ॐ शांति
सर्व विश्व कल्याणी टीचर्स बहनों एवं बी के युवा फरिश्तों प्रति मधुर ईश्वरीय याद
जैसे कि आप सबको विदित है कि ओ आर सी में 25 से 27 जनवरी तक कॉलेज जाने वाली बहनों के लिए राइज एंड शाइन रिट्रीट राखी गयी है. उससे सम्बंधित 2 प्रकार की सेवाओं के लिए सहयोग यदि कोई आप में से ऑफर कर सके, आज उसके लिए विशेष आपको लिख रहे हैं:
- कल्चरल प्रेजेंटेशन : कोई भी बी के युवा राइज एंड शाइन विषय पर ही 5 से 10 मिनट की प्रस्तुति चाहे गीत के माध्यम से, चाहे लघु नाटिका के माध्यम से दे सकते हों तो हमे अवश्य बताएं. केवल स्वागत सत्र में ही 25 जनवरी को प्रस्तुति देने वालों को आना है.
- रिपोर्टिंग: क्योंकि यह पहली रिट्रीट है, इसलिए इसकी डिटेल में रिपोर्टिंग करना चाहते हैं ताकि फिर से जब यह रिट्रीट हो तो कॉलेजों में एक अच्छे प्रेजेंटेशन के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जा सके. इस सेवा के लिए स्वागत सत्र से लेकर समाप्ति सत्र तक सेवाधारी को रहना है.
- प्रोफेशनल विडियो रिकॉर्डिंग: यदि कोई यह सेवा भी दे सकते है तो अवश्य बताएं, 26 तारिक से गीता महासम्मेलन के कारण ओ आर सी का विडियो डिपार्टमेंट उस तरफ बिजी रहेंगे - उन्हें भी विडियो के लिए सहयोग की आवश्यकता होगी
इनमे से कोई एक के लिए भी आप सहयोग दे सकें तो हमें शीघ्र सूचित करें.
ईश्वरीय सेवा में,
ब्रह्माकुमारी अनसूया बहन और ब्रह्माकुमार रोहित भाई,
ब्रह्माकुमारीज़, युवा प्रभाग, दिल्ली ज़ोन के लिए
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हमारा फेसबुक पेज भी विजिट करें:
TODAY MURLI || 08/01/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)
Sweet children, the more you relate knowledge to others, the more knowledge will become refined in your intellects. Therefore, definitely do service.

Question: What two types of children does the Father have? What is the difference between the two?
Answer: The Father has stepchildren and real children. Stepchildren simply say, "Baba, Mama", through their mouths, but they are unable to follow shrimat fully; they don’t surrender themselves fully. Real children completely surrender themselves with their bodies, minds and wealth, that is, they become trustees. They continue to follow shrimat at every step. Because of not doing service, stepchildren fall while moving along; they develop doubts. Real children have full faith in their intellects.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood.
Om Shanti
The Father explains to the children. Which Father? In fact, both fathers: one is the spiritual Father who is called Baba and the other is the physical father who is called Dada. Children at all the centres know that they are the children of BapDada. Shiva is the spiritual Father. He is the Father of all of you souls and Brahma Dada is the head of the human genealogical tree. You have come and become his children. Some of you are truly real children whereas others are still stepchildren. Both say "Mama, Baba", but stepchildren are unable to surrender themselves. Those who don't surrender themselves are unable to receive that much strength, that is, they’re unable to make the Father the trustee of their bodies, minds and wealth. They’re unable to follow His shrimat in order to become elevated. Real children receive subtle help, but there are very few of those. Although there are real children, not until the results are announced would they also be called really firm ones. Although they even live here and are very good and also do service, even they still fall. This is all a question of the intellect’s yoga. You mustn’t forget Baba. Baba is making this Bharat into heaven with the help of you children. The Shiv Shakti Army is remembered. Each one of you has to talk to yourself: We are truly the adopted children of Shiv Baba. We are claiming our inheritance of heaven from the Father. The inheritances we have been receiving from the copper age from physical fathers were only those of hell. We continued to become unhappy. On the path of devotion, there is just blind faith and since devotion began and as the years passed we have only continued to come down. Devotion too was at first unadulterated. They used to worship only the One. Now, instead of that, they worship many. None of the rishis, munis, sages or holy men know when devotion began. The night and day of Brahma is mentioned in the scriptures. Although Brahma and Saraswati become Lakshmi and Narayan, they have mentioned Brahma’s name. Together with Brahma there are also many children. There wouldn't be many children of Lakshmi and Narayan; he would not be called Prajapita. New people are being created now. The new creation (people) are Brahmins. It is Brahmins who consider themselves to be the children of God. Deities would not consider themselves to be that; they are not even aware of the cycle. You know that you have now become the children of Shiv Baba. He has explained to us the cycle of 84 births. With His help, we are once again making Bharat into the pure, divine Rajasthan (Land of Kings). This is something to be clearly understood. One needs courage to explain this. You are the Shiv Shakti Pandava Army. You are also guides: you show everyone the path. No one, apart from you, can show the path to the spiritual, sweet home. Those guides take you to Amarnath or to some other pilgrimage place. You BKs take everyone very far away from everything to the supreme abode (paramdham). Those are physical guides who make you stumble around. You take everyone to the Father in the land of peace. Therefore, you always have to remember: We are once again making Bharat into the divine Rajasthan. Anyone would believe this. There used to be the original, eternal, deity religion in Bharat. In the golden age, Bharat was the unlimited pure, divine land of kings (Rajasthan). It then became the pure warrior Rajasthan. Then, when Maya came into existence, it became the devilish Rajasthan. Here, too, there were kings and queens who used to rule at the beginning. However, the kingdom that has continued is one without the crown of light. After the deity Rajasthan, it became an impure, devilish Rajasthan. It is now a land of impure people; it is a Rajasthan where people rule people. In fact, it cannot be called Rajasthan; they have just given it that name. There are no kingdoms now. This drama is predestined. This picture of Lakshmi and Narayan will be very useful to you. You have to explain using it: Bharat was double crowned like this. It used to be the kingdom of this Lakshmi and Narayan. They were Radhe and Krishna in their childhood. Then, in the silver age, it became the kingdom of Rama. Then, Maya came in the copper age. This is very easy. The history and geography of Bharat is explained in a nutshell. It was in the copper age that the temples to the pure King Narayan and Queen Lakshmi were built. The deities themselves went onto the path of sin. They began to become impure. They then built temples to the pure deities who had existed and they began to worship them. It is impure ones who bow down to pure ones. There were kings and queens until the British Government came. Even landowners used to take the title of king or queen, through which they would receive respect at court. Now, no one is a king. When they began to fight among themselves, those of Islam came. You children know that it is now once again the end of the iron age. Destruction is just ahead. The Father is once again teaching you Raja Yoga. Only you know how establishment is taking place. Then this history and geography will be erased. On the path of devotion, those people write their own Gita and there is a lot of difference in that. In devotion, they definitely need their religious books of the deities. Therefore, according to the drama, they created the Gita. It isn't that, on the path of devotion, they will establish a kingdom or change human beings into Narayan with the Gita; not at all! The Father now explains: You are the incognito army. Baba is also incognito. It is the incognito power of yoga that is enabling you to receive the kingdom. Through physical power you receive a limited kingdom. With the power of yoga you receive the unlimited kingdom. You children have the faith in your hearts that you are now making Bharat into that same deity Rajasthan. The efforts of those who make effort cannot remain hidden. Destruction has to take place. This is also mentioned in the Gita. It is asked: According to the efforts of this time, what status will I receive in the future? Here, too, when someone sheds his body, there is the question: What status will he attain? Only the Father knows what type of service he did with his body, mind and wealth. Children cannot know this. BapDada knows. You can also be told what kind of service you did, whether you took up knowledge or not, whether you helped a great deal. For instance, people give donations because they believe that this institution is very good and that it is carrying out good work. They say: I don't have the power to remain pure. I will help the yagya. Therefore, they receive the return of that. When people build a college or a hospital, they do it for others. It isn't so that they can go to the hospital if they fall ill themselves. Whatever they build, they do so for others. So they receive the fruit of that. That is called donating. What happens here? You are given blessings and you remain happy. Both in this world and in the world beyond, you remain happy. When you speak of this world and the world beyond (parlok), it applies to the confluence age. This means that both this birth in the land of death and the birth in the land of immortality become worthwhile. Truly, this birth of yours is now being made worthwhile. Some are serving with their bodies, some are serving with their minds and others are serving with their wealth. Many are unable to take knowledge. They say: Baba, I don't have courage, but I can help. The Father would tell him: You can become so wealthy. If there is something, you can ask the Father. You want to follow the Father and so you have to ask Him: Baba, what should I do in this situation? The Father who gives you shrimat is sitting here. You have to ask Him; you mustn’t hide anything from Him. Otherwise, the illness will increase. If you don't follow shrimat at every step, something will go wrong. Baba is not far away. You should come personally in front of Baba and ask Him. You should repeatedly come to such a BapDada. In fact, you should remain combined with the most beloved Father. You should cling to the Bridegroom. Those are physical whereas this One is spiritual. Here, there is no question of clinging to Him. Not everyone would be made to sit here. This is such a thing that you want the Father just to remain seated in front of you while you continue to listen to Him and also continue to follow His directions. However, Baba would say: You mustn't just sit here. Become River Ganges; go and do service! The love of you children should be like those who are intoxicated in love. However, you also have to do service. Those whose intellects have faith cling to Him completely. Children write: So-and-so has very good faith in the intellect. I would reply: He hasn't understood anything at all! If he had the faith that the Father who makes us into the masters of heaven has come, he would not be able to remain for even a second without meeting such a Father. There are many daughters who are very desperate. Then, while sitting at home, they have visions of Brahma or Krishna. If you had the faith that the Father has come from the supreme abode to give you the kingdom, you would come and meet Baba. When such ones come, Baba tells them to become the Ganges of knowledge. Many subjects are needed; a kingdom is being established. These pictures are very good to explain with. You can tell anyone that you are once again establishing a kingdom, that destruction is also just ahead. Claim your inheritance from the Father before you die. Everyone wants there to be a one Almighty Government, but not everyone can come together and become one. There definitely was the one kingdom that has been remembered. The name of the golden age is very much glorified. That is being established once again. Some will quickly believe these things, whereas others will not. There was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan 5000 years ago, and it then became the kingdom of these kings. All the kings have now become impure. There is now to be the kingdom of the pure Lakshmi and Narayan. It is very easy for you to explain. We are establishing the deity kingdom with Shiv Baba's shrimat and His help. We also receive power from Shiv Baba. You should have this intoxication. You are warriors. You can also go to the temples and explain to them that establishment of heaven will definitely take place through the Creator. You know that the unlimited Father is only the One. He is personally decorating you with knowledge. He is teaching you Raja Yoga. All those who relate the Gita can never teach you Raja Yoga. You children are made to experience intoxication in your intellects with this. Baba has come to establish heaven. There is the pure Rajasthan in heaven. People have forgotten the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. The Father now personally sits in front of you and explains to you. In any Gita Pathshala etc. you go to no one else could relate the whole history and geography or give information of the 84 births. It would be easy to explain if you have the picture of Radhe and Krishna together with that of Lakshmi and Narayan. This is the correct picture. It should also have very clear writing on it. You keep the whole cycle in your intellects. You should also remember the One who explains the cycle to you. However, there is a lot of effort required for the practice of constant remembrance. Let there be such constant remembrance that you don't remember any rubbish at the end. You must never forget the Father. Little children remember their father a great deal, and then, when they grow up, they remember wealth. You also receive wealth which you have to imbibe very well and then donate to others. Become complete philanthropists. I personally come in front of you and teach you Raja Yoga. You studied that Gita for birth after birth and there was no attainment. I am giving you these teachings here in order to change you from ordinary man into Narayan. That is the path of devotion. A handful out of multimillions will emerge here who will be part of your deity clan. They will definitely come here to become Brahmins. Some would become kings and others would become subjects. Among those too, some would become those who are amazed on hearing the knowledge, relate the knowledge to others and then run away. There is very severe punishment for those who become children and who then divorce the Father. The punishment is severe. At this time, none of you can say that you have constant remembrance. If you do say this, you should send your written chart to Baba and Baba would understand that you are using your body, mind and wealth in serving Bharat. Always have a picture of Lakshmi and Narayan in your pocket. You children should have a lot of intoxication. Social workers ask you how you are serving Bharat. Tell them: We are making Bharat into the deity Rajasthan with our bodies, minds and wealth. No one else can do such service. The more service you do, the more refined your intellects will become. There are many children who are unable to explain very well, and so they defame the name. Some even have the evil spirit of anger and so that too is doing something destructive. They would be told to look at their faces. Have you become worthy of marrying Lakshmi or Narayan? What status would such children who lose the honour claim? They would come in the line of infantry. You are also an army. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. Become a great donor of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Serve Bharat with your body, mind and wealth to make it into heaven.
