TODAY MURLI || 07-06-17 AM: Murali Om Shanti "Bapadada" Maduban || HINDI || (OM SHANTI)

"Sweet Child- To give Swarajya Tilak for 21 births, remember the Father of the body, including the body, remember one Father."
questionsWhat are the wishes of the poor children, the father is happy, what opinion do they give?

answerThe poor children - who succeed in the service of Baba, who have their thakor (cows), collect their fortune for future 21 births, Baba is also very happy with this syllable of those children. Baba again gave firstclass opinion to such children - children you become trustees. Do not think of yourself. Become a trustee and take care of the kids, etc. By the knowledge you improve your life, become the king of kings.

song: I've been waking up the fate ...   
Om Shanti

Children listened to two letters. Children have understood that we have come here to make a fortune for the new world. I want to make a fortune. Children know that there is Shrimat, Mahamantra is available, Manmavanabha. The letter is not Who give this mantra? It is also the ocean of high to high and voting. They get their opinion only once. What has happened once in the drama happens after 5000 years. Fleet is crossed with this same Mahamantra. Only the father-in-law comes back once and gives Mrs. Who is the transcendent? Param Pita Parmatma takes the holy world from the transition to the pure world. He is called a transcendent, Sadgat Dada. You are sitting in front of them. Know that he is all ours. The high to the height is our destructor. You are sure, this Mahamantra is received, by the father of a lot. He is father A formless and a realization. Children also remember, The father also remembers Kalp-Kalpak only tells his children. Father says that the mantra is the same for all the goodness and it is the only one to give. Satguru is the only one giving up the mantra. You know we have come here to make a fortune for your Sukhdham. Sukhdham Satyug is called, it is misery. Those who create Brahmin, they give mantra to Shivababa Brahma. Of course, if you do not have to come in reality, otherwise you will not have to. It is said that Kalp-Kalp will give you this Mahamantra- Mamekam. Forget all the religions of the body, sacrifice and body of the body. After understanding the body, then the body, uncle, mama, guru gausai, etc. all remember. It is also said that you have died in the world. I say to your father, 'I am giving you my mantra'. Understand your soul, Become uneasy. Leave the body's attention. Here are body-proud In Satyuga are self-arrogant At this confluence you also become self-conceited and become a believer who knows God. The believer is called those who know the Supreme Lord and His creation. Theists are not in Kaliyuga, nor are they in Satyug, only at the confluence. After getting the verses from the Father, they again rule in Satyuga. The talk of the atheist and the believer here goes, there is no moving. Theistic Brahmins are formed, who were previously atheists. At this time the whole world is atheist. No one knows the father or father's creation. Let the omnipresent say You have to work only with a very father of children. They get their shrimat or offer it. It is said that children do not remember whom to forget the body, including the body. Remember my Father, understand your soul. This is called Mahamantra, Which makes your fate You get Swarajya Tilak - for 21 births. That's only available Gita is the only man to become Narayan, to become a god from man You children know this world is changing. Are making futures for the new world. It's a dead body. Here's how the fate of humans is. Their name is misery. Who said this? The soul Now you become self-proud. The soul says that it is a sadness. Our paramhadham is that where baba lives. Now the father narrates knowledge and makes the fate. Father gives a saint, remember me. Listen to any bodyguard, But remember, do me a favor. If you listen, it will definitely be from the body. Brahmakumar-virats will also tell from the mouth that remember the transcendent. The disorder that is on your head is to be consumed only by memory. Be healthy. You are sitting in front of your father. You know, Baba has come to make a fateful and very comfortable way. Says Baba forgets. He is not ashamed! The cosmic father who makes you fall, remembers them and this worldly father makes you pure. Remember Mamekam, then destruction will be destruction. Forget them Baba. Father says I have come to make you the temple worthy. You know, India was a pagoda - we used to rule and then we came to worship in our root images. We were a god, Have forgotten it. Your Mama Baba, who was a goddess goddess, was then a priest. This knowledge is in intelligence. The flag is also shown in the main. Sanatan was goddess-goddess etc. in the first foundation, is no longer. Satyuga was 5 thousand years ago, now it is Kaliyuga. After Kali Yuga, Satyuga is coming. Of course, the giver of shrimat has to come. The world must change, of course. Keep on scolding. Do not move the flick so quickly. There are obstacles. They get stuck in different names. Father says do not be trapped Be in good family life, remember the Father and be holy. Lord Shiva - The work is Mahashtru. Even further, the God of Geeta said - still say again. The God of Geeta must have won a victory over the work. One is Ravana Rajya, second is Ram Rajya. Ramrajya day, Raavan state night Father says now it is to end the Ravana kingdom, There are all preparations for this. You will take the father after reading and then you should have the state. The state will do little on this degenerate earth. Shivababa has no legs, who has legs here. The feet of the gods can not come in this fallen world. You know we are becoming God. Then come in India only. But the creation will change from Kaliyug to Satyuga. Now you are becoming the best. Many children say Baba hurricane. Father says you forget your father. Do not walk on the father's opinion Get the opinion of the best and the best father - Children, do not be bitter. You have one to teach. He says, remember Mamekam. Do not miss their chariots too. Rathi and Rathwan It does not matter if the horse carriage. Is it given sitting knowledge in it? Nowadays it's aeroplane ride. Signs are absolutely loud. Maya's Pump is a big boost. What are the precisions of one to two at this time. Prime Minister of the Falani place came, Got respect. 