TODAY MURLI || 29/09/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, continue to study and learn for as long as you live.You study in order to become pure for the pure world.

QuestionThe Father gives you teachings in order to make you equal to Him in which virtue?

AnswerBaba says: Children, just as I am egoless, so you children must become just as egoless as I am. Only the Father gives you teachings to become pure.Only by becoming pure will you become equal to the father.

Question:When your intellect becomes good, what secrets will automatically sit within it?

Who I, the soul, am. Who the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul is. What His part is.What the eternal part recorded in the soul is and which continues to be played. All of these things can only be understood by those who have good intellects.

Song:Have patience O mind! Your days of happiness are about to come.  

Om Shanti
You have found the unlimited Mother and Father and have thereby received patience. Who? Souls, that is, living souls, His children. A soul is a tiny point. The intellect of not a single person in the world is aware that a soul is a tiny point, like a star. You know that you are tiny souls and have parts of 84 births, of 5000 years, within you. Such big parts are not recorded in other souls. The intellects of people have become so weak that they don't understand anything. You wouldn't say of God that He takes 84 births or 8.4 million births; no. You children know that such a tiny soul has an imperishable part of 84 births recorded in him. This is called nature. A soul is such a tiny point and an imperishable part of all his births is recorded within him. It is never erased and never will be erased. It is such a great wonder! Among you, too, there are some who know these things, but who then forget. These things have to be imbibed in order for you to explain to others. The Father, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called Karankaravanhar. He does everything to teach you. He is called the incorporeal and egoless One. No one can understand the meaning of this. Only you children are taught these virtues. You children too have to become as egoless. He is the Ocean of Knowledge and so He has to speak knowledge. He is the Purifier and so He would definitely come and give teachings to impure ones to become pure. Just as sannyasis give teachings to inspire renunciation, so here, too, you have to renounce the five vices. Only the Purifier comes and gives you these teachings. How else would we become pure? It is remembered that you have to study, to learn, for as long as you live. This is not said in schools. There, you have to experience the reward of your study in just this birth. Here, you are told: You have to study for as long as you live. You have to reach your karmateet stage by the end. Souls have to be made pure with yoga. To the extent that you stay in yoga, accordingly you souls will go to the golden age and then neither souls nor bodies will remain in the iron age. We are studying to go to the pure world. These are such deep matters that no one else can ever explain them to you. Look at what other people continue to do! Those with the arrogance of science continue to invent so many things. They even make effort to go to the stars and the moon. You understand that liberation-in-life cannot be received through that. Perhaps they receive temporary or momentary happiness. As well as giving happiness, aeroplanes also cause sorrow. If an accident takes place tomorrow, there would be sorrow. Steamers sink and trains have accidents. People have heart failure even while just sitting doing nothing. The land of happiness is separate. There, there is constant happiness. All the happiness in this world is temporary, like the droppings of a crow. You children have now received very good intellects. What am I, the soul and what is my Father, the Supreme Soul? What is His part and what is my part? You have all of these secrets in your intellects. Among you children too, not everyone is said to take 84 births. Not everyone will collect together in the golden age. This is why you cannot say that everyone takes the full 84 births. They continue to come into the moon dynasty till the end. Expansion continues to take place and there continues to be fewer births. These are matters of detail. First have the old mothers make Alpha and beta firm. Alpha means Baba and beta means the sovereignty. This is something absolutely right. There was the sovereignty of heaven. Bharat was the master of the whole world; there were no other kingdoms. The rosary of Rudra then becomes the rosary of Vishnu. You children have received this knowledge; what a soul is; what the Supreme Soul is, what His form is, what His size is. You have all of these things in your intellects at this time. A soul is so tiny. Even God has to make so much effort on the path of devotion. You would say that His part continues from the copper age till the end of the iron age, or even till the end of the confluence age. You know all of these things. You say that all of this happened in the previous cycle. It also happened 5000 years ago. In a newspaper, they print everything that happened 100 years ago. It is easy to write about 100 years. They would quickly find these things in the newspapers and show you. That is the newspaper "Times of India". Your newspaper is the “Times of the World". These words are very good. You can write in this every day what happened 5000 years ago. Whatever happened 5000 years ago is what is happening now. When you write in this way, people will come to know the drama. You can also write in magazines. You children have all the secrets in your intellects. No human being has the knowledge of souls or the Supreme Soul. So, of what use are those human beings? You know that only human beings take 84 births. First of all, there is the Brahmin clan and then the deity clan; you go through the clans. The clans exist here. There is no question of clans in the subtle region. Brahma is called Prajapita (Father of Humanity). Vishnu cannot be called Prajapita. You are adopted through Brahma. Lakshmi and Narayan, the dual form of Vishnu, have their own children who sit on the throne. Even Shankar cannot be called the Father of Humanity. You also know that people receive visions according to their devotion. However, there is no question of a snake etc. there. There cannot be a bull there either. In the subtle region, there are only deities. When you go to the subtle region and you see a garden and flowers etc., is there really a garden there? Baba just gives you a vision, for those things don't exist there. The intellect says that there cannot be trees etc. in the subtle region. You definitely have visions. Visions of the things here would be granted. All of those are visions and they are called games of magic. It is not knowledge. Human beings make human beings into barristers etc. That is not called magic. They simply give knowledge. Changing you from human beings into deities for the new world is called magic. Because Baba has the key to divine vision, He is called the Magician. Those people say that they had a vision of an idol due to the blessings of their guru. There is no benefit in that. Here, effort is made and you become Lakshmi and Narayan or Rama and Sita etc. You have come here to become the royal family of the sun and moon dynasties. The first and foremost thing is to give the Father's introduction to any new person who comes. The element of brahm is the great element. Incorporeal Shiv Baba cannot be called the brahm element. Every word has a meaning. You are the children of God. It isn't that all are a form of God. The Father sits here and explains to you. However, visions etc. are just chit-chat, so you mustn't have any desire for them. Some think that Baba Himself has come now, and so He can grant a vision. However, all of that is useless. Then, because some don't have visions they become disheartened and stop studying. When you see a prince in your visions, you understand that you are to become that and you become happy. Generally, many people have visions of princes. If you think about it, all would be wearing crowns. There is no difference between males and females. Females have longer hair and their features are slightly different. There are so many souls. No two souls have the same name or form. A soul has an imperishable part recorded within him and it can never change. This is such a wonderful play that has been created! Souls have received eternal parts. Baba explains to you so easily. Simply go and sit in front of the picture of the Trimurti and the whole cycle will enter your intellect. This is Shiv Baba and this is Brahma through whom Brahmins are created. It is now the iron age and then the golden age has to come. By having the picture in front of you, it is as though the play of the whole world enters your intellect. You know everything about how the cycle turns, who is in the play etc. Continue to look at the pictures every day. Continue to churn the ocean of knowledge. This is hell and that is heaven; this is the confluence age. It is so easy! By practising this every day, your intellects will become enlightened. Also write about Lakshmi and Narayan and Radhe and Krishna. You receive the inheritance of the golden age through Brahma. How did Lakshmi and Narayan receive their reward? It would definitely be at the confluence age that they performed such deeds. They received that reward of theirs by making effort in their final birth. You should have such thoughts in your intellects and there will then be no need for pictures. All the secrets will be in your intellects. These pictures have to become imprinted on the paper of your hearts. Baba shows children at the centres methods to make them open their mouths and speak knowledge. Continue to look at the pictures and speak about them in your mind. You have to know the secrets of the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. The picture of the tree is also very clear. You are doing tapasya of Raja Yoga here. You change from human beings into deities. Then, how does the path of devotion begin? Whatever religion everyone belongs to, that is the religion they will enter. It is so easy! It also has to be explained what a soul is and what the Supreme Soul is. An eternal part is recorded in them. In the golden age, we will play our parts of happiness and take this many births. You can even go to the cremation grounds and explain to people there. They continue to have a satsang (spiritual gathering) until the corpse is completely burnt. No one will stop you. Tell them: Come and we will explain to you. They will be very happy to hear this. The one who speaks should be very sensible and clever. Go anywhere and explain. Baba explains to you children very well. You have the truth under your arms whereas people have a false Gita under their arms. You have the history and geography of the whole world under your arms. You can explain very well using the picture of Shri Krishna: “Why is he called Shyam Sundar? Come and we will tell you the story.” They will become very happy when they hear it. Bharat was the golden age. It is now the stone age; it has become dark. By sitting on the pyre of lust, the face becomes ugly. By explaining in this way, you can show many wonders. You can have all three pictures with you. Explain one picture and then explain a second picture. It is very easy. It is simply a matter of making effort. You have a lot of time. Go to the temples in the morning. “Come and we will tell you the life story of Lakshmi and Narayan. By having sacrificial fires, doing tapasya and going on pilgrimages on the path of devotion, you have become completely like shells. Therefore, how have the scriptures helped? We are telling you the truth. It is only the truth that helps you.” Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Pay full attention to the study. Don't have any desires for visions etc. Never become disheartened and stop studying.
2. While looking at the pictures, churn the ocean of knowledge and imprint everything on your heart. You have to do the tapasya of Raja Yoga.

