TODAY MURLI || 31/10/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, make effort to rescue human beings who have forgotten the Father and become trapped in the quicksand. Churn the ocean of knowledge and give everyone the Father’s true introduction.
Question:Which religion does the Gita scripture belong to? What significant things are to be understood from this?

The Gita scripture is the scripture of the Brahmin deity religion. It is said: Salutations to the Brahmins who become deities. You wouldn’t call it just the scripture of the deity religion because deities don't have this knowledge. Brahmins listen to the knowledge of the Gita and become deities and it is therefore the scripture of both the Brahmins and the deities. It is not said to be a scripture of the Hindu religion. These things have to be understood very clearly. Incorporeal Shiv Baba, Himself, and not Shri Krishna, is giving you the knowledge of the Gita.
Neither will He be separated from us nor will our hearts feel sorrow.  
Om Shanti
Baba sits here and explains to you children very well. Which father? The Father from beyond this world. A worldly father wouldn’t have so many children. The Father from beyond has so many children (souls) who remember Him and call out to Him: O Purifier, Bestower of Salvation for All! O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! So, they call out to Him as their Father. It is incorporeal God, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who speaks. There is only the one incorporeal God, not two. It is in the intellect of you children that God is the Highest on High. Where does He reside? He resides where souls reside. When you say, "Ishwar”, “Prabhu” or “Bhagwan" (God), it doesn't have the feeling of claiming an inheritance of happiness. When you say "Father" you remember the inheritance. However, people don't know the Father. According to the drama, the people of Bharat bring degradation to themselves by following Ravan’s dictates. Therefore, first of all, explain that Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are beings with subtle bodies, whereas human beings are those with corporeal bodies. However, a being with either a subtle or corporeal body cannot be called the Father. Only the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called the Father. What mistake was made that took them into degradation? By listening to the true Gita from the Father, there is salvation. Therefore, first of all, give the Father's introduction to anyone who comes. This is the main thing; but it doesn't sit in anyone's intellect and this is why Baba has had this poster printed: Is the child Krishna or the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the God of the Gita? Which religion does the Gita scripture belong to? It is right to say that it belongs to the Brahmin deity religion just as the religious scripture of Christians is the Bible. Similarly, the Gita wouldn't be the scripture of just the deity religion; the Brahmins also have to be included. It is said: Salutations to the Brahmins who are to become deities. Baba has told you that the deities don't have knowledge. They don't even know that the Gita is the scripture of their religion. Brahmins have knowledge. The Gita wouldn't even be called the scripture of just the Brahmins because the Father establishes both religions. This is why it is said to be the scripture of both religions. There, people say that the Gita is the scripture of the Hindu religion. They even say that it is also the scripture of the Arya religion. Dayananda established the Arya Samaj (1875) . That is a new religion; but they don’t belong to the deity religion. The main thing is: Who is the God of the Gita? They have inserted Krishna’s name in the Gita and falsified it because their intellects’ yoga has broken away from Me. Look how many things they have shown in the Gita and how there is so much respect for the Gita pathshalas. The deity and Brahmin religions have now disappeared. Worshippers say: Salutations to the Brahmins who are to become deities. They don't know how the Brahmins became deities. Who will tell them this? The Father says: I make you into the mouth-born creation of Brahma and then make you into deities. Therefore, the Gita is the scripture of the Brahmin and deity religions. You can’t say that it belongs to just the deity religion, because Lakshmi and Narayan don't have knowledge. These things have to be understood, but who will explain them? Shiv Baba tells you that the flames of destruction emerge from the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. There is so much difference between the sacrificial fire of Rudra and that of Krishna. After this sacrificial fire of knowledge, there won't be any material sacrificial fires in the golden age. Now they create sacrificial fires to remove their calamities. There are no calamities there for which they would have to create a sacrificial fire. In the Gita, it mentions the sacrificial fire of Rudra and it also says: "God speaks". Therefore, the truth in the Gita is like a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour; all the rest is false. Shiv Baba does not churn the ocean of knowledge. It is Brahma and the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris who have to do that. At this time, people are completely trapped in quicksand. It requires a lot of effort to get out of quicksand. This is why they call out to the Father. The Father says: You have to conquer Ravan, the five vices. Then, in the golden age, you living beings are in happiness. Whenever you go to a spiritual gathering you can ask them about these things. There is no question of being afraid. All are in darkness. Death is just ahead, whereas they say that 40,000 years of the iron age still remain. That is called extreme darkness. All are sleeping in the sleep of Kumbhakarna. It is said that God comes to give the fruit of devotion and that He gives salvation. Therefore, you must be in degradation. If the name of Shiva, the Supreme Soul, were mentioned in the Gita, everyone would accept Him. So, it was truly the incorporeal One who taught you Raja Yoga. There is no question of a battlefield. How could He give such great knowledge on a battlefield? How would He teach Raja Yoga? There are four main religions and there are four religious scriptures. There are now innumerable religions, scriptures and images. It is now in the intellects of you children that Shiv Baba is the Highest on High and below Him, there are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar and then, in the corporeal world, there are Lakshmi and Narayan and then their dynasty. At the confluence age there are just Brahma and Saraswati. When people create a sacrificial fire, they create a lingam of Shiva, worship it and then sink it. They even worship images of the goddesses and then sink them. Therefore, that is the worship of dolls, because they don't know their occupation. His praise is that He is the Purifier. So, how does He purify impure souls? You yourselves now have to awaken and also awaken others, that is, you have to give everyone the Father's introduction. They don't know the Father. Those people simply earn money by telling religious stories. What happens through that? You can also go to the Vidhoot Mandali and explain to them. Everyone will definitely have to die in this war. The flames of destruction continue to emerge from this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. They continue to write about how they have created so many big bombs. Therefore, destruction also took place through them in the previous cycle. It isn't that in the previous cycle they disposed of the bombs at sea. So, destruction still has to take place now. They speak of those who have divorced intellects at the time of destruction. Who has this? The Kauravas and the Yadavas. It is now government of the people by the people. Therefore, have hundreds of thousands of posters printed in all languages. You definitely have to print them in English. Continue to distribute them wherever there are Gita pathshalas. Your address should also be written on the poster. The Father gives directions, but it is up to you children to follow them. It is written: Shiv Baba. So Shiv Baba is the Father and Brahma is also the father. Therefore, you children are to receive your inheritance from Shiv Baba and not Brahma. Even Brahma receives it from Him. Baba has explained so much that you must first of all write the Father’s accurate introduction in the Gita magazine . Those who are to become Brahmins will quickly be shot by the arrow. Otherwise, when they are given something, they throw it away, just as if you give a book to a monkey, it would immediately throw it away; it wouldn’t understand anything. This is why the Father says: Give this knowledge to My devotees and those who study the Gita. In that too, it is those who have it in their fortune who will understand. The Father says: This is hell. All the children who are born here continue to cause sorrow for one another; they continue to bite one another. They have shown a river of poison in the Garuda Purana, but that doesn't really exist. This world is hell. You children know that you were residents of hell and have now become residents of the confluence age, and that, tomorrow, you will become residents of heaven. This is why you are making effort. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Night class 23/03/68

The Highest on High is the one God, who is the Father. Whose Father? The Father of all souls. He is the Father of all the souls in all the human beings. All the souls who come to play their parts definitely take rebirth. Some take very few. Some take 84 births, some take 80 births and some take 60 births; all are human beings, bodily beings. Even though Lakshmi and Narayan ruled the world, at that time, there was no other dynasty in the new world . None of the bodily beings can grant anyone salvation. First of all, there is the sweet silence home. That is the home of all souls. Even the Father stays there. That is called the incorporeal world. The Father is the Highest on High and the place where He resides is also the highest on high. The Father says: I am the Highest on High. I definitely have to come. Everyone calls out to Me. All human beings definitely have to take rebirth. Only the one Father doesn’t take rebirth. Everyone definitely has to take rebirth. Any founder of a religion is said to be an incarnation. They speak of the Buddha incarnation. The Father is also called the Incarnation. He too has to come. Now, all souls are present here. None of them can return home. It is because souls take rebirth that there is expansion. By taking rebirth, all have become tamopradhan at this time. Only the Father comes and gives knowledge. The Father alone is knowledge-full; He has the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end. He alone is called the knowledge-full and blissful One, the peaceful One, ever pure. Human beings, however, become pure and impure. Lakshmi and Narayan are the first ones of that dynasty. They have to take the full 84 births, they take rebirth here. Then, at the end, the Father comes and purifies everyone and takes them back. The Father alone is called the Liberator. At this time, the founders of religions are present here. A few souls still remain who are continuing to come down. Expansion continues to take place. The Bestower of Salvation for all is just the one Father. He is making us into the masters of the land of peace and the land of happiness. You take the full 84 births. Those of you who came first will return first. Christ will come at his own time. Christ does not have the power to take anyone back. Only the one Father has the power to take everyone back. At this time, it is the kingdom of Ravan, the devilish kingdom. In 84 births, the vices have now entered everyone completely. The Father says: You were the masters of the deity world and you then became vicious in the kingdom of Ravan. Everyone definitely has to take rebirth. It is not possible for them to establish a religion and then return home. They definitely also have to sustain it. It is remembered: Establishment of the new world takes place through Brahma. There is also the destruction of the old world. In the new world, there was just the one religion and one deity dynasty. That does not exist now; there are just its images, and all other religions are present. Apart from the one God, the Father, all bodily beings definitely take rebirth. Bharat is the imperishable land; it is never destroyed. It is imperishable. There were no other lands when it was their kingdom. It was just their kingdom. There was just the sun dynasty and the moon dynasty; no one else. The new world is called heaven, the deity world. The incorporeal world cannot be called heaven. That is our sweet silence home, the land of nirvana. No one, except the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, can give knowledge to souls. A soul is a very tiny dot. The Father of all souls is the Supreme Soul. He is called the Supreme Father. He cannot ever take rebirth. It is now the end of the play. This whole world is a stage on which the play is being performed. The duration of it is 5000 years. This is the most auspicious confluence age when the Father comes and makes everyone the most elevated of all. Souls are all imperishable. This drama is also imperishable. It is the predestined play. Those who have been and gone will come again at exactly the same time. They were the ones to come first. Lakshmi and Narayan do not exist now. This is the true company of the Truth. Achcha.