2. Don't perform any destructive actions. Practise having constant remembrance.
May you be a constant yogi with a true relationship of the heart who makes accurate, spiritual endeavour.
Spiritual endeavour means having powerful remembrance and a true relationship of the heart with the Father. Just as when you sit in yoga, you sit very still physically, similarly, let your heart, mind and intellect all sit down with the Father and be focused on the Father: this is accurate, spiritual endeavour. If there isn’t such spiritual endeavour, then there are prayers. Sometimes, you have remembrance and sometimes you make complaints. In fact, there is no need for complaints in remembrance. Those whose hearts have a relationship with the Father become constant yogis.
Become a carefree emperor with the awareness that the Father is Karavanhar (One who inspires everyone) and continue to experience the flying stage.
TODAY MURLI || 07/01/18 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 17/04/83 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)
"The need for the powers to pack up and to accommodate, in order to attain the karmateet stage."
Are you experiencing your elevated stage of being beyond sound? That elevated stage is a lovely and unique, powerful stage that is beyond all gross attractions. Become stable in this elevated stage for just a second and you will feel the impact of that in yourself while doing something in the form of a special power of peace throughout the day. This stage is called the karmateet stage, the complete stage of being equal to the Father. With this stage you can experience success in every task. Have you experienced such a powerful stage? The aim of Brahmin life is to attain the karmateet stage. Only if you practise this from now will you be able to accomplish your aim. In order to attain this aim you particularly need to have within you the powers to pack up and to accommodate. From the lives in which you indulged in vice and in the lives of devotion, the sanskar you had for birth after birth, of allowing your intellect to wander into expansion has become very firm. Therefore, in order for you to stop your intellect from wandering into expansion and to stabilise it in the essence, both of these powers are needed. From the beginning, you will see so many varieties of expansion in the consciousness of the body. You know them, do you not? "I am a child." "I am young." "I am old." "My occupation is such-and-such!" In this way, there is so much expansion of the consciousness of the body. Then, when you come into relationships, there is so much expansion. There would be someone's child, there would be someone's father. There is so much expansion in relationships! There is no need to mention them because you know them all. In the same way, there is also so much expansion of possessions for the body. In devotion, there is so much expansion to please all the deities. Their aim is to attain the One and yet the methods they follow that make them wander around are many. In order for you to put all of those different forms of expansion into their essence, you need the powers to pack up and to accommodate. You merge all types of expansion in one word. What is that one word? A point. I am a point and the Father is also a Point. The whole world is merged in the one Father, a Point. You have experienced this very well. In the world, there are relations and prosperity. Both specialities are merged in the Father, a Point. Have you experienced all relationships with the One? Have you also experienced the attainment of the wealth of happiness, peace and joy? Or, do you still have to experience that? So, what happened? The expansion is merged into the essence, is it not? Ask yourself: Has my intellect that was wandering in all types of expansion now stabilised in the One on the basis of the power to pack up? Or, is it even now still wandering in some type of expansion? Have you experimented with the powers to pack up and to accommodate? Or do you just have the knowledge of them? If you know how to use them, the sign of that is that you are able to stabilise your intellect on what you want, for as long as you want, in a second. When a physical vehicle has a powerful brake, you can stop it where you want in a second. You are able to steer the vehicle in whatever direction you want. Similarly, do you also experience this power in yourself? Or, does it take you time to become stable? Or, is it that you find it hard work to steer your intellect away from something wasteful to something powerful? In that case, you should understand that you lack both of these powers. The speciality of the Brahmin life of the confluence age is to stabilise in the form of the essence and be constantly swinging in the swings of happiness, peace, joy, knowledge and bliss. Remain stable in the imperishable intoxication of being the complete form of all attainments. Let your face only reveal attainment and nothing else - let the sparkle and intoxication of that stage of perfection be visible. Since the faces of kings who attained perishable kingdoms filled with physical wealth had that sparkle at the beginning of the copper age, just consider what imperishable attainment you have here! So, how much spiritual sparkle and intoxication would be visible on your face? Do you experience this? Or, are you happy just hearing about those experiences? The Pandava Army is special. Baba is definitely pleased when He sees the Pandava Army. The speciality of the Pandavas that is portrayed in pictures is of them being constantly courageous, not weak. You have seen the pictures of your memorial, have you not? Mahavir has been shown in the pictures. So BapDada is especially giving all of you Pandavas the blessing of this special awareness of being constantly victorious, being constant companions of the Father, that is, companions of the Father of the Pandavas, and of constantly staying in the stage of a master almighty authority, equal to the Father. Although new ones have also come, you are still the same souls of the previous cycle. Therefore, constantly maintain the intoxication and faith of definitely attaining your full rights. Do you understand? Achcha.
To those who stabilise their intellects in a second and experience all attainments, to those who constantly use all the powers and experience their whole world to be in the Father, to such complete and elevated souls who are equal to the Father, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups “Meeting half-kumars”:
1) Did you ever think that you would have such elevated fortune? You never even hoped that you could ever attain such elevated fortune. However, the Father changed you from souls with no hope into souls for whom there is hope. The time for being hopeless has now come to an end. You now have the hope at every step that success is guaranteed for you. You no longer have any thought as to whether you will succeed or not, do you? In any task, whether in terms of effort for the self or for service, let your sanskars of feeling disheartened now end. Let there be no type of disheartenment about transforming any sanskar, whether it is of lust, greed or arrogance. Never feel that you cannot change yourself, that it is very difficult to change. Never have such a thought, because if you don't transform yourself now, then when would you do it? It is now Dashera (burning of the effigy of Ravan). In the golden age, it will be Deepmala. The Dashera of finishing off Ravan is now. Let there be constant zeal and enthusiasm for victory, not sanskars of disheartenment. Let any difficult task be experienced to be very easy, as though it is not a big thing, because you have carried out that task many times before. You are not doing anything new. You are simply repeating something that you have already done many times. Therefore, constantly maintain hope. Let there be no name or trace of being disheartened. Let there never be any thought about your nature or sanskar such as, "I don't know whether this will be transformed or not." You are those who are constantly victorious, not just sometimes. If there is any weakness even in your dreams, then finish that for all time. Transform any type of hopelessness into a feeling of hope. When your faith is unbroken, victory is also constant. When you question your faith with "Why?" or "What?", then there is also something or other lacking in your attainment. Therefore, you are those in whom there is always hope and who are always victorious. You are those who transform hopelessness into hopes for all time.
2) Do you constantly consider yourselves to be the elevated confluence-aged souls, the most elevated souls following the highest code of conduct and the Brahmin topknots who are great souls? You have now become the most elevated beings, have you not? There are also other beings in the world, but compared with them you are unique and loved by the Father. This is why you have become the most elevated. When you are with other people, you consider yourselves to be completely different, do you not? Although you come into contact with worldly souls, whilst living amongst them, you mustn't forget that you are unique souls, because you have become swans, holy swans who pick up pearls of knowledge. They are storks who eat impure food. They only eat impure food, only speak bad words. So, whilst living amongst storks, you don't ever forget your life of a holy swan, do you? You don't ever become influenced by them, do you? In fact, you have to influence them; let them not influence you. So do you constantly consider yourself to be a holy swan? A holy swan would never accept anything other than pearls of knowledge in his intellect. Brahmin souls who are the highest, the topknot, can never accept anything that is low. You have changed from storks into holy swans. Holy swans are always clean and pure. Purity is cleanliness. Swans are always clean, they are always white. White is also a sign of cleanliness and purity. Your uniform too is white. This is a symbol of purity. If there is any type of impurity, then you are not a holy swan. Holy swans cannot even have impure thoughts. Thoughts are also food for the intellect. If you eat any impure or useless food, you cannot remain constantly healthy. Anything that is useless is thrown away; it is not accumulated. Therefore, now finish waste thoughts. This is known as being a holy swan. Achcha.
Meeting a group of Pandavas:
Pandavas means those who are not defeated in their thoughts or dreams. Especially remember this slogan: Pandavas means those who are always victorious. Let your dreams also be of victory. There has to be this much transformation. All of you who are sitting here are victorious Pandavas. When you return to your service places and are defeated, you won't write those letters saying that you are defeated, will you? It isn't that Maya comes, but that you yourselves call her. To be weak means to call Maya. Therefore, any type of weakness invokes Maya. So, what promise have you Pandavas made? That you will always remain victorious. Don't hide away after being defeated, but always remain victorious. Those who make such a promise constantly receive congratulations from the Father. The Father constantly sings songs of praise of such children. So all of you will listen to the songs of praise, will you not? If there is defeat, there would be cries of distress, whereas when there is victory, there will be praise. So all of you are constantly victorious. Not a single one in this group will be defeated. Achcha.
Become a Master Bestower
BapDada now wants each one of the children to become a master bestower. Whatever you have taken from the Father, give that to others. Do not have any expectation to take from souls. Be merciful and give everyone the co-operation of your virtues and powers, be generous-hearted. To the extent that you continue to give to others, it will accordingly continue to increase. Perishable treasures decrease by giving them away, but imperishable treasures increase by donating them. Give one and receive a thousand-fold.
To be a master bestower means to be one who is always full, complete. The images who are full of the treasure of experience automatically become master bestowers. A bestower means a server. A bestower cannot stay without giving. With his virtue of being merciful, he will give courage and power to weak souls. Such souls will be master bestowers of happiness. Always have the awareness that you are master bestowers of happiness, the children of the Bestower of Happiness. Those who are bestowers are able to give what they have. If someone doesn't have anything for himself to eat, how could he become a bestower? This is why, as is the Father, so are the children. The Father is said to be the Ocean. An ocean means unlimited, it never ends. Similarly, you are master oceans, not rivers or canals. So, continue to give altruistically, the same as the Father. At any time of peacelessness, become master bestowers of peace and give peace to others. Do not be afraid, because you know that what is happening is good and that what is to happen will be even better. People will continue to fight under the influence of the vices, because that is all they would do. However, your duty is to give peace to such souls, because you are world benefactors. World benefactor souls are constantly master bestowers and continually give. To give co-operation, love and sympathy to everyone is to receive.