May you remain free from obstacles and be unshakeable with the balance of being detached and loving in a gathering.

The Father has the biggest family of all and yet, however big the family is, He is detached and also loving to all to that extent. Follow the Father in the same way. While being in a gathering, in order to remain constantly free from obstacles and content, to the extent that you serve, remain just as detached. No matter how much someone may try to shake you, or someone may disturb you from one side and another person from another side, even if you don’t receive any salvation (facilities), even if someone insults you, remain unshakeable in your thoughts, and you would then be said to be a soul who is free from obstacles.


Only those who finish all upheaval of the body and mind with the stage of soul consciousness can remain unshakeable and immovable.

TODAY MURLI || 26/09/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, do service with a far-sighted and broad intellect. Prove the contrast between truth and falsehood.

What things are proved through the Mahabharata and what is the meaning of the Mahabharata?

1) The Mahabharata means destruction of innumerable religions and establishment of the one religion. 2) Mahabharata means victory for the Pandavas and defeat for the Kauravas. 3) It is proved through the Mahabharat War that it must definitely have been God who sat in the chariot and gave knowledge, that God must definitely have taught Raja Yoga through which the kingdom was established. After the Mahabharata the golden-aged kingdom was established. You children can explain the Mahabharata very clearly.

Song:This is the Spring in which to forget the world.  

Om Shanti
Sweetest children, you understand that the scene of the Mahabharata is taking place at this time. The Father has explained that there is as much truth in the scriptures as a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour. All the rest is just false. Now, at the time of the Mahabharata, they show destruction. They even show that missiles were invented in Europe. You children also know that the same sacrificial fire is still continuing when the one religion is being established. There is victory for the Pandavas. There is Raja Yoga. They show that Krishna gave knowledge to Arjuna while sitting in his chariot. You understand that He (God) gave the knowledge of Raja Yoga. After the Mahabharat War, the kingdom must definitely have been established through Raja Yoga. At this time there is no kingdom; it has to be established again. They even create plays of the Mahabharata. There are advertisements. They have even made a film of it and they invite people to see it. You children know that the Father is now telling you the whole truth. Those people create false plays. You should watch a performance of the Mahabharata for the sake of service and see what those people have created and what you can explain to them from that. You have to churn the ocean of knowledge for service. However, children's intellects have not become that broad and unlimited as yet. You have to go and explain to those who have created those plays what is actually true and what is false. The Mahabharat War that you have shown: what is its date and when did it take place? They have also created a play about God being in every particle and so you should go and see what they show. The intellects of you children should be very far-sighted and broad. In fact you should print leaflets about what the truth is. The truth is that which is happening in a practical way. Come and understand how all the plays are false. By understanding even this much, you can become the masters of the land of truth. You can claim your inheritance from God. You should have such thoughts for service. Some even go and meet those from the Sarvodaya community (Sarvo-all, daya-mercy), but that too requires a very broad and unlimited intellect. You should explain to them: Sarva means to have mercy for the whole world. It is only the one Father who is blissful. He alone has mercy for everyone. Five thousand years before today, Bharat became heaven and there were all types of happiness there. It is now the end of the iron age and so there is so much sorrow and corruption. Only the one unlimited Father has mercy for the whole world. I definitely know this and that is why I am telling you. When you speak of Sarvodaya, it is a question of the whole world. Therefore, come and understand how God has mercy for everyone. It is now the end of the iron age. There is also the Mahabharat War. There definitely has to be someone who would make the impure world pure. So, out of all souls, He is the blissful One. A very good intellect filled with knowledge is required. Baba received news of how someone met the leader of the Sarvodaya community. However, the one who goes to meet him has to have a very broad and unlimited intellect. Baba has seen that no one has yet said anything of about a broad and an unlimited intellect. First of all, tell them that there is sorrow and peacelessness throughout the whole world. This is the land of sorrow. Therefore, there must surely have been the land of happiness and the land of peace before that. You children have not even told this to those people. You should praise Bharat a great deal. Achcha, who made Bharat like it is now? You cannot have mercy for everyone. It is God alone who can do that and you have forgotten Him. He is carrying out His task Himself. Yes, it is good that you give something or other to those who are experiencing sorrow. You should meet them in a quiet place. Write the contrast between the truth and falsehood in the Mahabharata play that they have created and make such leaflets as: Come and understand how Bharat becomes like a diamond from a shell. When the Mahabharat War took place, there was the Father from whom you received your inheritance. No one can call Krishna the Father. When people call out to God, the Father, they only remember the incorporeal One. You children should think throughout the day about how to do service. You should churn the ocean of knowledge about how to awaken others. You have to change thorns into flowers. You have to go to the cremation grounds and do service. Some children do go there, but they become tired. They see that they explain so much and yet people don't listen to them. Oh! but how can they understand? Baba gives the example: How can lambs understand anything? This knowledge is very easy. The Highest on High is God and then there are the deities. This secret of the castes is also very easy. The topknot of Brahmins is the highest of all. You become deities and you are then not praised as much. There is a lot of praise of you at this time. So many melas for the Shaktis take place. They don’t have a mela for Lakshmi. She is just invoked on the day of Deepmala. It is always the mela of Jagadamba that takes place. You know who Jagadamba is and who Lakshmi is. Why is Lakshmi worshipped? Where are all of them at this time? Lakshmi existed in the golden age. Where is that soul at this time? You know that Lakshmi took 84 births and that now, at the confluence age, she has become Jagadamba. She has been adopted and her name has been changed. Many children say that Baba has adopted them and they ask why their names are not changed. Baba says: What can I do? I would change the name, but you then defame the name. You were given first-class names. You are called Prajapita Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You have to continue with your own name for the livelihood of your body and in business etc. You say that this is now your name. You still have to give your home address. It is in your intellects that you are sitting here as Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You also have Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba with you. When you see your friends and relatives outside, you remember your original names. Those names also have to be written. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to understand who you are. Then, when you go back to your households, you forget. While living there, you have to have the faith that you belong to the clan of Shiva and stay in that remembrance. This requires effort. That is why Baba writes: Keep your chart. While having worldly relatives, to continue to remember the One beyond requires effort. This is something new. They show a chariot in the Mahabharata play. They definitely speak Sanskrit verses. You should see what things they have shown and then write about them. You should have the concern to do service. You have to give the introduction: By knowing these things you will receive the knowledge of the true Mahabharat War. When Baba hears anything, he has thoughts about it. You know that those small sects and cults emerge later. When a tree reaches the end of its lifespan it has become completely dry. So, none of those of any of the other religions is going to come into the golden age. However, those who have been converted will come back from somewhere or other. Whatever is in each one's fortune is as much as each one will take. You have to understand these things yourself and then explain them to others. If you don't create subjects and don't benefit many others, what inheritance would you receive? You can tell from the faces of some people that they enjoy knowledge. If something touches their hearts, they continue to nod in agreement. Otherwise, they would continue to look here and there. Baba checks to see whether someone is unworthy or worthy. That One is the unlimited Father. This Dada also understands. He is not a buddhu. Baba sometimes even says: OK, you may consider this one to be a buddhu. It is only Shiv Baba who speaks the murli to you. So, some people think that this one doesn't know anything, that he is just like them. They have their own arrogance. They believe that they are doing service and that they are cleverer than him. They say such things; they are not far-sighted at all. This is Baba's method for making the children remember Shiv Baba. It is only by having remembrance that your sins will be absolved. There is no question of body consciousness in this. For instance, if Shiv Baba has heard some news, He is the One who gives you directions: Do service in this way; churn the ocean of knowledge. As you progress further, many sannyasis etc. will emerge. They will understand that it really is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is teaching you and that it cannot be Krishna. You will prove this to them. You can understand what is right and what is wrong. Only you understand who takes you into the wrong and who takes you into the right. No one knows that Ravan’s kingdom began with the copper age and has continued since then. You also have to explain the picture of Ravan. When did it begin? The date should be written, that Ravan is the oldest enemy. By conquering Ravan, you become conquerors of the world. The Father continues to show you many ways to do service. You continue to receive directions. Write such leaflets and distribute them widely. You will continue to receive more points with which to hit the target. Nowadays, many people go to see plays. It is dirty to become impure. All are impure. They become pure and then become impure. Baba says: You have dirtied your face. There are many like that. Baba understands how little strength some have to conquer Maya. Some ask Baba if they can get married. Baba then understands that that is their desire. Baba would say: You are the master; you may go to hell or go to the ocean of milk. The destination is very high. The vice of lust is not a small thing. It is very difficult. Sannyasis leave their homes and families and go away. You have to live at home with your family, have yoga with the Father and claim your full inheritance. You have to make a lot of effort. There is a lot of attainment. Sannyasis become pure and so even great presidents etc. go and bow down to them. Look at the difference between those who are pure and those who are impure. People make effort and become MPs etc. Everything depends on effort. They ask: Is effort greater or is the reward greater? Effort is said to be greater. It is through your efforts that the reward is created. Some then think that they will make effort if they have it in their reward and that the drama will inspire them to do it. They think in that way and sit down and do nothing! The first and main thing is to give the Father's introduction. Don't waste your time in many things. If they understand just one point, make them write: I truly understand this. Unless they know the Father, they won't understand anything else. This is the first thing to grasp. If you don't believe this, then go and take your own path! You say that the incorporeal Father is the Father of all and so write: God is One and all the rest are His creation. Now, tell us who the God of the Gita is. They would say that it is the incorporeal One. How would He have spoken the Gita? Then explain to them what the relationship with Prajapita Brahma is. The human world is created through Prajapita Brahma. He adopts you shudras and makes you into Brahmins. You should make them write this down and then take their address. Then, after 10 to 15 days, write them a letter. First of all, give them the Father's introduction and bring them happiness. Write that you truly receive the inheritance from the unlimited Father. These Brahma Kumars and Kumaris show the path to the land of happiness and the land of peace. You should make them write this down and then continue to correspond with them. Only when you make this much effort can it be said that you are doing service. You should even lose your sleep in benefiting others. By your crying out to Shiv Baba and calling out to Him, Baba lost his sleep, didn't He? Therefore, He came. You children too should make effort. You should first explain these points at the exhibitions and when using the projectors. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Churn the ocean of knowledge in order to do service. Don't become tired. Create methods to benefit many.
2. While living with your worldly family, remember the Father from beyond. Make your reward elevated by making elevated effort.
May you be an experienced image who learns the lesson of seeing good and not seeing anything bad even in something that is bad.