Love, remembrance and good night to the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Churn the ocean of knowledge and rescue human beings from the quicksand. Awaken those who are sleeping in the sleep of Kumbhakarna.
2. Remove your intellect's yoga from subtle and corporeal bodily beings and remember the one incorporeal Father. Connect the intellect's yoga of everyone to the one Father.

May you be as merciful as the Father and serve at a fast speed with your mind.
You can increase the treasures of blessings you have received from the Father at the confluence age as much as you want: simply continue to give to others. Just as the Father is merciful¸ be just as merciful as the Father, not just in words, but with the attitude of your mind give souls through the atmosphere the powers that you have received. Since you have to complete serving the world in a short time, you have to serve at a fast speed. The busier you keep yourself in service, the more easily you will become a conqueror of Maya.

Those who serve at every step with their content and happy life are true servers.

TODAY MURLI || 30/10/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the Father is giving you the musk of knowledge. Therefore, you should surrender yourself to such a Father. Follow the mother and Father and serve to make everyone pure.

QuestionWhat are the signs of fortunate children?

AnswerFortunate children study and teach others very well. Their intellects have firm faith; they never let go of the Father's hand. While doing their business etc., they also follow this course. They remain very happy. However, even if those who don't have it in their fortune were given a lottery, they would lose everything.
Image result for BRAHMA KUMARIS
Song:No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.  

Om Shanti
Those who don't know anything are said to be innocent. You children now know that you human beings were truly so innocent! Maya makes you so innocent. You don't even know who the Father is. You call out to the Father, but you don't know Him. You don't even know what property you receive from the Father. So, that would be called innocent, would it not? Whether you call someone innocent or a buddhu, it is the same thing. At this time, everyone has become senseless and they are even proud of their lack of sense. Children, you know the Father and you are listening to Him. However, you souls have to make effort to become soul conscious. Baba Himself sits here and teaches you souls to become soul conscious. Have the faith that you are the children of the Father from beyond. You know your worldly father, and yet you are so innocent that you don't know your Father from beyond this world. It is now in the intellects of you children that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, explains these things. You are not little children; your organs are large. The Father explains: If you consider yourself to be a body, you won’t be able to remember the Father. Consider yourself to be soul conscious. The Father doesn't say "Child, child" to the body but to the soul, and all of you children, souls, call Shiva: the Supreme Soul, Baba. You don't call any other soul or Brahma this. This one (Brahma) is also His child. You know that your unlimited Father has now entered this one. Therefore, you have to remember the Father. You also have to remember the cycle of 84 births. This is an unlimited play of 5000 years and you are actors. You now know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama . Therefore, the whole cycle should turn around in your intellects. Your name is very well known. You are spinners of the discus of self-realisation and then you become rulers of the globe in the future. The story of 84 births can be proven through the picture of the cycle. You now belong to the Father. Keep this in your awareness. The more you become sticks for the blind the more the Father will consider you to be merciful. People say: Have mercy! Have compassion! You know what compassion the Father has. You have found the Father and so you should have so much happiness. You now have to stand on your own feet. It is also said that each centre is self-sufficient. Therefore, you also have to stand on your own feet. You have to make the highest-on-high effort. Follow the Father and mother. In the world, children follow their father and become impure. When it is said, “Follow His shrimat”, it relates to the Father from beyond. Look what business Baba and Mama are doing: they are making impure ones pure. After the founders of other religions come, the souls of their religions also come down from up above. It is not a question of converting souls there. It is here that they are converted. Shudras have to be converted to Brahmins. You have to make effort for this. You give away so much literature. People just look at it and then tear it up. You children are rup and basant. As is the Father, so are you children: you have to shower knowledge. These pictures are very good. The picture of the Trimurti is essential. Both the Father and the inheritance are included in that. How would you receive the Grandfather's inheritance without the father? Everyone loves the picture of Krishna, but they don’t like the writing about 84 births. They like the picture, the image, whereas you like the One without an image because the Father has told you: May you be soul conscious! You consider yourselves to be without an image and you also remember the Supreme Soul who is without an image. He is the Creator and He therefore definitely creates the new world. There used to be the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan there. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan has been created and it is also written on it: Full of all virtues, 16 celestial degrees full. Lakshmi and Narayan are the empress and emperor. They have the intoxication that they are becoming that by remembering the Father. So, constantly continue to say, "Baba, Baba" and also remember your future status and you will go to the golden age. There is the example of how someone kept repeating to himself, "I am a buffalo, I am a buffalo", and so he began to think that he was a buffalo, but no one becomes something just by saying it. However, you souls know that you are changing from ordinary humans into Narayan. It is a wonder that you are now beggars. It isn't just one person who rules the kingdom; his dynasty continues. There would also be his children. In 1250 years, it wouldn't be just one Lakshmi and Narayan who rule there. They say that the duration of the golden age is very long, but there still have to be subjects there. Your intellects should have the enlightenment of knowledge. You can place the picture in front of anyone and explain to him that Bharat was heaven. It is now the old world of hell. Therefore, understand firmly that you were the residents of heaven and that you are now the residents of hell and that you are once again becoming the residents of heaven. In the golden age it is the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan and in the silver age it is the kingdom of Rama and Sita. All were residents of heaven. The cycle of 84 births is proven through the picture of this cycle. The picture of the tree shows how you were worthy of worship and how you then came down and became worshippers. You say that all are atheists at this time because they don't know the Father. You now know that everyone is in a graveyard. You children are incognito. In English, they say ‘underground’. There, no one is underground. You are underground; no one knows you. Here, you personally sit in front of the Father and so you enjoy yourself. The unlimited Father comes from the supreme abode, enters this one and teaches you. He explains to you the secrets of the cycle, but He doesn’t remain in this one throughout the whole day. The Father says: I do service. In order to glorify the name of the children, I enter. The Father says: Children, may you become spinners of the discus of self-realisation! May you be the ones who blow the conch shell! You have to blow the conch shell of knowledge. Whether you call it a conch shell or a flute (murli), it is the same thing. They have shown Krishna with a flute. Krishna plays a diamond-studded flute for pleasure. There is no murli of knowledge there. You children now have to keep it in your intellects that you will play your parts in the golden age as you played them in the previous cycle. At least claim your inheritance from Baba! However, some children forget when they go back home. The Father says: Become firm and strong here. You may do your business, but also continue to remember the Father. Take the course of one second . Many people study even after they marry. You can also do your business and study at the same time. It is very easy for kumars and kumaris. Let it remain in your intellects: Mine is one Shiv Baba and none other. This is not said of Brahma. Baba asks: Since when have you had faith? If you have faith, you must not leave such a Father until the Father tells you to study and go and teach others. You children should have a lot of happiness. When poor people win a lottery, they sometimes go crazy. However, here, children go to their businesses and forget Baba. Baba then understands that you were given such a big lottery but you went crazy. It was not in your fortune and that is why it is said: If you want to see the most fortunate ones, see them here! Baba says that you have found Baba after a cycle. Continue to say, "Baba, Baba!" Wake up early in the morning and remember Him. You surrender yourself to someone you love. We too surrender ourselves to Baba. This is the musk of knowledge. We are those who take the boat of Bharat across. We are the true Brahmin children of the true Father who tells the story of the true Narayan, the story of the Lord of Immortality and the story of the third eye. So, there shouldn’t be any defect inside. If there is a defect, you won't be able to claim a high status. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Night class – 28/3/68

