TODAY MURLI || 31/08/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, if you want to become the masters of heaven, promise the Father that you will become pure and definitely become His helpers, that you will be His worthy child.

QuestionFor whom does a tribunal sit at the end in order for them to clear their accounts?

AnswerWho would file a case against those who kill so many with bombs in anger? This is why a tribunal sits for them at the end. Everyone settles their own karmic accounts and returns home.

QuestionWho becomes worthy of going to the land of Vishnu?

Answer: 1) Those who live in the old world and yet do not attach their hearts to it. It remains in their intellects that they must now definitely become pure because they are to go to the new world. 2) It is this study that makes you worthy of going to the land of Vishnu. You study in this birth and receive a status in your next birth from this study.
You are the Mother and Father.  

Om Shanti
The praise of the unlimited Father is sung because it is the unlimited Father who gives the inheritance of unlimited peace and happiness. On the path of devotion, they call out: Baba, come! Come and give us peace and happiness. The people of Bharat reside in the land of happiness for 21 births; all the rest of the souls stay in the land of peace. Therefore, the Father gives two types of inheritance, that of the land of peace and the other, the land of happiness. At this time, there is no happiness or peace because this world is corrupt. So, surely, the One who takes souls from the land of sorrow to the land of happiness is needed. The Father is also known as the Boatman. He is the One who takes souls from the ocean of poison to the ocean of milk. You children understand that, because time is now coming to an end, the Father will first take us to the land of peace. This is an unlimited play. Who is the highest-on-high Creator, Director and principal Actor in this play? The Highest on High is God. He is known as the Father of all. He is the Creator of heaven and then, when all human beings have become unhappy, He liberates them all. He is also the spiritual Guide. He takes all souls back to the land of peace where they all reside. Souls receive these organs here, through which they are able to speak. This soul, himself, says: When I was in the land of happiness, the body was satopradhan. I, the soul, take 84 births; I complete eight births in the golden age and 12 births in the silver age. I have to claim the first number again. The Father comes and purifies souls. He speaks to souls. When a soul is separate from the body, he is not able to say anything. At night, it is as though the soul separates from the body. The soul says: I have worked through this body and am now tired, so I am going to rest. The soul and body are two distinct things. This body has now become old. This is the impure world. When Bharat was new, it was called heaven; it has now become hell. Everyone is unhappy. The Father comes and says: Through these daughters you will find the gates to heaven. The Father gives instructions: Become pure and become the masters of heaven. By becoming impure you have become the masters of hell. Donations of the five vices are made here. The soul says: Baba, You make us into the masters of heaven. I promise that I will become pure and definitely become Your helper. The obedient children of the Father are said to be worthy. Unworthy children cannot receive the inheritance. The Father sits here and explains this. Incorporeal God has incorporeal souls as His children. Then, when they become the children of Prajapita Brahma, they become brothers and sisters. This is God’s home; there is no other relationship here. Even though you see your friends and relations etc. at your home, it is in your intellect that you belong to BapDada. That Father and this Dada are sitting here. Here, the soul experiences punishment in the jail of a womb. There is no jail in the golden age. There is no sin there because there is no Ravan there, and this is why a womb there is called a palace. They show Krishna floating on a pepal leaf. There, the womb is like an ocean of milk. In the golden age, there is no jail of a womb or any other kind of jail. For half the cycle it is the new world where there is happiness. A building is new to begin with and then it becomes old. In the same way, the golden age is the new world and the iron age is the old world. After the iron age, it will definitely become the golden age. This cycle continues to repeat. This cycle is unlimited and the Father alone is explaining the knowledge of it. The Father alone is knowledge-full. Even this one’s soul was not able to explain. This one was pure at first, and then, having taken 84 births, he has become impure. You souls were also pure and then you became impure. The Father says: I am the Traveller who comes to the impure world because impure ones call out: Come and make us pure. I have to leave My paramdham (supreme abode) and come into this impure world and into an impure body. There aren’t any pure bodies here. You know that those who perform good deeds take birth in a good family and that those who perform bad deeds take birth in a bad family. You are now becoming pure. You will first take birth in the clan of Vishnu. You are changing from humans into deities. No one knows who established the original eternal deity religion because they have said in the scriptures that there are hundreds of thousands of years in a cycle, which really lasts for 5000 years. This same Bharat was heaven; it has now become hell. Now, only those who become Brahmins through the Father will become deities. They will be able to see the gates of heaven. The very name of heaven is so nice! When deities fall onto the path of sin, they become worshippers. Who built the Somnath Temple? This Somnath Temple is the largest. Those who were the wealthiest must have had it built. They were those who had been the emperor and empress, Lakshmi and Narayan in the golden age. When they become worshippers from being worthy of worship, they build a temple to Shiv Baba who made them into the masters of the world. How wealthy they must have been in order to create such a huge temple which was looted by Mahmud Guznavi! The biggest temple is to Shiv Baba. He is the Creator of heaven. He Himself does not become the master of heaven. The service that the Father does is called altruistic service. He makes you children into the masters of heaven, but He does not become that Himself. He goes and sits in the land of nirvana, just as people go into retirement after 60 years of age. They hold satsangs etc; they try to meet God. However, no one is able to meet Me. Only the one Baba is the Liberator and the Guide for everyone. All the rest are those who take people on physical pilgrimages. They go on many types of pilgrimage. This is the spiritual pilgrimage. The Father takes all souls to His land of peace. The Father is now making you children worthy of going to the land of Vishnu. The Father comes in order to serve you. He says: Do not attach your hearts to anyone in this old world. You now have to go to the new world. All of you souls are brothers; both males and females are included in this. We were pure in the golden age; that is called the pure world. Here, they have to operate in order to deliver five or seven children at the same time. There is a law in the golden age: when it is the right time, both (parents) receive a vision that they are going to have a child. That is known as the power of yoga. Children take birth at their accurate time; there is no difficulty at all; there is no sound of crying. Nowadays, children take birth with such difficulty. This is the land of sorrow, whereas the golden age is the land of happiness. You are now studying to become the masters of the land of happiness. The fruit of a worldly study is received in this birth. You will receive the fruit of this study in your next birth. The Father says: I make you into the masters of heaven, the ones who are called gods and goddesses: goddess Lakshmi and god Narayan. Who made them like that in the golden age since there was nothing at the end of the iron age? Look, Bharat has become so poverty-stricken! I come in order to grant salvation to all. In the golden and silver ages, you remain constantly happy. The Father gives so much happiness that you remember Him later even on the path of devotion. When a child dies, people say: O God, You have killed our child! The Father says: Since you say that everything is given by God, why do you cry when He takes him away? Why do you have so much attachment? There is no attachment in the golden age. There, when it is time to leave the body, the soul leaves the body at the right time. A wife never becomes a widow there. When the time is over, when they become old, they understand that they then have to go and become children again, and so they discard their bodies. There is an example of the snake. You now understand that this iron-aged body is a very old skin. The soul is impure and the body is also impure. Now have yoga with the Father and become pure. This is the ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat. Sannyasis do hatha yoga. Shiv Baba says: I open the gates of heaven through these mothers. No one can receive salvation without the Mother guru. The Father comes and grants salvation to everyone. He also teaches you, and you become master bestowers of salvation. You tell everyone that death is standing ahead. Remember the Father. Everything is going to be destroyed. Those who invent bombs, etc. accept that destruction will take place through those, but they don’t know who is inspiring them. They understand that, just by dropping one bomb, everything will be destroyed. Very little time now remains for you to change from thorns into flowers. This is the world of thorns. Bharat used to be the world of flowers; it has now become a brothel. Later it will become the Shiva Temple, that is, it will become the heaven established by Shiva. Only the one Incorporeal One is God. Human beings can never be called God. Only the one Father is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. God speaks: I change you from an ordinary man into Narayan. This old, impure world is about to be destroyed. I change you from impure human beings into pure deities and you then return to your home. You have to understand this drama. Just look how much anger human beings have at this time; they are worse than monkeys! When they become angry, how they kill everyone with bombs! Now, who could file a case against them? At the end, a tribunal will sit for them and all their karmic accounts will be settled. All of these aspects have to be understood. The Father says: O souls, I, your Father, have come. Follow My shrimat and you will become the masters of the most elevated heaven. Human beings here become guides for human beings. The Father becomes the Guide for all souls. Souls say: Oh Purifier! The Father is now making us into pure charitable souls. The spiritual Father does not exist in the golden age. There, there is only the reward. This is a university. No one except the Father can teach Raja Yoga. The Father says: I come and take the loan of this body; a soul can enter another body. This is fixed in the drama; it takes 5000 years for the drama cycle to turn. They say that God is in each leaf, that each leaf moves because it has a soul in it. However, that is not so; it moves with the breeze. You are sitting here and you will sit in the same way again after 5000 years. Take your inheritance from the Father now, otherwise you will never be able to claim your inheritance. Only at this time are you able to earn the most elevated income. You cannot earn such a high income throughout the rest of the cycle. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Very little time remains; that is why you have to change from thorns into flowers, make everyone into flowers and show them the path to the land of peace and the land of happiness.
2. In order to go into the clan of Vishnu, perform good deeds. Definitely become pure. Remain constantly engaged on this spiritual pilgrimage and inspire others to do the same.