At present, everyone has a need for imperishable happiness. All are hungry for happiness and you are the children of the Bestower. The duty of the children of the Bestower is to give. Whoever comes into connection and relationship with you, continue to share your happiness with them, continue to give. Become so full that no one returns empty-handed. Now, all the souls of the world will come in front of you and ask you for happiness and peace. You children of the Bestower have to become master bestowers and continue to make everyone prosperous. So, first of all, continue to fill all your treasure-stores with all treasures. At the confluence age, you elevated souls have to be unending and constant. Constantly have the awareness: I am a child of the Bestower, a constantly great donor soul. No matter which type of soul comes in front of you, whether it is someone without knowledge or a Brahmin soul, you have to give something to everyone. A king means a bestower. So, you cannot stay without donating for even one second. So, you cannot stay for even one second without donating. Brahmin souls already have knowledge, but you have to become bestowers for them in two ways: 1) Whichever power a particular soul needs, donate that power to them, with your mind, that is, with your pure attitude and vibrations, that is, co-operate with them. 2) In your deeds, be an image of virtues in your life. Be a practical sample and give others co-operation so that they are able to imbibe virtues easily. To donate means to give them co-operation.
At present, there is a need for you to become a bestower of virtues through your deeds, when interacting with one another. So, have the thought: I have to be a constant image of virtues and perform the special task of making everyone into an image of virtues. There is a lot of knowledge, now let the virtues emerge. Become an example of becoming and making others full of all virtues. You are the children of the Bestower and so give others whatever they want. Let no one return empty-handed. You have plenty of treasures. Someone wants happiness, someone wants love, someone wants power; continue to give those. Now, let the pure thought emerge in you children, as the children of the Bestower, that you to become instruments to enable all souls to claim their inheritance. Make sure no one is deprived. No matter what others are like, at least they belong to the Father. You are the children of the Bestower and so give with a generous heart. Those who are wandering around with sorrow and peacelessness are your family. A family is given co-operation. So, in order to become a great donor at the present time, let the virtue of being merciful, in particulare, emerge. Do not have any expectation of taking from anyone - that someone should speak well of you or consider you to be good and only then will you give. No; be a master bestower and continue to give with your attitude, your vibrations and your words. Be an unlimited bestower, stand on the globe of the world and spread your vibrations and do unlimited service. Become a great donor. Go into the unlimited and all limited matters will automatically finish. Achcha.
To those who stabilise their intellects in a second and experience all attainments, to those who constantly use all the powers and experience their whole world to be in the Father, to such complete and elevated souls who are equal to the Father, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups “Meeting half-kumars”:
1) Did you ever think that you would have such elevated fortune? You never even hoped that you could ever attain such elevated fortune. However, the Father changed you from souls with no hope into souls for whom there is hope. The time for being hopeless has now come to an end. You now have the hope at every step that success is guaranteed for you. You no longer have any thought as to whether you will succeed or not, do you? In any task, whether in terms of effort for the self or for service, let your sanskars of feeling disheartened now end. Let there be no type of disheartenment about transforming any sanskar, whether it is of lust, greed or arrogance. Never feel that you cannot change yourself, that it is very difficult to change. Never have such a thought, because if you don't transform yourself now, then when would you do it? It is now Dashera (burning of the effigy of Ravan). In the golden age, it will be Deepmala. The Dashera of finishing off Ravan is now. Let there be constant zeal and enthusiasm for victory, not sanskars of disheartenment. Let any difficult task be experienced to be very easy, as though it is not a big thing, because you have carried out that task many times before. You are not doing anything new. You are simply repeating something that you have already done many times. Therefore, constantly maintain hope. Let there be no name or trace of being disheartened. Let there never be any thought about your nature or sanskar such as, "I don't know whether this will be transformed or not." You are those who are constantly victorious, not just sometimes. If there is any weakness even in your dreams, then finish that for all time. Transform any type of hopelessness into a feeling of hope. When your faith is unbroken, victory is also constant. When you question your faith with "Why?" or "What?", then there is also something or other lacking in your attainment. Therefore, you are those in whom there is always hope and who are always victorious. You are those who transform hopelessness into hopes for all time.
2) Do you constantly consider yourselves to be the elevated confluence-aged souls, the most elevated souls following the highest code of conduct and the Brahmin topknots who are great souls? You have now become the most elevated beings, have you not? There are also other beings in the world, but compared with them you are unique and loved by the Father. This is why you have become the most elevated. When you are with other people, you consider yourselves to be completely different, do you not? Although you come into contact with worldly souls, whilst living amongst them, you mustn't forget that you are unique souls, because you have become swans, holy swans who pick up pearls of knowledge. They are storks who eat impure food. They only eat impure food, only speak bad words. So, whilst living amongst storks, you don't ever forget your life of a holy swan, do you? You don't ever become influenced by them, do you? In fact, you have to influence them; let them not influence you. So do you constantly consider yourself to be a holy swan? A holy swan would never accept anything other than pearls of knowledge in his intellect. Brahmin souls who are the highest, the topknot, can never accept anything that is low. You have changed from storks into holy swans. Holy swans are always clean and pure. Purity is cleanliness. Swans are always clean, they are always white. White is also a sign of cleanliness and purity. Your uniform too is white. This is a symbol of purity. If there is any type of impurity, then you are not a holy swan. Holy swans cannot even have impure thoughts. Thoughts are also food for the intellect. If you eat any impure or useless food, you cannot remain constantly healthy. Anything that is useless is thrown away; it is not accumulated. Therefore, now finish waste thoughts. This is known as being a holy swan. Achcha.
Meeting a group of Pandavas:
Pandavas means those who are not defeated in their thoughts or dreams. Especially remember this slogan: Pandavas means those who are always victorious. Let your dreams also be of victory. There has to be this much transformation. All of you who are sitting here are victorious Pandavas. When you return to your service places and are defeated, you won't write those letters saying that you are defeated, will you? It isn't that Maya comes, but that you yourselves call her. To be weak means to call Maya. Therefore, any type of weakness invokes Maya. So, what promise have you Pandavas made? That you will always remain victorious. Don't hide away after being defeated, but always remain victorious. Those who make such a promise constantly receive congratulations from the Father. The Father constantly sings songs of praise of such children. So all of you will listen to the songs of praise, will you not? If there is defeat, there would be cries of distress, whereas when there is victory, there will be praise. So all of you are constantly victorious. Not a single one in this group will be defeated. Achcha.
Become a Master Bestower
BapDada now wants each one of the children to become a master bestower. Whatever you have taken from the Father, give that to others. Do not have any expectation to take from souls. Be merciful and give everyone the co-operation of your virtues and powers, be generous-hearted. To the extent that you continue to give to others, it will accordingly continue to increase. Perishable treasures decrease by giving them away, but imperishable treasures increase by donating them. Give one and receive a thousand-fold.
To be a master bestower means to be one who is always full, complete. The images who are full of the treasure of experience automatically become master bestowers. A bestower means a server. A bestower cannot stay without giving. With his virtue of being merciful, he will give courage and power to weak souls. Such souls will be master bestowers of happiness. Always have the awareness that you are master bestowers of happiness, the children of the Bestower of Happiness. Those who are bestowers are able to give what they have. If someone doesn't have anything for himself to eat, how could he become a bestower? This is why, as is the Father, so are the children. The Father is said to be the Ocean. An ocean means unlimited, it never ends. Similarly, you are master oceans, not rivers or canals. So, continue to give altruistically, the same as the Father. At any time of peacelessness, become master bestowers of peace and give peace to others. Do not be afraid, because you know that what is happening is good and that what is to happen will be even better. People will continue to fight under the influence of the vices, because that is all they would do. However, your duty is to give peace to such souls, because you are world benefactors. World benefactor souls are constantly master bestowers and continually give. To give co-operation, love and sympathy to everyone is to receive.
At present, everyone has a need for imperishable happiness. All are hungry for happiness and you are the children of the Bestower. The duty of the children of the Bestower is to give. Whoever comes into connection and relationship with you, continue to share your happiness with them, continue to give. Become so full that no one returns empty-handed. Now, all the souls of the world will come in front of you and ask you for happiness and peace. You children of the Bestower have to become master bestowers and continue to make everyone prosperous. So, first of all, continue to fill all your treasure-stores with all treasures. At the confluence age, you elevated souls have to be unending and constant. Constantly have the awareness: I am a child of the Bestower, a constantly great donor soul. No matter which type of soul comes in front of you, whether it is someone without knowledge or a Brahmin soul, you have to give something to everyone. A king means a bestower. So, you cannot stay without donating for even one second. So, you cannot stay for even one second without donating. Brahmin souls already have knowledge, but you have to become bestowers for them in two ways: 1) Whichever power a particular soul needs, donate that power to them, with your mind, that is, with your pure attitude and vibrations, that is, co-operate with them. 2) In your deeds, be an image of virtues in your life. Be a practical sample and give others co-operation so that they are able to imbibe virtues easily. To donate means to give them co-operation.
At present, there is a need for you to become a bestower of virtues through your deeds, when interacting with one another. So, have the thought: I have to be a constant image of virtues and perform the special task of making everyone into an image of virtues. There is a lot of knowledge, now let the virtues emerge. Become an example of becoming and making others full of all virtues. You are the children of the Bestower and so give others whatever they want. Let no one return empty-handed. You have plenty of treasures. Someone wants happiness, someone wants love, someone wants power; continue to give those. Now, let the pure thought emerge in you children, as the children of the Bestower, that you to become instruments to enable all souls to claim their inheritance. Make sure no one is deprived. No matter what others are like, at least they belong to the Father. You are the children of the Bestower and so give with a generous heart. Those who are wandering around with sorrow and peacelessness are your family. A family is given co-operation. So, in order to become a great donor at the present time, let the virtue of being merciful, in particulare, emerge. Do not have any expectation of taking from anyone - that someone should speak well of you or consider you to be good and only then will you give. No; be a master bestower and continue to give with your attitude, your vibrations and your words. Be an unlimited bestower, stand on the globe of the world and spread your vibrations and do unlimited service. Become a great donor. Go into the unlimited and all limited matters will automatically finish. Achcha.
May you be celibate and with the special inculcation of purity, experience supersensuous joy.
The special inculcation of Brahmin life is purity. This is the special basis of constant supersensuous joy and sweet silence. Purity is not just celibacy, but to be constantly celibate means to follow the footsteps of the teachings of Father Brahma at every step. Let the steps of your every thought, word and deed be in the footsteps of Father Brahma. The faces and activities of those who are Brahma-achari (following the footsteps of Father Brahma) will give the experience of them being constantly introspective and having supersensuous joy.
Those who have the sense of being trikaldarshi and the essence of spirituality in their attitude to service are serviceable.