The Father has explained: Have such a practice that, while seeing everything and playing your parts, your intellects remains connected to the Father. You know that this old world is going to finish. We have to leave this world and go to our home. This thought cannot enter anyone else’s intellect. No one else understands this. They believe that this world is going to continue a lot longer. You children know that you are now going to your new world and that you are learning Raja Yoga. In just a short while we will go to the golden-aged new world, that is, to the land of immortality. You are now changing; you are changing from devilish beings to divine human beings. The Father is changing you into deities from human beings. Deities have divine virtues. They too are human beings, but they have divine virtues whereas the human beings here have devilish traits. You know that this devilish kingdom of Ravan is not going to remain. We are now imbibing divine virtues. We are also having our sins of many births absolved with the power of yoga. Whether we actually do that or not – each one of you knows your own state. Each of you has to bring yourself from degradation to salvation, that is, you have to make effort to go to the golden age. You have the sovereignty of the world in the golden age. There is just one kingdom there. Lakshmi and Narayan were the emperors of the world. The world does not know about these things. Their kingdom begins from 1.1.1. You know that you are becoming that. The Father makes you children even higher than Himself and this is why Baba says “Namaste”. There are the Sun of Knowledge, the moon of knowledge and the lucky stars of knowledge. You are lucky. You understand that Baba says “Namaste” accurately and meaningfully. The Father comes and gives you lots of happiness. This knowledge is so wonderful. Your kingdom too is wonderful. You souls are also wonderful. You have all the knowledge of the Creator and the beginning, middle and end of the creation in your intellects. You children have to make so much effort to make others the same as yourselves. Each one’s fortune is the same as in the previous cycle, but, nevertheless the Father inspires you to make effort. He cannot tell you which ones are going to be the eight jewels. It is not in His part to tell you. As you progress further, each of you will come to know your part. Whatever effort each one of you makes, so you will make your fortune. The Father is the One who shows you the way and it depends on how much each one follows that. You see that one (Vishnu) in the subtle region; Prajapita Brahma is sitting with Him. It is a matter of a second to become Vishnu from Brahma and it takes 5000 years to become Brahma from Vishnu. Your intellects feel that that is right. Although people create the Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, no one understands this. You now understand it. You are such multimillion times fortunate children. They portray multimillions at the feet of the deities. The names of multimillionaires are remembered. It is the poor and ordinary ones who become multimillionaires. None of the millionaires come here. Those who have five to seven hundred thousand are said to be ordinary. At present, 20, 40 thousand is nothing. If some are millionaires, that would only be for one birth. Perhaps they may take a little knowledge; they would not surrender everything after understanding this knowledge. Those who came at the beginning were the ones who surrendered everything. Everyone’s wealth was immediately put to use. The wealth of the poor is definitely used. The wealthy ones are told to do service. If you want to do Godly service, then open a centre. Make effort too. Imbibe divine virtues. The Father is also called the Lord of the Poor. At this time, Bharat is the poorest of all. Bharat has the greatest population because it has existed from the beginning. Those who were in the golden age are now in the iron age . They have become completely poor; they have spent their wealth and they have finished everything. The Father explains: You are now once again becoming deities. Incorporeal God is only One. The greatness is only of the One. You make so much effort to explain to others. You make so many pictures. As you progress further, people will understand very well. The drama continues to tick away. You know the tick, tick of this drama. The act of the whole world repeats accurately and identically every cycle; it continues second by second. The Father explains all these things and then says, “Manmanabhav”! Remember the Father! What is the benefit of someone going across water or fire? His lifespan cannot increase by doing that. Achcha.

Love, remembrance and good night to the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found, spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. Become true Brahmins. Don't have any defect inside you. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and blow the conch shell. While doing your business, also do this course.
2. Become as merciful as the Father and become a stick for the blind. Make the elevated effort of following the mother and Father. Stand on your own feet and don't make anyone your support.

May you follow Father Brahma constantly in your every thought and deed and become close and equal.

Father Brahma attained success in every task with determination. He demonstrated practically belonging to the one Father and none other through his actions. He never became disheartened and was always victorious with the lesson of “nothing new”. He made a situation as big as the Himalayas into something like cotton wool and found a solution to it and was never afraid. Always have a big heart in the same way and remain happy hearted. Follow Father Brahma in every deed and you will become close and equal.

In order to experience supersensuous joy, become a true gopika of Gopi Vallabh.

TODAY MURLI || 29/10/17 मधुबन "अव्यक्त-बापदादा" ओम् शान्ति 21-02-83 || ENGLISH || (OM HANTI)

“शान्ति की शक्ति”

Image result for SHIV BABA '

आज बापदादा अमृतवेले चारों ओर बच्चों के पास चक्कर लगाने गये। चक्कर लगाते हुए बापदादा आज अपनी शक्ति सेना वा पाण्डव सेना सभी की तैयारी देख रहे थे कि कहाँ तक सेना शक्तिशाली शस्त्रधारी एवररेडी हुई है। समय का इंतजार है वा स्वयं सदा ही सम्पन्न रहने का इंतजाम करने वाली है। तो आज बापदादा सेनापति के रूप में सेना को देखने गये। विशेष बात, साइन्स की शक्ति पर साइलेन्स के शक्ति की विजय है। तो साइलेन्स की शक्ति संगठित रूप में और व्यक्तिगत रूप में कहाँ तक प्राप्त कर ली है? वह देख रहे थे। साइलेन्स की शक्ति द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष फल रूप में स्व परिवर्तन वायुमण्डल परिवर्तन, वृत्ति परिवर्तन, संस्कार परिवर्तन कहाँ तक कर सकते हैं वा किया है? तो आज सेना के हरेक सैनिक की साइलेन्स के शक्ति की प्रयोगशाला चेक की, कि कहाँ तक प्रयोग कर सकते हैं?
स्मृति में रहना, वर्णन करना वह भी आवश्यक है लेकिन वर्तमान समय के प्रमाण सर्व आत्मायें प्रत्यक्षफल देखना चाहती हैं। प्रत्यक्षफल अर्थात् प्रैक्टिकल प्रूफ देखने चाहती हैं। तो तन के ऊपर साइलेन्स की शक्ति का प्रयोग करते हैं। ऐसे ही मन के ऊपर, कर्म के ऊपर, सम्बन्ध सम्पर्क में आने से सम्बन्ध सम्पर्क में क्या प्रयोग होता है, कितनी परसेन्टज में होता है - यह विश्व की आत्मायें भी देखने चाहती हैं। हरेक ब्राहमण आत्मा भी स्व में प्रत्यक्ष प्रूफ के रूप में सदा विशेष से विशेष अनुभव करने चाहती है। रिजल्ट में साइलेन्स की शक्ति का जितना महत्व है, उतना उसे विधि पूर्वक प्रयोग में लाने में अभी कम है। चाहना बहुत है, नॉलेज भी है लेकिन प्रयोग करते हुए आगे बढ़ते चलो। साइलेन्स शक्ति के प्राप्ति की महीनता अनुभव करते स्व प्रति वा अन्य प्रति कार्य में लगाना, उसमें अभी और विशेष अटेन्शन चाहिए। विश्व की आत्माओं वा सम्बन्ध, सम्पर्क में आने वाली आत्माओं को महसूसता हो कि शान्ति की किरणें इन विशेष आत्मा वा विशेष आत्माओं द्वारा मिल रही हैं। हरेक से चलता फिरता “शान्ति यज्ञ कुण्ड” का अनुभव हो। जैसे आपकी रचना में छोटा सा फायरफ्लाई दूर से ही अपनी रोशनी का अनुभव कराता है। दूर से ही देखते सब कहेंगे यह फायरफ्लाई आ रहा है, जा रहा है। ऐसे इस बुद्धि द्वारा अनुभव करें कि यह शान्ति का अवतार शान्ति देने आ गया है। चारों ओर की अशान्त आत्मायें शान्ति की किरणों के आधार पर शान्ति कुण्ड की तरफ खिंची हुई आवें। जैसे प्यासा पानी की तरफ स्वत: ही खिंचता हुआ जाता है। ऐसे आप शान्ति के अवतार आत्माओं की तरफ खिंचे हुए आवें। इसी शान्ति की शक्ति का अभी और अधिक प्रयोग करो। शान्ति की शक्ति वायरलेस से भी तेज आपका संकल्प किसी भी आत्मा प्रति पहुंचा सकती है। जैसे साइन्स की शक्ति परिवर्तन भी कर लेती, वृद्धि भी कर लेती है, विनाश भी कर लेती, रचना भी कर लेती, हाहाकार भी मचा देती और आराम भी दे देती। लेकिन साइलेन्स की शक्ति का विशेष यंत्र है - 'शुभ संकल्प' इस संकल्प के यंत्र द्वारा जो चाहो वह सिद्धि स्वरूप में देख सकते हो। पहले स्व के प्रति प्रयोग करके देखो। तन की व्याधि के ऊपर प्रयोग करके देखो, तो शान्ति की शक्ति द्वारा कर्मबन्धन का रूप, मीठे सम्बन्ध के रूप में बदल जायेगा। बन्धन सदा कडुवा लगता है, सम्बन्ध मीठा लगता है। यह कर्मभोग - कर्म का कड़ा बन्धन साइलेन्स की शक्ति से पानी की लकीर मिसल अनुभव होगा। भोगने वाला नहीं, भोगना भोग रही हूँ यह नहीं, लेकिन साक्षी दृष्टा हो इस हिसाब किताब का दृश्य भी देखते रहेंगे इसलिए तन के साथ-साथ मन की कमजोरी, डबल बीमारी होने के कारण जो कड़े भोग के रूप में दिखाई देता है, वह अति न्यारा और बाप का प्यारा होने के कारण डबल शक्ति अनुभव होने से कर्मभोग के हिसाब की शक्ति के ऊपर वह डबल शक्ति विजय प्राप्त कर लेगी। बीमारी चाहे कितनी भी बड़ी हो लेकिन दु:ख वा दर्द का अनुभव नहीं करेंगे। जिसको दूसरी भाषा में आप कहते हो कि सूली से कांटे के समान अनुभव होगा। ऐसे टाइम में प्रयोग करके देखो। कई बच्चे करते भी हैं। इसी प्रकार से तन पर, मन पर, संस्कार पर अनुभव करते जाओ और आगे बढ़ते जाओ। यह रीसर्च करो, इसमें एक दो को नहीं देखो। यह क्या करते, इसने कहाँ किया है। पुराने करते वा नहीं करते, बड़े नहीं करते छोटे करते, यह नहीं देखो। पहले मैं इस अनुभव में आगे आ जाऊं क्योंकि यह अपने आन्तरिक पुरूषार्थ की बात है। जब ऐसे व्यक्तिगत रूप में इसी प्रयोग में लग जायेंगे, वृद्धि को पाते रहेंगे तक एक एक के शान्ति की शक्ति का संगठित रूप में विश्व के सामने प्रभाव पड़ेगा। अभी फर्स्ट स्टैप विश्व शान्ति की कानफ्रेंस कर निमंत्रण दिया लेकिन शान्ति की शक्ति का पुंज जब सर्व के संगठित रूप में प्रख्यात होगा तो आपको निमंत्रण आयेंगे कि हे शक्ति, शान्ति के अवतार इस अशान्ति के स्थान पर आकर शान्ति दो। जैसे सेवा में अभी भी जहाँ अशान्ति का मौका (मृत्यु) होता है तो आप लोगों को बुलाते हैं कि आओ आकर शान्ति दो। और यह धीरे-धीरे प्रसिद्ध भी होता जा रहा है कि ब्रहमाकुमारियाँ ही शान्ति दे सकती हैं। ऐसे हर अशान्ति के कार्य में आप लोगों को निमंत्रण आयेंगे। जैसे बीमारी के समय सिवाए डाक्टर के कोई याद नहीं आता, ऐसे अशान्ति के कोई भी बातों में सिवाए आप शान्ति अवतारों के और कोई दिखाई नहीं देगा। तो अभी शक्ति सेना, पाण्डव सेना, विशेष शान्ति की शक्ति का प्रयोग करो। प्रयोग करके दिखाओ। शान्ति की शक्ति का केन्द्र प्रत्यक्ष करो। समझा क्या करना है।
आजकल तो डबल विदेशी बच्चों के निमित्त सभी बच्चों को भी खजाना मिलता रहता है। जहाँ से भी जो सभी बच्चे आये हैं। बापदादा सभी तरफ के बच्चों की लगन को देख खुश होते हैं। पाँचों ही खण्डों के भिन्न-भिन्न देश से आये हुए बच्चों को बापदादा देख रहे हैं। सभी ने कमाल की है। जो सभी ने लक्ष्य रखा था उसी प्रमाण प्रैक्टिकल पुरुषार्थ का रूप भी लाया है। विदेश से टोटल कितने वी. आई. पी. आये हैं? (75) और भारत के कितने वी. आई. पी. आये? (700) भारत की विशेषता अखबार वालों की अच्छी रही। और विदेश से 75 भी आये यह कोई कम नहीं। बहुत आये। दूसरे वर्ष फिर बहुत आयेंगे। अभी गेट तो खुल गया ना आने का। पहले तो विदेश की टीचर्स कहती थीं वी. आई. पी. को लाना बड़ा मुश्किल है। ऐसा तो कोई दिखाई नहीं देता। अब तो दिखाई दिया ना। भले विघ्न पड़े यह तो ब्राह्मणों के कार्य में विघ्न न पड़े तो लगन भी लग न सके। अलबेले हो जायें इसलिए ड्रामा अनुसार लगन बढ़ाने के लिए विघ्न पड़ते हैं। अभी एक एक द्वारा आवाज़ सुनकर फिर अनेकों में उमंग आयेगा।
बच्चों ने अच्छी कमाल की है। सर्विस में सबूत अच्छा दिखाया है। सेवा का चांस दिलाने के निमित्त तो बन गये ना। एक द्वारा सहज ही अनेंको तक आवाज तो फैला ना। अमेरिका वालों ने अच्छी मेहनत की। हिम्मत अच्छी की, जयादा से ज्यादा आवाज़ फैलाने वाली निमित्त आत्मा को ड्रामा अनुसार विदेश वालों ने ही लाया ना। भारतवासी बच्चों ने भी मेहनत बहुत अच्छी की। उस मेहनत का फल संख्या अच्छी आई। अभी भारत की विशेष आत्मायें भी आयेंगी। अच्छा।