May you be an accurate server who makes plans for service with a plain intellect.

An accurate server is one who does service of the self and service of all others at the same time. Let service of the self be merged in the service of all others. Let it not be that you serve others and become careless in serving yourself. In service, let service and yoga be simultaneous. For this, make plans for service with a plain intellect. A plain intellect means that nothing should touch your intellect except the consciousness of being an instrument and you have humility. Let there not be limited name and fame, but be humble. This is the seed of good wishes and pure feelings.

Together with donating knowledge, also donate virtues and you will continue to be successful.

TODAY MURLI || 30/08/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI )

Sweet children, the Father's orders are: Become soul conscious. Become pure and enable everyone else to become pure. Have faith in the intellect and claim your full inheritance from the Father.

Question: At the end, when leaving their bodies, who will have to cry in distress?

Those who don’t die alive and make full effort and don't claim their full inheritance will have to cry in distress at the end.

Why are there so many types of fighting and quarrelling and partition etc. at this time?

They have all forgotten their real Father and have become orphans. They have forgotten the Mother and Father from whom they received so much happiness and have said that He is omnipresent, and this is why they continue to fight and quarrel among themselves.

Song: Salutations to Shiva.  

Om Shanti
Who said this? Om shanti. The soul said it through the physical organ of the body. The soul is imperishable and the body is perishable. The soul sheds a body and takes another. The maximum number of births that a soul takes is 84. This is called the cycle of 84 births. Not everyone takes 84 births; no. People don't know these things. You heard in the song: Salutations to Shiva. The Highest on High is the Supreme Soul, Shiva. He is the Resident of the incorporeal world where all of us souls also reside. Below that is the subtle region. You heard the praise of God, the Highest on High: Salutations to Shiva. You are the Mother, the Father, the Friend and the Support. This is His praise. They then say: Salutations to the deity Brahma. That One is the Creator and this one is a creation. Then there is this human world. Only in this human world do you become pure and impure. People are pure in the golden age and impure in the iron age. There used to be deities in Bharat 5000 years ago. All of them were human beings, but they were full of all virtues, sixteen celestial degrees full. This is their praise. There is no violence there. They don't indulge in vice there. They are said to be completely viceless. Vicious people sing their praise: You are full of all virtues whereas we are degraded sinners. They remember God, but no one knows Him and so they are all orphans. People sing: You are the Mother and Father from whom we receive plenty of happiness. Then, when Ravan's kingdom begins, all human beings forget the Father and become impure orphans. They continue to fight among themselves. Everywhere you look; there is nothing but fighting and quarrelling. There are so many partitions. In heaven, there was just the one kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. The people of Bharat were the masters of the whole world. Now, it is all divided into pieces. That ocean is yours and this one is ours. That land is yours and this is ours. Punjab, UP., Rajasthan, etc. - they have all become separated. There is so much fighting even over language because they don't know the Mother and Father from beyond this world. When Bharat was heaven, none of these things existed. It is now to become heaven again. The Father sits here and explains how this world cycle turns. The unlimited Father tells you children: You have become so senseless! You say: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul. However, you don't even know His biography. The Father is the Purifier, the Bestower of Salvation. You know that those people say that God is omnipresent. How can you receive the inheritance by calling Him omnipresent? The Father who can give the inheritance is definitely needed. When you ask children where their physical father is, would they say that he is omnipresent? The unlimited Father is the Creator. All devotees call out to Him: O Purifier, Shiv Baba, come and make us impure ones pure. Come and make us pure once again just like the people in heaven were. We are very unhappy. All human beings begin to become impure at the time Ravan's kingdom begins. They continue to stumble from door to door. They believe that God is in everyone. They have idols made of stone and they think that God is in them too. Oh! but how could God be in stone? He resides in the supreme abode. They make so many images and then, when those images become old, they throw them away. That is the worship of dolls. They say: O Baba, grant us salvation. The Bestower of Salvation for all is only the one Purifier, Shiv Baba alone. All human beings have forgotten who God really is. Yet everyone remembers Him. He is the Husband of all husbands and the Father of all fathers. The Father says: Children, now become pure! You souls have now become impure; alloy is mixed in you. By alloy being mixed into real gold, the value of the gold is reduced. So, this world is also tamopradhan. When you were first in the golden age you were completely viceless. Then silver alloy was mixed in, and then copper and then you came into the iron age. Souls continue to become impure. They have now become completely iron aged. The same Bharat that was satopradhan has now become tamopradhan. Those who existed at the beginning are the ones who definitely have to take 84 births. Christians come later; they cannot take 84 births. At the most, they would take 35 to 40 births. The lifespan of the world is now coming to an end and it will then become new again. There is happiness in the new world and sorrow in the old world. An old building is demolished. Everyone in the old world is unhappy. It is only the Father who makes everyone happy. All the souls in the golden age were happy. All the rest of the souls were in the land of peace. That is called the silence world. There is the silence world and then the subtle world. There are no bodies there, so how could a soul make any sound? Now, all souls are tamopradhan and that is why this is called the iron age. At first, you were in the golden age and the Father has now come once again to take you to the golden age. He changes human beings into deities. In the golden age both men and women remain pure. That is called the kingdom of Rama. It is now the kingdom of Ravan. They continue to use the sword of lust on one another and continue to make one another unhappy. God says: Children, lust is a great enemy. It is this that has caused you unhappiness. You children have continued to fall. Now, no degrees remain. The Father has now come to make you sixteen celestial degrees full again. Here, you don't have to leave your home and family as sannyasis do. In order to go to the pure world, you definitely do have to become pure in this last birth. Those who become pure through the Father will become the masters of the pure world. You children have come here to the Father. This is the Head Office where everyone comes. The Father from beyond this world says to souls: Children, now become soul conscious! Souls also say: Yes, Baba. We will definitely obey Your orders. We will become pure. This is shrimat. It is by following shrimat that you are to become elevated. You have become corrupt by following the dictates of Ravan. Therefore, the soul says through this body: O Baba, I now belong to You. The Father says: I have to come to grant you all salvation, in order to make you into charitable souls from sinful souls. Therefore, you definitely do have to become pure. Only when you first become pure and become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris can you then claim the inheritance of the happiness of heaven from Shiv Baba. You have come once again to claim your inheritance from the Father. You belonged to the deity religion and have taken 84 births. Those deities don't exist now. The deities who became impure will come and become pure. Those who came later (after the copper age) cannot go to heaven. Those of the deity religion who have taken the full 84 births are to become deities once again. Baba says: I come and make you into deities through Brahma. You cannot become deities without becoming pure. Only those who come and become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris will understand these things. Prajapita (Father of Humanity) has been remembered. There are the World Father and World Mother of the human world. How would they have so many children? You are now the mouth-born creation. All of you say: Mama, Baba. How did you become the children? Shiv Baba made you belong to Him through Brahma. You remember Shiv Baba in order to claim your inheritance of heaven from Him. Therefore, all Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are brothers and sisters. This is a tactic. Baba says: You may live at home with your family, but become as pure as a lotus flower. Demonstrate this. There is no question of leaving your home and family. Look after your creation. Simply remain pure and you will become like those deities once again. Establishment of the deity religion definitely has to take place. The Father sits here and personally explains to you children. This Madhuban is the Head Office. So many centres continue to open. Those who became Brahma Kumars and Kumaris in the previous cycle will become Brahmins and then deities, warriors, merchants and shudras. You now have to become Brahmins once again. There is the topknot of Brahmins. You have to pass through these clans. The Father says: You were deities. You have now become Brahmins from shudras in order to become deities once again. You become pure. It is said: A kumari is one who uplifts 21 generations. All of you are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. There has to be both kumars and kumaris. You show everyone the way to constant happiness for 21 generations. Come to our land of happiness. This is the land of sorrow. You now have to remember the Father. The Father says: Become pure and constantly remember Me alone. Don't remember any bodily beings. The Father sits here and gives you children plenty of happiness. There is so much sorrow now. It is only when people are in sorrow that they remember God. The Father takes you to heaven, so why would you remember Him there? They say: O God! O Stick for the Blind! However, they don't know anything. They would even go in front of Lakshmi and Narayan and say: You are the mother and father. However, they are the masters of heaven; they cannot be the mother and father of everyone. Krishna was from one kingdom and Radhe was from another kingdom and then they became engaged. Their names changed after their marriage; they became Lakshmi and Narayan, the dual form of Vishnu. At Deepmala (Festival of Lights), they invoke Mahalakshmi. That is the form of a couple. You have now come off the pyre of lust and are sitting on the pyre of knowledge. You are true Brahmins. You inspire them to make a promise of purity. The unlimited Father says: Become pure and you will become the masters of the pure world. You can remember Him even while sitting at home. Baba says: All of you have to come home to Me. Everyone has to die. This is the same Mahabharat War. There is that war with the Yavanas. There is no war etc. in the golden age. The Father says: You have to conquer this Ravan. It is not a question of any other war. The Mahabharat War will also take place and only a few will be saved. Bharat is the imperishable land. All the rest of the lands will be destroyed. The Father will take everyone back home. The Father grants everyone salvation. He takes all souls back home with Him. You are now claiming your inheritance from the Father. Sannyasis cannot give this. They are not the creators of heaven. Heaven is now being established. All the human beings of hell will be destroyed. Everyone has to die, so why not claim your inheritance while you are alive? Otherwise, you will cry in distress. People will awaken from the impure sleep of Kumbhakarna at the end. You now have the knowledge of the whole cycle in your intellects. You were worthy of worship and have become worshippers and you will then become worthy of worship again. There were pure kings and also impure kings. Now, there are no kings; it is now government of the people by the people. The world has to go around the cycle again. You have to go to the golden age. Shiv Baba says through the mouth of this one: You are My children. You also say: Baba, we are Your children. You are the mouth-born creation. You are God's family. God speaks: Remember the one Father. All of us souls will go to the sweet home where Baba resides. Then Baba will send us to sweet heaven. There is peace and happiness there. You have come here to claim your inheritance of purity, happiness and peace. This study is for 21 births. You are not studying for here. This is the land of death. You are becoming immortal by listening to the story of immortality from the Lord of Immortality. Those who come and understand the Father will make a promise of purity. They will then come and claim their inheritance. Many will continue to become Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Day by day, centres will continue to open. Shudras will continue to become Brahmins. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. In order to claim your inheritance of heaven from the Father, while living at home with your family, look after your creation and become as pure as a lotus.
2. Show everyone the way to become happy for 21 generations. Sit on the pyre of knowledge and change from shudras to Brahmins and then to deities.
May you be a world transformer who does unlimited service through the power of your powerful mind and good wishes.
Souls who have a subtle and powerful stage, those who are able to transform many other souls with their attitude and elevated thoughts, are required for world transformation. Unlimited service takes place through the power of a powerful mind, good wishes and pure feelings. So, do not have loving feelings just for yourself, but also transform others with your good wishes and pure feelings. Only souls who maintain a balance are able to do unlimited service and service of the world. So, with the balance of loving feelings and knowledge and love and yoga, become world transformers.
Put the hand of your intellect in BapDada’s hand and you will not fluctuate in the ocean of tests.