Even if everything is bad, there must definitely be one or two good things in that. Everything has something merged in it to teach you a lesson, because everything is instrumental to make you experienced. It makes you learn the lesson of patience. Others may be forceful at that time but you are learning the lesson of patience and tolerance at that time. This is why it is said: Whatever is happening is good, and whatever is to happen will be even better. You simply need wise intellect to pick up the goodness. Do not see the bad things, but pick up the good and you will become number one.

In order to remain constantly happy and content, transform bad things into good with the power of silence.

TODAY MURLI || 25/09/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH ||(OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, race in donating the imperishable jewels of knowledge that you receive from the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge.

Question:What is the main reason for your going ahead or staying behind in the rosary?

Your following shrimat. Those who follow shrimat very well claim a number ahead, whereas those who follow shrimat well today but who, tomorrow, mix the dictates of their own minds with shrimat because of the influence of body consciousness claim a number towards the end.
O traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off.  

Om Shanti
Both Bap and Dada say: Om shanti. The original religion of the self of both of them is peace. It should emerge from us children that Om, that is, the original religion of myself, the soul, is peace. We are now going to the land of peace. Baba will first of all take us to the land of peace. Who will go first? It is as though the more you stay in remembrance, the more you race ahead. You are now becoming soul conscious. This takes a lot of effort. Ravan made you body conscious for half the cycle. The unlimited Father, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is now making you soul conscious and showing you the way to your home. Only the One who is the Master of the home can show you the way home. No human being can show you the way home; it isn't the law. Only the one Father comes and shows you the way. His name is the Remover of Sorrow, the One who liberates you from sorrow. They have been singing His praise on the path of devotion. It isn't that souls in the golden age say that the Father liberated them from sorrow and sent them to the land of happiness. No, only at this time do I explain this knowledge to you. Only at this time does knowledge continue in this part. This part then comes to an end and the reward begins. Only the one Father has the part to make impure ones pure and He plays that part every cycle. You know that you were pure for half the cycle. You then went into the kingdom of Ravan and continued to come down; the degrees continued to decrease. It is only in Bharat that there were deities who were 16 celestial degrees full, full of all virtues. They then had to take rebirth and definitely had to come down; the degrees have to decrease. However, they are not aware of this there. You have all of this knowledge in your intellects at this time. How do the pure deities become impure? Come and we will tell you the story of 84 births. This is the true story of the cycle of 84 births. Those people relate false stories. They show the duration of the cycle to be very long. By listening to this story of the cycle of 84 births, you claim the status of kings and queens who rule the globe. Sannyasis etc. do not know these deep secrets. Their religion is separate. They first take birth to their parents and so they also go to temples etc. and worship there. Then, when they have disinterest, they leave their homes and families and go away. The Father says: ‘Worthy-of-worship souls becoming worshippers’ applies to only you. It is remembered that Brahmins emerged from the mouth of Brahma and so they must surely have been adopted. This Baba was also impure at first and then he became pure. You become Brahmins and then make effort to become pure deities. The kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan is called heaven. There, there is the undivided religion where deities live in unity. There cannot be any conflict there; Maya doesn't exist there. The praise of this deity religion is sung: Full of all virtues….