ऐसे सर्व विदेश से आये हुए बच्चों को और भारत के चारों तरफ के बच्चों को जो सब एक ही विशेष शुद्ध संकल्प में हैं कि विश्व के कोने-कोने में बाप की प्रत्यक्षता का झण्डा लहरायेंगे - ऐसे शुभ संकल्प लेने वाले, विश्व परिवर्तक विश्व कल्याणकारी, सर्वश्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को बापदादा का यादप्यार और नमस्ते।

पार्टियों के साथ अव्यक्त बापदादा की मुलाकात

1. वरदान भूमि पर आकर वरदान लिया? सबसे बड़े ते बड़ा वरदान है सदा अपने को बाप द्वारा बाप के साथ का अनुभव करना। सदा बाप की याद में अर्थात् सदा साथ में रहना। तो सदा ही खुश रहेंगे, कभी भी कोई भी बात संकल्प में आये तो बाप के साथ में सब समाप्त हो जायेगा और खुशी में झूमते रहेंगे। तो सदा खुश रहने का यह तरीका याद रखना और दूसरों को भी बताते रहना। दूसरों को भी खुशी में रहने का साधन देना। तो आपको सभी आत्मायें खुशी का देवता मानेंगी क्योंकि विश्व में आज सबसे ज्यादा खुशी की आवश्यकता है। वह आप देते जाना। अपना टाइटिल याद रखना कि मैं खुशी का देवता हूँ।
याद और सेवा इसी बैलन्स द्वारा बाप की ब्लैसिंग मिलती रहेगी। बैलेन्स सबसे बड़ी कला है। हर बात में बैलेन्स हो तो नम्बरवन सहज ही बन जायेंगे। बैलेन्स ही अनेक आत्माओं के आगे ब्लिसफुल जीवन का साक्षात्कार करायेगा। बैलेन्स को सदा स्मृति में रखते सर्व प्राप्तियों का अनुभव करते स्वयं भी आगे बढ़ो और औरों को भी बढ़ाओ।
सदा इसी स्मृति में रहो कि बाप को जानने वाली, बाप को पाने वाली कोटों में कोई जो गाई हुई आत्मायें हैं, वह हम हैं। इसी खुशी में रहो तो आपके यह चेहरे चलते फिरते सेवाकेन्द्र हो जायेंगे। जैसे सर्विस सेन्टर पर आकर बाप का परिचय लेते हैं, वैसे आपके हर्षित चेहरे से बाप का परिचय मिलता रहेगा। बापदादा हर बच्चे को ऐसा ही योग्य समझते हैं। इतने सब सेवाकेन्द्र बैठे हैं। तो सदा ऐसे समझो चलते फिरते खाते पीते हमको बाप की सेवा अपनी चलन से व चेहरे से करनी है तो सहज ही निरन्तर योगी बन जायेंगे। जो बच्चे आदि से सेवा में उमंग-उत्साह का सहयोग देते रहे हैं, ऐसी आत्माओं को बापदादा भी सहयोग देते हुए 21 जन्म आराम से रखेंगे। मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़ेगी। खाओ, पिओ और स्वर्ग का राज्य भाग्य भोगो। आधाकल्प मेहनत शब्द ही नहीं होगा। ऐसी तकदीर बनाने आये हो।

कुमारों प्रति:कुमार जीवन में एनर्जी बहुत होती है। कुमार जो चाहे वह कर सकते हैं इसलिए बापदादा कुमारों को देख विशेष खुश होते हैं कि अपनी एनर्जी डिस्ट्रक्शन के बजाए कनस्ट्रक्शन के कार्य में लगाया। एक-एक कुमार विश्व को नया बनाने में अपनी एनर्जी को लगा रहे हैं। कितना श्रेष्ठ कार्य कर रहे हैं। एक कुमार 10 का कार्य कर सकते हैं इसलिए कुमारों पर बापदादा को नाज़ है। कुमार जीवन में अपनी जीवन सफल कर ली। ऐसी विशेष आत्मायें हो ना। बहुत अच्छा समय पर जीवन का फैंसला किया। फैंसला करने में कोई गलती तो नहीं की है ना। पक्का है ना। कोई गलत कहकर खींचे तो? चाहे दुनिया की अक्षौणी आत्मायें एक तरफ हो जाएं, आप अकेले हो फिर क्या होगा? बोलो, मैं अकेला नही हूँगा, बाप मेरे साथ है। बापदादा खुश होते हैं - स्वयं की भी जीवन बनाई और अनेकों की जीवन बनाने के निमित्त बने हो। अच्छा!

पत्रों के उत्तर देते हुए, बापदादा ने सभी बच्चों प्रति टेप में याद प्यार भरी
चारों ओर के सभी सिकीलधे स्नेही, सहयोगी, सर्विसएबुल बच्चों के पत्र तो क्या लेकिन दिल के मीठे-मीठे साजों भरे गीत बापदादा ने सुने। जितना बच्चे दिल से याद करते हैं उससे पदमगुणा ज्यादा बापदादा भी बच्चों को याद करते, प्यार करते और इमर्ज करके टोली खिलाते। अभी भी सामने टोली रखी है। सभी बच्चे बाप के सामने हैं। केक काट रहे हैं और सभी बच्चे खा रहे हैं। जो भी बच्चों ने समाचार लिखा है, अपनी अवस्था व सर्विस का, बापदादा ने सुने। सर्विस का उमंग-उत्साह बहुत अच्छा है। अभी थोड़ा बहुत जो माया के विघ्न देखते हो, वह भी नथिंग न्यू। माया सिर्फ पेपर लेने आती है। माया से घबराओ मत। खिलौना समझकर खेलो तो माया वार नहीं करेगी। लेकिन आराम से विदाई ले सो जायेगी इसलिए ज्यादा नहीं सोचो यह क्या हुआ, हो गया फुलस्टाप लगाओ और आगे जाकर पदमगुणा जो कुछ रह गया, वह भर लो। बढ़ते चलो और बढ़ाते चलो। बापदादा साथ है, माया की चाल चलने वाली नहीं है इसलिए घबराओ नहीं। खुशी में नाचो, गाओ। अब तो अपना राज्य आया कि आया। हे स्वराज्य अधिकारी, विश्व का राज्य भाग्य आपका इंतजार कर रहा है। अच्छा!