TODAY MURLI || 29/08/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, never miss this spiritual study. It is through this study that you receive the sovereignty of the world.

Question: By having which firm faith would you never miss this study?
Answer: If you have the faith that God, Himself, in the form of the Teacher, is teaching you, that you receive the inheritance of the sovereignty of the world through this study, that you receive a high status and that the Father takes you back with Him, you would never miss this study. By not having faith, you do not pay attention to the study and so you miss it.

Song: Our pilgrimage is unique.  
Om Shanti
Sweetest children, you have experienced satsangs in the past and at this time too. The past means that which was in your intellect before coming to this satsang. However, what is in your intellects now? You are able to see the difference of day and night. In those satsangs, you simply listen to what they say; there is no desire in the heart. You simply go to those satsangs to hear one or two versions from the scriptures. You children sitting here have it in your intellects that you are souls sitting in front of BapDada and are studying knowledge and yoga in order to claim your inheritance of heaven from Him, just as students in a school understand that they will become engineers or barristers and that by passing such and such an exam they will attain that status. It is the soul that has the thought: By studying this, I will become this or that. There is no aim for any attainment in a satsang. If someone has a desire for something, it would be for a temporary period. They would ask a sage or holy man for mercy or a blessing. After performing devotion and going to satsangs you have now reached this point. We are now sitting in front of the Father. The soul only has one desire: that of claiming the inheritance from the Father. There is no question of the inheritance in those other satsangs. Even in schools or colleges, there is no question of claiming an inheritance. There, there is simply a teacher who teaches. It is you children who have the desire for the inheritance. The Father really has come from the supreme abode to give you the self-sovereignty of constant happiness once again. This will surely remain in the intellects of you children. Nevertheless, children think that, by coming in front of the Father, they will be struck by the arrow of knowledge very well because He is the Almighty Authority. Children also learn how to shoot arrows of knowledge but, numberwise, according to their efforts. Only here, do children listen directly. They understand that Baba is explaining to them; people in any other satsang or college would not think in this way. We are claiming our unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father. We now know the world cycle. You have been going to those satsangs for birth after birth. Here, it is a question of only once. Whatever you did on the path of devotion has now come to an end; there was no essence in that. Still, human beings continue to beat their heads for temporary attainments. It is in the intellects of you children that Baba is teaching you. Only Baba should be kept in your intellects and the kingdom that you have lost will also be remembered. At present, to whatever extent we make effort to remember Baba and to imbibe knowledge and inspire others to imbibe knowledge, accordingly we will claim a high status. It is in the intellects of you all that the Father explains through Prajapita Brahma. This one is called Dada. Shiv Baba enters him and teaches us. You know that, previously, these things were not in our intellects. We went to many satsangs but we never thought about when the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, would come to teach us through Brahma. We have now recognized the Father. We once again remember the self-sovereignty of the new world, heaven. There is great happiness inside. The unlimited Father, the One who is called God, is teaching us. Baba is the Purifier. Then, in the form of the Teacher, He teaches us. No one in the world, except you children, would be sitting with this thought. You are sitting in remembrance of the unlimited Father. Internally, you have this understanding: We souls are completing our parts of 84 births and will then return home. The Father is giving us the teachings of Raja Yoga in order to take us to heaven. You children know that no one except the Father can teach us Raja Yoga and make us into emperors and empresses of heaven; that would be impossible. Baba only comes once to teach you in order to make you into the masters of heaven. It remains in the intellects of you children that we are studying in order to claim the self-sovereignty of the unlimited world from the Father. We are studying with the power of the aim and objective. The intellects of you sweetest children are now aware of where you are sitting. The thoughts of human beings continue to wander everywhere. At the time of studying you should have thoughts of studying and at the time of playing you should have thoughts of playing. You understand that we are sitting in front of the unlimited Father. Previously, you didn’t know this. Not a single human being knows that God comes and teaches Raja Yoga. You children have now understood that we have been performing devotion for birth after birth. No one except the Father can give this knowledge. How could you receive your inheritance of the kingdom of the world until the Father comes and gives knowledge? It doesn’t enter the intellect of anyone to wonder why, if we are the children of God and He is the Creator of heaven, we are not in heaven. Why are we unhappy and in hell? They say: O God! O Purifier! However, it doesn’t enter their intellects as to why they are unhappy. Would the Father cause children sorrow? The Father creates the world for the children. Would He create it for sorrow? That cannot be possible. You are the children who now follow shrimat. Wherever you may be sitting, whether at work or at your business, it is in your intellects that God, the Father, is the one who teaches us. We have to go to class every morning. Only those who go to class remember Him. How can those who don’t even go to class understand the study or the One who teaches? These are new aspects that only you understand. The unlimited Father, the One who is the Creator of the new world, sits here and makes our lives as valuable as a diamond for the new world. Ever since Maya came into existence, we have been becoming as worthless as shells and our degrees have been decreasing. Maya was eating us in such a way that we didn’t even realize it. The Father has now come and awakened the children from the sleep of ignorance; not physical sleep, but the sleep of ignorance in which we were sleeping. Only the Ocean of Knowledge gives knowledge. No one else can give it. Only our most beloved Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier, can give it. You children now understand that the Father is making us pure with this method. People call out, “O Purifier Baba, come!”, but they don’t understand how He comes and purifies us. However, one cannot become pure simply by calling out to the Purifier. You know that, at present, everyone is impure and corrupt. They are born through corruption and they therefore also perform such actions. The unlimited Father sits here and explains this. When you sit here and listen personally, your intellect’s yoga is linked to the Father. Then, when you are in bad company and meet many people outside and hear