15 After every day they take off again. Badshahs have trouble too. Are afraid. How much intuitive knowledge do you get? You are not too poor, even if you are poor. Trustee- Baba, it's all yours. Baba says well you too be a trustee. If you understand yourself, then it is not your sympathy. To go to Shrimat. Those who are trustees will run on Shrimat. You are poor, you think it's a terrible thing to devour everything to Baba. Baba again gives firstclass opinion. Have to handle the children too. At this time you get the knowledge, which will improve your future and become the king of kings. Then there is also the duty of father to give opinion. Remember the Father, the compassion should come. Who has to protect from falling into the ditch. It has to walk with a bigger device. Gooseberry, Pootna, Ajjamil, Duryodhana is all these names now. Right now, the scene will be after that again. The same father comes face to face and gives knowledge. Deities get manuscript from man. You have arrived 5 thousand years ago to find the correct versa. Even before the great battles were fought. He holds the same from them. Father well describes the deity post from man. You have come to take verses from the Father, Brahma or Jagat Amba or BK. Do not meet Versa. They also take Versa from the Father. Also explain to others. You too become the children of the world, take them verses from them. Everyone says differently, kids remember me. It looks like a direct arrow. Father says you have to take children from me. Any friends, etc. should die, verses you have to take from father. There is a lot of happiness in it. Hey come to make a fortune, You know, Baba now makes us the owner of heaven again. So they have to hold the manners. Avoid disorders. We are becoming a pure sectarian. Understanding drama and chandra is no problem, it is simple to simple. Still say Baba forgot The ghost has come. Baba says, remove these ghosts. Look at the heart mirror - we are worth it! Narayan is to become a Narayana from the male. Father explains: Sweet and sweet children, you have come to be fortunate. Right now all are unfortunate Indians were fortunate enough, how many moneylenders were. It is a matter of India. Father says you think of yourself as soul - because if you have to come to me, then the end will become speedy. Now the drama is complete, we went to that. Measures also. Free of all sins, will become virtuous souls. There was a world of virtuous souls, which is being re-established. The old world is new. Understand- India was ancient, Heaven was. Heavenly God Father created the haven. When did he come Come on this time only. This is called the time of the arrival of the welfare parent. This is how big Ravan's community is. How little is the sampradaya of Ram? Keep looking at the increase here The children will continue to bring verses from the father again. Explaining the exhibition or the projector. There is a lot to do now. Father says, Ladies - this is a drama. But what will happen till this time is called a concert drama. The father says in the dance drama - I am also. Children, I have to come in the fallen world too. Leave the perfect light, how do I come here, for the children? Doctors do not run away from the disease of plague. They have to come. Sings are also transient, come clean, redeem 5 disorders, that is, liberate, that is, librett. Misery Take us from Khadham to Sukhdham. God Is Liberator He is also the Liberator of the Survey, and the guides take it back and then come back to number one. If the Suryavanshi then Chandravanshi, then Dwapar will start, then you become a priest. Sage also goes that the deities have gone on the left path. Left path pictures also show. Right now you think of practical - we were gods, how easy it is to understand and understand. It should be well-held in intelligence. Now you have come to make your children a fate. Here I sit in front of Father. The rest of the teachers are numbered. Here, from the mouth of Prajapita Brahma, God has given the essence of all the Vedas scriptures. At first Brahma will listen Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar have been shown in microscopy. Now Vishnu is the master of Satyuga and Brahma is Sangamayuga's. Brahma should not be here, when Brahmin becomes God again. This is the Rudra Knowledge Yagya. Further Yajna was created, in it all the world would be swaha, All will end. You children will come here again in the new world. good! 

Sweet and sweet girls remembrance of parents and Father of Father's Day and gooding. Greetings to the children of the Ruhani father.
The main essence for perception:

1) To remove ghosts from inside, to become Narayana from Narayana, heart is to see in the mirror, where are we worth.
2) To remember your soul, it is impossible to remember the father. Do not be conscious of body- it is to practice.
To become the official of all treasures, master Danta Bhav

It is said - get one thousand two, the destruction is less than giving the treasure, the indestructible treasure grows by giving it. But it can only give what is booming itself. So master donor i.e. the master donor i.e. myself rich and rich They were inebriated that the father's treasure is my treasure. Those whose memories are true, all earnings are automatic, there is no need to demand or complain.


Make your position immovable, then you can see the scene of last destruction.

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