सर्व को बहुत-बहुत यादप्यार और 'निर्विघ्न भव' का वरदान बापदादा दे रहे हैं। जो बच्चे स्थूल धन की कमी के कारण पहुंच नहीं सकते, उन्हें भी बापदादा याद दे रहे हैं। भल धन कम है लेकिन हैं बादशाह क्योंकि आजकल के राजाओं के पास जो नहीं है, वह इन्हीं के पास अविनाशी और जन्म-जन्म के लिए जमा है। बापदादा ऐसे वर्तमान बेगमपुर के बादशाह और भविष्य विश्व के बादशाहों को बहुत-बहुत यादप्यार देते हैं। ऐसे बच्चे दिल से यहाँ हैं शरीर से वहाँ हैं इसलिए बापदादा सम्मुख बच्चों को देख सम्मुख यादप्यार देते हैं। अच्छा। 
ओम् शान्ति।

सम्पूर्णता की स्थिति द्वारा प्रकृति को आर्डर करने वाले विश्व परिवर्तक भव!
जब आप विश्व परिवर्तक आत्मायें संगठित रूप में सम्पन्न, सम्पूर्ण स्थिति से विश्व परिवर्तन का संकल्प करेंगी तब यह प्रकृति सम्पूर्ण हलचल की डांस शुरू करेगी। वायु, धरती, समुद्र, अग्नि... इनकी हलचल ही सफाई करेगी। परन्तु यह प्रकृति आपका आर्डर तब मानेगी जब पहले आपके स्वयं के सहयोगी कर्मेन्द्रियां, मन-बुद्धि-संस्कार आपका आर्डर मानेंगे। साथ-साथ इतनी पावरफुल तपस्या की ऊंची स्थिति हो जो सबका एक साथ संकल्प हो “परिवर्तन” और प्रकृति हाजिर हो जाए।

अपने श्रेष्ठ भाग्य द्वारा सबका भाग्य बनाते सदा भगवान की स्मृति दिलाते रहो।

TODAY MURLI || 29/10/17 मधुबन "अव्यक्त-बापदादा" ओम् शान्ति 21-02-83 || HINDI || ( OM SHANTI )

“शान्ति की शक्ति”
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आज बापदादा अमृतवेले चारों ओर बच्चों के पास चक्कर लगाने गये। चक्कर लगाते हुए बापदादा आज अपनी शक्ति सेना वा पाण्डव सेना सभी की तैयारी देख रहे थे कि कहाँ तक सेना शक्तिशाली शस्त्रधारी एवररेडी हुई है। समय का इंतजार है वा स्वयं सदा ही सम्पन्न रहने का इंतजाम करने वाली है। तो आज बापदादा सेनापति के रूप में सेना को देखने गये। विशेष बात, साइन्स की शक्ति पर साइलेन्स के शक्ति की विजय है। तो साइलेन्स की शक्ति संगठित रूप में और व्यक्तिगत रूप में कहाँ तक प्राप्त कर ली है? वह देख रहे थे। साइलेन्स की शक्ति द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष फल रूप में स्व परिवर्तन वायुमण्डल परिवर्तन, वृत्ति परिवर्तन, संस्कार परिवर्तन कहाँ तक कर सकते हैं वा किया है? तो आज सेना के हरेक सैनिक की साइलेन्स के शक्ति की प्रयोगशाला चेक की, कि कहाँ तक प्रयोग कर सकते हैं?
स्मृति में रहना, वर्णन करना वह भी आवश्यक है लेकिन वर्तमान समय के प्रमाण सर्व आत्मायें प्रत्यक्षफल देखना चाहती हैं। प्रत्यक्षफल अर्थात् प्रैक्टिकल प्रूफ देखने चाहती हैं। तो तन के ऊपर साइलेन्स की शक्ति का प्रयोग करते हैं। ऐसे ही मन के ऊपर, कर्म के ऊपर, सम्बन्ध सम्पर्क में आने से सम्बन्ध सम्पर्क में क्या प्रयोग होता है, कितनी परसेन्टज में होता है - यह विश्व की आत्मायें भी देखने चाहती हैं। हरेक ब्राहमण आत्मा भी स्व में प्रत्यक्ष प्रूफ के रूप में सदा विशेष से विशेष अनुभव करने चाहती है। रिजल्ट में साइलेन्स की शक्ति का जितना महत्व है, उतना उसे विधि पूर्वक प्रयोग में लाने में अभी कम है। चाहना बहुत है, नॉलेज भी है लेकिन प्रयोग करते हुए आगे बढ़ते चलो। साइलेन्स शक्ति के प्राप्ति की महीनता अनुभव करते स्व प्रति वा अन्य प्रति कार्य में लगाना, उसमें अभी और विशेष अटेन्शन चाहिए। विश्व की आत्माओं वा सम्बन्ध, सम्पर्क में आने वाली आत्माओं को महसूसता हो कि शान्ति की किरणें इन विशेष आत्मा वा विशेष आत्माओं द्वारा मिल रही हैं। हरेक से चलता फिरता “शान्ति यज्ञ कुण्ड” का अनुभव हो। जैसे आपकी रचना में छोटा सा फायरफ्लाई दूर से ही अपनी रोशनी का अनुभव कराता है। दूर से ही देखते सब कहेंगे यह फायरफ्लाई आ रहा है, जा रहा है। ऐसे इस बुद्धि द्वारा अनुभव करें कि यह शान्ति का अवतार शान्ति देने आ गया है। चारों ओर की अशान्त आत्मायें शान्ति की किरणों के आधार पर शान्ति कुण्ड की तरफ खिंची हुई आवें। जैसे प्यासा पानी की तरफ स्वत: ही खिंचता हुआ जाता है। ऐसे आप शान्ति के अवतार आत्माओं की तरफ खिंचे हुए आवें। इसी शान्ति की शक्ति का अभी और अधिक प्रयोग करो। शान्ति की शक्ति वायरलेस से भी तेज आपका संकल्प किसी भी आत्मा प्रति पहुंचा सकती है। जैसे साइन्स की शक्ति परिवर्तन भी कर लेती, वृद्धि भी कर लेती है, विनाश भी कर लेती, रचना भी कर लेती, हाहाकार भी मचा देती और आराम भी दे देती। लेकिन साइलेन्स की शक्ति का विशेष यंत्र है - 'शुभ संकल्प' इस संकल्प के यंत्र द्वारा जो चाहो वह सिद्धि स्वरूप में देख सकते हो। पहले स्व के प्रति प्रयोग करके देखो। तन की व्याधि के ऊपर प्रयोग करके देखो, तो शान्ति की शक्ति द्वारा कर्मबन्धन का रूप, मीठे सम्बन्ध के रूप में बदल जायेगा। बन्धन सदा कडुवा लगता है, सम्बन्ध मीठा लगता है। यह कर्मभोग - कर्म का कड़ा बन्धन साइलेन्स की शक्ति से पानी की लकीर मिसल अनुभव होगा। भोगने वाला नहीं, भोगना भोग रही हूँ यह नहीं, लेकिन साक्षी दृष्टा हो इस हिसाब किताब का दृश्य भी देखते रहेंगे इसलिए तन के साथ-साथ मन की कमजोरी, डबल बीमारी होने के कारण जो कड़े भोग के रूप में दिखाई देता है, वह अति न्यारा और बाप का प्यारा होने के कारण डबल शक्ति अनुभव होने से कर्मभोग के हिसाब की शक्ति के ऊपर वह डबल शक्ति विजय प्राप्त कर लेगी। बीमारी चाहे कितनी भी बड़ी हो लेकिन दु:ख वा दर्द का अनुभव नहीं करेंगे। जिसको दूसरी भाषा में आप कहते हो कि सूली से कांटे के समान अनुभव होगा। ऐसे टाइम में प्रयोग करके देखो। कई बच्चे करते भी हैं। इसी प्रकार से तन पर, मन पर, संस्कार पर अनुभव करते जाओ और आगे बढ़ते जाओ। यह रीसर्च करो, इसमें एक दो को नहीं देखो। यह क्या करते, इसने कहाँ किया है। पुराने करते वा नहीं करते, बड़े नहीं करते छोटे करते, यह नहीं देखो। पहले मैं इस अनुभव में आगे आ जाऊं क्योंकि यह अपने आन्तरिक पुरूषार्थ की बात है। जब ऐसे व्यक्तिगत रूप में इसी प्रयोग में लग जायेंगे, वृद्धि को पाते रहेंगे तक एक एक के शान्ति की शक्ति का संगठित रूप में विश्व के सामने प्रभाव पड़ेगा। अभी फर्स्ट स्टैप विश्व शान्ति की कानफ्रेंस कर निमंत्रण दिया लेकिन शान्ति की शक्ति का पुंज जब सर्व के संगठित रूप में प्रख्यात होगा तो आपको निमंत्रण आयेंगे कि हे शक्ति, शान्ति के अवतार इस अशान्ति के स्थान पर आकर शान्ति दो। जैसे सेवा में अभी भी जहाँ अशान्ति का मौका (मृत्यु) होता है तो आप लोगों को बुलाते हैं कि आओ आकर शान्ति दो। और यह धीरे-धीरे प्रसिद्ध भी होता जा रहा है कि ब्रहमाकुमारियाँ ही शान्ति दे सकती हैं। ऐसे हर अशान्ति के कार्य में आप लोगों को निमंत्रण आयेंगे। जैसे बीमारी के समय सिवाए डाक्टर के कोई याद नहीं आता, ऐसे अशान्ति के कोई भी बातों में सिवाए आप शान्ति अवतारों के और कोई दिखाई नहीं देगा। तो अभी शक्ति सेना, पाण्डव सेना, विशेष शान्ति की शक्ति का प्रयोग करो। प्रयोग करके दिखाओ। शान्ति की शक्ति का केन्द्र प्रत्यक्ष करो। समझा क्या करना है।
आजकल तो डबल विदेशी बच्चों के निमित्त सभी बच्चों को भी खजाना मिलता रहता है। जहाँ से भी जो सभी बच्चे आये हैं। बापदादा सभी तरफ के बच्चों की लगन को देख खुश होते हैं। पाँचों ही खण्डों के भिन्न-भिन्न देश से आये हुए बच्चों को बापदादा देख रहे हैं। सभी ने कमाल की है। जो सभी ने लक्ष्य रखा था उसी प्रमाण प्रैक्टिकल पुरुषार्थ का रूप भी लाया है। विदेश से टोटल कितने वी. आई. पी. आये हैं? (75) और भारत के कितने वी. आई. पी. आये? (700) भारत की विशेषता अखबार वालों की अच्छी रही। और विदेश से 75 भी आये यह कोई कम नहीं। बहुत आये। दूसरे वर्ष फिर बहुत आयेंगे। अभी गेट तो खुल गया ना आने का। पहले तो विदेश की टीचर्स कहती थीं वी. आई. पी. को लाना बड़ा मुश्किल है। ऐसा तो कोई दिखाई नहीं देता। अब तो दिखाई दिया ना। भले विघ्न पड़े यह तो ब्राह्मणों के कार्य में विघ्न न पड़े तो लगन भी लग न सके। अलबेले हो जायें इसलिए ड्रामा अनुसार लगन बढ़ाने के लिए विघ्न पड़ते हैं। अभी एक एक द्वारा आवाज़ सुनकर फिर अनेकों में उमंग आयेगा।
बच्चों ने अच्छी कमाल की है। सर्विस में सबूत अच्छा दिखाया है। सेवा का चांस दिलाने के निमित्त तो बन गये ना। एक द्वारा सहज ही अनेंको तक आवाज तो फैला ना। अमेरिका वालों ने अच्छी मेहनत की। हिम्मत अच्छी की, जयादा से ज्यादा आवाज़ फैलाने वाली निमित्त आत्मा को ड्रामा अनुसार विदेश वालों ने ही लाया ना। भारतवासी बच्चों ने भी मेहनत बहुत अच्छी की। उस मेहनत का फल संख्या अच्छी आई। अभी भारत की विशेष आत्मायें भी आयेंगी। अच्छा।

