tree and that it will continue to grow slowly. The leaves definitely emerge first and then the flowers. It is here that you have to become flowers. There, everyone is a flower. Here, some are roses and some are other flowers with less fragrance. However much they imbibe, so the status they receive. There, it is not a question of flowers, it is a question of status. You should have the intoxication that you will see the pure Shiva Temple, heaven, with your eyes. For half a cycle, they have just been saying that such-and-such a person has gone to heaven. The Father is now fulfilling that desire practically. Now that you have become children of the Father, Bharat will become prosperous. It is remembered that there were three hundred and thirty three million deities, but there aren't that many deities in the golden and silver ages. That is the entire population of the deity religion of Bharat. Just look outside and see how much friction there is! Chinese and Japanese people would say that they are Buddhists, yet there is so much friction between them. Here, in Bharat, they have made Shiv Baba disappear. They do not know Him at all. They have His image, they sing His praise, they show Nandigan (a bull, symbol of Brahma) and yet they don’t know anything. Now you children know. The Father has explained: We came from the supreme abode, adopted these bodies and are playing our parts. You now know the cycle. When the Satguru gives the ointment of knowledge, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. Previously, you did not know anything but you now know the unlimited Father who is the Creator, Director and principal Actor. You now know which ones should take 84 births and which ones actually take 84 births. Now that your third eye is open you should remain intoxicated. When human beings get drunk, then, even if they are bankrupt, they have so much intoxication that they think that they are the richest. Baba was a Vaishnav, he never even touched alcohol, but he heard that anyone who gets drunk becomes very intoxicated. They say that the Yadavas drank alcohol, created missiles and destroyed each other's clan. Here, too, people in the military are given alcohol to drink so that they are not so conscious of killing and dying; they become intoxicated. You children should always have the intoxication of becoming Narayan. We are the same Shakti Army of a cycle ago. We have made Bharat like a diamond many times. This is nothing to be confused about. An intellect full of doubt is led to destruction; an intellect with faith is led to victory. Those with doubtful intellects will not claim a high status; they will claim a low status among the subjects. There, in your palaces, there will be music playing constantly. There is no question of any sorrow. Previously, in the palaces of the kings, musical instruments would be played on the threshold. Now that the pomp of the kings has ended, it has become government by the people. You children now know that by becoming pure, staying in yoga and spinning the cycle you will make Bharat into heaven. However, many children forget this. Baba advises: The most elevated task is to serve the poor. These days there are many poor people. People build hospitals so that the patients can receive happiness. Those who build hospitals receive healthy bodies in their next birth; they will not have any illness. If a person is very healthy and very rarely ill, he must definitely have given the donation of health in his previous birth, that is, have opened a hospital. If a person is clever in studying, then he must definitely have given the donation of knowledge. Some sannyasis memorize scriptures in their childhood, and so it would be said that the soul brought the sanskars of his past birth. Here, too, one can take three square feet of land and open a spiritual hospital and write: Come and claim your inheritance of health for 21 births from the Father. It is so easy! They ask: Who gave this inheritance to Lakshmi and Narayan? Those who ask the question definitely have to know the answer. The Father is the Creator of heaven. If you take a seat, I'll explain how He creates heaven. We are also claiming our inheritance from Him. Shiv Baba is establishing it through Brahma, who, later on, will also sustain it. There also has to be destruction through Shankar. It is definitely hell that is to be destroyed; the new world is still being created. You can even explain with the small badge that establishment is taking place through Brahma. This Raja Yoga is for changing humans into deities. This will very quickly touch the hearts of those who belong to your clan. Their faces will light up very quickly and they will make effort to claim their inheritance. Those who belong to the Brahmin clan will definitely change from the shudra clan. This is fixed in the drama. You do a lot of service for Bharat, but in an incognito way. You did it previously too. You have to understand the drama accurately. It is sung: When you die, the whole world is dead for you. However, the soul still remains; the soul does not die. When a soul separates from his body, there is no world for him. Then, when he enters another body, he has new relationships with his new mother and father. Here, too, you have to become bodiless. This world is now going to be finished practically. The Father says: Continue to remember Me and your burden of sins will end and you will become complete. You children should have very good manners while speaking, walking, eating and drinking. You should speak very little. Royal people speak very little and very softly; they remain silent. You too should have very good manners. Deities had very good manners. Here, humans are like monkeys; they are without manners. They do not have any sense. They have put the unlimited Father, who changes the world into heaven, into pebbles and stones, cats and dogs. Maya has completely locked their intellects with Godrej locks. Baba now comes and opens the locks. You children have now become so wise. You know the biography of Shiv Baba, Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar, Lakshmi, Narayan and Jagadamba, etc. You have now received full understanding from Shiv Baba, the Satguru. Baba is knowledge-full. If each of you truly asks your heart, you can see that you really didn’t know anything. The activity was like that of monkeys. Now we know everything: how Baba comes and creates the new creation and how He makes the Brahmin clan the most elevated. An image worthy of worship doesn’t say anything. You now understand that you were worthy of being worshipped and that you then became worshippers. You are now Brahmins, the real mouth- born creation of Brahma. You know how the golden age is created at the confluence age. No one else knows this. If a barrister teaches someone, what would he make that person? God comes and teaches easy Raja Yoga. It is the great fortune of you children of Bharat. Even among you, those who imbibe well and also make others imbibe are one hundred times fortunate. As you make progress, many homes will become like heaven. The tree continues to grow slowly; it takes effort. The more progress you make, the more strongly the storms of Maya will come. The higher you climb up a mountain, the more you have to face the obstacles of cold and wind. The more time you get for service, the better it is. You can then advertise. Whatever ideas emerge in your heart, tell Baba that you wish to fulfil them. Baba will say: You may do it. Poor human beings are very unhappy. At the present time, everyone is tamopradhan. Nothing that remains is true. Maya is false, the body is false, the whole world is false. You children are now becoming residents of heaven. (Song: The buds of the new age.) There is the praise of Sita in this song. The country in which Sita lived was pure. How could Ravan have been in that country? The wonder of it all is that they say Rama took an army of monkeys. Where did an army of monkeys come from? Here, there is the army of humans. The Government doesn’t take an army of monkeys. So, how did the army of monkeys come to exist there? People do not even understand this much. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. In order to become complete, remove your burden of sin by staying on the pilgrimage of remembrance. Imbibe good manners. You have to interact with everyone with good manners. Speak very little.
2. Do not become someone whose intellect has doubt in any aspect. Use everything you have in a worthwhile way to serve Bharat to make it into heaven. Sacrifice everything completely to Shiv Baba.


May you be a world benefactor who puts all four subjects into your practical form.

All the four subjects of this study are connected with one another. Those who are knowledgeable souls will definitely be yogi souls and the actions of those who have made knowledge and yoga their nature will be naturally full of wisdom and elevated. They will be embodiments of virtue in their nature and sanskars. Those who have the treasure of the experience of these three subjects will be master bestowers, that is, they will automatically become servers. Those who claim number one in these four subjects are called world benefactors.

Make knowledge and yoga your nature and your actions will naturally be elevated and full of wisdom.