All bk HOMEWORK WEEK of this months

Homework Month 15th February 2017


Homework – “Pay special attention to any one sanskar daily. And at night when you give your whole day’s chart

to BapDada, also tell Him the result about that sanskar; that way, there will be special attention.” – BapDada

1. Self-Respect (Intoxication) – Baba is my world!

- When only the Father is my world and I don’t have any other world, then how are sanskars born if there is

no other world (sansar)? At the present time, BapDada wants to eliminate the word ‘sanskar’ according to

the time. Can He eliminate it? Can He remove it? Fix a date for this too. Well, if there can’t be one common

date for everyone, then first of all, each of you can fix a date individually at least for yourselves, can’t you?

Can you do this? Write and give BapDada the date you fix for yourselves!

2. Yoga Practice:

This week, every day let’s take up one sanskar and a point of self-respect (swaman) to cremate that sanskar.

Throughout the day, let’s practise this with full attention, and check and change ourselves. You may pick one

sanskar and one point of self-respect (swaman) for each day for yourselves. For example:

Day Swaman (Self-respect) Sanskar

Monday I am the deity/goddess of peace Anger, bossiness

Tuesday I am a world server Laziness

Wednesday I am a hero actor Carelessness

Thursday I am an ancestor Jealousy, vengefulness and hatred

Friday I am an incarnation on this earth Wasteful thinking and talking

Saturday I am equal to the Father Thinking about others, looking at others and

following the dictates of others

Sunday God is my friend Tiredness, hopelessness and disheartenment

3. Point for Inculcation – Maintaining/ writing chart

 Write your chart every hour or every 2-3 hours that how long were you able to stay in the awareness of

the self-respect and to what extent were you able to conquer that sanskar. Then give your whole day’s

chart to Baba at night.

 ‘If your give your accounts to BapDada every night, then you will become light, you will sleep well and you

need not go to Dharamrajpuri (the court of Supreme judgement).’ - BapDada

4. Points for Introspection:

 What are my old sanskars that I need to cremate?

 By when will I cremate these sanskars? Fix a date.

 How will I cremate my old sanskars?

5. To Karmayogis:

Dear Karmayogis! It is the nature of thorns to give sorrow and the nature of flowers to give happiness. Our old

sanskars give us and others sorrow like thorns. Still, why are we holding onto them? Why don’t we give them

up?? Instead of them, why don’t we adorn ourselves with virtues??? Make two pictures of yourselves – one,

in which you are ornamented with thorns and the other, in which you are decorated with flowers; which of

these would you and your devotees like...???

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I am very happy