ऐसे सर्व विदेश से आये हुए बच्चों को और भारत के चारों तरफ के बच्चों को जो सब एक ही विशेष शुद्ध संकल्प में हैं कि विश्व के कोने-कोने में बाप की प्रत्यक्षता का झण्डा लहरायेंगे - ऐसे शुभ संकल्प लेने वाले, विश्व परिवर्तक विश्व कल्याणकारी, सर्वश्रेष्ठ आत्माओं को बापदादा का यादप्यार और नमस्ते।

पार्टियों के साथ अव्यक्त बापदादा की मुलाकात
1. वरदान भूमि पर आकर वरदान लिया? सबसे बड़े ते बड़ा वरदान है सदा अपने को बाप द्वारा बाप के साथ का अनुभव करना। सदा बाप की याद में अर्थात् सदा साथ में रहना। तो सदा ही खुश रहेंगे, कभी भी कोई भी बात संकल्प में आये तो बाप के साथ में सब समाप्त हो जायेगा और खुशी में झूमते रहेंगे। तो सदा खुश रहने का यह तरीका याद रखना और दूसरों को भी बताते रहना। दूसरों को भी खुशी में रहने का साधन देना। तो आपको सभी आत्मायें खुशी का देवता मानेंगी क्योंकि विश्व में आज सबसे ज्यादा खुशी की आवश्यकता है। वह आप देते जाना। अपना टाइटिल याद रखना कि मैं खुशी का देवता हूँ।
याद और सेवा इसी बैलन्स द्वारा बाप की ब्लैसिंग मिलती रहेगी। बैलेन्स सबसे बड़ी कला है। हर बात में बैलेन्स हो तो नम्बरवन सहज ही बन जायेंगे। बैलेन्स ही अनेक आत्माओं के आगे ब्लिसफुल जीवन का साक्षात्कार करायेगा। बैलेन्स को सदा स्मृति में रखते सर्व प्राप्तियों का अनुभव करते स्वयं भी आगे बढ़ो और औरों को भी बढ़ाओ।
सदा इसी स्मृति में रहो कि बाप को जानने वाली, बाप को पाने वाली कोटों में कोई जो गाई हुई आत्मायें हैं, वह हम हैं। इसी खुशी में रहो तो आपके यह चेहरे चलते फिरते सेवाकेन्द्र हो जायेंगे। जैसे सर्विस सेन्टर पर आकर बाप का परिचय लेते हैं, वैसे आपके हर्षित चेहरे से बाप का परिचय मिलता रहेगा। बापदादा हर बच्चे को ऐसा ही योग्य समझते हैं। इतने सब सेवाकेन्द्र बैठे हैं। तो सदा ऐसे समझो चलते फिरते खाते पीते हमको बाप की सेवा अपनी चलन से व चेहरे से करनी है तो सहज ही निरन्तर योगी बन जायेंगे। जो बच्चे आदि से सेवा में उमंग-उत्साह का सहयोग देते रहे हैं, ऐसी आत्माओं को बापदादा भी सहयोग देते हुए 21 जन्म आराम से रखेंगे। मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़ेगी। खाओ, पिओ और स्वर्ग का राज्य भाग्य भोगो। आधाकल्प मेहनत शब्द ही नहीं होगा। ऐसी तकदीर बनाने आये हो।
कुमारों प्रति:- कुमार जीवन में एनर्जी बहुत होती है। कुमार जो चाहे वह कर सकते हैं इसलिए बापदादा कुमारों को देख विशेष खुश होते हैं कि अपनी एनर्जी डिस्ट्रक्शन के बजाए कनस्ट्रक्शन के कार्य में लगाया। एक-एक कुमार विश्व को नया बनाने में अपनी एनर्जी को लगा रहे हैं। कितना श्रेष्ठ कार्य कर रहे हैं। एक कुमार 10 का कार्य कर सकते हैं इसलिए कुमारों पर बापदादा को नाज़ है। कुमार जीवन में अपनी जीवन सफल कर ली। ऐसी विशेष आत्मायें हो ना। बहुत अच्छा समय पर जीवन का फैंसला किया। फैंसला करने में कोई गलती तो नहीं की है ना। पक्का है ना। कोई गलत कहकर खींचे तो? चाहे दुनिया की अक्षौणी आत्मायें एक तरफ हो जाएं, आप अकेले हो फिर क्या होगा? बोलो, मैं अकेला नही हूँगा, बाप मेरे साथ है। बापदादा खुश होते हैं - स्वयं की भी जीवन बनाई और अनेकों की जीवन बनाने के निमित्त बने हो। अच्छा!

पत्रों के उत्तर देते हुए, बापदादा ने सभी बच्चों प्रति टेप में याद प्यार भरी
चारों ओर के सभी सिकीलधे स्नेही, सहयोगी, सर्विसएबुल बच्चों के पत्र तो क्या लेकिन दिल के मीठे-मीठे साजों भरे गीत बापदादा ने सुने। जितना बच्चे दिल से याद करते हैं उससे पदमगुणा ज्यादा बापदादा भी बच्चों को याद करते, प्यार करते और इमर्ज करके टोली खिलाते। अभी भी सामने टोली रखी है। सभी बच्चे बाप के सामने हैं। केक काट रहे हैं और सभी बच्चे खा रहे हैं। जो भी बच्चों ने समाचार लिखा है, अपनी अवस्था व सर्विस का, बापदादा ने सुने। सर्विस का उमंग-उत्साह बहुत अच्छा है। अभी थोड़ा बहुत जो माया के विघ्न देखते हो, वह भी नथिंग न्यू। माया सिर्फ पेपर लेने आती है। माया से घबराओ मत। खिलौना समझकर खेलो तो माया वार नहीं करेगी। लेकिन आराम से विदाई ले सो जायेगी इसलिए ज्यादा नहीं सोचो यह क्या हुआ, हो गया फुलस्टाप लगाओ और आगे जाकर पदमगुणा जो कुछ रह गया, वह भर लो। बढ़ते चलो और बढ़ाते चलो। बापदादा साथ है, माया की चाल चलने वाली नहीं है इसलिए घबराओ नहीं। खुशी में नाचो, गाओ। अब तो अपना राज्य आया कि आया। हे स्वराज्य अधिकारी, विश्व का राज्य भाग्य आपका इंतजार कर रहा है। अच्छा!
सर्व को बहुत-बहुत यादप्यार और 'निर्विघ्न भव' का वरदान बापदादा दे रहे हैं। जो बच्चे स्थूल धन की कमी के कारण पहुंच नहीं सकते, उन्हें भी बापदादा याद दे रहे हैं। भल धन कम है लेकिन हैं बादशाह क्योंकि आजकल के राजाओं के पास जो नहीं है, वह इन्हीं के पास अविनाशी और जन्म-जन्म के लिए जमा है। बापदादा ऐसे वर्तमान बेगमपुर के बादशाह और भविष्य विश्व के बादशाहों को बहुत-बहुत यादप्यार देते हैं। ऐसे बच्चे दिल से यहाँ हैं शरीर से वहाँ हैं इसलिए बापदादा सम्मुख बच्चों को देख सम्मुख यादप्यार देते हैं। अच्छा। 
ओम् शान्ति।

सम्पूर्णता की स्थिति द्वारा प्रकृति को आर्डर करने वाले विश्व परिवर्तक भव!