TODAY MURLI || 07/01/18 मधुबन "अव्यक्त-बापदादा" ओम् शान्ति 17-04-83 || HINDI || (OM SHANTI)
"कर्मातीत स्थिति के लिए समेटने और समाने की शक्तियों की आवश्यकता"

आवाज से परे अपनी श्रेष्ठ स्थिति को अनुभव करते हो? वह श्रेष्ठ स्थिति सर्व व्यक्त आकर्षण से परे शक्तिशाली न्यारी और प्यारी स्थिति है। एक सेकण्ड भी इस श्रेष्ठ स्थिति में स्थित हो जाओ तो उसका प्रभाव सारा दिन कर्म करते हुए भी स्वयं में विशेष शान्ति की शक्ति अनुभव करेंगे। इसी स्थिति को कर्मातीत स्थिति, बाप समान सम्पूर्ण स्थिति कहा जाता है। इसी स्थिति द्वारा हर कार्य में सफलता का अनुभव कर सकते हो। ऐसी शक्तिशाली स्थिति का अनुभव किया है? ब्राह्मण जीवन का लक्ष्य है कर्मातीत स्थिति को पाना। तो लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के पहले अभी से इसी अभ्यास में रहेंगे तब ही लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। इसी लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए विशेष स्वयं में समेटने की शक्ति, समाने की शक्ति आवश्यक है क्योंकि विकारी जीवन वा भक्ति की जीवन दोनों में जन्म-जन्मान्तर से बुद्धि को विस्तार में भटकने का संस्कार बहुत पक्का हो गया है इसलिए ऐसे विस्तार में भटकने वाली बुद्धि को सार रूप में स्थित करने के लिए इन दोनों शक्तियों की आवश्यकता है। शुरू से देखो - अपने देह के भान के कितने वैरायटी प्रकार के विस्तार हैं। उसको तो जानते हो ना! मैं बच्चा हूँ, मैं जवान हूँ, मैं बुजुर्ग हूँ। मैं फलाने-फलाने आक्यूपेशन वाला हूँ। इसी प्रकार के देह की स्मृति के विस्तार कितने हैं! फिर सम्बन्ध में आओ कितना विस्तार है। किसका बच्चा है तो किसका बाप है, कितने विस्तार के सम्बन्ध हैं। उसको वर्णन करने की आवश्यकता नहीं, क्योंकि जानते हो। इसी प्रकार देह के पदार्थो का भी कितना विस्तार है! भक्ति में अनेक देवताओं को सन्तुष्ट करने का कितना विस्तार है। लक्ष्य एक को पाने का है लेकिन भटकने के साधन अनेक हैं। इतने सभी प्रकार के विस्तार को सार रूप में लाने के लिए समाने की वा समेटने की शक्ति चाहिए। सर्व विस्तार को एक शब्द से समा देते। वह क्या? बिन्दू। मैं भी बिन्दू, बाप भी बिन्दू। एक बाप बिन्दू में सारा संसार समाया हुआ है। यह तो अच्छी तरह से अनुभवी हो ना। संसार में एक है सम्बन्ध, दूसरी है सम्पत्ति। दोनों विशेषतायें बिन्दू बाप में समाई हुई हैं। सर्व सम्बन्ध एक द्वारा अनुभव किया है? सर्व सम्पत्ति की प्राप्ति सुख-शान्ति, खुशी यह भी अनुभव किया है या अभी करना है? तो क्या हुआ? विस्तार सार में समा गया ना! अपने आप से पूछो अनेक तरफ विस्तार में भटकने वाली बुद्धि समेटने की शक्ति के आधार पर एक में एकाग्र हो गई है? वा अभी भी कहाँ विस्तार में भटकती है! समेटने की शक्ति और समाने की शक्ति का प्रयोग किया है? या सिर्फ नॉलेज है! अगर इन दोनों शक्तियों को प्रयोग करना आता है तो उसकी निशानी सेकण्ड में जहाँ चाहे जब चाहे बुद्धि उसी स्थिति में स्थित हो जायेगी। जैसे स्थूल सवारी में पॉवरफुल ब्रेक होती है तो उसी सेकण्ड में जहाँ चाहें वहाँ रोक सकते हैं। जहाँ चाहें वहाँ गाड़ी को या सवारी को उसी दिशा में ले जा सकते हैं। ऐसे स्वयं यह शक्ति अनुभव करते हो वा एकाग्र होने में समय लगता है? वा व्यर्थ से समर्थ की ओर मेहनत लगती है तो समझो इन दोनों शक्तियों की कमी है। संगमयुग के ब्राह्मण जीवन की विशेषता है ही सार रूप में स्थित हो - सदा सुख-शान्ति के, खुशी के, ज्ञान के, आनन्द के झूले में झूलना। सर्व प्राप्तियों के सम्पन्न स्वरूप के अविनाशी नशे में स्थित रहो। सदा चेहरे पर प्राप्ति ही प्राप्ति है, उस सम्पन्न स्थिति की झलक और फलक दिखाई दे। जब सिर्फ स्थूल धन से सम्पन्न विनाशी राजाई प्राप्त करने वाले राजाओं के चेहरे पर भी द्वापर के आदि में वह चमक थी। यहाँ तो अविनाशी प्राप्ति है। तो कितनी रूहानी झलक और फलक चेहरे से दिखाई देगी! ऐसे अनुभव करते हो? वा सिर्फ अनुभव सुन करके खुश होते हो! पाण्डव सेना विशेष है ना! पाण्डव सेना को देख हर्षित जरूर होते हैं। लेकिन पाण्डवों की विशेषता - सदा बहादुर दिखाते हैं, कमज़ोर नहीं। अपने यादगार चित्र देखे हैं ना। चित्रों में भी महावीर दिखाते हैं ना। तो बापदादा भी सभी पाण्डवों को विशेष रूप से, सदा विजयी, सदा बाप के साथी अर्थात् पाण्डवपति के साथी, बाप समान मास्टर सर्वशक्तिवान स्थिति में सदा रहें, यही विशेष स्मृति का वरदान दे रहे हैं। भले नये भी आये हो लेकिन हो तो कल्प पहले के अधिकारी आत्मायें इसलिए सदा अपने सम्पूर्ण अधिकार को पाना ही है - इस नशे और निश्चय में सदा रहना। समझा। अच्छा!सदा सेकण्ड में बुद्धि को एकाग्र कर सर्व प्राप्ति को अनुभव कर, सदा सर्व शक्तियों को समय प्रमाण प्रयोग में लाते सदा एक बाप में सारा संसार अनुभव करने वाले, ऐसे सम्पन्न और समान श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को बापदादा का याद-प्यार और नमस्ते।पार्टियों के साथ1- अधरकुमारों के साथ:- ऐसा श्रेष्ठ भाग्य कभी अपने लिए सोचा था? कभी उम्मीद भी नहीं थी कि इतना श्रेष्ठ भाग्य हमें प्राप्त हो सकता है लेकिन नाउम्मीद आत्माओं को बाप ने उम्मीदवार बना दिया। नाउम्मीदी का समय अब समाप्त हो गया। अभी हर कदम में उम्मीद रहती है कि हमारी सफलता है ही। यह संकल्प तो नहीं आता कि पता नहीं होगी या नहीं होगी? किसी भी कार्य में चाहे स्वयं के पुरूषार्थ में, चाहे सेवा में, दोनों में नाउम्मीदी का संस्कार समाप्त हो जाए। कोई भी संस्कार चाहे काम का, चाहे लोभ का, चाहे अहंकार का, बदलने में नाउम्मीदी न आए। ऐसे नहीं मैं तो बदल ही नहीं सकता, यह तो बदलना बड़ा मुश्किल है। ऐसा संकल्प भी न आये क्योंकि अगर अभी नहीं खत्म करेंगे तो कब करेंगे? अभी दशहरा है ना। सतयुग में तो दीपमाला हो जायेगी। रावण को खत्म करने का दशहरा अभी है। इसमें सदा विजय का उमंग-उत्साह रहे। नाउम्मीदी के संस्कार नहीं। कोई भी मुश्किल कार्य इतना सहज अनुभव हो जैसे कोई बड़ी बात ही नहीं है क्योंकि अनेक बार कार्य कर चुके हैं। कोई नई बात नहीं कर रहे हैं। कई बार की हुई को रिपीट कर रहे हैं। तो सदा उम्मीदवार। नाउम्मीद का नामनिशान भी न रहे। कभी कोई स्वभाव-संस्कार में संकल्प न आये कि पता नहीं यह परिवर्तन होगा या नहीं होगा। सदा के विजयी, कभी-कभी के नहीं। अगर कोई स्वप्न में भी कमी हो तो उसको सदा के लिए समाप्त कर देना। नाउम्मीद को सदा के लिए उम्मीद में बदल देना। निश्चय अटूट है तो विजय भी सदा है। निश्चय में जब क्यों, क्या आता तो विजय अर्थात् प्राप्ति में भी कुछ न कुछ कमी पड़ जाती है तो सदा उम्मीदवार, सदा विजयी। नाउम्मीदों को सदाकाल के लिए उम्मीदों में बदलने वाले।2- सदा अपने को संगमयुगी श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें, पुरूषोत्तम आत्मायें वा ब्राह्मण चोटी महान आत्मायें समझते हो? अभी से पुरूषोत्तम बन गये ना। दुनिया में और भी पुरूष हैं लेकिन उन्हों से न्यारे और बाप के प्यारे बन गये इसलिए पुरूषोत्तम बन गये। औरों के बीच में अपने को अलौकिक समझते हो ना! चाहे सम्पर्क में लौकिक आत्माओं के आते लेकिन उनके बीच में रहते हुए भी मैं अलौकिक न्यारी हूँ यह तो कभी नहीं भूलना है ना! क्योंकि आप बन गये हो हंस, ज्ञान के मोती चुगने वाले होलीहंस हो। वह हैं गन्द खाने वाले बगुले। वे गन्द ही खाते, गन्द ही बोलते... तो बगुलों के बीच में रहते हुए अपना होलीहंस जीवन कभी भूल तो नहीं जाते! कभी उसका प्रभाव तो नहीं पड़ जाता? वैसे तो उसका प्रभाव उन पर पड़ना चाहिए, उनका आप पर नहीं। तो सदा अपने को होलीहंस समझते हो? होलीहंस कभी भी बुद्धि द्वारा सिवाए ज्ञान के मोती के और कुछ स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते। ब्राह्मण आत्मायें जो ऊंच हैं, चोटी हैं वह कभी भी नीचे की बातें स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते। बगुले से होलीहंस बन गये। तो होलीहंस सदा स्वच्छ, सदा पवित्र। पवित्रता ही स्वच्छता है। हंस सदा स्वच्छ हैं सदा सफेद-सफेद। सफेद भी स्वच्छता वा पवित्रता की निशानी है। आपकी ड्रेस भी सफेद है। यह प्युरिटी की निशानी है। किसी भी प्रकार की अपवित्रता है तो होलीहंस नहीं। होलीहंस संकल्प भी अशुद्ध नहीं कर सकते। संकल्प भी बुद्धि का भोजन है। अगर अशुद्ध वा व्यर्थ भोजन खाया तो सदा तन्दरूस्त नहीं रह सकते। व्यर्थ चीज को फेंका जाता, इकट्ठा नहीं किया जाता इसलिए व्यर्थ संकल्प को भी समाप्त करो, इसी को ही होलीहंस कहा जाता है। अच्छा।पाण्डवों से - पाण्डव अर्थात् संकल्प और स्वप्न में भी हार न खाने वाले। विशेष यह स्लोगन याद रखना कि पाण्डव अर्थात् सदा विजयी। स्वप्न भी विजय का आये। इतना परिवर्तन करना। सभी जो बैठे हो विजयी पाण्डव हो। वहाँ जाकर हार खा ली, यह पत्र तो नहीं लिखेंगे। माया आ नहीं जाती लेकिन आप उसे खुद बुलाते हो। कमजोर बनना अर्थात् माया को बुलाना। तो किसी भी प्रकार की कमजोरी माया को बुलाती है। तो पाण्डवों ने क्या प्रतिज्ञा की? सदा विजयी रहेंगे। हार खाकरके छिपना नहीं, लेकिन सदा विजयी रहना। ऐसे प्रतिज्ञा करने वालों को सदा बापदादा की बधाई मिलती रहती है। सदा वाह-वाह के गीत बाप ऐसे बच्चों के लिए गाते रहते हैं। तो वाह-वाह के गीत सुनेंगे ना सभी। हार होगी तो हाय-हाय करेंगे, विजयी होंगे तो वाह-वाह करेंगे। सब विजयी, सारे ग्रुप में एक भी हार खाने वाला नहीं। अच्छा - ओम् शान्ति।