TODAY MURLI || 29/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, don't forget the Father who always gives you happiness, teaches you every day and gives you treasures of knowledge. Constantly continue to follow shrimat.
Image result for shiv baba
QuestionWhat is the Father's magic which human beings cannot perform?

AnswerTo change this forest of thorns into a beautiful garden of flowers and to make impure human beings into pure deities is the magic of the Father and not any human being. The Father alone is the greatest Social Worker. He enters an impure body in the impure world and makes the whole impure world pure.

Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood!  

Om Shanti
You children heard the song that was sung to you. You are the sweet children of the Mother and Father. The Father tells you sweet children: After saying "Mama, Baba", don't forget them tomorrow. If you forget them you lose your inheritance, but some children forget this even though they hear Baba saying it. Nevertheless, the Father shows you an easy path. He doesn’t make you leave your home or the family path. He says: Whether you are householders, or even if you are bachelors, simply make effort to follow shrimat. Never forget such a Father. The Father complains that some children say "Mama and Baba" and then never even write their news to Baba. You claim the sovereignty of heaven from the Father and you then forget Him, whereas you very happily write a letter to the father who gives you the property of hell. If a letter doesn’t come, the parents get worried and think that perhaps you are ill. So, the unlimited Father also thinks: I don’t know what the condition of the children is. He waits for their letters. Worldly children even cause sorrow and yet attachment is not removed from them. Here, look at the wonder of the One you call the Mother and Father and who is sitting in front of you! In fact, all the children will hear Him through the murli. The Father knows how many children are worthy and how many are unworthy, numberwise, according to the efforts they make. Even after saying "Mama, Baba" they leave Him. The song also says: Why do you forget such a Father? You should write a letter to such a Father every day. The Father gives you treasures every day; He teaches you every day. He also gives you love. He is the Father, Teacher and Satguru. He is all three. Children write letters to their physical fathers. They even remember their gurus. However, you forget the Father who gives constant happiness and makes you into the masters of the land of truth. You don’t even write a letter to Him. The Father is worried about what has happened: Has Maya killed you or pushed you into vice? Baba would caution you children through the murli. Baba would advise you: Continue to protect yourself in this way. This one is the Father’s eldest child and is moving ahead of everyone else. This one experiences all sorts of storms. He is called Mahavir, Hanuman. Because a powerful one is standing at the front, Maya would also become powerful and fight with that one first. Baba says: Whatever storms you experience, I experience them first. Baba even shares his experiences of this. You would say: Baba, how would you experience storms? You are elderly. Baba says: Everything comes to me. How else would I be able to caution you? However, children don't tell Baba. They choke in the storms and die and destroy their status. This is why the Father says: Continue to remind one another. At least write a letter to Baba! Caution one another in every aspect. Maya is very clever; she punches you. You children are the true social workers of the whole world. Those people are limited social workers who do limited service. This Father is the Social Worker for the whole world. It is up to the Father to make the whole impure world pure. You call out to the Father. You call such a Father ‘Father’ and then you children forget Him! This song has been composed by someone who was especially touched, just as some very good scriptures have been created which people keep with themselves. Here, there are no scriptures or pictures etc. These pictures have been made by us. All of those other pictures make your intellects develop doubt whereas all of these pictures make your intellects have faith. The world doesn't know that Bharat was heaven. They have so much regard for Bharat. It is here that Shiv Baba comes. You call Shiva ‘Baba’ and then there is Brahma Baba. You wouldn't call Vishnu ‘Baba’. You children know these things. People of the world say: O Purifier, come! We are impure, so come and purify us! However, they don't know how He would make impure ones pure or where He would take them. They simply continue to speak like parrots without understanding the meaning of what they say. They don’t know anything and yet they call Him God, the Father. A Father means property. No one else can be called the Father. Neither Vishnu nor Shankar can be called Father, so how can anyone else be called that? Everyone understands that it is the incorporeal One who is God, the Father. A soul enters this body and calls out: O God, the Father! The Father comes and makes you soul conscious. You say to the Father: Baba, make us pure and take us to the pure world. Shiv Baba enters Bharat to create the pure family path. The Father says: You, who belonged to the family path, were pure. You have the desire to become pure. You remember heaven. When you speak of Paradise, you remember Krishna. You don't think that you should remember the empress and emperor Lakshmi and Narayan of the family path. People now want peace. This is a question of the whole world. The responsibility for this is with the Father. When Bharat becomes hell, the Father comes to make it into heaven. No one knows who then makes it into hell or when. The Father says: I make you into residents of heaven. I take you to the sweet world and then send you to the sweet sovereignty. You should study with such a Father day and night and claim your full inheritance. In fact, no one is taught day and night. The Father says: Study regularly every day for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Everyone has time in the morning. It is a matter of a second. You simply have to remember Baba and the inheritance. Nevertheless, you forget Him and then you say: Baba, what can I do? Remembrance is very easy. The knowledge of the world cycle is also very easy. This is the world of sinful souls. You have to go to the world of charitable souls. Remember Shiv Baba. This is also very easy for those who live at home with their families. The Father definitely remembers you children: I haven’t received a letter from so-and-so. What has happened to him? Then, when the child comes in front of Him, He asks: You didn't become unconscious, did you? You don't have that much love for the Father and your love is drawn to someone who only earns a few pennies. You should give your news to Baba and tell Him that you are still alive and happy and that you are continuing to give the Father's introduction to others. Baba sends love and remembrance through the murli every day. However, He cannot write the name of each one. Therefore, you children should also give your news. At this time, the face of everyone in the world has become dirty. Baba comes and makes them beautiful. Baba comes and changes the face of Bharat. He changes the forest of thorns into a garden of flowers. He is such a Magician. In the garden of heaven there is just Bharat. There, you are not aware of who is going to come after you. There, you feel that only you are the masters of the world. The golden age is called the garden of Allah. It isn't that God creates a jungle. It is Ravan who creates that. Ravan is the old enemy whom no one knows. Baba asks: Whose children are you? Baba, we are the children of Brahma and the grandchildren of Shiv Baba. Shiv Baba gives you the inheritance through Brahma. He is establishing heaven through Brahma. You have become Baba's children in order to claim your inheritance. Baba says: Remember this! Don't forget it! You say: Baba, I repeatedly forget You. Oh! So you remember the one who makes you into a resident of hell and you forget the Father who makes you into a resident of heaven! If you don't forget the Father, you won't even forget your inheritance. At this time Baba is ever present in front of you. It is said: The Lord is present everywhere. He is incognito. You cannot say that you can see Him. Souls are incognito and the Father is also incognito. A soul enters a body and speaks. I too need a body. How else would I come? If I entered a womb, I would have to enter the jail of a womb. Why should I enter the jail of a womb? What crime have I committed? The palace of a womb exists in heaven. What would I do if I entered heaven? I make only you children into the masters of heaven. By sitting here personally and listening to Baba, all of you enjoy yourselves a great deal. As soon as you leave here, you forget everything. There is a lot of difference between claiming a kingdom for 21 births and claiming a status among the ordinary subjects. Natives only eat thick chappatis whereas wealthy people eat rich food. There is a difference in the status. Here, however, both are unhappy. In heaven, all are happy, but their status is numberwise. You have to make effort and claim a high status. You have to follow Mama and Baba. You are receiving shrimat at this time. Therefore, you have to follow the mother and father. The mother and father have to exist in the corporeal form. Shiv Baba doesn't have to make effort. Mama and Baba make effort and claim their fortune of the kingdom for 21 births. Then, those who make good effort will be seated on the throne. Eight pass with honours. You should be one of them. If not that, then at least in the 108. There is also a margin for the 16,108. The rosary of 16,108 is very long. They sit and pull the beads of the rosary. Here, there is no question of turning the beads of a rosary. The Father says: Follow Me! This old Brahma studies and passes with the first number. Mama who was young also claimed number one. So, why do you not make effort? Why do you make mistakes? You don't write a letter to the Father and you don't even remember Him! You make a promise and then, as soon as you go outside, everything is finished. I even tell you that you will forget everything as soon as you go outside. You say: Baba, we will not forget You, and then you forget. It is a wonder. This study is completely new and it is not in any of the scriptures. No one can understand it. Baba has now given you drishti in this last birth. This Baba tells you that he used to study the Gita. I also used to worship Narayan. I would place a picture of Narayan on the gaddi and then I liberated Lakshmi (from massaging the feet of Narayan). You have to interact with the people of the world very tactfully. Continue to give Baba's introduction in an incognito way: Remember the Father and the inheritance. The deities are in heaven and that is why the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan was created. The picture of the Trimurti was not used at first because people used to get upset when they saw a picture of Brahma. However, how would anything get done without Brahma? If the BKs don't see their father, how would anything get done? The Father says: It is written in the Gita: “Manmanabhav, madhyajibhav”. Whether it is liberation or liberation-in-life, only I, and no one else, can give you the inheritance of both of these. These matters have to be understood very well. Definitely wake up at amrit vela and churn the ocean of knowledge. You may do your work during the day, but at amrit vela, from 4.00 am to 5.00 am, sit in remembrance and you will feel a lot of happiness. Baba comes from the sweet home in order to teach us children and then goes away again. He says: Remember Me, and the alloy will be removed. When you have become real gold, you will pass with honours. If you want to claim a high status, what cannot be achieved by making effort? Nevertheless, the Father says: Don't forget this Godly childhood. You should remember such a Father again and again. By having this remembrance you become pure. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Don't make any type of mistake. Caution one another, remind one another of the Father and continue to make progress. Don't forget your Godly childhood.
2. Continue to follow the mother and father. Don't be afraid of the storms of Maya. At amrit vela sit in remembrance of the Father and experience happiness.