of other situations, the stage you had when sitting personally doesn’t remain the same; that stage fluctuates. Here, you are personally sitting in front of Baba. Baba, Himself, the Ocean of Knowledge, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, sits here and shoots arrows of knowledge. This is why Madhuban is praised. It is sung: The flute (murli) is played in Madhuban. The murli is heard at many places, but Baba sits here and explains personally and also cautions you children: Children, be careful! Don’t be influenced by bad company! People will tell you wrong things; they will make you afraid and stop you from studying. Good company takes you across whereas bad company drowns you. Here, you have the company of the true Father. You even make a promise that you will only listen to the One and only obey the orders of the One. There is only one Father, Teacher and Satguru for all of you. There, gurus simply speak from the scriptures; they don’t say anything new. Neither do they give the Father’s introduction nor do they understand aspects of knowledge. They have all been saying: Neti neti (neither this nor that); we do not know the Creator or creation. Only when the Father comes does He explain. Iron-aged gurus are also numberwise. Some even have hundreds of thousands of followers. You understand that there is only the One who is our Satguru. There is no question of dying etc. This body doesn’t belong to Shiv Baba. He is bodiless, immortal. By telling us souls the story of immortality, He is making us immortal. He takes us to the land of immortality and then sends us to the land of happiness. The land beyond sound (nirvana) is the land of immortality. It is now in your intellects that we souls will leave our bodies and return to the Father. Everyone will then receive a status according to the efforts they made. The class is transferred. We do not receive the status of our study in this land of death. This land of death will be transformed into the land of immortality. We have now become aware that we ruled in the golden and silver ages for 21 births and that we then went into the copper and iron ages. This is now our last birth. We will then return to the land of happiness via the land of liberation. The Father refreshes you children a great deal. The soul understands that he comes into the cycle of 84 births. The Supreme Soul says: I do not come into this cycle; I have the knowledge of this world cycle in Me. You know that the unlimited Father is the Purifier. Therefore, He would definitely purify the unlimited. No human being can be the Father of the unlimited. That One is the only unlimited Father. You souls know that you reside in that place. From there, you come here into bodies. You understand who the first ones are to come and play their parts here. We souls came from the incorporeal world to play our parts. At this time, you children have the knowledge of how souls of each religion come down, numberwise, according to their parts. This is called the imperishable drama. It doesn’t sit in anyone’s intellect that they are actors in this unlimited drama. None of you knows about the unlimited history and geography or of your own 84 births. Baba refreshes you so much according to your efforts. Some stay happy that Baba is giving us true knowledge. No human being can give this knowledge. This is why it is said: There is darkness due to ignorance. You now understand how you came into the darkness of ignorance and how you have to come into the light of knowledge. You understand, numberwise, what total darkness is and what total light is. These words are connected with the unlimited. For half the cycle, it is night and for half a cycle it is day. Or, you could say evening and morning. This is a matter of the unlimited. Baba comes and explains the essence of all the scriptures. You receive temporary happiness from the donations you give, the charity you perform and the scriptures you study. The Father says: You cannot find Me to come and make you into the masters of the world through those things. You also understand that not everyone will become the masters of the world; only those whom the Father is teaching become the masters of the world. They are studying Raja Yoga. It isn’t that the whole world can study Raja Yoga. Only a handful out of many study it. Some study for five years, six years or even for ten years and still leave the study. The Father says: Maya is very powerful. She makes them completely senseless; they divorce the Father. There is a saying: Souls came, they were amazed, they belonged to the Father, they listened to knowledge, they spoke knowledge to others and then they ran away! The Father says: It is not their fault. It is Maya that causes such storms. Even brides who are decorated to become the empresses of heaven leave Baba. Nevertheless, the Father says: You have to remember the One to whom you are engaged. You will not be able to stabilise yourself in remembrance instantly because you have been trapped in name and form for half a cycle. It is now very difficult to consider yourself to be a soul and to remember Baba. In the golden age, you are soul conscious but you do not know the Supreme Soul. Only once do you know the Supreme Soul. Here, you became body conscious for half a cycle, and so you didn’t even understand that a soul leaves his body and takes another to play his part and that there is therefore no need to cry. Since you are receiving the inheritance of the land of happiness from the Father, why should you not pay full attention? Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Follow the orders of the one Father and only listen to the one Father. Do not be influenced by the wrong things people say. You mustn’t keep wrong company.
2. Always remember the study and your Teacher. You must definitely go to class every morning.

Blessing: May you be equal to the Father and experience the flying stage with devotional feelings filled with knowledge and loving yoga.

Those who are embodiments of knowledge and yogi souls constantly experience all powers and become victorious. Those who are just loving or filled with devotional feelings always have just “Baba, Baba” in their mind and on their lips and this is why they receive co-operation from time to time. However, in becoming equal, knowledgeable and yogi souls are close and this is why to the extent that there are devotional feelings, you also have to be an embodiment of knowledge to the same extent. The balance of devotional feelings filled with knowledge and loving yoga enables you to experience the flying stage and makes you equal to the Father.

In order to be constantly loving and co-operative, imbibe the virtues of easiness and tolerance.

TODAY MURLI || 28/08/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, while sitting or moving around and doing everything, remain silent. Remember the Father and you will receive your inheritance. There is no need for songs or poetry.

Question:Which particular aspect is proven by the Father being called the Liberator?

If the Father is the One who liberates us from sorrow, that is, from the five vices, then it must surely be someone else who traps us in them. The Liberator can never trap you. He is called the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. Therefore, how could He cause sorrow for anyone? Children remember that Father when they are unhappy. Ravan is the one who causes you sorrow. Ravan, Maya, curses you whereas the Father comes to give you your inheritance.

Song: The shower of knowledge is for those who are with the Beloved.