When you go to the Lakshmi and Narayan Temple, tell them: This one is the true Narayan, is he not? Why is he called the truth? Because there is a lot of falsehood nowadays. Many people have the name Lakshmi-Narayan or Radhe-Krishna etc.; they have double names. In Madras, many people have very good names: Bhagat Vatsalam (Protector of the Devotees) etc. That would only be God. How could that be a human being? It is in the intellects of you children that the Supreme Father of souls, the Supreme Soul, is now sitting in front of you. If you continue to look at Baba you can understand how Baba, the Purifier, is the most Beloved. The soul says: Incorporeal Baba is speaking to us souls. The incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, comes and teaches us souls. This is not mentioned in any of the scriptures. Some people say that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, enters the body of Krishna. However, that form of Krishna only exists in the golden age. Krishna cannot exist here with that name or form. The picture of Krishna that you see is not accurate either. A photograph cannot be taken of what children see with divine vision. However, yes, it is very well known that the beautiful Shri Krishna was the first prince of the golden age. Then he became the world emperor. The kingdom begins with Lakshmi and Narayan. The era begins with their kingdom. The first era of the golden age is that of the conqueror of sin (Vikramajeet). When Shri Krishna takes birth, there are still some people remaining who have to return home. This is the confluence age to become pure from impure. The new era, the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan,starts when everyone has become completely pure and that is then called the land of Vishnu. Sustenance takes place through the dual form of Vishnu - Lakshmi and Narayan. You are now making effort to become that. You say that you make effort to claim your inheritance from the Father every 5000 years. You have to make effort very well. A teacher would understand to what extent a student can pass. You children also know to what extent you continue to have a constant and stable stage, to what extent you take the imperishable jewels of knowledge from the Father and then donate them to others. No one else can donate these imperishable jewels of knowledge. You receive these jewels of knowledge from the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. These are not physical diamonds or pearls. You children have to become donors of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Check yourself to see how much you are donating. Look how much Mama and Baba donate! The best sisters of you all also donate very well. A race is going on. As yet, no one has passed the final test. It would be said: At present, so-and-so is clever. If a rosary had to be created now, it would be very different from the earlier rosary. Those who were the fourth and fifth number beads have died. Those who were also placed in a number ahead have now gone to the back and new ones have gone ahead. Baba knows everything. That is why it is said: Only the jaggery (unrefined sugar made from the sap of palm trees) and the bag containing the jaggery know how sweet the jaggery is. Baba continues to tell you everything. Earlier, your stage was good whereas your position has now gone down because you do not follow shrimat accurately. You follow the dictates of your own minds. Anyone can ask: Baba, if I were to leave my body at this time, what would be my state? Some of these things are mentioned in the Gita; they are like a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour. Everyone continues to call out: Baba, liberate us from Ravan’s kingdom! Remove our sorrow! This is the true Haridwar (Gateway to God) where your sorrow is removed. Only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the Remover of Sorrow, is called Hari (One who removes sorrow). Shri Krishna is not that. Only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. You become the masters of the land of happiness. You become the masters of the world through the power of yoga. Theirs is physical power, physical strength, and this is why they continue to use their intellects to invent bombs. There is no question of an army here. No one in the world knows how you receive world sovereignty through the power of yoga. Only the Father comes and teaches you this yoga. The Father says: Constantly remember Me alone! I am the Ocean of Knowledge. They sing praise of Him: The Ocean of Knowledge, the Ocean of Happiness and Purity. They would never say: The Ocean of Yoga. No, it would be wrong to call Him the Ocean of Yoga. The Father is the Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier. He must definitely be raining knowledge. The first thing the Father says is: Constantly remember Me alone. To remember anyone else is ignorance. Only the Father gives you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world. He also gives you teachings for yoga. All others would give you wrong instructions for yoga. That is called physical yoga to keep the body fit. This is spiritual yoga. This Raja Yoga is not mentioned anywhere else. No one other than the Father can teach you Raja Yoga. They don't even know it. You will study this Raja Yoga and then go and rule there. There are no images of Raja Yoga. You create these pictures just to explain to others. No one can understand them just by looking at them. It has to be explained to people that this Brahma studies Raja Yoga and becomes Narayan. There is his picture beside it. To imbibe all of these things is a matter for the intellect. What would the Teacher do in this? The Teacher cannot do anything to your intellect. Some say: Open the lock on my intellect! What can Baba do? Just continue to remember Baba and study well and your intellect will open fully. Children are taught everything fully: Say Baba! Say Mama! Only when a child says this will he learn. How could he learn it without saying it? Therefore, the mouths of you children are made to open so that you can speak. You have to make effort. You have to give the Father's introduction. He is God, the Highest on High, the Creator of everyone. You all receive the inheritance of heaven from Him. Then, by your losing your inheritance in the kingdom of Ravan, it becomes hell. Deities were pure and then became impure. Then, the Purifier Father came and said: Constantly remember Me and your sins will be absolved. There is no other way. The alloy of vices can only be removed with the fire of yoga. While remembering, you will become pure and become a garland around the neck. Continue to practise speaking again and again. You mustn't just say: Baba, I am unable to speak. The more you follow shrimat and remember Baba, the higher the status you will claim. If you don't follow shrimat, your intellect will become locked and the arrow will not strike the target. The mercury of happiness will not rise. If you follow the dictates of your own mind, Baba would say that you are following Ravan's dictates. Many children are body conscious and don't study the murli. What knowledge would those who don't even study the murli give? Such a variety of new points continue to emerge. You have to make effort to become soul conscious. You also have to renounce your old body. This costume is also dead. Continue to talk to yourself in this way. No one's service can remain hidden. No weakness can remain hidden either. Maya is very devilish. She continues to make you perform many types of wrong action. If a mistake is made, instantly ask Baba for forgiveness. Remain very clean inside and out. Many have a lot of body consciousness. Baba has explained: Don't take any personal service from anyone. Prepare food for yourself. Do both spiritual and physical service. If you give someone drishti while in remembrance of Baba you receive a lot of help. Baba Himself sometimes enters and gives a lot of help in service. Those people think that they did something and they quickly become arrogant. They don't understand that Baba made them do it. Baba can enter someone and make service happen; there is then a double force there. If someone received a lift and begins to do good service, you should be happy. What is there to be jealous of in this? You must never engage yourself in thinking about others. Some people spread rumours. Even if someone says something, why should you cause more damage by relating that to others? There are many who make up lies: So-and-so is like this and like that. Never listen to such false things. If someone tells you wrong things, then hear, but don’t hear. Never spoil anyone's heart. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Remain clean and honest with the Father inside and out. If you make a mistake, instantly ask for forgiveness. Do both types of service: physical and spiritual.
2. Don’t engage yourself in thinking about others because of jealousy. If anyone tells you wrong things about others, then hear but don’t hear. Don't speak about such things and spoil the hearts of others.

May you become an image that attracts with your colour and form by imbibing the fragrance of complete purity.

By becoming Brahmins, everyone receives colour and their form too is been transformed, but the fragrance is numberwise. In order to become an image that attracts, together with having colour and beauty, they also have to have the fragrance of complete purity. Purity does not just mean celibacy, but also to be detached from the attachment to the body. Let the mind not be attached to anyone in any way except the Father. Be celibate in terms of the body, celibate in terms of your relationships and also celibate in terms of your sanskars. Only the spiritual roses who have such fragrance become images that attract.

Recognise the accurate truth and it will become easy to experience supersensuous joy.

TODAY MURLI || 24/09/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 11/01/83 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

The sign of being powerful is that your thoughts, words, actions, nature and sanskars will be equal to those of the Father.

Today, the spiritual Father has come to ask the children for news of the hearts that they have given to the Comforter of Hearts. All of you have given your hearts to the Comforter of Hearts, have you not? Now, since you have given your hearts to the one Comforter of Hearts, you can no longer give your heart to anyone else apart from Him. To give your heart to the Comforter of Hearts means to sit Him in your heart. This is known as easy yoga. The head follows the heart. Therefore, you have the Comforter of Hearts in your heart and also in your head, that is, in your awareness. It is your experience that no other awareness or person comes between you and the Comforter of Hearts? Since you have given your heart and head, that is, since you have given your awareness, thoughts and powers to the Father, what else remains? You now belong to the Father in your thoughts, words and deeds. You consider yourself to belong to the Father and you even say, "I am Baba's and Baba is mine", and, in terms of actions, whatever service you do, it is the Father's service, and so it is your service. You now belong to the Father in your thoughts, words and deeds in this way, do you not? So what margin is there now for even the slightest thought to enter? Is there a door or window left open through which any thought or attraction could enter? The way for anyone to enter is through your mind, intellect, words and actions. Check all four and see that you haven't left any margin for any of them to enter. Is there any margin? Dreams are also based on this. Once you have told the Father, "All of this is Yours", what else remains? This is called constant remembrance. You don't make any difference in speaking about it and doing it, do you? You don't mix "mine" in "Yours", do you? “Sun dynasty” means golden aged. There wouldn't be anything mixed in that, would there? The diamond has to be flawless. There isn't any flaw remaining, is there?