May you become a great soul and transform your attitude by making a determined vow.
The basis of becoming a great soul is to make a vow of purity. To make a determined vow means to transform your attitude. A determined vow changes your attitude. The meaning of making a vow is to have a thought and to observe that precaution in a physical way. All of you made the vow of purity to make your attitude elevated. It is by having an attitude of brotherhood towards all souls that you become a great soul.

To spread the sparkle of your pure and elevated vibrations into the world is to become a real diamond.

TODAY MURLI || 27/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the Father's directions and advice for bringing about liberation and salvation are unique and this is why it is sung: Only You know Your ways and means. He Himself gives you His directions.
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Question:Who have the right to be called Brahma Kumars and Kumaris? What is their nature like?

Answer:Those who are sweet and loving like the Father, who never have any conflict of opinion, have the right to be called Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. The nature of a BK should be very, very sweet. There shouldn't be the slightest bitterness or body consciousness inside.

SongSalutations to Shiva.  

Om Shanti
The unlimited Father explains to all the lights of His eyes at all the centres. The children at the centres will be able to hear and understand what the Father explains. Look, in this world, everyone has dislike for everyone. There are people from so many religions; they all fight and quarrel with one another. This is Ravan's kingdom. It is now to end. People don't know this and they continue to call out: O Purifier, Remover of Sorrow and Bestower of Happiness, o Liberator, come! Everyone has sorrow. The intellect says: This place cannot be called heaven. Everyone remembers heaven. So, it is surely now hell. There definitely was the new world. After that peace, the world of happiness will definitely come. There, there won't be any name or trace of this land of sorrow. There is now no name or trace of happiness or peace. Five thousand years ago, there was the land of happiness. All the rest of the souls resided in the land of peace. You understand this now because the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has explained it to you. It is said: May God give you sense! They wouldn’t say: Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar - give us good sense! They mention the name of God alone. So, there definitely is that one Being. Only at this time must God have given His directions and He must have given them by coming here into a corporeal form. It is written that shrimat are the versions of God, but they have put Krishna’s name. In fact, they are the directions of incorporeal God. Therefore, the new world must definitely have been established. God did not go around the whole world. Neither can the whole world come to God, nor can He go to everyone. Not everyone can come personally in front of God. There are so many human beings! When an eminent person comes, not everyone would be able to see him. The Father comes and gives liberation and salvation to all of those human souls. The land of peace is separate from the land of happiness. There isn't any peacelessness in the land of happiness. Then, in the land of sorrow, there isn't any peace. The Father explains all of these things. They are not mentioned in any of the scriptures. God is called knowledge-full: He knows everything. His directions for liberation and salvation are unique. It is sung: O God, only You know Your ways and means! We can only know them when You tell us. Therefore, He surely has to come here. How else would He grant salvation? He is the Bestower of Salvation and the Father of all. All are brothers, they are not all fathers. This is something to be understood. However, they have accepted whatever those with devilish dictates have told them. All are subservient to devilish dictates. You now have so much enlightenment. Even Lakshmi and Narayan, who attained such great salvation, didn’t have this knowledge. The Father is Trikaldarshi and you attained that kingdom from Him. Whom does the Father come and make trikaldarshi? He surely makes the children that. He teaches the real children and others would learn from them. Brahma is the Father's child and you Brahmins are the children of Brahma. “The children of Vishnu or Shankar” is not said. Prajapita Brahma is remembered. So, this Brahma is a father and Shiva is also the Father; both are fathers. The world would surely be created through Brahma. It is remembered that Brahmins were created through Brahma. There are now innumerable religions of human beings, but at one time there was one religion of human beings. This refers to human beings; it cannot refer to animals. Baba has explained: The first question to ask them is: Who is the Purifier? Is it the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, or is it the water of the Ganges? Make a decision! They will then be liberated from wandering to the melas etc. They say: “Purifier!” and so their intellects go upwards. By saying that the Ganges is the Purifier, their intellects go to water. They have heard of the nectar of knowledge and so they consider the water of the Ganges to be nectar. Therefore, this is a most important question. Baba tells you many methods, but you should at least remember some of them! Children write that many people were impressed. However, nothing sits in their intellects. They just understand that the Brahma Kumaris show a very good path. As soon as they go back home, everything ends. This is why, when people come to the exhibitions, you should explain each thing clearly and make them write it down. Hundreds of people come, but not even one thing sits in anyone's intellect. Baba doesn't receive news that you gave lectures on these main topics. This is a school. Therefore, when a teacher asks a question, students have to reply. If you asked them as a teacher, they would reply to you. Children become very happy. You children also explain about the stages of ascent and descent. Some went into liberation and others went into liberation-in-life, and so everyone benefited. It was the stage of ascent for everyone. The satopradhan people who were in the golden age definitely had to come down to the tamopradhan stage. Therefore, you should also show that there is the stage of descent from the copper age. You have a slide about the stage of ascent and the stage of descent, but children don't explain that. You should ask them everything. This is a study and so you should sit there as a teacher. However, if you give a lecture and become a stage secretary, that is common. Here, you have to ask everything. Is the Bestower of Salvation, the Purifier Father, One or is He omnipresent? If He is omnipresent, then tell me, how can He be the Father? Is the God of the Gita, the Purifier, the Ocean of Knowledge, or is it Shri Krishna? Whom would you call God? It would surely be the incorporeal One. It was because of this that the Gita was falsified. When the Gita, the mother and father, become false, all the scriptures also become false. You can prove to them that the whole world is false. All have stone intellects. Those with divine intellects only exist in the golden age. It is because all now have stone intellects that Baba comes and makes them into those with divine intellects. Now that it is the end of the world, those who had divine intellects have become those with stone intellects. We cannot say of the middle period that we have degraded intellects or that we are tamopradhan. Everyone becomes tamopradhan by the end. When Christianity came, it couldn’t be said that they were tamoguni; no. They too have to pass through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. At this time, the whole tree has reached a state of total decay and has to be destroyed. You have to give a very good lecture on this. You mustn't just say whatever comes into your mind. Write this riddle in big writing so that everyone can read it: Is the God of the Gita, the One who is free from rebirth, the Ocean of Knowledge, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, or is it Shri Krishna? God created the Gita and purified the impure. People remember Him. The Krishna soul is now becoming pure. You don’t take up this topic. Many people have a dialogue about the five vices. You should do service at a fast speed. Some consider themselves to be very clever, but you should think about how you can become clever. As yet, you are still weak. You have to give individual invitations to all the merchants and those of all the different religions. The Ramakrishna Society is big. Harijans (untouchables) also have an association. Give an invitation to their leaders and invite them here. There should be someone who does this type of work and remains occupied with that. You have to discuss this among yourselves. The Father gives you shrimat. You have to take up this main subject in the probe. You mothers should challenge others very well and not become weak. However, some Brahmins too are not able to get on with one another. Because of some difference of opinion, they don't even speak to one another! They have a lot of body consciousness. You have to become worthy of going to the kingdom of Rama. That is God’s kingdom. Those with a devilish nature cannot stay there. They don't even have the right to be called BKs. The Father is so sweet and lovely and so you should become like the Father. Some children become so bitter. The Father says: Such ones are like wild thorns. You should question them about everything individually and then make them write it down. Is the Supreme Soul or the Ganges the Purifier? Is the Bestower of Salvation for All the Supreme Soul or the water of the Ganges? You should make such pictures. You can also have such riddles in the projectors. Now judge for yourself who the God of the Gita is! The Father gives you directions. First of all, prove the main thing. If you know Alpha, you will come to know everything. By knowing the Seed you will come to know the tree. You children have to make a lot of effort. People just say that the BKs are doing very good service. Therefore, people should take benefit from that, but not a single person comes. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Discuss among yourselves how to do service at a fast speed. Never have any conflict of opinion.
2. Become a teacher and give everyone the recognition of Alpha. Explain to everyone the significance of the stages of ascent and descent. Ask everyone riddles of knowledge and prove the truth.

