TODAY MURLI || 03/09/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 24/10/81 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI )

The signs of a true lover.

Do you know where the Father has come today and who are all those He has come to meet? In which form has He especially come to meet you? As is the Father’s form, so is the form of His children. So, do you know in which form the Father has come to meet you all? Is it wrong for people to say that God has many forms, or is it right? At this time, the Father meets you in many forms of many relationships. So, the One has many forms practically on the basis of His relationships or His tasks. Therefore, the devotees are right, are they not? In which form has the Father come to meet you today? Where is He meeting you? You heard about that relationship in today’s murli (morning murli of the day). So, who is the Father and who are you children? Today, the spiritual Beloved has come to celebrate a meeting with the spiritual lovers. Where has He come to meet you? Which is the most loved meeting place of all? Do you remember where your spiritual Beloved used to take you lovers at the beginning? (To the ocean.) So, today also, the spiritual Beloved who is full of all treasures and virtues, is meeting you spiritual lovers on the shores of the Ocean as well as on the mountain of an elevated stage in the coolness of moonlight. The ocean symbolises fullness and the mountain symbolises an elevated stage. Moonlight symbolises a constantly cool nature. All three are together. Today, the spiritual Beloved is pleased to see the spiritual lovers. What song are you singing? (Each one is singing his own song.) Normally, you can only listen to one song at a time. However, the Father can hear everyone’s song at the same time. You lovers are singing your own songs and the Beloved is responding to those songs. Whatever songs you are singing are all fine. Each one’s words of love are heard by the Father with love. It is easy for you lovers to remember your Beloved, is it not? You spiritual lovers have a relationship of easy and constant remembrance of your Beloved. You don’t especially have to remember Him, because you couldn’t forget to remember Him, even if you tried.

Today, Baba saw the love of every lover. What else He see? You lovers are many and the Beloved is only One, but each of you says from experience, “My Beloved”, because your spiritual Beloved is the Ocean of Love. The Ocean is unlimited: however many of you lovers there are, you can all take as much as you want and the Ocean will always be limitless and full. This is why there can be no question of someone receiving less or you receiving more. Those who take can take as much as they want. The treasure-store of love is overflowing. However, those who take are numberwise in taking, whereas the One who is giving gives number one love. Those who take are also numberwise in accommodating whatever they take. Each of you knows how to love, but you are numberwise in fulfilling the responsibility of that love. All of you say, “My Beloved”, and yet, although say you “My”, what do you do? Do you know what you do? Today, Baba has come to have a heart-to-heart conversation, not to speak a murli. Therefore, tell Me, what do you do? You say, “mine” and yet, sometimes, you even go touring before coming here. Then, when you are tired after touring around, you say, “My Beloved”. Some lovers make a lot of mischief. What mischief do you make? (Speaking to Didi and Dadi) They make a lot of mischief in front of you who are in the corporeal form, do they not? You make so much mischief! You say, “I do this, I keep behaving like this, but it is Your duty to transform me. This is just how I am.” You make mischief by telling the Father the things that He tells you. You remember very well the saying, “No matter what I am, how I am, I am Yours.” And so, the Beloved replies, “Yes, you are Mine - but at least become a perfect match!” If a couple don’t match each other, what would those who see them say? The beloved is very beautifully decorated but the lover has no decoration at all! Would that seem right? So, you can think about this yourselves: He Himself has a shining dress, but His lover is wearing a black dress or a stained dress. Would that look good? What do you think? However, what do you then say? “It is Your duty to remove my stains.” But, in fact, the Beloved transforms your dress, so why don’t you wear that? Why do you waste time removing those stains? To belong to the Beloved means that everything is transformed. Why do you remember your old black dress that has so many stains on it? Why do you wear it again and again? Why don’t you put on your shining dress and remain decorated and stay with your Beloved in the sparkling world? Nothing can get stained there.