Om Shanti
On this path of knowledge, there is no need for songs, poetry or dialogues etc. All of that is for the path of devotion. Here, it is a question of understanding. Everything has to be understood with the intellect; it is very easy, that is, this knowledge is very easy. You can start making effort with any one point. There is no need to listen to a song or to write poetry. You have to stay at home and also carry on with your business. The Father says: While doing all of that, how can you claim your inheritance from Me? He explains: While sitting or moving around and doing everything, just remain silent. Continue to have these internal thoughts. The Father has already explained: It is very easy to understand. It takes time for the new world to become the old world, but it doesn't take that long for the old world to become new. It has been explained to you children that the Father makes the world new and that it then becomes old. This world is definitely made of happiness and sorrow, but no one knows who gives happiness and who causes sorrow. The world is already made. We cannot come out of this cycle. This is called the drama. It is better to say ‘drama’ than to say ‘play’. It is possible to change something in a play; it is possible to remove someone or add someone. Previously, there only used to be plays; it is only recently that bioscopes have emerged. Whatever film is shot in a bioscope, it is repeated. This bioscope has been created so that, knowledge can be understood accurately through it. There can be a change in a play but not in a bioscope. This is the story of the new, pure world and the old, impure world. People do not know the duration of the drama. They have given it a very long time span. Human beings cannot understand anything. In the new world, people were so sensible, wealthy and pure; they were full of all virtues. Why is Baba explaining in this way today? So that you children can go and give lectures. You should first of all praise Bharat. Who made Bharat like this? The praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, whom everyone remembers, will also emerge. Why do they remember Him? Because there is a lot of sorrow in the old world. It is the five vices that cause sorrow. The golden and silver ages are called the land of happiness. That is God’s establishment. This is the devilish establishment where human beings get trapped in the five vices. They also understand that only the Father liberates them. How could the One who liberates you also be the one who traps you? His name is ‘The Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness’. We wouldn’t say that He is the Bestower of Sorrow. No one knows that it is the five vices that cause sorrow and that the Father comes and liberates you from them. This is a matter of great understanding. It is now Ravan’s kingdom throughout the whole world; it is not a question of Lanka alone. Human beings have their own ideas. They just write whatever enters their intellects. The same applies to the scriptures: they have all made their own scriptures. Human beings do not know anything. God speaks: All that studying of the Vedas and scriptures, the sacrificial fires and the penance etc., that you have been doing, are all of the stage of descent. Whatever you have made has been to bring you down. The instructions you receive are for coming down because it is the stage of descent. It was a pure world, but it is now impure. For half a cycle, there is the new world and for half a cycle, there is the old world. It is just as there are 24 hours: when 12 hours have passed, day comes to an end and night comes. The day of Brahma and the night of Brahma have been remembered in the same way. You wouldn’t say: The day and night of Vishnu. These are such deep points. No one, except the Father, can explain these things to you. The Father explains: You now have to go from the tamopradhan stage into the satopradhan stage. Your kingdom is not established as yet. The Father explains to you children so easily. You simply have to remember Shiv Baba and change from tamopradhan to satopradhan. Only you innocent ones can understand these things. There is the new world and the old world, and the Father is the One who creates the new world. The new world was heaven. Then, who made it into hell? Ravan. It has been explained to you what Ravan is. No scholars or pundits will understand this. They just say that the world is false, that all of this is imagination. You can explain to them: If the world has not been created, then where are you sitting? This world repeats; you must have the full knowledge of it. Because they do not have this knowledge, they say that everything is false. They believe that whatever anyone related is the truth. You become happy with only one thing. The Father explains very clearly. The Father gave you your inheritance for half a cycle and then Ravan defeated you. This play is predestined. You children know that we now belong to God and that we are following His shrimat. These pictures are very good. Everyone should have large pictures. It is good to explain using large pictures. The cycle is in front of you. The confluence age is also in front of you. The iron age is ugly and impure. Due to the alloy of iron, it has become ugly. Bharat was so golden aged! It now has to change from the iron age. That has to be established and this has to be destroyed. It is sung that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is Trimurti. No one understands the meaning of the Trimurti. They have even named roads, ‘Trimurti’. In fact, the Trimurti is Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Each of the three deities is distinct. Above them is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, Karankaravanhar (the One who acts and acts through others) who is the highest of all. They have removed Him. Even higher than the deities is incorporeal God. We souls are incorporeal just as the Father is incorporeal. We have come here to play our parts. It used to be the dynasty of Lakshmi and Narayan. They ruled one after another. Therefore, you have to tell people the praise of heaven: Bharat was so wealthy! There was purity, peace and prosperity. There was no untimely death. It was the new world. The Father created the new world. He makes you 16 celestial degrees full. He says: Children, manmanabhav! Constantly remember Me alone. These are God’s versions. He is called the Purifier. You cannot call Krishna ‘The Ocean of Knowledge’; so why have they put Krishna’s name in the Gita? They have a vision of Krishna through someone, and they say: This is the image of Krishna. There are many types of people in the world. They develop faith in someone and then wear lockets of that one around their necks. They wear lockets of their guru and remember him. They say "God is omnipresent", and so there is no difference between their guru and God. There are many like them. The Father has explained to you children the significance of the old world and the new world. He sits here and makes the world new. Everyone now continues to call out to Him: Come and establish the pure world! Or: Make us pure and take us with You! There are two lands: the land of nirvana and the land of happiness. Sannyasis give knowledge of liberation; they cannot give knowledge for liberation-in-life. You belonged to the deity religion and then became worshippers. You again have to become worthy of being worshipped. Shri Krishna is the first prince of the golden age. There is his praise. There is the praise of kumars and kumaris because they remain pure. Otherwise, there should be greater praise of Radhe than of Krishna. No one knows why they put Radhe before Krishna. They say: Radhe-Krishna. Scarcely anyone says: Krishna-Radhe. They understand that the son has the right to the inheritance. Therefore, there is greater praise of Krishna. Here, all of you are children. The Father says: To the extent that you make effort, accordingly you will claim a high status for yourself, cycle after cycle. The Father is talking to souls. By making effort, you can claim a high status. In foreign lands, when a daughter is born they celebrate in happiness, whereas here, they become happy when a son is born. All have their own customs and traditions. It is now in the intellects of you children that the Father gives you the inheritance and that Maya then curses you. God, the Father, is the Creator of heaven; you would not say this of Krishna. Only the Supreme Soul changes hell into heaven. Only He teaches easy gyan and yoga. You can give lectures in this way: They have falsified the Gita by putting Krishna’s name in it. The God of the Gita is incorporeal God and not Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna is the creation. He received the inheritance from the Father. Come and we will explain to you. Take up any subject and start explaining it. Everything is included in the explanation of the old world and the new world. At present, there are numerous religions and, in the midst of them all, the original eternal deity religion is being established. It has been explained to you so much that you must renounce the five vices. Do not get angry with anyone at home. You should have this thought: Whatever others see me do, they will do the same. If I become full of vices, anyone who sees me will also become full of vices. The Father issues this ordinance: Become pure and make your wife pure as well. Do not get angry with anyone. By seeing you, they too would get angry. Males are the creators, and so they should explain to their wives. However, if it is not in their fortune, what can be done? You have to explain: If you become pure, you become the masters of the pure world. The Father explains how you have taken 84 births. At first, you were satopradhan, pure, then you became rajo and then tamo. Now, if you remember Me, you will become pure. God is speaking the versions of the Gita. By Krishna’s name being inserted in the Gita, his whole life story becomes meaningless. You must have the courage to explain. Baba continues to explain. Many children think that they will only believe in Shiv Baba, that there is benefit only through Him. If they make mistakes, Baba gives them a signal. However, some children become like salt water. You should not become like salt water. It is explained to you that you must not become like that. Some children are such that they don’t have regard for one another. They are very impolite to their seniors. Sensible children should be very interested in doing service. "Such and such a centre has opened, and so let me go and do some service there." Those who act without being asked are deities; those who act after being asked are humans and those who do not do anything even after being asked are… Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Always remember: When others see you doing something, they will do the same. Therefore, never perform any act under the influence of the vices against shrimat.
2. You have to be interested in doing service. Engage yourself in service without being asked.Never become like salt water with one another.

May you be a hero/heroine actor who shares the treasures of happiness with your overflowing stock.

The duty of confluence-aged Brahmin souls is to remain constantly happy and to share happiness, but for this, your treasures have to be overflowing. Now, as delicate times continue to come closer, many souls will come to you to ask for happiness for even a short time. So, you have to do so much service that no one goes back empty handed. For this, let there always be the sign of happiness on your face. Let your face not be of an off-mood, of being defeated by Maya or of being disheartened. Remain constantly happy and continue to share happiness and you will then be called a hero/heroine actor.

To give regard to the advice of one another is to tie the gathering in the thread of unity.

TODAY MURLI || 27/08/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 28/12/82 ||

Become a constant and stable, perfect, sparkling star.