May you be constantly powerful and finish the stage of being under an external influence with the awareness of being a master.

The thoughts of those who are constantly stable in the awareness of being a master are always in order.The mind cannot influence its master. A Brahmin soul can never be under the influence of his own weak nature or sanskars.When you think of the word “nature”(swabhav), it means soul-conscious feelings (bhav) for the self (swa) and others. Stabilise yourself in this elevated meaning and then, when you think of the word “sanskar”, bring your original and eternal sanskars into your awareness and you will become powerful. The stage of being under any external influence will finish.

Accumulate the power of blessings and any fire, in the form of situations, will become like water.

Invaluable versions of Mateshwari

1) To chant “om” means to continue to chant the mantra of “om”. When we use the word “om”, it does not mean that we have to speak out loudly the word “om”. There cannot be any benefit in life simply by saying “om”, but we do have to stabilise ourselves in the meaning of the word “om”. By knowing the meaning of the word “om”, people are able to attain that peace. People definitely want to have peace. They have many conferences to establish that peace, but the result seen of those is that there are more reasons for peacelessness and sorrow; the main reason is that, until human souls have destroyed the five vices, there can never be peace in the world. So, people first have to control their five vices and connect the string of their lives to God, for only then will peace be established. So, people should ask themselves: Have I destroyed my five vices? Have I tried to conquer them? If people ask how they can control their five vices, they are shown this method: they first have to be given the incense of knowledge and yoga. Together with that, God’s elevated versions are: Connect the yoga of your intellect to Me, take power from Me, and remember Me, Prabhu, the Almighty Authority, and the vices will then continue to be removed. There now has to be this much spiritual endeavour. God Himself comes and teachers us this.

2) Only God knows the ways and means to attain salvation from God.
“Only You know Your ways and means”. In whose memorial do they sing this praise? God alone knows His ways of granting salvation. People do not know. People simply want to have peace at all times, but how can they find that peace? Until people burn their five vices and make their actions neutral, they cannot receive that happiness because the philosophy of action, neural action and sinful action is very deep and no human being can know this method. Only God knows them. Until God comes and speaks about that liberation, not until then can people receive liberation-in-life. This is why people say: Only You know Your ways and means, that God has the directions to grant salvation to someone. How do you make your actions neutral? It is God’s duty to give these teachings, but human beings don’t even have this knowledge due to which they continue to perform wrong actions. The first duty of human beings is to reform their actions, for only then will they be able to take the full benefit of a human life. Achcha.

क,ख,ग क्या कहता है जरा गौर करें.... its very imagin

हम अपनी भाषा पर गर्व
करते हैं ये सही है परन्तु लोगो को
इसका कारण भी बताईये |
इतनी वैज्ञानिकता
दुनिया की किसी भाषा मे
नही है
जय हिन्द
क,ख,ग क्या कहता है जरा गौर करें....
क - क्लेश मत करो
ख- खराब मत करो
ग- गर्व ना करो
घ- घमण्ड मत करो
च- चिँता मत करो
छ- छल-कपट मत करो
ज- जवाबदारी निभाओ
झ- झूठ मत बोलो
ट- टिप्पणी मत करो
ठ- ठगो मत 
ड- डरपोक मत बनो
ढ- ढोंग ना करो
त- तैश मे मत रहो 
थ- थको मत
द- दिलदार बनो
ध- धोखा मत करो
न- नम्र बनो
प- पाप मत करो
फ- फालतू काम मत करो
ब- बिगाङ मत करो
भ- भावुक बनो
म- मधुर बनो
य- यशश्वी बनो
र- रोओ मत
ल- लोभ मत करो
व- वैर मत करो
श- शत्रुता मत करो
ष- षटकोण की तरह स्थिर रहो
स- सच बोलो

ह- हँसमुख रहो
क्ष- क्षमा करो
त्र- त्रास मत करो
ज्ञ- ज्ञानी बनो !!

