TODAY MURLI || 20/06/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, everything the true Father tells you is true. Remain truthful to such a true Father. Let there be no falsehood or cheating in you.

What contrasts do you children understand very clearly at the confluence?

What Brahmins do and what shudras do; what the path of knowledge is and what the path of devotion is; what the battlefield of a physical army is and what your battlefield is. Only you children understand all of these contrasts. No one else understands the contrast between the golden age and the iron age.

Mother, o mother, you are the bestower of fortune for all!  
Om Shanti

This is the praise of the mothers of Bharat. There is the praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva. The praise of only one mother is not enough. Just one mother cannot do anything; definitely, a whole army is needed. How can anything happen without a whole army of them? Shiv Baba is only one. If it were not for that One, there couldn't be the mothers, there couldn't be the children, and so there would not be any Brahma Kumaris or Kumars. The majority are mothers; this is why the mothers are praised. The mothers of Bharat, the ones who are the incognito Shiv Shakti Army, are non-violent as well; they do not commit any type of violence. There are two types of violence; one is to use the sword of lust and the other is physical violence, such as shooting, getting angry, killing etc. At this time, all physical armies commit both types of violence. Nowadays, they even teach women how to use guns, etc. Those mothers are of a physical army, whereas these mothers are of the divine community, of the spiritual army. They learn how to do drill etc. You perhaps would never have gone onto a battlefield. They make a lot of effort. They even indulge in the vice of lust. There are scarcely any women there who do not get married. They learn a great deal in that military. Even young children are taught. That is an army and this too is an army. A great deal of detail about the army has been written in the Gita. However, only you know what happens in reality: how incognito you are, what the Shiv Shakti Army does and how you become the masters of the world. That is called the place of battle. Your battlefield is incognito. This stage is called the battlefield. Previously, women did not go onto a battlefield. It can be compared to everything here. There are women in both armies, but the majority there are men whereas the majority here are women. There is this contrast. This is the last contrast between the path of knowledge and the path of devotion. There is nothing of contrast in the golden age. Baba comes and shows the contrast between that which Brahmins do and that which shudras do. Both are here on the battlefield. It is not a question of it being in the golden age or the iron age; this is a question o

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