जब आप विश्व परिवर्तक आत्मायें संगठित रूप में सम्पन्न, सम्पूर्ण स्थिति से विश्व परिवर्तन का संकल्प करेंगी तब यह प्रकृति सम्पूर्ण हलचल की डांस शुरू करेगी। वायु, धरती, समुद्र, अग्नि... इनकी हलचल ही सफाई करेगी। परन्तु यह प्रकृति आपका आर्डर तब मानेगी जब पहले आपके स्वयं के सहयोगी कर्मेन्द्रियां, मन-बुद्धि-संस्कार आपका आर्डर मानेंगे। साथ-साथ इतनी पावरफुल तपस्या की ऊंची स्थिति हो जो सबका एक साथ संकल्प हो “परिवर्तन” और प्रकृति हाजिर हो जाए।

अपने श्रेष्ठ भाग्य द्वारा सबका भाग्य बनाते सदा भगवान की स्मृति दिलाते रहो।

TODAY MURLI || 28/10/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, wake up early in the morning and sit in remembrance. Even at meal times, remind one another of the Father. By continuing to have remembrance you will pass with honours.

Question:Of which one weakness does the Father receive reports about the children?

Even now, many children have not yet become embodiments of love. They continue to speak words that cause sorrow for others and this is why the Father receives reports about them. You children have to interact with a lot of love. If you yourselves have defects, that is, if you have evil spirits, how would you remove the evil spirits of others? Therefore, you have to become embodiments of love like the deities. Remove the evil spirits!
Image result for SHIV BABA
Song:At last the day for which we had been waiting has come.  

Om Shanti
You children know the Father, the Lord of the Poor, and you continue to sit in remembrance of the Father. Although you may be seeing someone with your physical eyes and you may be acting through your physical organs, it is remembered: Continue to work with your hands and let your heart be engaged with the Beloved. The decoration of the Brahmin clan know Him and it is to them that the Father says: For half the cycle, you have been remembering the Father. According to the drama, you have now been reminded by the Father of how the world cycle turns. The whole world has forgotten this. No one knows the Father's creation or His task of purifying the impure and bestowing salvation on everyone. You know the Creator and the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. You have now remembered how the world cycle turns and how you go around the cycle of 84 births. Those who have played their parts from the golden age to the end of the iron age will play the same parts again. While taking rebirth from the golden age to the iron age, you have continued to come down. Now, at the end of the iron age, it is your stage of ascent. It is said: Because of the stage of ascent, there is benefit for everyone. You have now remembered everything. This is called being an embodiment of remembrance, a conqueror of attachment. From whom have you received this awareness? From the Father. You yourselves didn’t have this awareness. You souls know that you are children of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. A physical father gave you that body. The Father from beyond now says: you have to remove any awareness of that old body, just as a snake sheds its old skin and takes a new one. That refers to the golden age. So, you will also begin to shed your skins from the golden age. It is now your final birth. The Father says: Very little time remains. You have been given patience. You are now happy that you are once again claiming your inheritance of happiness from the Father. You will take your inheritance of happiness from the Father, will you not? These things do not enter the intellects of human beings. When those people go to a Lakshmi and Narayan temple, who they were wouldn’t enter their intellects. It is on the path of devotion that they put their palms together and continue to sing: You are the Mother and Father. Shiv Baba is the greatest One of all. Shiv Baba is also the Master of the Garden because He is planting the sapling of the new deity garden. He Himself is the Gardener and He holds your hands and takes you back with Him. Only you children know how Baba is the Master of the Garden, the Gardener and the Boatman. These are all His names. He is also called the Liberator. It is Him you have to remember. Baba says: When you come here, remember Shiv Baba before you come: I have made Shiv Baba belong to me. Brahma has also made Him belong to him. So, why should we not remember Him? It is also shown in the pictures how everyone believes in Shiva. Baba is speaking to souls. You would not be called souls, but living souls, because when a soul is alone he cannot speak. A soul without a body cannot speak to another soul. Would God speak to souls in the supreme abode? Although they say that God sent Christ, God doesn't speak there. There are no signals there either. According to the drama, souls automatically come down by themselves to play their parts. A part is recorded in each soul. Therefore, a soul comes down and takes a body and plays his part. The name of everyone's body is different. The name of a soul is soul. We souls shed bodies, take others and play our parts. We have now become aware that we mustn't remember anyone else because we will leave our old parts and our old bodies in the old world and go to the new world. There, we will receive new bodies. So this means that we now have to renounce the five vices. This is such a great difficulty. Look! Children write that storms of lust and anger come to them. Baba says: Children, make a donation and the bad omens will be removed. Souls experience the omens at this time. At first, you were 16 celestial degrees full and now there are no degrees. After the night of the full moon, the degrees gradually continue to decrease. At the end a slight line remains. Your stage is now the same. Baba says: Make a donation and the bad omens will be removed. If you donate the vices and then take them back, you won’t be able to claim a high status. This refers to the vices; it is not a question of money. There is the example of Harishchandra. After donating money, you mustn't take it back. Actually, it refers to the vices. After donating the vices you mustn’t take them back. Continue to look into your heart: Is my heart attached to Baba, through whom my bad omens of many births are being removed? It takes time; the bad omens are not removed instantly. A sign that the suffering of karma remains is illness. Storms also come. The reason for this is that there isn't full yoga. The Father says: Break away from everyone else and connect yourself to Me alone. In other spiritual gatherings, they don't know the Beloved. They don't even know that an imperishable part of 84 births is recorded in the soul. Previously, it wasn't in our intellects, so how could it be in the intellects of others? Those of us who belonged to the deity clan didn’t know this. You have now remembered that you are Brahmins. Then, in the golden age, the reward will begin; they will again repeat the actions they performed in the golden age. Sanskars will continue to emerge. We sing the praise of Baba of how He is the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Love. We are also learning about love. Our mouths should not speak words that would cause sorrow for others. If you cause sorrow for another person, then, understand that there is an evil spirit in you and that you won't be able to marry Lakshmi. Since you belong to the Father you have to become worthy of marrying Lakshmi. If any evil spirits remain within you, you will end up in the silver age. You children should not have anger. You should interact with a lot of love. Look! Baba has so many children. Nevertheless, Baba doesn't get angry with them. Therefore, you too have to become embodiments of love. As yet, many children have not become embodiments of love. Sometimes, Baba receives reports about them and so He understands that there is an evil spirit in someone. How would those who have evil spirits in them remove the evil spirits of others? You have to become embodiments of love and you have to become that here. Deities are embodiments of love. Look how the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan attracts you so much! Therefore, you have to become like them. Even if your husband becomes angry with you, you still have to speak to him with love. It should not be that because he has an evil spirit in him, it should also enter you; no. If I have defects, then, no matter how, I definitely have to remove them. Become very, very sweet. Someone said that his father gets angry with him. I said: When he becomes angry, shower him with very good flowers. He will then be amazed and will cool down. You have to explain with great tact because this is Ravan’s kingdom. We are Rama's community. If you yourself don't become this, how would you make others this? This is why establishment is being delayed. Firstly, you have to interact with love and secondly, maintain your awareness. Become spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You have to carry on with your business. This is why the early morning time is very good. It is said: Early to bed, early to rise. Therefore, wake up early in the morning and come and sit here and you will be able to sit in remembrance for at least five minutes. Then, by your gradually developing that habit, remembrance will become firm. When you are eating your meals, check for how long you are able to eat in remembrance of Baba. If you remember Baba the whole time, that is very brave of you. At meal times you have to signal to one another to remember the Father. Remind one another with every mouthful. Ours is easy yoga. We now have the knowledge in our intellects that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called the Almighty Authority. So, what power does He have? It isn't that He has the power to create bombs. No; by remembering Him, your sins are absolved. This is His power. Look! He is so innocent and He has so much power! It requires effort to remember Him accurately. Therefore, you have to make effort. The morning time is good. People in devotion, wake up early. In knowledge as well, the early morning time is very good. The Father says: I only come once in a cycle to take you back with Me. Therefore, you have to go in complete happiness. You have to remove yourself from the land of sorrow. If you have this awareness, you won’t be afraid. No matter how many tests come, there should be this firm awareness. You have to create such a stage. The meaning of "Hum so, so hum" has been explained to you children. We souls are not the Supreme Soul, but we are the children of the Supreme Soul. This is a glimpse (darshan) of the cycle of "hum so". Only by your having this remembrance will the alloy be removed. The time to have the alloy removed is at amrit vela. In order to pass with honours, remember the Father who makes you into the masters of the land of Krishna. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. While carrying on with your business etc., continue to spin the discus of self-realisation. Remind one another of the Father. No matter how many tests come, you must definitely maintain awareness.
2. After donating the vices, never take them back. Never cause sorrow for anyone. Don't become angry. Remove any evil spirits from within you.

May you be a jewel of contentment with happiness in the heart who flies in the plane of blessings.

A jewel of contentment is one who is content with the self, content in service and content with everyone. To receive contentment as the fruit of tapasya is the success of tapasya. A jewel of contentment is one whose heart is constantly happy. Happiness means that your heart and head are constantly restful and you have a stage of happiness and comfort. Such jewels of contentment will experience themselves to be flying in the plane of everyone’s blessings.

Only those with true hearts who please the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune and the Bestower of Blessings can have spiritual pleasure.

TODAY MURLI || 27/10/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, you have to value this study a great deal. If you are ill or even about to die, you must still sit in class. It is said that you should leave your body with the nectar of knowledge on your lips.

Question:When and how do children become instrumental in turning others away from the Father?

Answer:When those who sulk with brothers and sisters stop studying and become those who defame the Guru, many others who see them also turn away from the Father. Today, they may be studying well but, tomorrow, they stop studying and they therefore cannot tell others to study. Such children deprive themselves of a high status.