कृपया इस ज्ञान की जानकारी सभी को अग्रेषित करें ।

TODAY MURLI || 26/11/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 30/03/83 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

"The way to become an easy yogi is to take the seat of the authority of experience (BapDada meeting kumaris)"

Today, the Father, the Creator of the unlimited drama, is seeing a special scene of Madhuban in the divine scenes of the wonderful confluence age of the drama. On the stage of Madhuban at every moment so many entertaining, enjoyable parts exist; even whilst sitting far away, BapDada can see these as if they are close. Who are the hero actors on the stage at this time? The doubly-pure souls, the elevated souls, those who are pure in their worldly lives and also souls who are pure. So BapDada is extremely pleased to see the doubly-pure special souls acting hero part s on the stage of Madhuban. The plans you make, the thoughts you have, the upheavals you have - BapDada was seeing both the games of your courage and your upheavals. You maintain courage very well. You also have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. However, along with that, you have a few mixed thoughts about whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. BapDada saw an amusing play. You have the very elevated desire that you definitely want to demonstrate something, but the desire of the enthusiasm in your minds is not visible on your faces in the form of a sparkle. Baba saw only a percentage of the sparkle of pure thoughts sparkling on your faces. Why was that? What is the reason for it? You have the pure thought, but there is only a certain percentage of power in that thought. There is the seed of the thought, but the powerful seed that gives the practical, visible fruit, which would reveal the sparkle in a practical way, is still lacking.
The way to bring about the maximum splendour and sparkle of zeal and enthusiasm on your face is to be full of the experience of every virtue, power and point of knowledge. Experience is the greatest authority of all. The sparkle of authority is automatically visible in one's face and behaviour. BapDada smiled seeing the hero actors of the present time. You are dancing in happiness. However, when some dance, they make the whole atmosphere dance; there is that splendour visible in their act. You speak of this as ‘Making everyone dance by dancing yourself’. Therefore, you now have to show the sparkle of such splendour a lot more. You have heard what the basis of this is. You have become those who listen and tell others but, as well as that, you have to play the special part s of being embodiments of experience. Someone who has the authority of experience will never be deceived by any of the various royal forms of Maya. Experienced souls with authority will always experience themselves to be full and overflowing. They will never be empty of the power to decide, the power to tolerate or any other power. Just as a seed is always full, so they too will always be full of knowledge, virtues and powers. This is known as being a master almighty authority. Maya will bow down in front of such ones, not make them bow down. Everyone bows down to a special person who has a limited authority. This is because the greatness of authority automatically makes everyone bow down. So, what did Baba see in particular? That you are now being set on the seat of the authority of experience. You have taken the seat of a speaker, but you now have to take the seat of an authority of total experience. You were told that the people of the world have a physical throne, whereas all of you have the seat of authority. Remain constantly stable on this seat. You will then constantly be easy yogis, constant yogis and natural yogis.
Now, even the scenes of amrit vela are very amusing. Some get tired trying to reach their goal. Some swing in a double swing. Some sit down as hatha yogis. Some simply sit as a discipline. Some are even absorbed in that love. Now, pay special attention to becoming the embodiment of the meaning of the word ‘remembrance’. Let the sparkle of a yogi soul be visible on your face. Whatever is in your mind definitely sparkles on your forehead. Don't think that you have a lot on your mind. The mirror of the power of the mind is your face. No matter how much you say that you are dancing in happiness, no one who sees your face looking unhappy would believe you. You know the difference between the face of someone who looks totally lost and someone who has attained everything, do you not? Let the sparkle of the happiness of having attained everything be visible on your face. Do not let your face look dry, but let it be a happy face. BapDada also sings the praise of the children who are hero actors. At least you have stepped away from the fashionable world with your mind and body and made the Father your Support. Many, many congratulations for this determination. Constantly continue to live with this thought. This is a blessing that BapDada is giving you. Out of happiness of this elevated fortune, you offer flowers of love. Together with that, BapDada is showing you the way to fulfil the pure thought of every child of becoming an authority who is full and equal to the Father. He congratulates you and also shows you the way. All of you have celebrated the ceremony.
All of you have celebrated the ceremony and are going back with the aim of becoming full, are you not? The ones from the beginning are the same old ones, but you are all becoming equal to God. Everyone's photograph has been taken, has it not? The photograph has become a memorial here. Now Didi and Dadi will also see who remains stable on the seat of authority and to what extent they do so. It is not a big thing to live at a centre, but to play your part as a special actor is a wonder. Everyone would then say: Every soul in this group is full and equal to the Father. Don't become empty! Something that is empty will shake. Become sensible, that is, become full! This is not just for the kumaris, but for everyone. Everyone has to become full. All of you who have come must take back with you the special gift of Madhuban, which is the seat of the authority of total experience. Don’t allow yourself to be separated from this gift. Have all of you received this gift or is it just the kumaris who have received it? Even the residents of Madhuban have received this gift today. No matter where you are sitting, you are personally in front of the Father.
To all the lotus flower children who have come and to the residents of Madhuban, to all the children of this land and abroad, to the elevated hero actors on the stage at present, to all of you, along with the blessing of becoming experienced, love, remembrance and namaste from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings.
The kumaris had a special thought. Have you become special souls by having these special thoughts? What special thoughts did you have? That you will constantly be a mahavir and remain victorious. This was the thought you had, was it not? Will you be victorious and a mahavir constantly, or only for a short time? After this, no type of Maya will ever come, will it? It has finished for half the cycle. There won't be any conflict of thoughts, will there? Storms of waste thoughts will not come, will they? If you are repeatedly defeated by attacks of Maya, you become weak, just as the bones of someone who repeatedly falls down become weak. He then has to have plaster put on. So, never become weak and be defeated. To be a mahavir means to have a thought and to become an embodiment of that thought. It shouldn't be that when you get back you say, "I'll see about it! I'll do it some time!" Don't talk about doing things in the future. Remain firm in the thought that you had and the flag of victory will then keep flying. When so many of you go back to your centres with this determination there will be victory everywhere. Everything becomes easy with just a thought. Continue to water your thought. Write down your result every month. Never have weak thoughts. Finish this sanskar here before you leave! Before you leave, have the determination that you will make progress and be victorious. Achcha.
Have all of your desires been fulfilled? The desires of the kumaris have been fulfilled and the desires of mothers have also been fulfilled. This time only a few of you have come and so you have received a good chance. This time, the complaint of all the kumaris has now been removed. There are now no complaints. All of you are going back having become complete. We shall now see where the rivers flow and whether you become a pond, a big river, a small river or a well. A well is even smaller than a pond. So we shall see what you become. That result will be given, will it not? Seeing the kumaris, the feeling is that so many hands have emerged, whereas seeing the mothers, the feeling is that it is a little difficult for them to emerge. Therefore, now become a hand that is free from obstacles. It shouldn't be that you do service but that you also take service from others as well. Don't do that! If, as well as the service you do, there are also complaints, there won't then be any fruit of service. This is why you have to become hands that are free from obstacles. It shouldn't be that you become obstacles yourselves and keep coming in front of Dadi or Didi. Become a helping hand! Don't take service for yourself. You will then remain constantly free from obstacles and make service progress without obstacles. Have such a firm thought before you leave. Achcha

BapDada meeting a group of kumaris:
All of you kumaris consider yourselves to be special souls, do you not? ‘Special souls’ means those who are instruments for a special task. Each one of you is an instrument for a special task. Each of you kumaris is one who will uplift 21 clans. Whenever you receive an order to go anywhere, you are ready. You are such servers who are free from obstacles, are you not? Whatever service you receive at any time, you are ready. To do service means to eat instant fruit. When you receive instant fruit, then, by eating that fruit, you receive power. By eating instant fruit, the soul becomes powerful. When you receive such attainment, that that is what you should do, is it not? In the world, after working for a month, you receive your salary at the end of the month. Here, you receive instant fruit. Of course, it is accumulated for the future, but you also receive something in the present. So, for whatever service you receive double fruit, that should be done first, should it not? BapDada, Dadi and Didi sometimes give directions to many to do service. So, by doing that according to shrimat, you are no longer responsible. When you do that out of your own attachment or due to your own weakness, then that cannot be elevated. During your trial, if you remain content and also make others content, you will receive a certificate. Have the aim of moving along in harmony with others. Think, ‘I have to change’. Those who have the intention of changing themselves become victorious in all situations. Those who wait for others to change become deceived, and this is why it is you yourself who always has to change. You have to do this. First, put yourself first in every respect, not out of ego, but when it comes to doing something and then there will be success and only success.