मास्टर दाता बनो (अव्यक्त महावाक्य)बापदादा अब बच्चों से यही चाहते हैं कि हर एक बच्चा मास्टर दाता बनें। जो बाप से लिया है, वह औरों को दो। आत्माओं से लेने की भावना नहीं रखो। रहमदिल बन अपने गुणों का, शक्तियों का सबको सहयोग दो, फ्राकदिल बनो। जितना दूसरों को देते जायेंगे उतना बढ़ता जायेगा। विनाशी खजाना देने से कम होता है और अविनाशी खजाना देने से बढ़ता है-एक दो, हजार पाओ।मास्टर दाता अर्थात् सदा भरपूर, सम्पन्न। जिसके पास अनुभूतियों का खजाना सम्पन्न होगा, वह सम्पन्न मूर्तियां स्वत: ही मास्टर दाता बन जाती हैं। दाता अर्थात् सेवाधारी। दाता देने के बिना रह नहीं सकते। वे अपने रहमदिल के गुण से किसी को हिम्मत देंगे तो किसी निर्बल आत्मा को बल देंगे। वह मास्टर सुखदाता होंगे। सदा यह स्मृति रहे कि हम सुखदाता के बच्चे मास्टर सुखदाता हैं। जो दाता हैं, उसके पास है तभी तो देंगे। यदि किसके पास अपने खाने के लिए ही नहीं हो, तो वह दाता कैसे बनेंगे इसलिए जैसा बाप वैसे बच्चे। बाप को सागर कहते हैं। सागर अर्थात् बेहद, खुटता नहीं। ऐसे आप भी मास्टर सागर हो, नदी-नाले नहीं। तो बाप समान नि:स्वार्थ भावना से देते जाओ। अशान्ति के समय पर मास्टर शान्ति-दाता बन औरों को भी शान्ति दो, घबराओ नहीं, क्योंकि जानते हो कि जो हो रहा है वो भी अच्छा और जो होना है वह और अच्छा। विकारों के वशीभूत मनुष्य तो लड़ते ही रहेंगे। उनका काम ही यह है। लेकिन आपका काम है-ऐसी आत्माओं को शान्ति देना क्योंकि विश्व कल्याणकारी हो। विश्व-कल्याणकारी आत्मायें सदा मास्टर दाता बन देती रहती हैं। हर एक को सहयोग, स्नेह, सहानुभूति देना ही लेना है।वर्तमान समय में सभी को अविनाशी खुशी की आवश्यकता है, सब खुशी के भिखारी हैं और आप दाता के बच्चे हो। दाता के बच्चों का काम है-देना। जो भी सम्बन्ध-सम्पर्क में आये-खुशी बांटते जाओ, देते जाओ। कोई खाली नहीं जाये, इतना भरपूर बनो। अब सारे विश्व की आत्मायें सुख-शान्ति की भीख मांगने के लिये आपके सामने आने वाली हैं। आप दाता के बच्चे मास्टर दाता बन सबको मालामाल करेंगे। तो पहले से स्वयं के भण्डारे सर्व खजानों से भरपूर करते जाओ। आप श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें संगम पर अखुट और अखण्ड महादानी बनो। निरन्तर स्मृति में रखो कि मैं दाता का बच्चा अखण्ड महादानी आत्मा हूँ। कोई भी आत्मा आपके सामने आये चाहे अज्ञानी हो, चाहे ब्राह्मण हो लेकिन कुछ न कुछ सबको देना है। राजा का अर्थ ही है दाता। तो एक सेकण्ड भी दान देने के बिना रह नहीं सकते। ब्राह्मण आत्माओं के पास ज्ञान तो पहले ही है लेकिन उनके प्रति दो प्रकार से दाता बनो:- 1- जिस आत्मा को, जिस शक्ति की आवश्यकता हो, उस आत्मा को मन्सा द्वारा अर्थात् शुद्ध वृत्ति, वायब्रेशन्स द्वारा शक्तियों का दान अर्थात् सहयोग दो। 2- कर्म द्वारा सदा स्वयं जीवन में गुण मूर्त बन, प्रत्यक्ष सैम्पल बन औरों को सहज गुण धारण करने का सहयोग दो। दान का अर्थ है सहयोग देना।वर्तमान समय आपस में विशेष कर्म द्वारा गुणदाता बनने की आवश्यकता है। तो संकल्प करो कि मुझे सदा गुण मूर्त बन सबको गुण मूर्त बनाने का विशेष कर्तव्य करना ही है। ज्ञान तो बहुत है, अभी गुणों को इमर्ज करो, सर्वगुण सम्पन्न बनने और बनाने का एग्जाम्पल बनो। दाता के बच्चे हो तो जिसे जो चाहिए वह देते चलो। कोई भी खाली नहीं जाये। अथाह ख़ज़ाना है। किसी को खुशी चाहिये, स्नेह चाहिये, शक्ति चाहिए, तो देते जाओ। अब आप बच्चों में यह शुभ संकल्प इमर्ज हो कि दाता के बच्चे बन सभी आत्माओं को वर्सा दिलाने के निमित्त बनें, कोई वंचित नहीं रहे। चाहे कोई कैसा भी है लेकिन बाप का तो है। आप दाता के बच्चे हो तो फ्राकदिली से बांटो। जो अशान्ति, दु:ख में भटक रहे हैं वो आपका परिवार हैं। परिवार को सहयोग दिया जाता है। तो वर्तमान समय महादानी बनने के लिये विशेष रहमदिल के गुण को इमर्ज करो। किसी से भी लेने की इच्छा नहीं रखो कि वो अच्छा बोले, अच्छा माने तो दें। नहीं। मास्टर दाता बन वृत्ति द्वारा, वायब्रेशन्स द्वारा, वाणी द्वारा देते जाओ। बेहद के दाता बन वर्ल्ड के गोले पर खड़े हो, बेहद की सेवा में वायब्रेशन फैलाओ। महान दाता बनो। बेहद में जाओ तो हदों की बातें स्वत: समाप्त हो जायेंगी। अच्छा।वरदान:पवित्रता की विशेष धारणा द्वारा अतीन्द्रिय सुख का अनुभव करने वाले ब्रह्माचारी भव!ब्राह्मण जीवन की विशेष धारणा पवित्रता है, यही निरन्तर अतीन्द्रिय सुख और स्वीट साइलेन्स का विशेष आधार है। पवित्रता सिर्फ ब्रह्मचर्य नहीं लेकिन ब्रह्मचारी और सदा ब्रह्माचारी अर्थात् ब्रह्मा बाप के आचरण पर हर कदम चलने वाले। संकल्प, बोल और कर्म रूपी कदम ब्रह्मा बाप के कदम ऊपर कदम हो, ऐसे जो ब्रह्माचारी हैं उनका चेहरा और चलन सदा ही अन्तर्मुखी और अतीन्द्रिय सुख की अनुभूति करायेगा।स्लोगन:सेवा में त्रिकालदर्शी का सेन्स और रुहानियत का इसेन्स भरने वाले ही सर्विसएबुल हैं।x
आवाज से परे अपनी श्रेष्ठ स्थिति को अनुभव करते हो? वह श्रेष्ठ स्थिति सर्व व्यक्त आकर्षण से परे शक्तिशाली न्यारी और प्यारी स्थिति है। एक सेकण्ड भी इस श्रेष्ठ स्थिति में स्थित हो जाओ तो उसका प्रभाव सारा दिन कर्म करते हुए भी स्वयं में विशेष शान्ति की शक्ति अनुभव करेंगे। इसी स्थिति को कर्मातीत स्थिति, बाप समान सम्पूर्ण स्थिति कहा जाता है। इसी स्थिति द्वारा हर कार्य में सफलता का अनुभव कर सकते हो। ऐसी शक्तिशाली स्थिति का अनुभव किया है? ब्राह्मण जीवन का लक्ष्य है कर्मातीत स्थिति को पाना। तो लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के पहले अभी से इसी अभ्यास में रहेंगे तब ही लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। इसी लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए विशेष स्वयं में समेटने की शक्ति, समाने की शक्ति आवश्यक है क्योंकि विकारी जीवन वा भक्ति की जीवन दोनों में जन्म-जन्मान्तर से बुद्धि को विस्तार में भटकने का संस्कार बहुत पक्का हो गया है इसलिए ऐसे विस्तार में भटकने वाली बुद्धि को सार रूप में स्थित करने के लिए इन दोनों शक्तियों की आवश्यकता है। शुरू से देखो - अपने देह के भान के कितने वैरायटी प्रकार के विस्तार हैं। उसको तो जानते हो ना! मैं बच्चा हूँ, मैं जवान हूँ, मैं बुजुर्ग हूँ। मैं फलाने-फलाने आक्यूपेशन वाला हूँ। इसी प्रकार के देह की स्मृति के विस्तार कितने हैं! फिर सम्बन्ध में आओ कितना विस्तार है। किसका बच्चा है तो किसका बाप है, कितने विस्तार के सम्बन्ध हैं। उसको वर्णन करने की आवश्यकता नहीं, क्योंकि जानते हो। इसी प्रकार देह के पदार्थो का भी कितना विस्तार है! भक्ति में अनेक देवताओं को सन्तुष्ट करने का कितना विस्तार है। लक्ष्य एक को पाने का है लेकिन भटकने के साधन अनेक हैं। इतने सभी प्रकार के विस्तार को सार रूप में लाने के लिए समाने की वा समेटने की शक्ति चाहिए। सर्व विस्तार को एक शब्द से समा देते। वह क्या? बिन्दू। मैं भी बिन्दू, बाप भी बिन्दू। एक बाप बिन्दू में सारा संसार समाया हुआ है। यह तो अच्छी तरह से अनुभवी हो ना। संसार में एक है सम्बन्ध, दूसरी है सम्पत्ति। दोनों विशेषतायें बिन्दू बाप में समाई हुई हैं। सर्व सम्बन्ध एक द्वारा अनुभव किया है? सर्व सम्पत्ति की प्राप्ति सुख-शान्ति, खुशी यह भी अनुभव किया है या अभी करना है? तो क्या हुआ? विस्तार सार में समा गया ना! अपने आप से पूछो अनेक तरफ विस्तार में भटकने वाली बुद्धि समेटने की शक्ति के आधार पर एक में एकाग्र हो गई है? वा अभी भी कहाँ विस्तार में भटकती है! समेटने की शक्ति और समाने की शक्ति का प्रयोग किया है? या सिर्फ नॉलेज है! अगर इन दोनों शक्तियों को प्रयोग करना आता है तो उसकी निशानी सेकण्ड में जहाँ चाहे जब चाहे बुद्धि उसी स्थिति में स्थित हो जायेगी। जैसे स्थूल सवारी में पॉवरफुल ब्रेक होती है तो उसी सेकण्ड में जहाँ चाहें वहाँ रोक सकते हैं। जहाँ चाहें वहाँ गाड़ी को या सवारी को उसी दिशा में ले जा सकते हैं। ऐसे स्वयं यह शक्ति अनुभव करते हो वा एकाग्र होने में समय लगता है? वा व्यर्थ से समर्थ की ओर मेहनत लगती है तो समझो इन दोनों शक्तियों की कमी है। संगमयुग के ब्राह्मण जीवन की विशेषता है ही सार रूप में स्थित हो - सदा सुख-शान्ति के, खुशी के, ज्ञान के, आनन्द के झूले में झूलना। सर्व प्राप्तियों के सम्पन्न स्वरूप के अविनाशी नशे में स्थित रहो। सदा चेहरे पर प्राप्ति ही प्राप्ति है, उस सम्पन्न स्थिति की झलक और फलक दिखाई दे। जब सिर्फ स्थूल धन से सम्पन्न विनाशी राजाई प्राप्त करने वाले राजाओं के चेहरे पर भी द्वापर के आदि में वह चमक थी। यहाँ तो अविनाशी प्राप्ति है। तो कितनी रूहानी झलक और फलक चेहरे से दिखाई देगी! ऐसे अनुभव करते हो? वा सिर्फ अनुभव सुन करके खुश होते हो! पाण्डव सेना विशेष है ना! पाण्डव सेना को देख हर्षित जरूर होते हैं। लेकिन पाण्डवों की विशेषता - सदा बहादुर दिखाते हैं, कमज़ोर नहीं। अपने यादगार चित्र देखे हैं ना। चित्रों में भी महावीर दिखाते हैं ना। तो बापदादा भी सभी पाण्डवों को विशेष रूप से, सदा विजयी, सदा बाप के साथी अर्थात् पाण्डवपति के साथी, बाप समान मास्टर सर्वशक्तिवान स्थिति में सदा रहें, यही विशेष स्मृति का वरदान दे रहे हैं। भले नये भी आये हो लेकिन हो तो कल्प पहले के अधिकारी आत्मायें इसलिए सदा अपने सम्पूर्ण अधिकार को पाना ही है - इस नशे और निश्चय में सदा रहना। समझा। अच्छा!सदा सेकण्ड में बुद्धि को एकाग्र कर सर्व प्राप्ति को अनुभव कर, सदा सर्व शक्तियों को समय प्रमाण प्रयोग में लाते सदा एक बाप में सारा संसार अनुभव करने वाले, ऐसे सम्पन्न और समान श्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को बापदादा का याद-प्यार और नमस्ते।