So, lovers, remain constantly equal to the Beloved - full and constantly shining. This means: remain stable in your complete form. The Beloved has to make effort for one more thing. Do you know what He has to make effort for? That too is something amusing. Your Beloved has promised you lovers that He will take you all back home with Him, but what do you do? The Beloved is very light and you lovers become so heavy that the Beloved has to make a lot of effort in order to take you lovers back with Him. So, would such a couple seem right? The Beloved says, “Become light!”, but what do you do? You don’t exercise in the way that you ought to, in order to become light. So, how can you become light? You know the spiritual exercise, do you not? To become incorporeal in a moment, to become an avyakt angel in a moment, to become a karma yogi in the corporeal form in a moment and to become a world server in a moment - to become any of those forms within a second is your spiritual exercise. What extra weight do you take upon yourself? You gain a lot of weight from wastage and are therefore unable to become light. Some gain the weight of wasted time, some of wasted thoughts and some of wasted powers. Some have wasteful relationships and contacts. Because of the weight you gain in all those many different ways, you cannot become double-light like the Beloved. True lovers are indicated by becoming equal to the Beloved; that is, by becoming like the Beloved, as He is and what He is. So, who are all of you? You are lovers anyway, but are you lovers who are equal to the Beloved? Only equality brings closeness. When there isn’t equality, you cannot become close. There is the praise of having 16,000 queens. That 16,000 would be numbered, would they not? One Beloved has been shown with so many lovers, but the meaning isn’t understood. Spirituality has been forgotten. So, today, the spiritual Beloved is telling you lovers: Become equal and come close. Achcha.

You are sitting in the moonlight. To stay in your form of coolness means to sit in the moonlight. Stay constantly in the moonlight. Your dress will automatically shine in the moonlight. Wherever you are seen, you would be seen to sparkle. Remain constantly on the shore of the Ocean. This means constantly to maintain your stage of being as full as the Ocean. Do you understand where you have to stay? The Beloved loves this shore. Achcha.

Constantly be like the Beloved. Stay in His company with your hand in His hand. This is what it means to be loving and co-operative. “Company” means love and “hand” means co-operation. To those who easily maintain the stage of belonging to the one Beloved and none other, to such spiritual lovers, love, remembrance and namaste from the spiritual Beloved.

Today, those from Delhi and Gujarat have come. Those of you from Delhi don’t feel that you have the banks of the River Jamuna but not the shore of the Ocean, do you? There is the Ocean at the confluence age and there are the banks of the river in the future. You play on the shores of the Ocean at the confluence age. So, at the confluence age, there are the shores of the Ocean and the things of the future are on banks of River Jamuna. So, what is the connection between Delhi and Gujarat? Delhi is the bank of the River Jamuna and Gujarat is where they dance the garba (circle dancing). So, the dancing on the banks of River Jamuna is very famous. This is why those from Delhi and Gujarat have both come. Achcha, those from abroad have also come. Foreigners invite those here to go there on a tour. “Didi should come! Dadi should come! So-and-so should come!” Just as you go on a tour for a short time, so too, you will tour in the future. You will reach there in a second. It will not take long because accidents never happen. This is why there is no need for any speed limit. You can visit everywhere in just a day. You can tour the whole world in a day. This atomic energy is going to be useful for you. They are busy refining it. That power won’t make you people unhappy. Which element does the most service? The sun. The rays of the sun will show various wonders. All of these preparations are being made for you. There will be no need to burn gas, coal or wood. You will be free from all of that. Achcha. You will continue to see many wonders. They make the effort and you will eat the fruit. Then, you won’t even have to make the effort to put up these wires etc. Without any effort, with your natural nature, you will have natural attainment. However, in order for you to experience that happiness from nature, you must make your original nature natural. Only then will you be able to attain total happiness from nature. “Natural nature” means your eternal sanskars. You are enjoying this just hearing about it. So, how much will you enjoy the reward, when you experience it? Just as birds fly here, so too, vimans will fly there. How many will there be? Just as a flock of birds fly together in a line, so too, the vimans will fly together in a group. It won’t be that when one is taking off, another one won’t be able to take off; they will fly in various designs. The royal family will fly in its own design and the wealthy subjects will fly in their own designs. You can land wherever you want to. Conquer matter now and it will become your servant there. If you don’t conquer matter very much now, then matter will be less of a servant for you there. Do you understand? Achcha.