BapDada m eeting a groups:
BapDada has already praised the specialities of the children. Where does BapDada always keep the children who are constant servers, like Himself? (In His eyes.) In the body, the eyes are the most subtle and, even in the eyes, the light (pupil) of the eyes is so subtle - it is just a dot. So, those who remain merged in the Father’s eyes are those who are extremely subtle, totally detached and loving to the Father. You are experiencing this, are you not? According to the drama, you have received a very good chance. Why do you say that it is good? Because to the extent that you remain busy, you will accordingly become a conqueror of Maya. You have found a good way to remain busy, have you not? Service is a means to remain busy. When any obstacle of Maya comes at any time, and at that time anyone who has to be served comes in front of you, you would put yourself right and serve them. No matter what has happened, you would get ready and go and read the murli, would you not? While reading the murli to others, you would also read it to yourself. By serving others, you will also receive help and therefore you have received a very, very elevated method. One thing is to make your own effort and the other is to receive co-operation from others. So, it has become double, has it not? You are fulfilling the responsibility of service while looking after your household and so that is also double benefit. This is like receiving the sovereignty from God, your Friend while moving along. Double attainment and double responsibility. But while having double responsibility, by considering yourself to be double light, your mundane responsibility will not tire you because you are trustees, are you not? How can trustees get tired? If you consider it to be your household and your family, there would then be a burden. If it is not yours, then how can there be a burden? Do the Pandavas ever feel your mundane interaction and the mundane atmosphere to be a burden? Completely detached and loving; a child and a master, do you have such intoxication? The intoxication of being a master is unlimited. Unlimited intoxication will continue into the unlimited, whereas limited intoxication will only last for a limited period. Always keep this unlimited intoxication of what the Father has given you in your awareness. Keep the treasures you have been given in front of you and look at yourself to see whether you have become filled with all treasures. If not, then what treasure is lacking, and why have you not been able to imbibe it? Then check everything in that way and imbibe it. What period is this? The Father is elevated, the attainment is elevated and you yourself are elevated too. Where there is greatness, there is definitely attainment there. If there is ordinariness, then the attainment is also ordinary. Achcha.

Which children is the Father very proud of?
Answer: The children who are going to earn an income. The Father is very proud of the children who earn such an income. In each second, you can accumulate an income greater than multimillions. When you place a zero in front of ‘1’, it becomes 10, add another zero and it becomes a 100. Similarly, remember the Father for a second and after a second has passed, a zero is added. Only at this time do you earn such a huge income and you will then continue to eat from that for many births.

May you be free from obstacles and set your mind and intellect on the seat of experience with the practice of concentration.
The power of concentration easily makes you free from obstacles. For this, you have to set your mind and intellect on the seat of experience. The power of concentration easily gives you the experience of belonging to the one Father and none other. Through this, your stage easily becomes stable and constant. You then have an attitude of benevolence for everyone. With the practice of concentration, there is the vision of brotherhood. Such a soul cannot get upset by any weak sanskar, any soul, form of matter or any type of royal Maya.

Only the practice of merging the expansion into its essence in a second will bring you a final certificate.

TODAY MURLI || 25/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, your spiritual pilgrimage is very incognito. You have to continue to keep the yoga of your intellect on this pilgrimage. Only by doing this do you earn an income.

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QuestionWhat are the signs of children who stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance?

1) They are very mature, serious and sensible. They always remain peaceful. 2) They do not have any impure arrogance. 3) They do not like anything except remembrance of the Father. 4) They speak very little and very softly. They perform every action through signals. They do not speak or laugh loudly. 5) Their behaviour is very, very royal. They have the intoxication of being the children of God. 6) They live with one another with a lot of love. They never become like salt water. Their way of speaking is very first class.

SongO traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off.  