पार्टियों के साथ1- अधरकुमारों के साथ:- ऐसा श्रेष्ठ भाग्य कभी अपने लिए सोचा था? कभी उम्मीद भी नहीं थी कि इतना श्रेष्ठ भाग्य हमें प्राप्त हो सकता है लेकिन नाउम्मीद आत्माओं को बाप ने उम्मीदवार बना दिया। नाउम्मीदी का समय अब समाप्त हो गया। अभी हर कदम में उम्मीद रहती है कि हमारी सफलता है ही। यह संकल्प तो नहीं आता कि पता नहीं होगी या नहीं होगी? किसी भी कार्य में चाहे स्वयं के पुरूषार्थ में, चाहे सेवा में, दोनों में नाउम्मीदी का संस्कार समाप्त हो जाए। कोई भी संस्कार चाहे काम का, चाहे लोभ का, चाहे अहंकार का, बदलने में नाउम्मीदी न आए। ऐसे नहीं मैं तो बदल ही नहीं सकता, यह तो बदलना बड़ा मुश्किल है। ऐसा संकल्प भी न आये क्योंकि अगर अभी नहीं खत्म करेंगे तो कब करेंगे? अभी दशहरा है ना। सतयुग में तो दीपमाला हो जायेगी। रावण को खत्म करने का दशहरा अभी है। इसमें सदा विजय का उमंग-उत्साह रहे। नाउम्मीदी के संस्कार नहीं। कोई भी मुश्किल कार्य इतना सहज अनुभव हो जैसे कोई बड़ी बात ही नहीं है क्योंकि अनेक बार कार्य कर चुके हैं। कोई नई बात नहीं कर रहे हैं। कई बार की हुई को रिपीट कर रहे हैं। तो सदा उम्मीदवार। नाउम्मीद का नामनिशान भी न रहे। कभी कोई स्वभाव-संस्कार में संकल्प न आये कि पता नहीं यह परिवर्तन होगा या नहीं होगा। सदा के विजयी, कभी-कभी के नहीं। अगर कोई स्वप्न में भी कमी हो तो उसको सदा के लिए समाप्त कर देना। नाउम्मीद को सदा के लिए उम्मीद में बदल देना। निश्चय अटूट है तो विजय भी सदा है। निश्चय में जब क्यों, क्या आता तो विजय अर्थात् प्राप्ति में भी कुछ न कुछ कमी पड़ जाती है तो सदा उम्मीदवार, सदा विजयी। नाउम्मीदों को सदाकाल के लिए उम्मीदों में बदलने वाले।2- सदा अपने को संगमयुगी श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें, पुरूषोत्तम आत्मायें वा ब्राह्मण चोटी महान आत्मायें समझते हो? अभी से पुरूषोत्तम बन गये ना। दुनिया में और भी पुरूष हैं लेकिन उन्हों से न्यारे और बाप के प्यारे बन गये इसलिए पुरूषोत्तम बन गये। औरों के बीच में अपने को अलौकिक समझते हो ना! चाहे सम्पर्क में लौकिक आत्माओं के आते लेकिन उनके बीच में रहते हुए भी मैं अलौकिक न्यारी हूँ यह तो कभी नहीं भूलना है ना! क्योंकि आप बन गये हो हंस, ज्ञान के मोती चुगने वाले होलीहंस हो। वह हैं गन्द खाने वाले बगुले। वे गन्द ही खाते, गन्द ही बोलते... तो बगुलों के बीच में रहते हुए अपना होलीहंस जीवन कभी भूल तो नहीं जाते! कभी उसका प्रभाव तो नहीं पड़ जाता? वैसे तो उसका प्रभाव उन पर पड़ना चाहिए, उनका आप पर नहीं। तो सदा अपने को होलीहंस समझते हो? होलीहंस कभी भी बुद्धि द्वारा सिवाए ज्ञान के मोती के और कुछ स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते। ब्राह्मण आत्मायें जो ऊंच हैं, चोटी हैं वह कभी भी नीचे की बातें स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते। बगुले से होलीहंस बन गये। तो होलीहंस सदा स्वच्छ, सदा पवित्र। पवित्रता ही स्वच्छता है। हंस सदा स्वच्छ हैं सदा सफेद-सफेद। सफेद भी स्वच्छता वा पवित्रता की निशानी है। आपकी ड्रेस भी सफेद है। यह प्युरिटी की निशानी है। किसी भी प्रकार की अपवित्रता है तो होलीहंस नहीं। होलीहंस संकल्प भी अशुद्ध नहीं कर सकते। संकल्प भी बुद्धि का भोजन है। अगर अशुद्ध वा व्यर्थ भोजन खाया तो सदा तन्दरूस्त नहीं रह सकते। व्यर्थ चीज को फेंका जाता, इकट्ठा नहीं किया जाता इसलिए व्यर्थ संकल्प को भी समाप्त करो, इसी को ही होलीहंस कहा जाता है। अच्छा।पाण्डवों से - पाण्डव अर्थात् संकल्प और स्वप्न में भी हार न खाने वाले। विशेष यह स्लोगन याद रखना कि पाण्डव अर्थात् सदा विजयी। स्वप्न भी विजय का आये। इतना परिवर्तन करना। सभी जो बैठे हो विजयी पाण्डव हो। वहाँ जाकर हार खा ली, यह पत्र तो नहीं लिखेंगे। माया आ नहीं जाती लेकिन आप उसे खुद बुलाते हो। कमजोर बनना अर्थात् माया को बुलाना। तो किसी भी प्रकार की कमजोरी माया को बुलाती है। तो पाण्डवों ने क्या प्रतिज्ञा की? सदा विजयी रहेंगे। हार खाकरके छिपना नहीं, लेकिन सदा विजयी रहना। ऐसे प्रतिज्ञा करने वालों को सदा बापदादा की बधाई मिलती रहती है। सदा वाह-वाह के गीत बाप ऐसे बच्चों के लिए गाते रहते हैं। तो वाह-वाह के गीत सुनेंगे ना सभी। हार होगी तो हाय-हाय करेंगे, विजयी होंगे तो वाह-वाह करेंगे। सब विजयी, सारे ग्रुप में एक भी हार खाने वाला नहीं। अच्छा - ओम् शान्ति।मास्टर दाता बनो (अव्यक्त महावाक्य)बापदादा अब बच्चों से यही चाहते हैं कि हर एक बच्चा मास्टर दाता बनें। जो बाप से लिया है, वह औरों को दो। आत्माओं से लेने की भावना नहीं रखो। रहमदिल बन अपने गुणों का, शक्तियों का सबको सहयोग दो, फ्राकदिल बनो। जितना दूसरों को देते जायेंगे उतना बढ़ता जायेगा। विनाशी खजाना देने से कम होता है और अविनाशी खजाना देने से बढ़ता है-एक दो, हजार पाओ।मास्टर दाता अर्थात् सदा भरपूर, सम्पन्न। जिसके पास अनुभूतियों का खजाना सम्पन्न होगा, वह सम्पन्न मूर्तियां स्वत: ही मास्टर दाता बन जाती हैं। दाता अर्थात् सेवाधारी। दाता देने के बिना रह नहीं सकते। वे अपने रहमदिल के गुण से किसी को हिम्मत देंगे तो किसी निर्बल आत्मा को बल देंगे। वह मास्टर सुखदाता होंगे। सदा यह स्मृति रहे कि हम सुखदाता के बच्चे मास्टर सुखदाता हैं। जो दाता हैं, उसके पास है तभी तो देंगे। यदि किसके पास अपने खाने के लिए ही नहीं हो, तो वह दाता कैसे बनेंगे इसलिए जैसा बाप वैसे बच्चे। बाप को सागर कहते हैं। सागर अर्थात् बेहद, खुटता नहीं। ऐसे आप भी मास्टर सागर हो, नदी-नाले नहीं। तो बाप समान नि:स्वार्थ भावना से देते जाओ। अशान्ति के समय पर मास्टर शान्ति-दाता बन औरों को भी शान्ति दो, घबराओ नहीं, क्योंकि जानते हो कि जो हो रहा है वो भी अच्छा और जो होना है वह और अच्छा। विकारों के वशीभूत मनुष्य तो लड़ते ही रहेंगे। उनका काम ही यह है। लेकिन आपका काम है-ऐसी आत्माओं को शान्ति देना क्योंकि विश्व कल्याणकारी हो। विश्व-कल्याणकारी आत्मायें सदा मास्टर दाता बन देती रहती हैं। हर एक को सहयोग, स्नेह, सहानुभूति देना ही लेना है।वर्तमान समय में सभी को अविनाशी खुशी की आवश्यकता है, सब खुशी के भिखारी हैं और आप दाता के बच्चे हो। दाता के बच्चों का काम है-देना। जो भी सम्बन्ध-सम्पर्क में आये-खुशी बांटते जाओ, देते जाओ। कोई खाली नहीं जाये, इतना भरपूर बनो। अब सारे विश्व की आत्मायें सुख-शान्ति की भीख मांगने के लिये आपके सामने आने वाली हैं। आप दाता के बच्चे मास्टर दाता बन सबको मालामाल करेंगे। तो पहले से स्वयं के भण्डारे सर्व खजानों से भरपूर करते जाओ। आप श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें संगम पर अखुट और अखण्ड महादानी बनो। निरन्तर स्मृति में रखो कि मैं दाता का बच्चा अखण्ड महादानी आत्मा हूँ। कोई भी आत्मा आपके सामने आये चाहे अज्ञानी हो, चाहे ब्राह्मण हो लेकिन कुछ न कुछ सबको देना है। राजा का अर्थ ही है दाता। तो एक सेकण्ड भी दान देने के बिना रह नहीं सकते। ब्राह्मण आत्माओं के पास ज्ञान तो पहले ही है लेकिन उनके प्रति दो प्रकार से दाता बनो:- 1- जिस आत्मा को, जिस शक्ति की आवश्यकता हो, उस आत्मा को मन्सा द्वारा अर्थात् शुद्ध वृत्ति, वायब्रेशन्स द्वारा शक्तियों का दान अर्थात् सहयोग दो। 2- कर्म द्वारा सदा स्वयं जीवन में गुण मूर्त बन, प्रत्यक्ष सैम्पल बन औरों को सहज गुण धारण करने का सहयोग दो। दान का अर्थ है सहयोग देना।वर्तमान समय आपस में विशेष कर्म द्वारा गुणदाता बनने की आवश्यकता है। तो संकल्प करो कि मुझे सदा गुण मूर्त बन सबको गुण मूर्त बनाने का विशेष कर्तव्य करना ही है। ज्ञान तो बहुत है, अभी गुणों को इमर्ज करो, सर्वगुण सम्पन्न बनने और बनाने का एग्जाम्पल बनो। दाता के बच्चे हो तो जिसे जो चाहिए वह देते चलो। कोई भी खाली नहीं जाये। अथाह ख़ज़ाना है। किसी को खुशी चाहिये, स्नेह चाहिये, शक्ति चाहिए, तो देते जाओ। अब आप बच्चों में यह शुभ संकल्प इमर्ज हो कि दाता के बच्चे बन सभी आत्माओं को वर्सा दिलाने के निमित्त बनें, कोई वंचित नहीं रहे। चाहे कोई कैसा भी है लेकिन बाप का तो है। आप दाता के बच्चे हो तो फ्राकदिली से बांटो। जो अशान्ति, दु:ख में भटक रहे हैं वो आपका परिवार हैं। परिवार को सहयोग दिया जाता है। तो वर्तमान समय महादानी बनने के लिये विशेष रहमदिल के गुण को इमर्ज करो। किसी से भी लेने की इच्छा नहीं रखो कि वो अच्छा बोले, अच्छा माने तो दें। नहीं। मास्टर दाता बन वृत्ति द्वारा, वायब्रेशन्स द्वारा, वाणी द्वारा देते जाओ। बेहद के दाता बन वर्ल्ड के गोले पर खड़े हो, बेहद की सेवा में वायब्रेशन फैलाओ। महान दाता बनो। बेहद में जाओ तो हदों की बातें स्वत: समाप्त हो जायेंगी। अच्छा।वरदान:पवित्रता की विशेष धारणा द्वारा अतीन्द्रिय सुख का अनुभव करने वाले ब्रह्माचारी भव!ब्राह्मण जीवन की विशेष धारणा पवित्रता है, यही निरन्तर अतीन्द्रिय सुख और स्वीट साइलेन्स का विशेष आधार है। पवित्रता सिर्फ ब्रह्मचर्य नहीं लेकिन ब्रह्मचारी और सदा ब्रह्माचारी अर्थात् ब्रह्मा बाप के आचरण पर हर कदम चलने वाले। संकल्प, बोल और कर्म रूपी कदम ब्रह्मा बाप के कदम ऊपर कदम हो, ऐसे जो ब्रह्माचारी हैं उनका चेहरा और चलन सदा ही अन्तर्मुखी और अतीन्द्रिय सुख की अनुभूति करायेगा।स्लोगन:सेवा में त्रिकालदर्शी का सेन्स और रुहानियत का इसेन्स भरने वाले ही सर्विसएबुल हैं।x
TODAY MURLI || 04/01/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)
Sweet children, the Father, the Master, has taught you the art of changing yourselves from human beings into deities. So then, on the basis of shrimat, serve others so that they too can change into deities.