BapDada is looking at each child and is pleased to see each child’s present stage of being absorbed in love and in his future attainment. What were you, what have you become and what are you going to become in the future? Compared with the world, each child is a special soul. The star of fortune is sparkling on each child’s forehead. Let there be the practice of constantly looking at the star of fortune. Continue to increase this practice. Wherever you look, whoever you see, let there be the natural practice of seeing the body but not seeing it. Let your vision always go to the sparkling star. When your vision is naturally spiritual, then the vision of the world will fall on you sparkling stars of the earth. At present, souls of the world are still searching. They have begun to have the feeling and touching that some power is carrying out the task. However, although they are searching, they don’t know who it is or where it is. It is gradually becoming apparent that it will only be from Bharat that they will receive spiritual light. This is why the vision of the world has moved away from everywhere else and has fallen on Bharat. However, it is yet to become clear where in Bharat and who in Bharat the instrument to give that spiritual light will be. Everyone is ultimately trying to discover who in Bharat is the dharamatma soul and who is the Supreme Soul (Paramatma) out of all the so-called spiritual souls there. They are engrossed in the thought: “Is it that one? Is it this one?” They haven’t yet arrived at the decision that it is this One. Who will show such wandering souls the right goal and the right destination? You double foreigners think that you are the ones who will do this. So, why are you making those poor helpless souls wander around so much? Make your stage so constant that they constantly see a sparkling star. Your sparkling light needs to be visible from a distance. As yet, only the souls who come into contact and relationship with you experience this. However, this touching and vibration has to spread far into the distance. So, there is a need for this practice. At present, you have to invite them to come and experience this. However, what will happen when you sparkling stars remain stable in your perfect stage like the sun and the moon? When moths are naturally drawn to a physical lamp, the flame doesn’t go to invite them but the yearning moths go there by themselves from wherever they are. In the same way, souls who are wandering and searching will automatically come to you sparkling stars at a fast speed, in order to attain something and to meet you. Therefore, all of you will have to do the service of helping those souls receive their right to liberation and liberation-in-life from the Father in a second, at a fast speed. At this time, you are playing the parts of master bestowers. The parts of master teachers are being played at this time. However, you now have to become the children of the Satguru and play your parts of bestowers of the blessings of liberation and salvation. Do you know what the form of a master satguru is? At the moment, the part of the Father and the Teacher is especially being played. This is why the Father is sometimes proud of you children, but He also has to watch your mischievous games. In the form of the Teacher, He constantly reminds you of the one lesson. The final blessing, in the form of the certificate of liberation and salvation, will be given in a second by the form of the Satguru.
The form of master satgurus means those who follow completely. They are the ones who completely follow every word of the Satguru. You will now experience such a form of the Father and also your own form in a practical way. The form of the Satguru means the One who makes you perfect and equal to Himself and takes you back home. The form of the Satguru and even a master satguru is the one that takes you beyond with a glance. As soon as you give directions, they are liberated. This is why a mantra given by a guru is very famous. When they receive a mantra in a second, they feel that they have attained liberation! A mantra means elevated directions. You will give shrimat with such a powerful stage that souls will feel that they have found the destination of liberation and salvation. Adopt such a powerful stage now! You all are stars, but now reveal yourself as a constant and stable, sparkling, perfect star. Did you hear what you have to do? You double foreigners are those who move at a fast speed, are you not? Or, do you stop and start? You don’t sometimes hide behind the clouds, do you? Do clouds come? If such perfect, sparkling stars sometimes hide in the clouds, then the souls of the world would not be able to see them very clearly. So, , have the thought of remaining constantly stable and constantly shine like the sun. Achcha.
To all the double-foreign children and all the serviceable children everywhere, to those who are equal to the Father and who constantly follow in thought, word and deed, to the children who are constantly seated on the Father’s heart-throne, to those who are master comforters of hearts and, as lighthouses, constantly show wanderings souls the path, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting groups:
Nairobi group: You are all number one in the race, are you not? The sign of number one is to win in everything, that is, to claim number one. Do not be defeated by anything; be constantly victorious. So you residents of Nairobi are constantly victorious, are you not? You don’t sometimes stop whilst moving along, do you? What is the reason for stopping? It is definitely when there have been some ups and downs in following a code of conduct or discipline that you stop. However, this confluence age is for becoming the most elevated beings who follow the highest code of conduct. You are not a man or a woman, but a most elevated being. Constantly stay in this awareness. Prajapita Brahma is said to be the most elevated man of all. Therefore, all of you Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, the children of Brahma, have also become the most elevated beings, have you not? By staying in this awareness, you will constantly continue to be in the flying stage; you will not stop down below. Instead of walking, you will constantly continue to fly up above, because the confluence age is the age of the flying stage. In no other age is there the flying stage. So have the awareness that this is the age for the flying stage. The duty of Brahmins is to fly and help others fly. Your original stage is the flying stage. Those who have the flying stage will overcome all problems in a second. They will overcome them in such a way that it will be as though nothing happened. None of the things down below will disturb them; they will not cause any obstruction. When you fly in a plane, even the Himalayas don’t become an obstruction; you go across the mountains with enjoyment. In the same way, the biggest problems become very easy for those who are in the flying stage.
Nairobi is claiming a number ahead, is it not? Now claim a number ahead in the service of VIPs. The number there is good, but we shall now see who brings VIPs here for the conference. Now claim a number in this. Now BapDada will see the race of everyone who brings the number one VIPs.
BapDada’s signals for the artists who are to paint the pictures in the new hall of Om Shanti Bhavan: Do you paint the pictures just as artists or do you stabilise yourselves in that stage whilst painting them? What do you do? When other artists paint pictures, they just make ordinary pictures. What is the aim of painting the pictures here? When you paint the Father’s painting, what speciality should it have? The painting should reveal the life. As soon as people go in front of the painting they shouldn’t experience it to be a painting but as if they are seeing the living being. In any case, the speciality of a painting is that it is experienced to be real although it is just a painting. It is on this basis that a prize is received. With those paintings they have different intentions. However, the aim of a spiritual painting is that the painting should reveal the living spirit; it should give the experience of spirituality. You are unique artists, not worldly. Worldly artists will look at the physical things: eyes, features, etc, but here you must make a painting that will give the experience of spirituality. (We want blessings.) Let alone blessings, you have reached the Mine of Blessings! There is no need to ask for them. You have reached the place where you can claim your right. Since you can attain them as your inheritance, why settle for just a few blessings? What would you say if someone were to go into a mine and come out with only a couple of handfuls? The Father Himself is the Ocean. Therefore He would also make the children master oceans, would He not? There is nothing lacking in an ocean; it is always full. Achcha.
BapDada meeting a group from Sweden:
Constantly stay in the intoxication of being a victorious jewel who has faith in the intellect. The foundation of faith is constantly strong. Have faith in yourself, in the Father and in the drama and continue to move forward, on this basis. Keep in front of you all your specialities, not your weaknesses, and you will have faith in yourself. Don’t think about your weaknesses too much and you will continue to move forward in happiness. Have the faith that you are holding on to the Father’s hand because those who hold on to His hand continue to move forward constantly. Since the Father is the Almighty Authority, those who are holding His hand have almost reached their destination. Even though you may be weak, your Companion is strong, is He not? This is why you will be able to go across. Constantly maintain the awareness of being a constantly victorious jewel with this faith in the intellect. The past is the past! Put a full stop to that and move forward!
Hardeviben from Pune taking leave from BapDada to go abroad
What will be the special method? You have taken sustenance, so give that sustenance to everyone. Sustain everyone with both love and peace. Everyone wants love and everyone wants peace. Take these two gifts for everyone. Simply give drishti with love and speak a few words and they will automatically continue to come close. You have taken sustenance and so you are an embodiment of the experience of that sustenance, are you not? So give the experience of that sustenance to others. You don’t have to give lectures on topics, for the topmost thing is: “The experience of love and peace”. So, give them these two topmost things so that every soul has the experience that they have never received such love from anywhere else nor ever seen such love. Love is such that, from the experience of love, they are automatically pulled to come here. It is very good. An original mahavir is going. Sati and Kunj (dadis) have also gone, have they not? Embodiments of sustenance are going. Very good. Relationships with sakar Baba will be very easily forged through them because the Father’s sustenance is merged in their every vein. So, while walking and moving, whatever is merged inside them is what they would see. Through you, they will experience the Father’s sustenance. You may go in happiness. BapDada is happy about the children going because you are not those who are just going to tour around, sightseeing. You are those who give your bones in service for the yagya. Service is merged in your every step and this is why BapDada is pleased when children travel around the world (go out on service).
BapDada’s love and remembrance for all the children was recorded on tape:
Together with love and remembrance to all the children who remain lost in love, BapDada is happy to see the zeal and enthusiasm of all the children. BapDada has received letters of love and remembrance and zeal and enthusiasm for effort and for becoming destroyers of obstacles. BapDada is giving all the children who are destroyers of obstacles love and remembrance. Constantly be conquerors of Maya, remain constantly stable on the seat of the awareness of being master almighty authorities, be double light, fly and enable others to fly. To all the children everywhere, not just the foreigners, but all the children who are seated on the heart-throne, lots and lots of remembrance from the Father, the Comforter of Hearts. Om shanti.