Om Shanti
You children know that you are travellers of the night. However, it is not that you connect your intellects in yoga only at night or that you travel at night; no. This is an unlimited matter. Those physical pilgrimages only take place during the day; they don't travel at night. At night, they all go to sleep. You and the Father know this pilgrimage, that is, the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and you incorporeal souls know it. At this moment, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is sitting in this body and teaching you this pilgrimage. Neither has anyone heard of this in the scriptures nor can any of the scholars or pundits teach it. This pilgrimage can be undertaken at night or even at amrit vela; it can be at any time. Devotees wake up in the morning and sit in their special little rooms and perform their worship. You are told that the pilgrimage of remembrance is also better in the early morning. This is the spiritual pilgrimage. You children have become soul conscious. To have the faith that you are a soul is not like going to your aunty's home! You repeatedly forget this. There are many who don't know this pilgrimage; it doesn't sit in their intellects. Once they have started out on a pilgrimage, they should constantly remain on it. You don't stop when you are on a pilgrimage. To stop means you don't have the interest to go on the pilgrimage. Yours is an incognito pilgrimage. This is not mentioned in any of the scriptures. The more your intellects stay in yoga on the pilgrimage and the more you continue to remember the Father, the more income you will earn. Your intellects race in yoga to the Father. You have to become soul conscious for this. You have been body conscious for half the cycle. You have to end that habit of half the cycle in this one birth. This is not an ordinary spiritual gathering where you listen to scriptures. You are sitting here while considering yourselves to be souls and remembering the Father. Then, you also have to follow the Father's directions that He gives you through Brahma Baba. You have to have very good qualities too. You mustn't have devilish traits. In that, the first number is impure arrogance and all other vices also follow it. So, the practice of having the faith that you are a soul requires great effort. Many are unable to make this effort. Why? It is not in their fortune. What are the signs of those who stay on this pilgrimage? They are very mature and sensible. They don't like anything except remembrance of the Father. Many people like silence. Sannyasis even go and stay in solitude in the forests, but they remain in remembrance of the brahm element. That pilgrimage is false because the element of brahm is not the Almighty Authority Father. The Father of souls is only the one incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, to whom all souls call out. A soul never says: O Brahm Baba! O Baba Element! No. A soul always says: O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! He has to have a name. The element of brahm is the great element, a place of residence. The Father says: To say "brahm gyani" or "brahm yogi" is an illusion. Someone said it and others accepted it. On the path of devotion, all the paths they show are false and this is why they cannot become soul conscious. They have said that the soul is the Supreme Soul and so with whom could they have yoga? The Father says: All of that knowledge is false, that is, it is not knowledge at all. There are the two terms: knowledge and devotion. For half the cycle there is knowledge and for half the cycle there is devotion. The Father comes and explains that there is only talk of devotion in those scriptures. Knowledge is something different. For half the cycle there is knowledge which means the golden and silver ages, the day. Then, for half the cycle there is devotion, that is, there is the night, the copper and iron ages. Even scholars and teachers don't know such easy things. They have no power left at all. You say that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is teaching you. Those people say that He is omnipresent. How would He teach you? You have to beat your heads a great deal. A young girl wrote the news: A businessman asked her: Have you studied the scriptures? She replied: God has explained the essence of the scriptures to us. We have no other guru. So he began to give his own dictates, saying that we must definitely study the scriptures and do this and that. She just continued to listen to him. However, you have to have courage in order to explain to eminent people. Tell them: That is fine. We have to study the Vedas and scriptures, but the versions of God are: No one can meet Me by studying them. No one can attain liberation or liberation-in-life through those. This is the first thing to explain. What is your connection with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul? Although you may be the mayor, I am just asking you one thing. Then, see what response he gives. Everyone has forgotten the Father. Therefore, first of all, give His introduction. However, children forget such things; they don't follow shrimat. The first shrimat says: Remember Me! Simply remember Me, even if it is for an hour or half an hour. Some children don't remember Me for even five minutes. All of this can be known from their qualities. If they were remembering God, their behaviour would be very royal. You children have never seen kings, but this chariot of Baba's is very experienced; he knows everyone. When a Maharaja (great king) would want to buy a piece of jewellery, he would come to Baba, simply touch it and then leave and his secretary would then come and negotiate its purchase. Therefore, they have so much protocol. You are incognito, but your behaviour should be very royal. You should speak very little. Why? We have to go from ‘˜talkie ‘ to the subtle and from the subtle to the incorporeal world. On the path of devotion they cry out a great deal; they sing songs. Here, you mustn't make any sound at all. You have the knowledge inside you that you are souls. Very few days remain here. You now have to return home. Shiv Baba speaks so little. He simply signals: Remember Me and your inheritance. Talk no evil, see no evil’¦ At many centres very good BKs speak and laugh so loudly, don't even ask! Baba continues to explain to you. You need to have so much love here. In the golden age, the lion and the lamb drink water together. Here, there has to be a lot of love. We are God’s children and our behaviour has to be very royal. We are the children of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. We are following shrimat and claiming our unlimited inheritance. If you don't follow shrimat, you are doing so much disservice. That is why it takes a lot of time. Your way of speaking has to be very first class. Children in school are numberwise. Some study very well and some are third class. Poor children have a lot of love. Fifty poor ones but only one wealthy one would come. Why? Baba is the Lord of the Poor. Mama was poor, but she went ahead of Baba. She received a lift. Baba entered this one ‘“ this too is a lift. You children have to become soul conscious. You also have to learn manners. Only then will your mercury of happiness rise. The Father says: You have to become full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full, completely viceless, pure souls. When you come to this one, first remember Shiv Baba and then come. You have to remember Shiv Baba. This one was a village urchin. This is the world of orphans, the world of chokre (boys) who cause sorrow. ‘˜Cho kire’ is translated (from Sindhi) as: Why have they fallen? Maya made them fall. Baba tells you the reason: You people of Bharat were the masters of heaven. So then, why did you fall? You forgot Me, the Father. Now, remember Me and you will be able to climb up. The main thing is to remember the Father. Listen to and relate the things of knowledge! Do service ! Mama also used to do service. Baba cannot go to many places. Children earn an income and so they are the ones who do service. Baba has to stay in one place. Everyone has to come here to be refreshed. Those who come to Madhuban receive many points from Baba, the Ocean. There is a difference. Even though there are very good children at the centres, they have to come here. Baba explains very well. Many very good children are like salt water with each other, and so what would they teach others? They don't even speak to one another. They defame the name so much. Therefore, Baba speaks a murli so that perhaps the children's eyes can open. However, Brahmin teachers don't meet among themselves. They don't even speak to one another! This is a very high destination. Baba says: I come to make you into the masters of the world. There are no weapons etc. here. There is no question of expense either. Simply remember Baba and imbibe divine virtues. Speak very sweetly among yourselves. Give everyone points of knowledge. This is your only business. Explain the significance of the Gita through these pictures. Those people sing songs of devotion: O Purifier, come! Come and purify us! The God of the Gita did come and He purified you. You know that the God of the Gita is once again changing you from an ordinary human into Narayan, from human beings into deities. However, examine the virtues in yourselves! For some, it is as though telling lies is their number one religion. You children must not cause the slightest sorrow. Those who cause sorrow for others are worse than animals. They say one thing through their mouths but they live like salt water with one another and so they do a lot of disservice. This is said to be the eclipse of Maya. When there are bad omens over some, they cause defamation. The bad omens of some last for a short time whereas the bad omens of others are not removed until the end. Therefore, children, you have to remain busy in service. Baba, I cannot stay without doing service ! Send me somewhere! Baba will not allow anyone who doesn’t know how to do service to go anywhere. Baba will see whether someone has an interest in doing service. Some say: Baba, I have an interest in doing this particular type of service, and so Baba sends them there. What status would you claim without doing service? Your service is to change human beings into deities. You have to ask: What is your relationship with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul? Baba has given a direction to those from Kurukshetra to put up big boards. Definitely put up these posters at the fairs and everyone will think, ‘Yes, you are asking the right question and this is something good.’ The guides there are such that they spoil your head. It has been seen that not a lot of service can take place on pilgrimages. Many understand this knowledge but then say: If we began to explain this knowledge, our income would end. So many of our followers would say that we have become attracted to the BKs. You need great wisdom and far-sightedness in this. The greatness is of Shiv Baba. You have to follow His shrimat. A very good intellect is needed in knowledge. You have to follow shrimat. Many have arrogance and think that there is no one like them. Some are such buddhus that they think, "Who is Brahma anyway? Just as I am a student, Brahma is also a student. I am clever in some points and perhaps Brahma would be clever in some points.’ However, Mama and Baba must surely be the cleverest of all. Why do you oppose them? Many develop arrogance. Baba says: O traveller of the night, do not become weary! Let go of your monkey business! Otherwise, there will be punishment. You have to imbibe divine virtues. You must never give anyone wrong directions and break their intellects’ yoga. Those who gossip and tell tales give wrong directions. This is also mentioned in the scriptures. There is one Rama and all the rest are Sitas. The behaviour of you children has to be very divine. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) The true Father has come to make you truthful. Therefore, never tell lies. Always remain honest and truthful. Never cause anyone sorrow.
2) Only speak about things of knowledge with your mouth. Let your way of speaking be first class. Don't give anyone wrong directions and then tell tales.

May you be a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of matter who benefits the self and everyone in the benevolent age.

In this benevolent age, together with the benevolent Father, you children are also benevolent. Your challenge is that you are the world transformers. People of the world can only see destruction and this is why they think that this is the time of not being benevolent, but you have the establishment as well as destruction clearly in front of you. So, you have the good wishes and in your minds that there now has to be benefit for all. Those who benefit not only human souls but also nature are said to be conquerors of matter and conquerors of Maya. For them, matter becomes a bestower of happiness.

Those who perform actions while being loving and detached are able to put a full stop to their thoughts in a second.

