TODAY MURLI || 10/09/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 03/01/83 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

BapDada’s heart to heart conversation with double-foreign children.
Today, BapDada has especially come to meet the double-foreign children. All you children from far away have reached your sweet home, where you automatically receive the blessing of experiencing all attainments. You have come to meet the Father, the Bestower of Blessings in this land of blessings. BapDada is pleased to see the children of every cycle who have all rights. BapDada is seeing that, even now, many souls in Bharat who live very close are thirsty souls and are still searching. However, the double-foreign children, who live far away in their corporeal forms, have recognised their Father from far away, and claimed their rights. Those who are sitting far away have become close, whereas those who are close have become distant. BapDada is pleased to see the wonder of the fortune of such children. Today, in the subtle region, Bap and Dada were having a heart to heart conversation about the specialities of the double-foreign children. The children from Bharat and the children from abroad both have their own specialities. Today, they were singing praise of the wonders of the children. What did you renounce and what fortune did you attain? Baba was seeing the cleverness of you children in the way that you didn’t renounce anything without receiving your fortune. You are very clever businessmen when it comes to making a deal. You first experience attainment. You saw the good attainment and you then renounced wasteful things. Therefore, what did you let go of and what did you attain? What would be the result, if you were to make a list of those? You renounced one thing and attained multi-millions. So, is this renouncing or attaining? Did you souls ever think that you would become such special, elevated souls of the world, that you would become those who have a direct relationship with the Father? Did you ever think that you would go to the land of Krishna from being Christians? You were the followers of a religious founder. Instead of remaining in the trunk, you got trapped in a branch. However, you have now become part of the trunk of the variety tree of life - those who belong to the original, eternal Brahmin and therefore deity religion. You have become the foundation. Seeing such attainment, what did you renounce? You simply conquered sleep for a short time. You renounced sleep (sona) and you became gold (sona). Seeing you double-foreign children getting ready early in the morning, BapDada smiles. You were those who used to wake up comfortably at your own time, whereas how do you get up now? You have renounced sleep. You saw the fortune before you renounced anything. What does this sleep feel like after having the unique experience of amrit vela? Did you renounce your food and drink or did you renounce illness? To renounce food and drink means to become free from many illnesses. You have become free, have you not? Instead, you received both health and wealth. This is why you were told that you are very clever businessmen. Another speciality that Baba saw in the double-foreign children is that whatever you set out to do, you do it with great intensity. Because of moving at a fast speed, you also want to have the full attainment of everything. You move along very fast and, therefore if there is even a minor obstruction from Maya whilst you are moving along, you become afraid very fast. What happened? Does this also happen? You become amazed. Nevertheless, because your love is strong, you overcome the obstacle and become stronger in the future. You are brave soldiers, moving towards your destination. You are not delicate, are you? You are not those who become afraid, are you? You perform a very good drama. You also create very good facilities for chasing away Maya. So, even in this unlimited drama, you actors are such brave soldiers, are you not? Between love and labour, do you remain in love or do you labour? Do you remain constantly merged in the remembrance of the Father? Or, do you constantly remember again and again? Or, are you embodiments of remembrance? Do you remain constantly with the Father? Or, are you constantly making the effort to remain with the Father? Those who are becoming equal to the Father are constant embodiments: embodiments of remembrance, embodiments of all virtues and embodiments of all powers. To be an embodiment means that that becomes your form. Not that the virtue and power should be separate; they should be merged in your form, just as weak sanskars or a defect has become your form over a long period of time. You don’t need to make effort to adopt it, because it has become your natural nature. You want to relinquish it, you do realise that you shouldn’t have it, but, sometimes, even against your conscious wish, that nature or natural sanskar does its work because it has become your form. Similarly, let every virtue and every power become your original form. My nature and natural virtues have to become equal to those of the Father. Those who become such embodiments of virtues, embodiments of power and embodiments of remembrance are said to be equal to the Father. Therefore, do all of you experience yourselves to be embodiments of these? This is your aim, is it not? In terms of attaining, are you going to attain to the fullest extent, or are you happy with just a little? Will you become part of the moon dynasty? (No.) The moon dynasty kingdom is no less! How many will become part of the sun dynasty? Will all of you sitting here become part of the sun dynasty? The praise of Rama is no less! It is good that you always have elevated zeal and enthusiasm.