Whenever you speak about any weakness of thoughts, words, nature or sanskars, what do you say? This is what I think, or that is my sanskar. However, whatever the Father's sanskars and thoughts are, let your sanskars and thoughts be the same. When your thoughts and sanskars become like those of the Father, you will never say, "What can I do? My nature and sanskars are like that!" The words "What can I do?" are words of weakness. The sign of being powerful is that you will be constantly equal to the Father in your thoughts, words, actions, nature and sanskars. It cannot be that yours would be different from the Father's. There would constantly be the word "Baba, Baba" in the thoughts, words and every activity of such a soul in a natural way. Whilst performing actions, you would experience Karanhar (One who acts through others) making you do it. Since Baba is in everything, Maya cannot come. There can either be the Father or Maya. You residents of London have become conquerors of Maya for all time by saying, "Baba, Baba" and keeping Baba in your awareness. Since you are claiming the inheritance for all time, remembrance also has to be for all time. You also have to be conquerors of Maya for all time.

London is the foundation place of service. Therefore, are those who are living in the foundation place also as strong as the foundation? There aren't any complaints such as, "What can I do? How can I do this?", are there? Generally, you perform plays about Maya. In every drama, Maya, who is not meant to come, comes. Perhaps you are unable to create plays without Maya. You show many different forms of Maya, do you not? Now show a play about the transformed form of everything. You understand very clearly what the main form of Maya is. Now, after becoming conquerors of Maya, show a play about how the form of Maya has changed. Just as the body-conscious vision of lust has changed into the form of spiritual love, similarly, all the vices are transformed. So experience in a practical way what has been transformed and also show it (in the play).

What aim do you residents of London especially have for self-progress and world benefit? Let all of you especially have the awareness that you are angels and also what the form, words and actions of an angel are. You will then automatically continue to do everything as angels. Constantly maintain the awareness: "I am an angel! I am an angel!". Since you now belong to the Father and you have given Him whatever belonged to you, then what have you become? You have become light angels. In order to fulfil this aim, only remember one expression: "Everything belongs to the Father, nothing is mine!" Whenever you use the word "mine", now change it into "Yours". You will then not feel any burden. You are moving forward every year and will constantly continue to move forward. It is very firm, is it not, that you are angels who are going into the flying stage? You are not those who constantly go up and down, up and down? Achcha.

Everyone knows the praise of the residents of London. With which vision does everyone see all of you? The constant conquerors of Maya, because you are receiving powerful double sustenance. You are constantly receiving sustenance from BapDada, but you are also receiving powerful sustenance from those whom the Father has made instruments. What will you become when you follow the incorporeal, subtle and the corporeal? You will become angels, will you not? “Residents of London” means those who have no complaints and no confusion. All of you are kings and queens who have a spiritual life and self-sovereignty. You have this intoxication, do you not?

BapDada meeting Kumaris:

On seeing their fortune, kumaris remain constantly cheerful. Kumaris are considered to be elevated in their worldly life. On the path of knowledge too, you are great. You are elevated souls in your worldly life and also elevated in this spiritual life. Do you consider yourselves to be great in this way? At least say "Yes" in such a way that the world can hear it. BapDada keeps you kumaris in the treasure-store of His heart, so that no one can cast his vision on you. You are such invaluable jewels! Kumaris always keep themselves busy studying and doing service. You have found the Father in your kumari life, and so what more could you want? You didn't have to wander around in many relationships; you were saved from that. You found all relationships in the One. Otherwise, do you know how many wasteful relationships you would have had? That of a mother-in-law, various sisters-in-law. You have been saved from all of that. You neither became trapped in the trap, nor was any time spent in freeing you from it. Kumaris are double light anyway. Kumaris are constant servers, equal to the Father and also embodiments of all dharna, equal to the Father. “A kumari life” means a pure life. Pure souls are elevated souls, are they not? So BapDada sees kumaris in the form of great worthy-of-worship souls. Pure souls are loved by the Father and everyone.

Constantly keep your fortune in front of you, become powerful souls and continue to put power into service. This is great charity. Give others the attainment that you have attained. By distributing your treasures, they will increase even more. You are kumaris who have such pure thoughts, are you not? Achcha.

BapDada meeting teachers:

You are the special showpieces in the showcase of the world. Everyone's vision is on the instrument servers and teachers. You are constantly on the stage. The stage is so large, and so there are many who are watching you. Everyone expects to attain something from you instrument souls. Do you constantly have this awareness? Do you live in a centre or on the stage? You are constantly on the biggest stage in the midst of unlimited souls. So, as children of the Bestower, constantly continue to bestow and fulfil everyone's hopes and desires. Become great donors and bestowers of blessings. This is your form. While having this awareness, let every thought, word and action you perform be like that of a hero, because souls of the world are watching you. Remain constantly on the stage! Don't come down! BapDada considers the instrument servers to be His friends, because the Father is also the Teacher. Therefore, those who are instruments similar to the Father are His friends, are they not? You are such close souls. Do you constantly experience yourselves to be with the Father and close to Him? Whenever you say "Baba", He is with you with a thousand arms. Do you experience this? BapDada gives extra co-operation to those who have become instruments. Therefore, say "Baba" and call Him with a lot of intoxication and He will be present. BapDada is obedient, is He not? Achcha.

24/09/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 13/01/83
Only those who are spinners of the discus of self-realisation
claim a right to the fortune of the kingdom of the whole globe.

Do all of you consider yourselves to be spinners of the discus of self-realisation? Only those who are spinners of the discus of self-realisation claim a right to become the rulers of the globe and receive the fortune of the kingdom in the future. To be a spinner of the discus of self-realisation means to know the different parts you play throughout the whole cycle. Do all of you know this special aspect? That, throughout the whole cycle, you are special souls who play hero parts? By making your life as valuable as a diamond in this last birth you become those who play hero parts throughout the whole cycle. Are you aware of all the births you have taken in the cycle from the beginning to the end? It is at this time that you become knowledgeable. It is only at this time that you can know all your births and you can therefore now know your horoscope of 5000 years. When anyone else tells you your horoscope, that would probably be for only two, four or six births. However, BapDada has told you your horoscope for all your births. So, all of you have become master knowledge-full, have you not? You have also shown this whole account in the pictures. It is definitely because you know this that you have shown it in the pictures. Have you seen the picture of your horoscope? When you see that picture, do you feel that that is the picture of your horoscope? Or do you feel that it is just a picture to explain knowledge? You have the intoxication of being special souls throughout the whole cycle, who play parts from the beginning to the end, do you not? You have been playing your various parts with Father Brahma, the first father, and the first mother of the world throughout the whole cycle, have you not? You are those who fulfil the responsibility of love for Father Brahma throughout the whole cycle. You are not those who desire to go to the land of Nirvana, are you? What have those who haven’t seen the beginning seen? All of you have seen the beautiful scenes of the beginning of the world so many times! Do you remember very clearly that time, that kingdom, that form of yours and your life in which you are fill of everything? Or, is there a need to remind you of that? You now very clearly understand the importance of your birth of the beginning, that is, of your first life and your present last birth, do you not? The praise of both is limitless.