TODAY MURLI || 22/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI )

Image result for BRAHMA BABA

Essence: Sweet children, the Father's direction is: Spin the discus of self-realisation and connect your intellects in yoga to the Father. By doing this, your sins will be absolved and your burden of sins will be removed from your head. Question: What are the specialities of this most elevated confluence age? Answer: 1. Only this confluence age is a beneficial age. It is in this age that the real meeting, which is also called the Kumbha Mela, the meeting of souls with the Supreme Soul, takes place. 2. It is only at this time that you become true Brahmins. 3. At this confluence age, you go from the land of sorrow to the land of happiness; you become liberated from sorrow. 4. At this time you receive the full knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world from the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. The Father gives you new knowledge for the new world. 5. You become beautiful from ugly. Song: Take us away from this world of sin to a place of rest and comfort. Om shanti. You sweetest children heard the song, and it is in the intellects of you children that the iron age truly is the world of sin. At this time everyone continues to commit sin. The Father comes every cycle and grants you liberation and salvation. The Purifier Father comes when the impure world has to be made pure. He comes and makes you children equal to Himself. Which knowledge does the Father have? He has the knowledge of the whole cycle. You children also know this world cycle. The Father has the knowledge of how this whole cycle turns and that is why He is called the Ocean of Knowledge. He alone is the Purifier. By understanding this cycle and by becoming spinners of the discus of self-realisation, you once again become the kings and queens of heaven, rulers of the globe. Therefore, your intellects should be spinning this discus throughout the whole day so that your sins can be absolved. Then, in the golden age, you won't spin this discus. There, the self, that is, souls, do not have the knowledge of the world cycle. Neither in the golden age nor in the iron age do souls have it. Only at the confluence age do you receive this knowledge. The confluence age is praised a lot. They have a kumbha mela. In fact, it is the mela (meeting) of the Ocean of Knowledge and the rivers, that is, it is the meeting of the Supreme Soul with souls. That kumbha mela belongs to the path of devotion. This meeting of souls with the Supreme Soul only takes place at this beautiful, beneficial confluence age when you become liberated from sorrow and go into happiness. This is why the Father is called the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. Happiness lasts for half the cycle and sorrow lasts for half the cycle. Day and night are half and half. Buildings too are new and old. There is happiness in a new home and sorrow in an old home. The world too is new and old. There is happiness for half the cycle and then sorrow begins in the middle. After sorrow, there is happiness again. How does the land of sorrow become the land of happiness? Who makes it that? No one in the whole world knows this. Human beings are in total darkness. They have given the golden age a long duration. If the duration of the golden age were that long, there would be so many people there! Not a single person can go back home. Everyone has to get together here. Only when the Father comes and shows you the way home can you go back. The Father comes at the confluence age and shows all of these many souls the way home. You know that, having gone around the cycle of 84 births, you have now come here. How many births you have taken in the golden and silver ages and who rules for how many years is all in your intellects. In the golden age you are 16 celestial degrees full. Then, in the silver age, you are 14 degrees and it is then the stage of descent. At this time there is a lot of sorrow. There is only sorrow in the old world. The golden age is called the new world and the iron age is called the old world. It is now the confluence. The old world is now to be destroyed. The Father is creating the new world. You will leave the old world and then go and sit in the new home. You say that you are making effort to go to the new home so that you can claim a high status in the new world. The Father says: Simply remember Me alone. He doesn't give you any other difficulty. You should somehow make time and obey His instructions. However, Maya is such that she doesn't allow you to obey them. She doesn't allow you to connect your intellects in yoga to the Father. You children made effort in the previous cycle too and gained victory over Maya, Ravan, and that was how the golden age was established. To the extent that someone becomes a helper, accordingly, he or she receives a prize. Therefore, you children also have to give this knowledge to your friends and relatives. The Father's directions are: Remember Me! Each of you has a burden of sin of half the cycle on your head and there is no way to burn it other than by having remembrance. People say that the Rivers Ganges and Jamuna 22/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban 2/3 are the Purifiers and they believe that they will be made pure by them. However, how can sins be cut away with water? This is the impure world and that is why everyone calls out: O Purifier, come and establish the golden age! No one, apart from the Father, can establish it. Therefore, this is new knowledge for the new world. It is rishna cannot be called the Purifier. Only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Purifier and He is beyond rebirth. You know that the land of Krishna is also called the land of Vishnu. The kingdom of Krishna is separate from the kingdom of Radhe, and then the two of them become engaged. Radhe and Krishna were not sister and brother. Brother and sister would not get married to one another. These things now continue to bubble in your intellects. Previously, you didn't know this. You now know that it is Radhe and Krishna who become Lakshmi and Narayan, the empress and emperor of heaven. Krishna and Radhe are remembered as the prince and princess. Their parents don't have such a high status. Why is that? Because their parents studied less. The names of Radhe and Krishna are gave birth to them should be very well known, but no! Radhe and Krishna are the highest of all. There is no one higher than them. Radhe and Krishna claim the first number and they become the first emperor and empress. Although they take birth through their parents, it is their names that are higher. This has to be made to sit very clearly in your intellects. While you are sitting here, continue to spin the discus, of self-realisation. By spinning this discus your sins are burnt away, that is, you cut off Ravan's head. There is the cycle of the golden, silver, copper and iron ages. At first we were deities and then we became warriors, merchants and shudras. We have now once again become Brahmins. We will then become deities. Baba has explained a different meaning for "Om" and a different meaning for "Hum so". In the scriptures, they have given the same m Supreme Soul. "I am God" is not the meaning of "Om". I, the soul, am incorporeal and my Father is also incorporeal. The father of a corporeal body is corporeal. I am a child of the Supreme Soul, and so I definitely need the kingdom of heaven. The Father has come to give us the inheritance of heaven. After half the cycle, Ravan curses you and you therefore become unhappy and tamopradhan. Then, the Father comes and gives you and all of your God is ever pure and He makes everyone pure. It is Ravan who makes you impure. There are no vices in the golden age. That is the completely viceless world and this is why people go in front of the deity idols and sing: The deities who were pure then became impure. This is a play. The Father creates the land of happiness. Shiva is called the Father. Saligrams are separate. When they create a sacrificial fire of Rudra, they make one big lingam. All the rest are small saligrams. We souls take 84 births. You wouldn't say that those of other religions take 84 births. How many births would those of the Sikh religion take in 500 years? How many births do we take? The Father explains this. The topknot of Brahmins is very well known. Real Brahmins exist at the confluence age. This is the beneficial age. It is here that all of you are benefited. Ravan brings a loss and the Father comes and benefits you. Therefore, you should follow the Father's directions and bring benefit. Shrimat are the versions of God you say He takes birth. He never takes any sustenance. He says: Simply follow My shrimat and become the masters of heaven. I have no desire to become that. I am Abhogta (beyond experience of the senses). Therefore, you souls should understand that Baba is explaining to you. It is the soul that understands. It is the soul that becomes a barrister or an engineer: I am so-and-so. The soul said: I was a deity and after eight births, I became a warrior. Then, I took 12 births and, after that, I continued to become impure. The Father says: Children, may you be soul conscious! These matters have to be understood. The soul says: When I was in the golden age, I was a great soul. Then, in the iron age, I became a greatly sinful soul. The greatest of all great souls is the one Supreme Soul who is ever pure. Here, human beings don't remain ever pure. It is only in the land of happiness that they always remain pure. Even in the silver age, there are fewer degrees. It is now our stage of ascent and we are becoming the masters of heaven. Then, when we go into the silver age, there will be 22/11/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban 3/3 two degrees fewer. Then, in the copper age, when there is the eclipse of the five vices, we continue to become ugly. The Father says: Now, donate those five vices and the eclipse will be removed and you will become golden-aged, perfect deities. First of all, let go of body consciousness. Donate the vice of lust. At the end, you have to become destroyers of attachment. You souls have now remembered that you truly have experienced 84 births. Ravan cursed you in the copper age and that is why everyone is unhappy. Would the kings and queens of the copper age not fall ill? That too is sorrow, is it not? This is the world of sorrow. The golden age is the land of happiness. Therefore, you should obey God's shrimat. Those who don't obey the directions of the unlimited Father are called greatly unworthy souls. What inheritance would unworthy children receive from the Father? Worthy children claim a good inheritance. They become pure themselves and enable others to become pure. The unlimited Father is teaching you souls: O souls, are you listening with your ears? You say: Yes Baba. I will follow Your shrimat and definitely become elevated. Since God is the Highest on High, He would definitely also give you the highest-on-high status, would He not? He gives you the inheritance of heaven for half the cycle. You receive a limited inheritance from a worldly father; that is temporary happiness. In the iron age, happiness is like the droppings of a crow and that is why sannyasis leave their homes. They don't believe in the household religion. There is the household religion in the golden age. You know that, through this study, you go to the land of Vishnu and that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is teaching us for that. Devotees don't know who God is, what His task is or how He makes impure ones pure. You are now becoming pure. People of the world remember that Purifier Father. You are now standing at the confluence age. All the rest are in the iron age. Those people believe that the iron age is still in its infancy. You know that the iron age is now about to be destroyed. You now have to go to the golden age. The Father has reminded you: I give you the inheritance every cycle. Therefore, you should claim your full inheritance. The Father doesn't tell you to just sit here. You may live at home, but simply continue to spin the discus of self-realisation and become destroyers of attachment. Belong to one Shiv Baba and none other. We know that we are now forging a new relationship, and so there shouldn kingdom. Death is now just over your heads. Preparations for that continue to be made. There is no untimely death in the golden age. When it is time, you shed your old skins (bodies) and take other new ones. Achcha. To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. Essence for dharna: 1. Spin the discus of self-realisation and become a complete destroyer of attachment. Death is just over your head. Therefore, remove your attachment from everyone. 2. In order to claim your inheritance from the Father, follow shrimat fully. Be soul conscious and become a worthy child. Blessing: May you be an intense effort-maker and be constantly ever ready by considering every moment to be the final moment. The children who are intense effort-makers remain ever ready by considering every moment to be the final moment. They never think that there is still some time left for destruction to take place and that they will be ready by then. Instead of looking at those final moments, think that there is no guarantee about your final moment and you will then remain ever ready. Let your stage remain constantly beyond. Be detached from everyone and loving to the Father: a destroyer of attachment. Be constantly free from attachment, free from sinful thoughts and free from waste thoughts. When there is no waste, you will then be said to be ever ready. Slogan: In order to pass with honours in delicate times, increase your power to adjust. * * * O M S H A N T I * * 