May you be bodiless and claim a “pass with honours” certificate with the stage of being detached.
In order to claim a certificate of “passing with honours”, you need to have the practice of remaining beyond the sound of both your words and your thoughts and stable in the stage of an embodiment of peace. Let the soul become merged in the Ocean of Peace. You enjoy the experience of sweet silence. The body and mind both receive rest. At the end, only the practice of being bodiless will be useful. When the body is playing games, become bodiless and detached and observe the part of your body and this stage will make you victorious at the end.
In order to claim a right to all virtues and all powers, become obedient.

TODAY MURLI || 27/08/17 मधुबन "अव्यक्त-बापदादा” ओम् शान्ति 28-12-82 || HINDI || (OM SHANTI)

   "सदा एक रस, सम्पूर्ण चमकता हुआ सितारा बनो"

बापदादा सभी बच्चों को देख हर बच्चे के वर्तमान लगन में मगन रहने की स्थिति और भविष्य प्राप्ति को देख हर्षित हो रहे हैं। क्या थे, क्या बने हैं और भविष्य में भी क्या बनने वाले हैं। हरेक बच्चा विश्व के आगे विशेष आत्मा है। हर एक के मस्तक पर भाग्य का सितारा चमक रहा है। ऐसा ही अभ्यास हो, सदा चमकते हुए सितारे को देखते रहें, इसी प्रैक्टिस को सदा बढ़ाते चलो। जहाँ देखो, जब भी किसको देखो, ऐसा नैचुरल अभ्यास हो जो शरीर को देखते हुए न देखो। सदा नज़र चमकते हुए सितारों की तरफ जाये। जब ऐसी रूहानी नज़र सदा नैचुरल रूप में हो जायेगी तब विश्व की नज़र आप चमकते हुए धरती के सितारों पर जायेगी। अभी विश्व की आत्मायें ढूँढ रही हैं। कोई शक्ति कार्य कर रही है, ऐसी महसूसता, ऐसी टचिंग अभी आने लगी है। लेकिन कहाँ है, कौन है, यह ढूंढते हुए भी जान नहीं सकते। भारत द्वारा ही आध्यात्मिक लाइट मिलेगी, यह भी धीरे-धीरे स्पष्ट होता जा रहा है। इस कारण विश्व की चारों तरफ से नज़र हटकर भारत की तरफ हो गई है लेकिन भारत में किस तरफ और कौन आध्यात्मिक लाइट देने के निमित्त हैं, अभी यह स्पष्ट होना है। सभी के अन्दर अभी यह खोज है कि भारत में अनेक आध्यात्मिक आत्मायें कहलाने वाली हैं, आखिर भी इनमें धर्मात्मा कौन और परमात्मा कौन है? यह तो नहीं है, यह तो नहीं है - इसी सोच में लगे हुए हैं। “यही है” इसी फैंसले पर अभी तक पहुँच नहीं पाये हैं। ऐसी भटकती हुई आत्माओं को सही निशाना, यथार्थ ठिकाना दिखाने वाले कौन? डबल विदेशी समझते हैं कि हम ही वह हैं। फिर इतना विचारों को भटकाते क्यों हो? सदा के लिए ऐसी स्थिति बनाओ जो सदा चमकते हुए सितारे देखें। दूर से ही आपकी चमकती हुई लाइट दिखाई दे। अभी तक जो सम्मुख आते हैं, सम्पर्क में आते हैं, उन्हीं को अनुभव होता है लेकिन दूर-दूर तक यह टचिंग हो, यह वायब्रेशन फैलें, उसमें अभी और भी अभ्यास की आवश्यकता है। अभी निमंत्रण देना पड़ता है कि आओ, आकर अनुभव करो। लेकिन जब चमकते हुए सितारे - सूर्य, चन्द्रमा समान, अपनी सम्पूर्ण स्टेज पर स्थित होंगे फिर क्या होगा। जैसे स्थूल रोशनी के ऊपर परवाने स्वत: ही आते हैं, शमा कोई बुलाने नहीं जाती है लेकिन प्यासे परवाने कहाँ से भी पहुँच जाते हैं। ऐसे आप चमकते हुए सितारों पर भटकती हुए आत्मायें, ढूंढने वाली आत्मायें स्वत: ही पाने के लिए, मिलने के लिए ऐसी फास्ट गति से आयेंगी जो आप सबको सेकेण्ड में बाप द्वारा मुक्ति, जीवनमुक्ति का अधिकार दिलाने की तीव्रगति से सेवा करनी पड़ेगी। इस समय मास्टर दाता का पार्ट बजा रहे हो। मास्टर शिक्षक का पार्ट चल रहा है। लेकिन अभी सतगुरू के बच्चे बन गति और सद्गति के वरदाता का पार्ट बजाना है। मास्टर सतगुरू का स्वरूप कौन सा है, जानते हो? अभी तो बाप का भी, बाप और शिक्षक का पार्ट विशेष रूप में चल रहा है इसलिए बच्चों के रूप में कभी-कभी बाप को भी नाज़ और नखरे देखने पड़ते हैं। शिक्षक के रूप में बार-बार एक ही पाठ याद कराते रहते हैं। सतगुरू के रूप में गति-सद्गति का सर्टीफिकेट फाइनल वरदान सेकेण्ड में मिलेगा।
मास्टर सतगुरू का स्वरूप अर्थात् सम्पूर्ण फालो करने वाले। सतगुरू के वचन पर सदा सम्पूर्ण रीति चलने वाले - ऐसा स्वरूप अब प्रैक्टिकल में बाप का और अपना अनुभव करेंगे। सतगुरू का स्वरूप अर्थात् सम्पन्न, समान बनाकर साथ ले जाने वाले। सतगुरू के स्वरूप में मास्टर सतगुरू भी नज़र से निहाल करने वाले हैं। मत दी और गति हुई। इसलिए गुरु मंत्र प्रसिद्ध है। सेकेण्ड में मंत्र लिया और समझते हैं गति हो गई। मंत्र अर्थात् श्रेष्ठ मत। ऐसी पावरफुल स्टेज से श्रीमत देंगे जो आत्मायें अनुभव करेंगी कि हमें गति सद्गति का ठिकाना मिल गया। ऐसी शक्तिशाली स्थिति को अब से अपनाओ। सितारे तो सभी हो लेकिन अभी सदा एकरस सम्पूर्ण चमकता हुआ सितारा हूँ, ऐसे स्वयं को प्रत्यक्ष करो। सुना, क्या करना है? डबल विदेशी तीव्रगति वाले हो ना? या रूकते हो, चलते हो? कभी बादलों के बीच छिप तो नहीं जाते हो - बादल आते हैं? ऐसा सम्पूर्ण चमकता हुए सितारा और अभी अभी फिर बादलों में छिप जाये तो विश्व की आत्मायें स्पष्ट अनुभव कर नहीं सकती इसलिए एकरस रहने का, सदा सूर्य समान चमकते रहने का संकल्प करो। अच्छा।
सभी डबल विदेशी बच्चों को और चारों ओर के सेवाधारी बच्चों को, सदा बाप समान मन, वाणी और कर्म में फालो करने वाले, सदा बाप के दिलतख्तनशीन, मास्टर दिलाराम, सदा भटकती हुई आत्माओं को रास्ता दिखाने वाले लाइट हाउस बच्चों को बापदादा का यादप्यार और नमस्ते।
पार्टियों के साथ