Just as the difference between the first deity, Adi Dev, Brahma, and the first soul, Shri Krishna, is shown and you also show them together, in the same way, let each of you keep your Brahmin form and your deity form in front of you and see how you souls have remained elevated from the beginning to the end. You will then feel great intoxication and happiness. There is the speciality of the One who is creating you and also of the one (you) who is becoming. BapDada is pleased to see both forms of all the children. Although you are numberwise, each of you souls will become a deity soul. Everyone believes the deities to be worthy of worship, elevated and great souls. Even if one of you deity souls is the last numbered soul, he is still in the list of those who become worthy of worship. You attained the fortune of the kingdom for half the cycle and you then became an elevated soul who is worthy of respect and who is worshipped for half the cycle. Even today, you can see how people worship and believe in the images of your living Brahmin form and deity form. Can anyone be more elevated than this? Stay constantly stable in the form of this awareness. You won't then repeatedly have to make effort to climb up to the stage from down below.

No matter where all of you have come from, at this time, you are all residents of Madhuban. Therefore, all of you residents of Madhuban have easily become embodiments of remembrance, have you not? It is a sign of great fortune to become a resident of Madhuban, because to enter the gates of Madhuban means to attain a blessing for all time. There is also the significance of the place. All of you are stable in the form of being residents of Madhuban who have received all blessings, are you not? You experience the stage of being complete, do you not? Someone who is an embodiment of the complete form would constantly dance in happiness and sing the Father’s praise. Keep dancing in happiness in this way so that those who see you also begin to dance in their minds in happiness, just as those in an audience watching others dancing physically also begin to feel like dancing themselves. So, keep dancing and singing in this way. Achcha.

You double-foreign children have this special chance because you are the long-lost and now-found, beloved children. When the population of double foreigners increases, what will you then do? Just as the children who are residents of Bharat have given you double foreigners a chance, so you too will give others a chance, will you not? To experience your happiness in the happiness of others is to be a great donor.

May you be free from becoming disheartened and having ego and carry out the task of renewal with humility.

Never be disheartened in your efforts. “I have to do this. It has to happen. The rosary of victory is my memorial.” Be victorious with this awareness. Do not give any space in your heart for feeling disheartened for even a second or a minute. Ego and disheartenment do not allow you to become very strong. Those who have ego often have a feeling of being insulted. So, free yourself from both of those and be humble, for only then will you be able to continue with the task of renewal.

Be seated on the throne of world service and you will then be seated on the throne of the

TODAY MURLI || 23/09/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, your bodies are not guaranteed. Therefore, do today any auspicious task you want to perform. Don't leave it till tomorrow.

Question:What is the way to make everything of yours successful, that is, to become prosperous?

Answer:Make Shiv Baba your Heir (child) and He will make you prosperous for 21 births. He is the only one who becomes everyone's Child and makes everything successful for everyone. However, some are afraid; they think that they will perhaps have to give away everything they have. Baba says: There is no question of being afraid. Continue to look after your children etc. Sustain them, but remember this Child and He will make you prosperous. If you surrender yourself to this Child, He will serve you a great deal.

Om Shanti
At this time, all the children sitting at the centres definitely understand that they are listening to the elevated versions of Shiv Baba. There isn't any other such organisation as this one. They have many branches and they too would record tapes etc. where they have their head office, where their guru would live and they would be remembering him. No one, apart from you, would be remembering the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The parlokik Father only comes at this confluence age. He sits here and gives you children His introduction and the intellects of you children develop faith and have this intoxication. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, speaks the murli at this time. It is mentioned in the scriptures that Krishna played a flute (murli) in Madhuban. Madhuban is the one main place and the murlis are sent everywhere from here. It is in people's intellects that Krishna plays the murli. It can never enter anyone's intellect that Shiv Baba speaks the murli. No one knows that. Wherever your centres open, everyone there understands that Shiv Baba plays the murli through Brahma which is then heard by all the Ganges of knowledge and it is then related to others. Their intellects remember Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba, who is called God. It is not mentioned in any scriptures that Shiv Baba speaks the murli. No matter where you children are, you understand that the murli that comes is Shiv Baba's murli. No one, apart from Shiv Baba, can teach this. The Father Himself says: Remember Me and I will give you the inheritance. Baba continues to tell you children: Constantly remember Me alone! Don't remember anyone else's name or form! You have been collecting photos of corporeal beings for birth after birth. You have also been saying special prayers (upaasna) etc. You have now stopped keeping pictures of the deities etc. Souls on the path of devotion remember the Father. Only when they become body conscious do they remember the body. The Father repeatedly says: Consider yourself to be a soul and continue to remember the Father. It is the soul that has become impure and unhappy. The soul says: I was an emperor and I have now become a pauper. You have now remembered that you are Baba's children. We received our inheritance from the Father. The Father now says: Give everyone the Father's introduction. There is no other task as auspicious as this. You shouldn't delay doing this auspicious task. Bodies are not guaranteed, neither young ones nor old ones. Therefore, whatever you want to do, do that today. When you say, "Today, tomorrow," death will eat you up. The Father has opened such a big hospital-cum-university through which you receive health, wealth and happiness. If you have health and wealth, you are happy anyway. If a person has a body free from disease and has wealth, he is happy. Therefore, the Father says: Whoever wants to perform an auspicious task, do it now. Simply take three feet of land and open this hospital. Give everyone the Father's introduction. The Father is the Creator of heaven and so you should definitely receive the inheritance of heaven from Him. The people of Bharat did receive the inheritance. The people of Bharat would easily be able to understand these things. They have temples for their search for God. Those of the Arya Samaj don't believe in the deities. This is why they believe that all of these pictures that have been created are false. There will continue to be many obstacles. It is very easy to explain this. The Father's orders are: Engage yourself to Me quickly. Only by engaging yourself to Me can you claim a right to the inheritance. The Father is the spiritual Surgeon. You are called His children, and so you too are all surgeons. You definitely have to give the injection of knowledge to souls. Manmanabhav! This is the biggest injection of all. All your sorrow is removed by having remembrance of Baba. You become charitable souls through yoga. Yoga is the only medicine. When a son is born and goes into his father's lap, he becomes a master of the inheritance. You now know