Question: What elevated act do you children perform now, an act that becomes a custom and system on the path of devotion?
Answer:On the basis of shrimat, you surrender your minds, bodies and wealth, not just to benefit Bharat, but the whole world. Human beings on the path of devotion have the custom and system of donating in the name of God. In return, they take their next birth in a royal family. However, you children become the Father's helpers at the confluence age and change from humans into deities.
Song: You spent the night in sleeping and the day in eating.
Om ShantiThe Father explains to you children and, when you children understand, you are able to explain to others. If you do not understand, you're unable to explain to others. If you say that you do understand but are not able to explain to others, it means that you haven't understood anything at all. When people learn some form of art, they are able to show others. This art of changing human beings into deities is only learnt from the Father, the Master. There are images of the deities. God changes human beings into deities. It means that they don't exist at this time. Deities are praised as those who are full of all divine virtues. No human being here can be praised like that. People go to the temples and sing praise of the deities. Although sannyasis remain pure, people do not sit and sing praise of them in the same way. Those sannyasis etc. even recite scriptures. Deities do not relate anything in that way; they experience the reward. They made effort in their previous birth and changed from human into deities. Sannyasis do not have the virtues that deities have. Where there are no virtues, there must definitely be defects. In the golden age, in this same Bharat, the king, the queen and all the subjects were full of divine virtues; they had all the virtues. The virtues of those deities are praised. At that time, there was no other religion. Virtuous deities exist in the golden age whereas defective human beings exist in the iron age. Now, who can change human beings with such defects into deities? It is remembered that it didn't take God long to change human beings into deities. This praise is only given of Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Although deities too are human beings, they are virtuous whereas human beings here have defects. Virtues are received from the Father, the One who is known as the Satguru. Defects are received from Maya, Ravan. After being so virtuous, how did they develop defects? How did those who were full of all the divine virtues become those full of all defects? Only you children know this. People sing: We are virtueless, we have no virtues. They sing praise of the deities. No one at this time has those qualities. Their food and drink etc. are so dirty. Deities belonged to the Vaishnav community (completely pure and vegetarian), whereas human beings of this time belong to Ravan's community. Their food and drink etc. have changed so much. It isn't only the way they dress that has to be considered; their diet and their viciousness have to be taken into consideration as well. The Father Himself says: I have to come into Bharat in order to bring about establishment through Brahmins, the mouth-born creation of Brahma. This is the sacrificial fire (yagya) of Brahmins. Those brahmin priests are born through sin, whereas you are a mouth-born creation. There is a lot of difference. Wealthy people create sacrificial fires and invite brahmin priests. This is the unlimited Father, the Wealthiest of the Wealthy and the King of Kings. Why is He called the Wealthiest of the Wealthy? Because even wealthy people say that God gave them wealth. They donate in the name of God and thereby become wealthy in their next birth. At this time, you surrender everything "“ your bodies, minds and wealth "“ to Shiv Baba, and so you then claim a high status. On the basis of shrimat, you are learning to perform elevated actions, and so you must definitely receive the fruit of that. You surrender your minds, bodies and wealth. Those people also give through someone in the name of God. This system only exists in Bharat, and so the Father teaches you very good actions. You perform this act, not just to benefit Bharat, but also to benefit the whole world. You then receive the return of that by changing from humans into deities. Whatever acts you perform on the basis of shrimat, you receive the fruit of those accordingly. Baba becomes the Observer and observes those who serve to change human beings into deities on the basis of shrimat, and to what extent they have transformed their lives. Brahmins are the ones who follow shrimat. The Father says: Through you Brahmins, I teach Raja Yoga to shudras. It is a question of 5000 years. The kingdom of deities existed in Bharat. You should show people these pictures. Unless they see the pictures, they will wonder what new religion this is and think that perhaps you have come from abroad. Simply by being shown the pictures they will understand that you people do believe in the deities. Therefore, you should explain to them that, at the time of Shri Narayan's final and 84th birth, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, enters this one and teaches Raja Yoga. In this way, the aspect of Krishna will disappear. This is the last of his 84 births. The deities, who belonged to the sun dynasty, must come once again and study Raja Yoga. According to the drama, they will definitely make effort. You children are now listening personally, face to face. Some children also listen to a tape and they have the consciousness at that time that they too are changing into deities once again with the mother and father. At this time, during your 84th birth, you have to become complete beggar s. The soul surrenders everything to the Father. This body is like a horse which is sacrificed. The soul himself says: I belong to the Father and no one else. I, the soul, am doing service through this body according to the directions of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The Father says: Teach yoga and also explain how the cycle of the world turns. Those who have been around the whole cycle will very quickly understand these aspects. Those who have not been around the whole cycle will not stay here. It isn't that the whole world will come. Many subjects will come, but there will only be one king and queen. There will only be one Lakshmi and Narayan. There will only be one Rama and Sita. There will be other princes and princesses, but these will be the main ones. Therefore, in order to become such kings and queens, you must make a great deal of effort. By becoming an observer you can understand whether someone belongs to a wealthy family or to a royal family or to a poor family. Some are defeated by Maya and run away. Maya swallows them raw. This is why Baba continues to ask: Are you happy? Are you content? You haven't been slapped by Maya and become unconscious or ill, have you? Children, when anyone becomes ill, go and give him or her the life-giving herb of knowledge and yoga and revive them. Because souls do not remain in knowledge and yoga, Maya destroys everything. They stop following shrimat and begin to follow the dictates of their own minds. Maya makes them completely unconscious. In fact, the life-giving herb is knowledge. This removes the unconsciousness of Maya. All of these aspects apply to this time. You are the ones who are Sitas. Rama comes and liberates you from Ravan's jail, just as children in Sindh were liberated. Ravan's people then abducted them again. You now have to liberate everyone from the clutches of Maya. Baba has mercy. It is seen that Maya slaps souls and turns their intellects completely in the other direction. She turns intellects away from Rama and turns them towards Ravan. There is a toy that has Ravan on one side and Rama on the other. These souls are known as the ones who become amazed and belong to the Father and then belong to Ravan again. Maya is very powerful. She bites you like a mouse and spoils all your income. This is why you must never stop following shrimat. The climb is very steep. To follow your own dictates means to follow Ravan's dictates. If you follow those, you choke a great deal and this causes defamation. There are such souls at all the centres who cause themselves harm. Those who do service, who are rup-basant (an embodiment of yoga who showers knowledge) cannot remain hidden. The divine kingdom is now being established and everyone will definitely play their individual part s in that. If you race ahead, you benefit yourself. To benefit oneself means to become a master of heaven. Just as the mother and father sit on the throne, so you children must also become the same. Follow the father, otherwise your status will be reduced. Baba has not had these pictures made just to be stored. You have to do a great deal of service with them. Many wealthy people build temples to Lakshmi and Narayan, but none of them knows when they came or how they made Bharat happy, for which everyone remembers them. You understand that there has to be the Dilwala Temple (One who conquers your heart). This one temple is enough. What would happen through the Lakshmi and Narayan Temple? They are not benefactors. When people build temples to Shiva, that too is without meaning. No one knows His occupation. What would be said if you built a temple to someone whose occupation you didn't know? When deities exist in heaven, there are no temples. You should ask those who build the temples: When did Lakshmi and Narayan come? What happiness did they give you? They will not be able to explain anything. This proves that those who are virtueless build temples to those who are virtuous. Therefore, you children should have a lot of interest in doing service. Baba has a lot of interest in service, for this is why He creates such pictures. Even though it is Shiv Baba who has these pictures made, both intellects are working. Achcha.