Do you know what the souls of the world want from all of you? Every soul is now calling out for you worthy-of-worship souls to experience you in the visible form. They are not only calling out to the Father but they are also calling out to you worth of worship souls. Each of them feels that their messenger, prophet or deity soul should come and take them back home. Who is going to fulfil these calls of the world?

They are waiting for you worthy of worship, deity souls. They want their deities to come, awaken them and take them back. What preparations are you making for that? The deities will be revealed after this conference. Now, make a programme individually and collectively to reveal yourselves as elevated souls before the conference. Through this conference, from being hopeless, let them experience hope. You will ignite those lamps at the inauguration and also break coconuts. As well as that, you will also ignite the lamps of pure hopes for all the souls. Just as you crack a coconut, so too, let them be stamped with having seen the destination. Therefore, those from abroad and also those from Bharat have to make these preparations together in advance. Only then will the great pilgrimage be revealed. The rays of revelation should spread everywhere from the Father’s home. You say that Abu is a lighthouse for the world. This light should give the experience of a new awakening in the midst of darkness. This is why all of you have come, is it not? Or, will you yourselves just be refreshed and go away?

The basis of success in a task is the one united thought of all Brahmins. Everyone needs co-operation. If even one brick of a fortress is weak, the whole fortress can be shaken. This is why all of you, young and old, are the bricks of this fortress of the Brahmin family. Therefore, all of you have to make the task successful with just one thought. The sound that should emerge from everyone’s mind is: This is my responsibility. Achcha. To the extent that children remember the Father, Baba gives love and remembrance accordingly. Achcha.

To those who constantly have such determination, to those who put into practice the birth right of success, to those who remain powerful by constantly remaining aware of their elevated fortune, to those who constantly use their speciality for a task, to those who constantly experience the Father’s task to be their own task, to those who remain stable in an unlimited stage in every task, to the children who have broad and unlimited intellects, love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting Groups:

Brazil group: Your country is the furthest away in terms of distance, but you are the souls who remain closest to the heart, are you not? Even whilst staying far away, you experience yourselves to be with the Father, do you not? You souls become flying birds and reach the Father’s world, Madhuban, in a second do you not? Do you constantly tour around? The Father sees the love of you children and how you made effort from your hearts to come to Madhuban in the corporeal form from so far away and have arrived here. Baba congratulates you for this. BapDada is giving you the blessing for the future: Remain constantly victorious and make everyone else constantly victorious! Achcha.

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10/09/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 06/01/83

The easy way to become a constant and easy yogi.

