TODAY MURLI || 23/08/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, there is very little time left. Therefore, do spiritual business.The best business is to remember the Father and your inheritance.Everything else is false business.

QuestionWhat concern should you children have?

AnswerHow to reform souls who have been spoilt, to liberate everyone from sorrow and to show them the path to happiness for 21 births and to give everyone the Father's true introduction. You children should be concerned about all of this.

SongNo one is unique like the Innocent Lord. 

Om Shanti
The Innocent Lord explains the meaning of ‘Om shanti’ to you children. He Himself says “Om shanti” and you children also say “Om shanti”. This is giving your own introduction, which is: I, the soul, am an embodiment of peace, a resident of the land of peace. Our Father is also the Resident of that place. On the path of devotion too, they say, "Baba, Baba!" Although people sing this, they follow the dictates of Ravan. The dictates of Ravan spoil human beings. The Father comes and reforms that which has been spoilt. There is one Ravan and one Rama. The five vices all together are Ravan. Ravan establishes his own kingdom, that of our sitting in the cottage of sorrow. That one spoils everyone and this One reforms everyone. Ravan cannot be considered to be a human being. However, he is portrayed as representing the five vices of man and the five vices of woman. In Ravan’s kingdom, both have vices. You know that you also had five vices in you. We are now becoming viceless by following shrimat. We are reforming that which has been spoilt. Just as the Father reforms everything of everyone that has been spoilt, so children too should be just as eager to reform that which has been spoilt. All human beings continue to spoil one another. Only the one Father reforms everything that has been spoilt. Just as you have been reformed, so you should also have the same concern to help unhappy souls. Only the worthy children can fulfil the eagerness that the Father has. The intellects of you children should be eager to reform that which has been spoilt. You should explain to your friends and relatives. Also show them the path. Make unhappy human beings happy for 21 births, because after all they are your brothers and sisters. They are very unhappy and peaceless. We are claiming our inheritance from the Father and so you should think about how to go and explain to others and give lectures. Go to every home and to the temples. The Father gives you directions: You can do a lot of service in the temples. There are many devotees. Many people go to a Shiva temple out of blind faith. They go with one or another desire within themselves. They don't understand that Shiva is their Father. He is praised so much and so, surely, He must have done something before He went back. Why do they go to a Shiva temple? Why do they go on pilgrimages to Amarnath? Brahmin priests and sannyasis take many pilgrims there. That is the business of the path of devotion; they won't be reformed through that. Only the Father, the Innocent Lord, comes and reforms everything that has been spoilt. He is the Creator, the Master of the World, but He doesn't become that Himself. He makes you children the masters. However, He is the highest and you are receiving the inheritance from Him. It should enter your hearts about how you can go and show your brothers and sisters this path. You feel mercy when you see someone unhappy and diseased. The Father says: I will now make you so happy and you will not be diseased for half the cycle. You children should also show others the way to the land of happiness. Those who are concerned about doing service will not be able to stay in one place; they would understand that they should go and show someone the path to the land of happiness. Baba challenges you a great deal. If the imperishable jewels of knowledge have been imbibed fully, you can benefit many. There is no need for money in establishing this kingdom. Those people continue to fight and quarrel among themselves by following Ravan’s dictates. We are snatching our kingdom back from Ravan. The kingdom of Rama (God) can only be received from Rama (God). The kingdom of Rama begins in the golden age. How can the kingdom of Rama exist here in the iron age? This is Ravan’s kingdom and everyone is unhappy. You can explain this to everyone. First of all, explain to those who are poor and to businessmen. Important people say that they are too busy or that they don't have time. They believe that they are making Bharat into heaven and they continue to make plans. However, you know that no one except Shiv Baba can create heaven. Very little time now remains. You mustn't become slack in establishing the kingdom of Rama. Day and night, you should be concerned about how to liberate someone from sorrow. It should enter the hearts of you children how to show the path to your brothers and sisters. Everyone now follows Ravan’s dictates. The Father is the Father and He comes and gives you children your inheritance. People go to court and say: I shall tell the truth considering God to be present everywhere. However, if He is omnipresent, then to whom do they pray? They don't know anything. The Father repeatedly explains to you: Awaken your friends and relatives! You children have to become very sweet. Let there not be the slightest trace of anger. However, not all children are able to become like that. Maya catches hold of many children by their nose. No matter how much you explain, they just don't listen. The Father also understands that it may take time before everyone becomes engaged in the Father's service very well. One also has to have the interest to go to Baba and say: Baba, send me on service. I will go and benefit others. However, they don't say anything. The children's business is to relate the true Gita. There are just the two words: Alpha and beta. Baba has explained this method to you very well. The first thing is: What is your relationship with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul? The name, ‘Prajapita Brahma Kumaris,’ is written down below. Baba shows you a very new method and tells you very easy things. Baba is eager for such boards to be put up. Baba gives you directions. The Father is called the Merciful and Blissful One. Therefore, you children also have to become merciful like the Father. There are very big treasures in these pictures. They have the art in them of showing you how to become the masters of heaven. The Father continues to show you many methods. He invented them in the previous cycle and has invented them now too. It would touch people that this is something very good. We will definitely receive our inheritance from the Father. Also write: You have a right to the inheritance of heaven. Come and understand this. This is a very easy thing. Simply make such boards and put them up in prominent places. Put up boards in 10 to 20 places. You can also advertise this. These words will touch the children who have become separated from us. They would say: Let me at least go and find out what they are explaining. It should also be written: By understanding this riddle you can attain liberation and liberation-in-life in a second. The Father says: If you want to create your life, do service! Come to the Ocean to be refreshed and then do service. You have been stumbling around for half the cycle on the path of devotion. Here, you have to know the Father in a second and claim your inheritance. It is now everyone’s stage of retirement; death is just ahead. This is the best business of all. All the other business that people do is false. Simply do the one business of remembering the Father and the inheritance. Go to colleges and explain to the principals so that those who study there can also understand. You are claiming your inheritance so easily! Remember the Father as much as possible. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Become very, very sweet. Remove even the slightest trace of anger. Become merciful like the Father and remain engaged in service.
2. Death is just ahead. It is now your stage of retirement. Therefore, remember the Father and the inheritance. Use everything of yours in a worthwhile way to do the service of making Bharat into the kingdom of Rama.


May you be a master creator who celebrates perfection by keeping your unlimited rights in your awareness.

At the confluence age you children receive the inheritance, your source of income on the basis of your study and also blessings. Take every step while keeping all three forms of this right emerged in your awareness. Now, the time, matter and Maya are waiting to bid you farewell. You master creator children simply have to celebrate perfection and they will bid you farewell. Look in the mirror of knowledge to see what you would become if destruction were to take place at this moment.


Keep a balance at every moment and in every action and you will automatically receive blessings from everyone

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