Night Class: 28/06/1968
All of you sitting here understand that you are souls and that the Father is sitting here. This is known as sitting in soul consciousness. Not everyone is sitting with the awareness that we are souls and that we are sitting in front of Baba. Baba has now reminded you and so you will have that awareness and will pay attention. There are many whose intellects wander outside. While sitting here, it is as though their ears are closed. Their intellects wander around outside somewhere or other. Children who are sitting in remembrance of the Father are earning an income. The intellects' yoga of many remains outside. It is as though they are not on the pilgrimage. Time is wasted. You remember Baba when you see the father. Of course, it is numberwise according to your efforts. Some develop the firm habit: I am a soul, not a body. The Father is knowledge-full and so you children also develop that knowledge. We now have to return home. The cycle is ending and we now have to make effort. A lot of time has gone by and only a little remains"¦. Many study a great deal in the days of their exams. They feel that they would otherwise fail and receive a low status. Children, continue to make effort. Because of body consciousness, sinful actions are performed. This will bring one hundred-fold punishment because you defame Me. You must not perform any actions that would defame the Father's name and this is why it is sung: Those who defame the Satguru cannot receive salvation. Salvation means sovereignty. It is the Father who is teaching you. There isn't any aim or object ive in any other spiritual gatherings. This is our Raja Yoga. No one else can say that they are teaching Raja Yoga. They feel that there is happiness in peace. There, there is no question of sorrow or happiness; there is just peace and peace. It is then understood that that one has very little in his fortune. The highest fortune is of those who play their part s from the beginning. There, they do not have this knowledge. There, there would be no thoughts. You children know that you all incarnate; you adopt different names and forms. This is the drama. We souls adopt bodies and play our part s through them. The Father sits and explains all of these secrets. You children experience supersensous joy inside yourselves; you have happiness within. It would be said: This one is soul conscious. The Father explains that you are students. You know that you are going to become deities, the masters of heaven; not just deities, you are also going to become the masters of the world. This stage will remain permanent when you reach your karmateet stage. It will definitely happen according to the drama plan. You understand that you are in God's family. You are definitely going to receive the sovereignty of heaven. Those who do a lot of service and bring benefit to many will definitely claim a high status. Baba has explained that you can sit in yoga here. It is not possible like that at the centres outside. To come at 4.00 am and then to sit in meditation: how can that be possible there? No. Those who are living at the centres can stay. You must not tell this to the people outside even by mistake. This is not the time. You are fine here. You are sitting at home. There, you have to come from outside. This is only for those who are here. Your intellects should imbibe this knowledge. We are souls. This is that one's immortal throne. You should develop this habit. We are brothers: We are speaking to our brothers. Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father and your sins will be absolved. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, the spiritual Father says good night, love, remembrance and namaste.
Essence for Dharna:1) Save yourself from the unconsciousness of Maya with the life-giving herb of knowledge and yoga. Don't follow the dictates of your own mind.2) Become rup-basant and do service. Follow the mother and father and become worthy of sitting on the throne.
Blessing:May you be an elevated effort-maker who claims number one with the blessing of a divine intellect and spiritual drishti.
Each and every Brahmin child receives at birth the blessing of a divine intellect and spiritual drishti. This blessing is the foundation of Brahmin life. It is on the basis of these two things that number s are created for the confluence-aged effort-makers. To the extent that they use these in their thoughts, words and deeds, they claim a number accordingly. One's attitude and acts automatically change through spiritual drishti. By taking accurate decisions with a divine intellect, oneself, service and relations and connections truly become powerful.
Slogan:There will be spirituality in your features when there is the inculcation of purity in your thoughts, words and deeds.
TODAY MURLI || 03/01/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)
Sweet children, continue to connect your intellects in yoga with the Father and you will complete the long journey with ease.
Question: What one thing do you have to renounce in order to sacrifice yourself to the Father?
Answer:Body consciousness. As soon as you become body conscious, you die and become adulterated. This is why some children's hearts shrink at the thought of surrendering themselves to Baba. Since you have sacrificed yourself, there should only be remembrance of that One. You have to sacrifice yourself to Him and only follow His shrimat.
Song:O traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off.
Om ShantiGod speaks. God is teaching His children Raja Yoga and knowledge. This is not a human being. It is written in the Gita that God Krishna speaks. Now, it is not possible for Shri Krishna to liberate the whole world from Maya. Only the Father can come and explain to the children. Those who have made the Father belong to them are sitting face to face with the Father. Krishna cannot be called the Father. The Father is called the Supreme Soul, the One who resides in the supreme abode. The soul remembers God through this body. The Father sits here and explains: I am your Father, the One who resides in the supreme abode. I am the Father of all souls. I came a cycle ago and taught you children to connect your intellects in yoga to Me, your Supreme Father. He speaks to souls. Until a soul enters a body he cannot see with eyes or listen with ears. A body without a soul is non-living; the soul is the living being. When there is a baby in a womb, it is unable to move until a soul enters it. So, the Father speaks to such living souls. He says: I have taken this body on loan. I come and take all souls back. I teach Raja Yoga to the souls who are in front of Me. The whole world will not study Raja Yoga; only those from the previous cycle are studying Raja Yoga. Baba now explains: Continue to connect your intellects in yoga to the Father until the end; don't stop this. A husband and wife do not know each other before getting married. However, after their engagement, some live together for 60 or 70 years and they only remember the body throughout their whole lives. The wife would say, "This is my husband", and the husband would say, "This is my wife". You are now engaged to the Incorporeal. It is the incorporeal Father who comes and arranges this engagement. He says: I betroth you children to Me, just as I did in the previous cycle. I, the Incorporeal, am the Seed of the human world tree. Everyone says that God, the Father, created this human world. Your Father always resides in the supreme abode. He now says: Remember Me. Because the journey is a long one, many children become tired and unable to keep their intellects fully occupied in yoga. They become tired because Maya makes them stumble around. Some even let go of Baba's hand and die. The same thing happened a cycle ago. Here, for as long as you live, you must continue to stay in remembrance. When a man dies, his widow keeps remembering him. This Father and Husband will not leave you in that way. He says: I will take you brides back with Me. However, this does take time, so don't become tired. There is a huge burden of sin on your heads, and it will only be removed with yoga. Your yoga should be such that, at the end, you remember no one but the Father, the Bridegroom. If you remember anyone else, you become adulterated and will have to experience punishment for that sin. This Father says: O travellers to the supreme abode, do not become weary! You understand that I am establishing the original eternal deity religion through Brahma and that I inspire the destruction of all religions through Shankar. They now continue to hold conferences for all religions to come together; they try to find ways to become united and live together in peace. It is impossible for that many religions to have one direction. It is through one direction that one religion is established. If all the religions were to become full of all the divine virtues and completely viceless, they could live together like milk and honey. In the kingdom of Rama, they are all like milk and honey. Even the animals don't fight. Here, there is quarrelling in every home. They fight when they don't belong to the Lord and Master. They do not know their Mother and Father. They even sing: You are the Mother and Father and we are Your children. Through Your mercy we receive the treasures of happiness. Because there are no treasures of happiness now, they say: We receive no mercy from the Mother and Father. They don't know the Father, and so how could the Father have mercy on them? Only when they follow the Teacher's directions can there be mercy. They say that God is omnipresent. In that case, who would give mercy and who would receive mercy? Both are needed "“ the One who gives mercy and those who need mercy. Students first have to come and study with the Teacher. One first has to have this mercy on oneself. Then one has to follow the Teacher's directions. Someone is needed to inspire you to make effort. That One is the Father, the Teacher and also the Satguru. He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Teacher and the Supreme Satguru. The Father says: Every cycle, I carry out this task of establishment and purify the impure world. Baba is the World Almighty Authority. Therefore, the kingdom of the World Authority would be ruled constantly. There is the one kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan over the whole world. They too have almighty authority. No one fights or quarrels there; Maya doesn't exist there; it is the golden age and the silver age. Both the golden and silver ages are called heaven, Paradise. Everyone sings: Remember Radhe and Krishna and go to Vrindavan, heaven. However, none of them go; they simply remember them. Now, it is the kingdom of Maya and everyone is following the dictates of Ravan. Important people appear to be very good and they receive grand titles. If they show a little bit of physical courage or perform a good deed, they are given a title. Some receive the title of Doctor of Philosophy. They continue to give titles of something or other. You are now Brahmins. You are definitely serving Bharat. You are establishing the divine kingdom. You receive your titles after establishment has been accomplished, titles such as king or queen of the sun dynasty, king or queen of the moon dynasty. Then your kingdom begins. There, no one receives a title. There is nothing there that causes sorrow, so no one would have to remove sorrow or show courage and receive a title. The customs and systems that exist here cannot exist there, nor can Lakshmi and Narayan come into the impure world. At this time, there are no pure deities. This is the impure, devilish world. People are confused by the many different directions and opinions. Here, there is only one elevated direction through which the one kingdom is being established. However, while moving along, some are pricked by Maya's thorns and those souls go lame. This is why the Father says: Constantly follow shrimat. By following the dictates of your own mind, you become deceived. By following the directions of the true Father, you earn a true income. By following your own directions, the boat sinks. Because of not following shrimat, many mahavirs became degraded. You children now have to attain salvation. Those who don't follow shrimat and become degraded will have to repent a great deal. Shiv Baba will then sit in this body in the role of Dharmaraj and say: I explained so much to you through the body of this Brahma. I taught you and made so much effort on you. Some even wrote letters of their faith and said: I will follow shrimat, but they did not follow it. You must never stop following shrimat, no matter what happens. If you tell the Father about everything, you will be cautioned. It is only when you forget the Father that thorns prick you. You children then run miles away from the Father who grants salvation. They sing: I will sacrifice myself, I will surrender. However, to whom would they do this? It is not written: I surrender to a sannyasis. Or: I surrender to Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar. Or: I surrender to Krishna. You surrender yourselves to the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, not to a human being. You receive your inheritance from the Father. The Father also surrenders Himself to you children. That unlimited Father says: I have come here to surrender to you. However, some children's hearts shrink at the thought of surrendering themselves to the Father. If you come into body consciousness, you die and become adulterated. There should be remembrance of that One. Surrender yourself to Him. The play is about to end. We now have to return home. All your friends and relatives etc. are to be buried in the graveyard, and so what is the point of remembering them? This requires a lot of practice. It is said: If a soul climbs up, he tastes nectar, but when a soul falls heavily he loses his status. This doesn't mean that he won't go to heaven, but there is a difference between being a king or queen and being a subject. Look at the natives here and at a minister; there is a difference. Therefore, make full effort. If someone falls, he becomes absolutely impure. If a soul is not able to follow shrimat, Maya gets hold of that soul by the nose and throws him into the gutter. To oppose BapDada after belonging to Him means to become a traitor. This is why the Father says: Be cautious at every step. Maya's time is now coming to an end, so she makes many of you fall. Therefore, children, remain very alert. The road is a little long but the status is very great. If you become a traitor, there is severe punishment. When Dharamraj Baba punishes souls, they cry out in distress. That then becomes fixed for every cycle. Maya is very powerful. If there is even a little disregard for the Father, you die. It is said that someone who defames the Satguru cannot reach the destination. Some perform wrong actions under the influence of lust or anger and cause defamation of the Father, and so they experience punishment. Since there is a multimillion-fold income in every step, there is also a multimillion-fold loss. If your account is increased by doing service, then, by performing wrong, sinful actions, it also goes into deficit. Baba has the whole accounts. Now that Baba is teaching you personally, it is as though all of the accounts are on the palm of His hand. The Father says that He wants no child to disregard Shiv Baba, because a lot of sin is created by doing that. You have to give your bones in serving the yagya. There is the example of Dadichi Rishi. That too creates a status. Otherwise, there are many different levels of status among the subjects. Maids and servants are required for the subjects too. There will be no sorrow there, but the status is numberwise. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:1) Do not become weary of the pilgrimage of remembrance. Practise having true remembrance so that, at the end, you remember no one but the Father.2) Follow the directions of the true Father and earn a true income. Don't follow the dictates of your own mind. Do not cause defamation of the Satguru. Do not perform wrong actions under the influence of lust or anger.
Blessing:May you be an angel who resides in the subtle region and who remains in an constantly elevated stage by considering yourself to be an incarnation that has incarnated.
Just as the Father has incarnated, in the same way, you elevated souls have come down here from up above and incarnate in order to give the message. You are residents of the subtle region and the incorporeal world; the feet of your intellects cannot set foot on the earth, that is, on the mud of body consciousness. This is why the feet of angels are always shown in the sky. So, all of you are incarnations, who reside in the sky (subtle region), who remain in a constantly elevated stage. Continue to fly in the flying stage with this awareness.
Slogan:Only the children who make intense effort for self-transformation can receive congratulations of the blessings from the Father.
TODAY MURLI || 02/01/18 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI )
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