Song:The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering for the moths.  

Om Shanti
You children have understood the meaning of the song. Those who composed the song don't know its meaning. They have written so many Vedas, scriptures, Upanishads etc. but not a single person knows the accurate meaning of them. Because of not knowing the accurate meaning of them, they continue to waste time and money. The Father explains: You have built many temples and written many Vedas, Upanishads etc. You have had sacrificial fires and done a lot of chanting and tapasya. You spent so much money! Who is the Father explaining all of this to? To those who have died alive and now belong to the Father. You now belong to the Father, which means that you have died alive. So, you now have to make preparations to go back with the Father. It isn't that people will celebrate your birthday or anniversary there. Here, people celebrate the anniversary of Gandhiji with so much splendour. It isn't that Shiv Baba will go away having given you knowledge and that you will then celebrate His birthday in the golden age; no. For half the cycle, you won't celebrate anniversaries or hold any ceremonies for those who leave their bodies. Cows won't be donated; departed spirits will not be fed. Donations are made so that a return is received in the next birth. However, in the golden age, you experience the reward of this time. Therefore, there is a difference between the customs and systems of devotion and the customs and systems of knowledge. Those who have broad intellects will be able to understand these things. Those who had broad intellects in the previous cycle will have broad intellects now because they have to play those same parts again. You heard in the song how you went around in all directions and how you still remained distant. The Father says: You beat your heads so much on the path of devotion, and yet you were unable to meet Me because you can only meet Me when I come. I only come at the confluence age of every cycle. People say that God comes in every age. They then say that God has 24 incarnations. Therefore, that is wrong. People call out to Me: O Purifier, come! Come and make us impure ones pure. So, your war is now with Maya, Ravan. You don't have a physical war. You conquer Ravan. Who is the main warrior in that? Lust. So you have to conquer that vice, that is, you have to become pure. When you become pure yourselves, you also have to make your children pure so that they too can become the masters of the world. If you give them an inheritance now, what would you give them? You would only give them things of clay. OK, look at America: what is that now? It is nothing but pebbles and stones because everything is now to be destroyed. Look how people die! When there are snowstorms on the mountains, all the birds etc. die. Therefore, the storms of bombs will be same. People everywhere will continue to die like swarms of insects. You know that you will see how everyone dies. Look how many people die in a war. Death is over everyone's head here. In the golden age, there is no fear of death because there is no untimely death there. The Father is sending you to such a world. Therefore, you should follow the shrimat of such a Father. He is the Supreme Teacher and so you children have to pay full attention to the study. There are many who don't value the study at all. For instance, if someone is very ill and about to die, he too should be brought to class. It is said that when someone dies, he should have the nectar of knowledge on his lips, that he should be on the banks of the River Ganges etc., and then he should leave his body. So, there should be that much regard for the study. If, in desperate circumstances, you cannot take someone to class, you should make that person remember Shiv Baba at home. However, children don't pay full attention to the study. Baba says: Bring your register, so that I can know how much each one is studying and to what extent. Baba asks if each of you is studying and whether you are also teaching others, because it is only in this business that an income is earned. All other businesses are like dust. Those brahmin priests have the scriptures under their arms whereas you have the truth. You are establishing the land of truth. You have a huge responsibility and this is why you have to remain cautious. It requires effort to study and teach others. It isn't that you just have to study. You are those on the family path. You may do your housework for eight hours. The Government has a law that you have to work for eight hours. In earlier days, when the steamers used to arrive at night, shopkeepers would keep their shops open all night. You have to become free from your housework and engage yourselves in this service . The Government itself teaches you how to do service. The Government feeds people, so people also have to serve it. Here, too, the Father teaches you and so you have to do Godly Service. It isn't only service . If it were only service, that would be a matter of the intellect to make the self pure. However, we have to make Bharat into heaven. So you have a huge responsibility, just as the other army has a responsibility. The Commander in Chief, the captains etc. have the most responsibility. It is the same here. The good children who open centres are the commanders and so they have a responsibility. So, each of you has to look at yourself and see whether, instead of doing service, you are doing disservice. There are many children who sulk with brothers and sisters and then stop studying. They don't understand that, by stopping their study, they will be those who defame the Guru and won't be able to attain a high status, that is, they won't be able to claim a high status in the golden age. The Father asks for the register of the children because He understands everything from that, just as in a school the father and teacher understand everything from the register how much the child is studying. Some children continue to play throughout the day, and then, when school finishes, they go back home and say that they have just been to school to study. The parents of some children don't even look at the register of their children, and so they aren’t aware of anything. Some parents pay attention so that the children study well. Here, Shiv Baba is Antaryami (the One who knows everything inside you). The register has to be shown to the corporeal one. Children say: Baba, such storms come! Baba says: These storms will come. All of these storms first come to me otherwise how could I explain them to you children if I haven’t experienced them? OK, Maya distressed you the whole night and you weren't even able to sleep. That was time wasted. That is also her duty; she will definitely create conflict. However, it is your duty to remember Baba just as much and chase Maya away. Some children are such that they leave when even a little Maya comes to them. Herbalists say that when you take a particular medicine, there will be a reaction to the illness. However, some people are such that when the illness reacts even slightly to the medicine of a particular herbalist, they would leave him and go to another. It is the same here: they leave knowledge and go to the sages and holy men. Then they say: Everyone else says that you have to live at home with the family and get married whereas you tell us to get married but remain pure. What kind of difficulty is this? Oh! but you are saying that you want to live at home and claim liberation and liberation- in-life like King Janak. Therefore, you have to remain pure at home. Some say that this is right, but that the destination is too high; they say this and become afraid. You have to go high. It is also shown in the Dilwala Temple how you are doing tapasya down below and how there is the reward of heaven above you. Therefore, the destination is high anyway. It is said: When you climb, you taste the sweetness of love, that is, the sweetness of heaven. If you fall, you are completely crushed. This is why you have to move along with great caution; you mustn't be afraid. They say that this is the authority of the Gita. There are many Gitas nowadays. There is the Tagore Gita, the Gandhi Gita, etc. Whoever sulks with members of their home go and extract a meaning from the Gita and write it with their name. In one Gita, it is written: This will happen if you eat aubergines. This will happen if you eat ladies’ fingers (okra vegetable). Baba also used to study the Gita every day. Wherever he went, even if he went to a king, he definitely used to study the Gita before going. Some people think that devotees do not cheat. However, no one cheats as much as devotees do. Therefore, Baba says: Children, don't stop studying! Otherwise, Maya, the alligator, will eat you and you will then have to repent. In the land of Dharamraj, when you have visions of each and every birth and experience punishment, don’t even ask what it’s like! No human being knows about liberation or liberation-in-life because they believe that happiness is like the droppings of a crow. So they believe that the happiness of heaven will also be like that because they have heard that Rama’s Sita was abducted in the silver age, and so that too is sorrow. You now understand that such things don’t take place in heaven. This is a story of just Bharat. All other religions are just by-plots in this drama. It is the people of Bharat who take 84 births. Those of other religions do not take 84 births. It is said: Souls remained separated from the Supreme Soul for a long period of time. No one knows the meaning of that. They continue to sing that, but they don't understand anything. This Brahma was also a beggar. He also adopted many gurus, but all of that was cheating. This is why the Father says: Renounce all religions. However, people don't understand the meaning of that. Although people read the Gita, they are like wild parrots. You are those who learn everything and will be threaded in the rosary of victory. What do the people of the world know of these things? If you give them literature, they just throw it away. What do those people know about these jewels of knowledge? You children, who belonged to the deity religion in the previous cycle, have now become Brahmins. Those who become deities now will become deities every cycle, numberwise, according to the effort they make now. Others cannot become deities. The sapling is being planted. That Government plants saplings of thorns. Here, the Pandava Government is planting the sapling of the deity religion. There is so much difference! This old world will be destroyed when the sapling of the deity religion has been planted. You can see the signs of destruction, of how the war between the Yavanas and the Kauravas is to take place according to the drama. Nothing new! It is not anything new. Why else would it be said that rivers of blood will flow? The Hindus will not fight among themselves. This is the war of the Yavanas and the Kauravas and we are also at war. We are at war! There, too, the commander continues to make sure that the war is continuing well and whether there are any traitors. There is severe punishment for traitors. It is the same here. If someone belongs to the Father and then becomes a traitor, he receives severe punishment in the land of Dharamraj. Children have also had visions. When someone sacrifices himself at Kashi, he experiences punishment for the sins of many births. Then, in his next birth, he begins to perform actions anew. No one can go into liberation. They say that so-and-so went beyond to the land of nirvana. However, no one can go there. They call out to the Father: Purifier, come! The Bestower of Salvation for All is only the One. This is something to be understood. When the Father comes, He grants salvation and liberation to many. God has now issued an ordinance to become pure. People ask: How would the world then continue? Oh, but you are saying that there isn't enough to eat and that there should be fewer people and then you ask how the world would continue! You children have to explain very well. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1. While looking after your household, you still definitely have to make time to do spiritual service. Consider yourself to be responsible for increasing service. Don't do any disservice.
2. The One who is teaching you is the Supreme Teacher Himself. Therefore, you definitely have to value this study a great deal. Under no circumstances should you miss this study.

May you be full of the eight powers and make your stage elevated according to the time and the situation.

The children who are full of the eight powers use every power according to the time and the situation in every action. The eight powers make them one of the eight and a specially beloved deity. Souls who are full of the eight powers easily make their stage according to the time and the situation. Success is merged in their every step. No situation can bring them down from their elevated stage.

“Whatever actions I perform, others who see me will do the same”. Constantly keep this slogan in your awareness and your actions will be elevated.