that you are claiming your inheritance from the unlimited Father by having remembrance. It is in remembrance that there are many types of obstacle. This is why you have to continue to make remembrance firm. Simply take three feet of land and open this hospital. This is three feet of land, is it not? Otherwise, for such an important college, you would need 50 to 60 acres of land where people can come and study and take the injection of knowledge. It is remembered that they didn't even have three feet of land and yet they became the masters of the world. You are becoming the masters of the world, are you not? To have three feet of land is not a big thing. Then, it will gradually continue to grow. After the foundation was laid, so many centres were then opened. So many change from shells into diamonds. Those who do this then experience a lot of benefit. Hospitals and colleges are opened to benefit many others. It is the same here. Put up a board outside: Clinic for health and wealth for 21 births. In Hindi, it would be said: Clinic for 100% purity, peace and happiness. However, some children don't have any interest in doing service. The web of family and relatives is said to be like a spider's web. They themselves become trapped in the web. The Father comes and removes you from the spider's web of Ravan. This would not be said of the golden age. Here, too, people create their own web and die in it. This is Ravan's kingdom. Ravan’s web is so big it is over the whole world; all are sitting in the cottage of sorrow. All sages and holy men are trapped in Ravan's web. The Father says: Now, forget all of them. Have the faith that you are a soul and continue to show everyone this path. No one else can tell you this secret of the world cycle. The Father says: Renounce all of them and constantly remember Me alone. Only by having remembrance will all your sins be absolved. You mustn't delay carrying out an auspicious task. They also give examples of how, by delaying a task, a person dies before being able to carry it out. Then, when that soul is invited to take the bhog that is offered to him, he cries a great deal. It is then said: Look, you delayed everything. While you were saying "Today, tomorrow" death ate you up. You are then not able to take knowledge. Such complaints are then made. Many children think: OK, I will do this tomorrow, but then they die. This is why it is explained that you have to renounce attachment. Worldly relatives are not going to benefit you. Shiv Baba has now become your Child. He says: Make Me your Heir and I will serve you a great deal. This is why Baba asks: How many children do you have? If you make Me, Shiv Baba, your Child, you will become very prosperous for 21 births. A kumari goes to her home. They are so anxious to have a son. If someone doesn't have a son, he sometimes gets married two or three times. The Father says: Your physical children will not serve you at all. This One becomes your real Child. He makes everything of everyone successful. However, some people are afraid that they will have to give away everything they have. What will happen? The Father says: You have to look after your children etc., but you have to remember this Child. This One will make you prosperous. People go to the temple at Kashi and sacrifice themselves. They believe that by sacrificing themselves to Shiva, they will receive liberation-in-life. In fact, that applies here. They have attributed something of one time period to another. If you surrender yourselves to that Child, He will serve you a great deal. He will give you a palace in heaven. Those sons will not do anything for you; at the most they will feed the brahmin priests! Whatever people donate and whatever charity they perform, they do it for themselves. Therefore, to open this hospital etc. is such great charity! Wealthy people can open 10 to 15 hospitals. All their wealth etc. will also be destroyed. You can rent a building and open 50 hospitals with just 50,000 rupees. They will then be able to sustain themselves. The Father is showing you such easy methods to do service. Go to the banks of the Ganges and serve everyone there. Stick Baba's introduction on your back (on a piece of paper). People will read it by themselves. Renounce body consciousness! If a wealthy person does this, people would say: Wonderful! That one doesn’t have any body consciousness at all! You have to give the Father's introduction. The Father is the Creator of heaven, and so why are we sitting in hell? The Father has now come and He says: Renounce all bodily relations and remember Me alone. How did Bharat become hell from heaven? How did Lakshmi and Narayan take 84 births? Come and we shall tell you this story. Then, so many people would gather together. People consider the River Ganges and the River Jamuna to be the Purifier. If the Ganges is the Purifier, then at least decide between the two! You children have now understood the drama, and so you have to explain to others. If you don't enlighten others, who would say that your intellects are enlightened? If a surgeon is unable to give an injection, who would call him a surgeon? You children have been completely enlightened. You have the secrets of 84 births in your intellects. You know this drama and the acts of the actors. The act of the Father is the highest on high. He plays His part with the children. You are making Bharat into heaven, but you are incognito. This is the incognito, non-violent, Shiv Shakti Army. Everything of theirs is physical. So many people go to the Kumbha melas. Here, you have nothing physical. You are on your pilgrimage while sitting, standing and moving around. You are becoming pure by having remembrance. Baba says: Continue to remember Shiv Baba while performing actions. They say that God is in everyone. So, there is a difference. The Father says: Wherever you sit, remember Me. You then also have to do service. So many devotees go to the temples. Simply put this picture on your back and continue to give the Father's introduction. He shows you many methods. Go to the cremation grounds and explain there. Explain the praise of the incorporeal Father and the praise of Shri Krishna and ask: Now, tell me who the God of the Gita is. You should also have pictures with you. You can do a lot of service. If a female does this or a kumari does this, it is her great fortune. Kumaris are the best of all. Kanhaiya (the Father of the Kumaris) is the incorporeal One. Kanhaiya was not Krishna, but the Father. The Father is concerned about how to teach you children. According to the drama, I explained it in the same way in the previous cycle and I am also explaining again today. Therefore, you too should become sticks for the blind. Children who receive the introduction also bring others. That too accumulates charity. Keep an account with yourself. Whatever you do, you will receive the fruit of that. If you bring others, they too can experience a lot of benefit. You children should pay a lot of attention to this business. What will you receive if you don't do service? Service, service, and service! You even say that you are on God's service. You can also serve everyone at home. The Father teaches you: Never allow your children to indulge in vice. If they don't obey you, then they are disobedient. If you give them money and they use it to commit sin, then that sin is accumulated on your head. Baba advises you. However, there are many who do something and then tell the Father about it. He shows you children many different ways of doing service. You children only have to do this business. Continue to do this service on trains too and the Father will be pleased and you will also receive the inheritance of constant happiness for your future 21 births. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Maya has woven a very big web. Therefore, remove yourself from that web by remembering the Father. Engage yourself in carrying out an auspicious task. Don't trap yourself in the web of any bodily being. Remove your attachment from everyone.
2. Give others the enlightenment of knowledge that you have received. Renounce body consciousness and do service in many different ways. Become a stick for the blind.