Today, the Master of the Garden is pleased to see the variety of fragrant flowers in His garden. BapDada was taking the fragrance of the variety of spiritual flowers and seeing the beauty of their form and singing songs of the speciality of each one. Whichever one of you He sees, each of you is more loved and elevated than the next. Even though you are numberwise, even the last number is extremely loved by BapDada, because even though you may be weak in becoming a conqueror of Maya according to your capacity, you have still recognised the Father and said, "My Baba", even once, from your heart. Therefore, BapDada, the Ocean of Mercy, also looks at such children in return with multi-millionfold spiritual love, with the vision that you are His children and are special souls. He looks at you with that vision, because you at least belong to the Father. Therefore, because you belong to Him, BapDada, with the vision of love and mercy, continues to make such children move forward. This spiritual consciousness of "mine" becomes a blessing for such children to be filled with power. BapDada doesn't need to give blessings through His mouth because words of the mouth are secondary, whereas the thought of love is powerful and also enables you to experience the number one attainment. With this subtle thought of love, BapDada, in the form of both Mother and Father, is sustaining all the children. In worldly life too, parents continue to sustain their dearly loved children with many powerful things in an incognito way. You speak of this as special hospitality. Therefore, BapDada, whilst sitting in the subtle region, also gives special hospitality to the children, in the same way that, when you come to Madhuban, you are given special hospitality. BapDada invokes all the children in their subtle angelic forms and calls them in front of Him. Because you are the children who have all rights, He gives you children through His thoughts the subtle hospitality of making you full of all special powers. It is one thing is to attain power through your own efforts. This is to receive special hospitality in the form of the sustenance of love from the Mother and Father, in the same way that here, too, some children receive special hospitality. According to the discipline, you are offered special hospitality with a variety of food; you are given extra things. Similarly, Mother Brahma also has special love. Mother Brahma cannot stay in the subtle region without the splendour and sparkle of the children. He has spiritual, motherly attachment. Invoking subtle love, Baba emerges the special group of children. You probably remember how in the sakar days, Baba, as an embodiment of special love, used to invite every group and feed them with His own hand and also entertain them. That sanskar of love still continues now in a practical way. For you children to have this experience, you just need to become equal to the Father in the angelic form. At amrit vela, Mother Brahma calls out to you children, saying, "Come children, come children", and feeds you with the nourishment of special powers. Just as when Baba was here in the physical form, Baba used to feed you with ghee and also make you do exercises, so, Baba also gives you the ghee of subtle powers in the subtle region and also helps you to do the exercise of this practice. He inspires you to tour around with your intellects and go to the supreme region one moment to the subtle region the next moment and to be in the corporeal world leading a Brahmin life the next moment. He makes you run a race across all three regions. Through this you have special hospitality merged in your life. So, did you hear what Mother Brahma does?

Double-foreign children have the habit of going on an excursion somewhere far away during their holidays. So, BapDada is also giving you double-foreign children a special invitation. Whenever you are free, just come to the subtle region! Don't go on the dirty sand at the seaside. Come to the shores of the Ocean of Knowledge. You will experience a lot of attainment with no expense. Experience the rays of the Sun, the moonlight of the Moon, have a picnic and also play games. However, you will have to come in the aeroplane of your intellect. The aeroplane of everyone's intellect is ever ready, is it not? Just start the switch of thoughts and you will arrive there. The aeroplane is ready with all of you, is it not? Or, is it that it sometimes doesn't start or that you sometimes run out of petrol and so you turn back half-way? Otherwise, it is a matter of arriving there in just a second. All you need is double-refined petrol. What is the double refined-petrol? One is the intoxication of the faith of being incorporeal: "I am a soul, a child of the Father". The second is the intoxication of all relationships with the Father in the corporeal form. Not just the intoxication of the relationship of Father and child, for, this is the pure family path. Therefore, you should experience the intoxication of the sweetness of all relationships with the Father in the corporeal form whilst walking and moving around. This intoxication and happiness makes you a constant and easy yogi. This is why there is a need for the double-refined method of being incorporeal and corporeal. Achcha.

Today, Baba has to meet groups and so Baba will tell you more about corporeal and incorporeal intoxication some other time. BapDada is giving special congratulations to the double-foreign children for the practical and visible fruit of their service and for obeying all directions. Each of you has brought a big, good group. You have presented BapDada with the best bouquets of all. For doing this, BapDada is giving you faithful children the blessing from His heart with a lot of love: "May you live eternally and continue to move forward!" Achcha.

To all the loving children everywhere who are engaged with deep love in remembrance and service, to the long-lost and now-found children who are instruments to reveal the Father, please accept love in return for your service and eternal love in return for your remembrance. To those who maintain such eternal deep love, please accept eternal, love, remembrance and namaste.
May you have the fortune of happiness and constantly experience and give others the experience of spiritual intoxication in every action.
At the confluence age, you children have the greatest fortune of happiness because God Himself has chosen you. You have become the masters of the unlimited. Your name is in God’s dictionary of “Who’s who”. You have found the unlimited Father, you have received the unlimited fortune of the kingdom, and the unlimited treasure. Always have this intoxication and you will continue to experience supersensuous joy. This is unlimited, spiritual intoxication. Continue to experience this and give others this experience and you will be said to have the fortune of happiness.
Use the facilities for service, not to become one who likes comfort.

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