रूहानी उड़ान - 9 दिसम्बर 2017 - दिल्ली ज़ोन के सभी बी के कुमार कुमारियों प्रति अति विशेष निमंत्रण

ॐ शांति

बापदादा के सर्व प्रत्यक्षता के सितारे बी के कुमार और कुमारी भाई बहनों प्रति मधुर ईश्वरीय याद

अति हर्ष के साथ आपको सूचित किया जाता है कि 9 दिसम्बर  को ओ आर सी में दिल्ली ज़ोन के सभी बी के कुमार कुमारियों के लिए रूहानी उड़ान संगठन एवं तपस्या कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया है. इसकी सूचना 15 नवम्बर की ज़ोन मीटिंग में सभी टीचर्स बहनों को भी दी गई थी और सब सेंटर्स को ईमेल भी भेजा गया है. इसके लिए विशेष मधुबन से आदरणीया दादी रत्नमोहिनी जी भी पधार रही हैं. आप अपने सेवा केंद्र, संबंधित उपसेवाकेंद्र, बी के पाठशालाओं  में आने वाले सभी बी के कुमार एवं कुमारियों को ज़रूर बताना जी. कोई भी ऐसा बी के कुमार या कुमारी न रहे जो इस संगठन में न पहुंचे.

9 दिसम्बर को यह कार्यक्रम प्रातः 9.30 बजे से सायं 4.30 बजे तक ओ आर सी में चलेगा 

रजिस्ट्रेशन विधि - 
  1. सभी बी के कुमार कुमारियाँ जो कि लौकिक में 15 वर्ष से अधिक आयु के हैं, बाबा की मुर्लियों को समझते है; ऐसे कुमार कुमारियों के लिए एक विशेष रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म बनाया गया है, जिसमें  कि उनके बेसिक जानकारी के अतिरिक्त उनमे हुए परिवर्तन का विवरण लेने और सरकार के आगे प्रस्तुत करने के लिए कुछ प्रश्न भी पूछे गए हैं. इसका लिंक आपको भेज रहे हैं. यह फॉर्म प्रिंट नहीं किया जा सकेगा क्योंकि कुछ लम्बा है, लेकिन कंप्यूटर या स्मार्ट फोन  द्वारा कोई  भी इसे आसानी से भर सकता है. केवल इसका लिंक उन्हें फॉरवर्ड कर दें. रजिस्ट्रेशन लिंक है -
  2. यदि जिनके पास ईमेल सुविधा नहीं है - वे टेलीफ़ोन द्वारा 9650692000/1/2/3/4 ओ आर सी एक्सचेंज या फाल्गुनी बहन - 9650692090 को नोट करा सकते हैं
रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म भरने वालों की लिस्ट सेवाकेंद्र इंचार्ज टीचर बहन की स्वीकृति के लिए भेजी जाएगी. उसके उपरांत ही ग्रुप को कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने की छुट्टी मिलेगी.

हमेशा की तरह आप सभी के सहयोग से यह कार्यक्रम भी सफल होगा ही, ऐसी आपकी भागेदारी प्रति अग्रिम धन्यवाद सहित,

ईश्वरीय सेवा में,
ब्रह्माकुमारी अनसूया बहन और ब्रह्माकुमार रोहित भाई,
ब्रह्माकुमारीज़, युवा प्रभाग, दिल्ली ज़ोन के लिए

नोट:  आप ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ दिल्ली ज़ोन के युवा प्रभाग की कांटेक्ट सूची में शामिल हैं, इसलिए यह मेल आपको भेजा गया है. इसका यह अर्थ नहीं कि दिल्ली ज़ोन युवा प्रभाग आपसे सीधा सम्बन्ध रखता है. इसका उद्देश्य केवल सेंटर्स पर पहले से भेजे जा चुके युवा कार्यक्रमों की पीठ आपकी सेंटर इंचार्ज टीचर बहनों के साथ करने के लिए आपको इशारा देना है.

इस मेल को प्राप्त करने वाला कोई भी बी के युवा किसी भी कार्यक्रम में अपनी टीचर बहन के अनुमति पत्र बिना आता है तो उसे कार्यक्रम में शामिल नहीं किया जायेगा और औपचारिक रूप से इसकी सूचना टीचर बहन को भी भेजी जाएगी.

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