नैरोबी पार्टी से - सभी रेस में नम्बरवन हो ना? नम्बरवन की निशानी है - हर बात में विन करने वाले अर्थात् वन नम्बर में आने वाले। किसी भी बात में हार न हो। सदा विजयी। तो नैरोबी निवासी सदा विजयी हो ना। कभी चलते-चलते रूकते तो नहीं हो? रूकने का कारण क्या होता? जरूर कोई न कोई मर्यादा वा नियम थोड़ा भी नीचे ऊपर होता है तो गाड़ी रूक जाती है। लेकिन यह संगमयुग है ही मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम बनने का युग। पुरुष नहीं, नारी नहीं लेकिन पुरुषोत्तम हैं, इसी स्मृति में सदा रहो। पुरुषों में उत्तम पुरुष प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को कहा जाता है। तो ब्रह्मा के बच्चे आप सब ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियाँ भी पुरुषोत्तम हो गये ना। इस स्मृति में रहने से सदा उड़ती कला में जाते रहेंगे, नीचे नहीं रूकेंगे। चलने से भी ऊपर सदा उड़ते रहेंगे क्योंकि संगमयुग उड़ती कला का युग है, और कोई ऐसा युग नहीं जिसमें उड़ती कला हो। तो स्मृति में रखो कि यह युग उड़ती कला का युग है, ब्राह्मणों का कर्तव्य भी उड़ना और उड़ाना है। वास्तविक स्टेज भी उड़ती कला है। उड़ती कला वाला सेकण्ड में सर्व समस्यायें पार कर लेगा। ऐसा पार करेगा जैसे-कुछ हुआ ही नहीं। नीचे की कोई भी चीज डिस्टर्ब नहीं करेगी। रूकावट नहीं डालेगी। प्लेन में जाते हैं तो हिमालय का पहाड़ भी रूकावट नहीं डालता, पहाड़ को भी मनोरंजन की रीति से पार करते हैं। तो ऐसे ही उड़ती कला वाले के लिए बड़े ते बड़ी समस्या भी सहज हो जाती है।
नैरोबी अपना नम्बर आगे ले रही है ना। अभी वी.आई.पीज. की सर्विस में नम्बर आगे लेना है। संख्या तो अच्छी है, अभी देखेंगे कानफ्रेंस में वी.आई.पीज. कौन कौन ले आता है। अभी इसमें नम्बर लेना है। सबसे नम्बरवन वी.आई.पीज. कौन लाता है, अभी यह रेस बापदादा देखेंगे।
नये हाल के लिए चित्र बनाने वाले चित्रकारों प्रति बापदादा का ईशारा -
चित्रकार बन करके चित्र बना रहे हो वा स्वयं उस स्थिति में स्थित हो करके चित्र बनाते हो! क्या करते हो? क्योंकि और कहाँ भी कोई चित्र बनाते हैं तो वह रिवाजी चित्रकार चित्र बना देते हैं। यहाँ चित्र बनाने का लक्ष्य क्या है? जैसे बाप का चित्र बनायेंगे तो उसकी विशेषता क्या होनी चाहिए? चित्र चैतन्य को प्रत्यक्ष करे। चित्र के आगे जाते ही अनुभव करें कि यह चित्र नहीं देख रहे हैं, चैतन्य को देख रहे हैं। वैसे भी चित्र की विशेषता - चित्र जड़ होते चैतन्य अनुभव हो, इसी पर प्राइज मिलती है। उसमें भी भाव और प्रकार का होता। लेकिन रूहानी चित्र का लक्ष्य है - चित्र रूहानी रूह को प्रत्यक्ष कर दे। रूहानियत का अनुभव कराये। ऐसे अलौकिक चित्रकार, लौकिक नहीं। लौकिक चित्रकार तो लौकिक बातों को - नयन, चैन को देखेंगे लेकिन यहाँ रूहानियत का अनुभव हो - ऐसा चित्र बनाओ। (आशीर्वाद चाहिए) आशीर्वाद तो क्या आशीर्वाद की खान पर पहुँच गये हो, मांगने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, अधिकार लेने का स्थान है। जब वर्से रूप में प्राप्त हो सकता है तो थोड़ी सी ब्लैसिंग क्यों? खान पर जाकर दो मुट्ठी भरकर आना उसको क्या कहा जायेगा! बाप जैसे स्वयं सागर है तो बच्चों को भी मास्टर सागर बनायेंगे ना। सागर में कोई भी कमी नहीं होती। सदा भरपूर होता है। अच्छा।
स्वीडन पार्टी से:-”सदा निश्चयबुद्धि विजयी रत्न हैं”- इसी नशे में रहो। निश्चय का फाउन्डेशन सदा पक्का है। अपने आप में निश्चय, बाप में निश्चय और ड्रामा में निश्चय के आधार पर आगे बढ़ते चलो। अभी जो भी विशेषतायें हैं, उनको सामने रखो, कमजोरियों को नहीं, तो अपने आप में फेथ रहेगा। कमजोरी की बात को ज्यादा नहीं सोचना तो फिर खुशी में आगे बढ़ते जायेंगे। बाप का हाथ लिया तो बाप का हाथ पकड़ने वाले सदा आगे बढ़ते हैं, यह निश्चय रखो। जब बाप सर्वशक्तिवान है तो उसका हाथ पकड़ने वाले मंजिल पर पहुँचे कि पहुँचे। चाहे खुद भले कमजोर भी हो लेकिन साथी तो मजबूत है ना इसलिए पार हो ही जायेंगे। सदा निश्चयबुद्धि विजयी रत्न इसी स्मृति में रहो। बीती सो बीती, बिन्दी लगाकर आगे बढ़ो।
(पूना की हरदेवी बहन बापदादा से विदेश जाने की छुट्टी ले रही हैं)
विशेष विधि क्या रहेगी? पालना ली है, वही पालना सभी की करना। प्यार और शान्ति इन दो बातों द्वारा सबकी पालना करना। प्यार सबको चाहिए और शान्ति सबको चाहिए। यह दो सौगातें सबके लिए ले जाना। सिर्फ प्यार से दृष्टि दी और दो बोल बोले - वह स्वत: ही समीप ही समीप आते जायेंगे। जैसे पालना ली है, पालना की अनुभवीमूर्त तो बहुत हो ना? तो वही पालना का अनुभव औरों को कराना। टॉपिक पर भाषण भल नहीं करना लेकिन सबसे टॉप की चीज़ है - ‘प्यार और शान्ति की अनुभूति'। तो यह टॉप की चीज़ें दे देना, जो हर आत्मा अनुभव करें कि ऐसा प्यार तो हमको कभी मिला नहीं, कभी देखा ही नहीं। प्यार ऐसी चीज़ है जो प्यार के अनुभव के पीछे स्वत: ही खिंचते हैं। बहुत अच्छा है। आदि महावीर जा रहे हैं। सती और कुंज भी गई हैं ना। पालना के स्वरूप जा रहे हैं, बहुत अच्छा है। इन्हों द्वारा साकार से सहज सम्बन्ध जुट जायेगा क्योंकि इन्हों की रग-रग में बाप की पालना समाई हुई है। तो चलते-फिरते वही दिखाई देगा जो अन्दर समाया हुआ होगा। आप द्वारा बापके पालना की अनुभूति होगी। भल खुशी से जाओ। बापदादा भी खुश है बच्चों के जाने में क्योंकि घूमने फिरने वाले तो हैं नहीं। यज्ञ के हड्डी सेवाधारी हैं। उन्हों के एक-एक कदम में सेवा होगी इसलिए बापदादा खुश है बच्चों के चक्रवर्ती बनने में।
बापदादा ने सभी बच्चों प्रति यादप्यार टेप में भरी
सर्व लगन में लगन रहने वाले बच्चों को यादप्यार के साथ बापदादा सभी बच्चों के उमंग उत्साह देख सदा हर्षित होते हैं।
सभी के यादप्यार और पुरुषार्थ के उमंग-उत्साह के और विघ्न विनाशक बनने के पत्र बापदादा के पास आये हैं और बापदादा सभी विघ्न विनाशक बच्चों को यादप्यार दे रहे हैं और सदा ही मायाजीत, सदा ही मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान की स्मृति की सीट पर स्थित हो डबल लाइट बन उड़ते और उड़ाते चलो। तो चारों ओर के, सिर्फ विदेशी ही नहीं लेकिन सब दिल तख्तनशीन बच्चों को दिलाराम बाप की तरफ से बहुत-बहुत याद... ओम शान्ति।

न्यारेपन की अवस्था द्वारा पास विद आनर का सर्टीफिकेट प्राप्त करने वाले अशरीरी भव

पास विद आनर का सर्टीफिकेट प्राप्त करने के लिए मुख और मन दोनों की आवाज से परे शान्त स्वरूप की स्थिति में स्थित होने का अभ्यास चाहिए। आत्मा शान्ति के सागर में समा जाये। यह स्वीट साइलेन्स की अनुभूति बहुत प्रिय लगती है। तन और मन को आराम मिल जाता है। अन्त में यह अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास ही काम में आता है। शरीर का कोई भी खेल चल रहा है, अशरीरी बन आत्मा साक्षी (न्यारा) हो अपने शरीर का पार्ट देखे तो यही अवस्था अन्त में विजयी बना देगी।


सर्व गुणों वा सर्वशक्तियों का अधिकार प्राप्त करने के लिए आज्ञाकारी बनो।