BapDada meeting Madhuban niwasis.

Who are the residents of Madhuban? What title should be given to you residents of Madhuban? Think of a new title. What have you put up in Madhuban at this time? You have just acquired a photocopying machine. Therefore, you residents of Madhuban are photostat copies. As is the Father, so are the children. Everything is copied identically with that machine. The speciality of that machine is that there cannot be the slightest difference. The residents of Madhuban are the photocopies. Madhuban is the machine and you residents of Madhuban are the photos. Every action you perform needs to reveal your line of fortune drawn by the Bestower of Fortune. Your line of fortune is drawn by your actions. So, every action each of you performs has to be such that it draws your line of elevated fortune. Just as every action BapDada performed was such that it drew the line of fortune for himself and everyone else, so you must become equal to the father in the same way. You have attained so many facilities, so much co-operation and you also have such elevated company in Madhuban; nothing is lacking in the treasure-store of Madhuban. So, what would someone who has attained everything become? He would become full, would he not? What is still lacking? If you lack something, it is your own dharna that is lacking. One eternal sanskar should have emerged in the residents of Madhuban. What sanskar is that? What eternal sanskar did Father Brahma have that made him successful in whatever he did? All of you also need to have the same sanskar. As well as saying, “Ha ji” (Yes indeed), he also always said, “You first!” He never put himself first. He always let others go first. Father Brahma always put Jagadamba ahead of him; wherever he went, he always placed the children ahead of him in everything. He placed Jagadamba ahead of him. Only those who let others go first are able to say, “Ha ji”. This is why the main thing is to let others go ahead, but also with pure feelings. Not just for the sake of it, but with the feelings of a well-wisher. On the basis of your good wishes and elevated feelings, when you put others before yourselves, you come first. To let others go first means to claim the first number. The father put Jagadamba ahead of him, he always put the children ahead of him, and yet he still claimed the number one. He had no selfish motives in this. He was completely altruistic. He demonstrated putting others first in a practical way. Similarly, your lesson of “You first” has to be very firm. Not that you feel that you should have done something when someone else did it. Do not say, “Why did this one do this? Only I should do this. Why should I not do this? Am I not able to do this?” Let there not be those feelings. Whether the other person does something or you do it, it is still the Father’s service. None of you here has your own business, do you? There is only the one Father’s business. You are on God’s service. You even write, “On Godly service”. You don’t write, “my service”, do you? Just as the Father is One, so service is also the same. Therefore, whether someone else does something or you do something, it’s the same thing. However much someone does something, make him go ahead. Not that you feel that it is you who should go ahead. Make yourself go ahead by enabling others to go ahead. All of you have to go back home together. You will all return home with the Father. This means that all of you will go together. When each of you has this feeling, you will have become a photostat copy of Father Brahma.

This means that anyone who sees a resident of Madhuban would see Brahma Baba, because each of you is a copy. Therefore, no one would be able to say that he hasn’t seen Father Brahma. Let your actions and your stage clearly reveal Father Brahma. This is the speciality of you residents of Madhuban. Everyone follows you residents of Madhuban. So, each of you in Madhuban is a master Brahma. Anyone who is given a photograph of Brahma Baba looks after it with love. He considers it to be the best gift of all. So, all of you also have to become photos of Father Brahma. Become equal to Father Brahma and you too will become invaluable gifts. Achcha.


May you have a right to blessings from everyone by claiming the certificate of contentment with tapasya from your heart.

There are many who give themselves the certificate in their chart of tapasya. But you can only claim the certificate of everyone’s contentment when you have tapasya from your heart, when you have love for everyone in your heart - the consciousness of being an instrument and pure intentions. Such children claim a right to blessings from everyone. When at least 95% of souls give you the certificate of contentment and it emerges from everyone’s lips that you are number one, to claim such a certificate of blessings from everyone’s heart is to become equal to the Father.

Use your time in a worthwhile way by considering it to be invaluable and you will not then be deceived at any time.

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