May you be souls who are embodiments of success, who receive good fruit from the seed of good thoughts.

Every thought for the self and for others will be successful for the souls who are embodiments of success. They achieve success in their every action. Whatever words they speak become practical and this is why they are said to be true versions. Every thought, word and deed of souls who are embodiments of success are successful; they are not wasteful. If the seed of thought is very good, but the fruit that emerges from it is not, then the land of determined thought is not good or there is a lack of attention.

To be free from any wave of sorrow means to perform every deed as a karma yogi.

TODAY MURLI || 22/09/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, you have the Father's order to listen to only the one Father. By listening to the imperishable jewels of knowledge, your ears will become sweet.

Question:What enlightenment have you children received by having knowledge of the drama?

You have been enlightened with the knowledge that each soul has received his own individual part in this unlimited drama. The part of one cannot be the same as that of another. Your intellects are aware that not all days can be the same. In the drama of 5000 years, not even two days can be the same. This drama is eternally predestined and it repeats identically. If you constantly have the awareness of the drama, you continue to move along in a stage of ascending.

SongThe Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths.
Om Shanti
This is the unlimited, happy gathering of the unlimited, true Father. The Father comes when the gathering is very big. The Father comes when all souls have come down here. There may be a few souls up above, but they too will come down here. It has been explained to you who Baba is. First of all, always relate Baba's praise. He is the true, unlimited Father. He is the true, unlimited Teacher and the true, unlimited Satguru. This is the praise of just the One. You should remember this firmly. Always take Shiv Baba's name. When people are counting, they refer to a zero as Shiva. The unlimited Father is Shiva and He is the unlimited Teacher. He gives us the explanation of the three aspects of time: the beginning, the middle and the end. There is history and geography. Who used to rule in the golden age? Over what area did they rule? You would say that, in the golden age, the deities ruled the whole world. It has been shown who used to rule and where. Those from Baroda would rule over Baroda. Here, everything is divided into pieces. It is not like that there. There, you are the masters of the whole world; there are no other religions there but why wouldn’t there be kings? Each one will receive his own inheritance. The first and main thing is that the Highest on High, Shiv Baba, who is the true, unlimited Father is also the One who gives you unlimited teachings. He explains to you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world and makes you trikaldarshi. No one in the world is trikaldarshi or could know the Creator or the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. He is the unlimited Satguru. He is also the Guide who will take everyone back home with Him. All others are physical guides whereas that One is spiritual. You also heard in the song: You went around all four pilgrimage places birth after birth. There are pilgrimages everywhere. They went around in all directions, but the devotees were still not able to find God. God comes at this time. He is called the Purifier. Our Baba comes into Bharat to make the iron age into the golden age. He makes the people of Bharat into the masters of diamond-like heaven once again. Because of not knowing such a Father, sages and holy men say that God is omnipresent. You children say that the Father has made you belong to Him through the mouth of Brahma. We belong to God's family. You belong to the clan of Shiva and you then become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You are called the eternal children. Souls are imperishable and the Father is imperishable. A soul sheds a body and takes another. The deities were satopradhan and then went through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. When the alloy of vices was mixed into them, souls became tamopradhan. Alloy becomes mixed into souls; it isn't that souls are immune to the effect of action. It is the soul that becomes a charitable or a sinful soul. Tell them: Listen to only that which we tell you. We don't want to listen to anyone else. The Father's orders are: Don't listen to anyone else. Whatever you say, it would only be something from the scriptures and we have been listening to those for birth after birth. We have been stumbling since then. Only the One is the unlimited Father. Would we listen to such a Father or to you? We are going to tell you something, not listen to you. Explain to them that there are so many Brahma Kumars and Kumaris of Prajapita Brahma and so they must surely be brothers and sisters. You receive the Grandfather's inheritance through Brahma. How could you receive the Grandfather's inheritance without the father? Many say that they will claim it directly from the Grandfather; but how would they receive it? How could they receive the Grandfather's inheritance without becoming Brahma Kumars and Kumaris? All the grandsons and granddaughters are to receive their right. How could there be the Grandfather without the father? The first thing is the Father's introduction. The God of the Gita is the unlimited true Father. He gives us unlimited teachings. The Father explains and makes it very easy for the old mothers. This is the confluence age when the Father sits here and makes impure ones pure. This is called the extreme depths of hell. The whole world is the river of poison; it isn’t that there is any other river of water. This is also called the ocean of poison. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Ocean of Knowledge whereas Ravan is the ocean of poison. Rivers of vices flow from him. At this time, the devilish community are floundering in the ocean of poison; there is nothing but sorrow. Only a handful out of multimillions will understand these things. Some people become very good, they are then amazed and then run away. They say that they are becoming the masters of heaven and then they run away! Not everyone becomes victorious on a battlefield. On both sides, some would be killed and others would be victorious. Yes, a very strong person would kill more people. More of the weak ones die. Here, too, weak ones are the ones who die instantly. Here, you are battling with Ravan. When you are defeated by lust, you are very badly hurt. There is boxing. Some become unconscious and then make a sound. Some are even then able to get up and become alert. Here, too, when you are hurt by lust, you would get a very strong shock. Your face would have been dirtied. Not as much is said about anger as is said about lust. That is your greatest enemy; it causes you a lot of sorrow. Many have become unhappy through the sword of lust. It is through the vice of lust that souls become impure. Guru Nanak also said: God washed the dirty impure clothes. The Father comes and washes the clothes. Those are now your old bodies. Each one has received his or her own part. No two people's parts can be the same. This is a drama. Not all days are the same. This drama is 5000 years, and so how many days would there be? No two days can be the same! This cycle then repeats identically after 5000 years. This is the eternal drama and the play continues to be played second by second. It continues to repeat over and over again. There is such a vast difference between the iron age and the golden age. You children have now been enlightened as to what happens there and what happens here. Your stage of ascending begins now. The Father says: Make a donation and the eclipse of the vices will be removed. This is something so straightforward. The Father takes the donation of your vices from you and look what He gives you in return! You give Him shells and, in return, He gives you jewels of knowledge. The Father is called the Jewel Merchant and the Businessman. This is also the Father's part. The soul is so tiny and has so much strength. He has so much knowledge. To give this knowledge is also eternally predestined in the drama. He will give you this knowledge again after a cycle. This drama is never going to end. The part of 84 births in the soul is a wonder: such a tiny soul has such a big part recorded within him. These are very deep matters. So, first of all, give the Father's introduction. He is Rup and also Basant. The incorporeal soul would surely give knowledge through a mouth and a soul would listen through ears. How else would the Ocean of Knowledge give you knowledge? He definitely has to speak it through the mouth of Brahma. Neither Vishnu nor Shankar can give knowledge. Only the incorporeal One is called the Ocean of Knowledge. You become the Ganges of knowledge through Him. There is just the one Ocean. Only the Father gives you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama. In the golden age there were the sun-dynasty kings and there were eight kingdoms. Then, those of the sun dynasty became the moon dynasty. Only you Brahmins have this knowledge. You are mouth-born Brahmins. The Father of all is One. Those brahmins are a creation born through vice whereas you are the mouth-born creation. They go on physical pilgrimages and then return home. We have only one pilgrimage. Only once do we go on the pilgrimage to the land of immortality and we won't then return to this land of death. Heaven is called the land of immortality. There are no pilgrimages there; there is no performing devotion there. This is the night of Brahma in which everyone stumbles along in devotion. They went around in all directions and yet always remained distant. They didn't find the Father who makes you into the masters of heaven. You call out: O Purifier, come! Come and purify us! So why do you go and bathe in the Ganges? How would that purify you? If they can be purified by the Ganges, why do they call out to the Purifier? So many hundreds of thousands of people go and bathe in the Ganges. The Purifier and the Bestower of Salvation for All is One. All the rest is the stumbling of devotion. You should ask these questions tactfully and they would understand that you are asking them logical questions. Since you call out to the one Purifier, why do you wander around to so many? The Father says: I come to purify you and make you into the masters of heaven. Therefore, you should have a lot of internal happiness that Baba is purifying you and giving you the inheritance of heaven. Lakshmi and Narayan were truly the masters of heaven. They received their inheritance from Baba. You can tell them: Surely, Lakshmi and Narayan, who were the masters of heaven, would also definitely have had subjects. At the beginning of the golden age, it used to be their kingdom. You are now sitting at the confluence age. Here, it is the rule of the people by the people. Destruction is just ahead. The Father comes at the confluence of the cycles. Only the Father comes and teaches you easy Raja Yoga. You receive liberation-in-life whereas all the rest receive liberation. Bharat was the land of happiness; it is now the land of sorrow. The deity religion doesn't exist now. It has to be established again. You children study Raja Yoga and are claiming your fortune of the kingdom. You are changing from thorns into flowers. Here, all are thorns. People continue to prick one another, that is, they continue to use the sword of lust. Baba is now making you into flowers and so you have to stop pricking one another. Have courage! Those with courage are able to stand up. When Baba sees that someone has good courage and never falls, He gives refuge to such a courageous child. Nevertheless, you shouldn't remember your husband or children etc. In the beginning, you had a furnace. Not all bricks are baked properly in a furnace. Here, too, you become ready in the furnace, numberwise, according to the effort you make. The Father says: Many types of obstacle will continue to come to this sacrificial fire of knowledge, exactly as they did in the previous cycle. Some children are disobedient and don’t listen to Baba at all. They then sulk that is, they sulk with their fortune and are unable to make their fortune elevated. Because of body consciousness they continue to follow their own dictates. You have to follow shrimat at every step. Shrimat is given through Brahma. It isn't that He will give it to anyone through inspiration. If it were like that, what would be the need for Him to enter this one and create so many children? Some very good old children believe that they will take everything directly from Shiv Baba. They have a lot of body consciousness. Therefore, remember firmly that our true, unlimited Baba is the One who has come to give us the unlimited inheritance. The unlimited inheritance means Baba makes you become Narayan from an ordinary man. There, you have both health and wealth and so there is happiness. Here, someone has health, but no wealth. Some have wealth and not good health. If someone doesn't have children, he would adopt someone else's. None of these things exist there. There, they would definitely have one son. This is the land of sorrow. From Ravan you receive the curse of sorrow. The Father comes and gives you your inheritance. Here, the mouths of you children are sweetened every day. At the centres, it is only on Thursdays that your mouths are sweetened. Here, your ears are sweetened as well as your mouths. Souls listen to this imperishable knowledge through the ears. Souls see through the eyes and eat with their mouths and so are able to taste the food. You have to become soul conscious. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. Become a flower and give everyone happiness. Don’t prick anyone like a thorn. Never disobey the Father. Never sulk.
2. Follow the Father's shrimat at every step. Don't follow the dictates of your own mind. Don't become body conscious and thereby disobedient.

May you be unshakeable and immovable and remain free from any upheaval of “Why” or “What” by applying a tilak of the three dots at amrit vela.

BapDada always says: Every day at amrit vela, apply a tilak of the three dots. You are a dot, the Father is a dot and whatever has happened and whatever is happening, it is nothing new, and so a full stop is also a dot. To apply a tilak of the three dots means to maintain your awareness. Then, throughout the day, you will remain unshakeable and immovable. The upheaval of “Why” and “What” will finish. Whenever anything happens, put a full stop at that time. Nothing new: whatever had to happen, whatever is happening, observe it as a detached observer and continue to move forward.

Finish the force of any flow of waste thoughts with the power of transformation and you will become powerful.