TODAY MURLI || 31/12/17 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 31/12/82 || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

BapDada's greetings for all His spiritual friends.

Today, the Friend of the hearts of all Brahmin souls has come into the garden of spiritual roses in a wonderful way, to sing songs from the heart and to fulfil the responsibility of love. Allah has come into His garden to meet you all. Generally, friends meet one another in a garden. You cannot find such a garden at any other time throughout the whole cycle. Today, all the children everywhere have the one desire to celebrate this New Year's day with the Friend of their hearts. Today, BapDada is not just meeting you spiritual friends who are personally sitting in front of Him in your corporeal forms, but He is seeing a very huge gathering of children in their subtle forms. He is seeing the souls who are the loving friends of the heart. Who else would have so many true, spiritual friends? BapDada has the spiritual intoxication that no one has or will have so many such friends. The songs of the heart of everyone far away and also those close by are being heard. Which songs? "Oh Baba"! This one song of "Baba, Baba" can be heard in one tune and one significance everywhere. Whether you are called children or friends, all of you say the same words: "You are mine!" Khuda-Dost (God, the Friend) then says to each one: "You are Mine! Wah, my friends!" Sing a song! (All the sisters sang a lovely song from sakar Baba's days.)
You can sing songs with your mouths for a short time, but the songs of the mind continue to play eternally. Today, very good thoughts and words of love of many children for New Year's Day , have already reached BapDada in advance. People celebrate today with a lot of happiness. They give greetings to one another. BapDada also gives greetings to all the friends of His mind, the spiritual, subtle friends.
By using the right method, you will constantly continue to progress. You will remain constantly filled with all treasures. You will constantly be an angel and continue to fly beyond all bodily relationships. You will constantly merge the Father in your eyes and in your heart and remain lost in the love of belonging to the one Father and none other. You will constantly pass through all tests, problems and waste thoughts as though they are a line drawn on water and you will pass with honours. Baba is greeting you with these elevated good wishes. Baba is singing a song of the speciality of each and every priceless jewel. Today, people sing and dance. You mustn't do this just today, but you must continue to sing and dance constantly. Constantly continue to give each and every one a subtle gift. When wealthy people visit others or someone visits them, they do not go there empty-handed. All of you are the greatest of all. Whenever you meet a Brahmin soul or anyone else, how could you meet them without giving them something? Constantly continue to give everyone the gift of good wishes and pure feelings. Give specialities and receive specialities. Give virtues and receive virtues. Continue to give such a Godly gift to everyone. No matter what type of feelings or wishes someone who comes to you has, you just give that person the gift of good wishes. Your stock of gift s of good wishes and pure feelings should remain constantly full. There shouldn't be the slightest thought: For how long do I have to continue to look at others with these good wishes? Is there ultimately any limit to this or not? If you have this thought, it proves that you haven't accumulated a stock of those golden gift s.
You are the children of the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune, and the Bestower of Blessings, the children of Brahma, the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, who draw the lines of fortune. Therefore, your treasure-store has to be constantly overflowing. This year, don't allow anyone to remain empty. Don't go back empty-handed and don't come empty-handed. Give to everyone and also receive from everyone. This is the year to distribute gifts. Not just for one day, but throughout the whole year, every day, every hour, every second and every thought that passes should bring further spiritual newness. Everyone speaks of the new day and the new night, but only when you elevated souls have new thoughts and new seconds can you show souls of the world the dream or vision of the sparkle of the new world to come. Up to now, souls of the world still want to know what is going to happen after destruction. However, this year, when every second and every thought of all you souls, who are the images of support, are the newest of all, the highest of all and the best of all, the sound of the sparkle of the new world being seen will spread everywhere. Then, what else will happen? They will see that instead of it being like this, it will be like that. They will feel that such a wonderful world should come quickly and they will very quickly become busy in making preparations for such a world. At the beginning of establishment, there were the special divine activities of dreams and visions. In the same way, at the end too, these unique divine games will be instrumental in bringing about revelation. The sound will echo everywhere: This is the One. This is the One. Then this sound will be instrumental in creating the elevated fortune of many. Many lamps will be ignited from just one.
Therefore, what do you have to do this year? Make preparations to celebrate the true Deepmala. Celebrate the Dashera (burning ceremony) of all the old things and old sanskars because it is only after Dashera that Deepmala comes. Therefore, today, Baba is telling the things of His heart to the souls who are the friends of His heart. To whom do you tell the things of your heart? You speak of them to your friends, do you not? Achcha, you have received greetings. Together with greetings, also keep with you the gift of this New Year. How many gifts do you want? There are many gifts merged in each and every one, and many are merged in one. BapDada has already given all of you children the best gift of all which is the diamond key with which any treasure you want appears in front of you. What is the diamond key? Just the one word "Baba!" Will you ever find a better key than this one? You will not find such a key even in the golden age. All of you are carefully looking after this diamond key, are you not? It hasn't been stolen, has it? If you lose the key, you lose all treasures. Therefore, always keep the key with you. Do you have a key chain? Or, do you have just the key? The chain for the key is to remain a constant embodiment of remembrance of all relationships. So you have also received the key chain as a gift, have you not? The best gift of all is the key. Together with this, Baba is also giving you a bracelet for the promise you made for the year. What is the bracelet of the promise? You have already been told this: that every second and every thought when you are in connection with other souls should constantly be the newest of all, that is, the highest of all. Don't look at the things down below. Don't adopt the stage of when you are down below. Remain constantly up above: the highest Father, the highest children and the highest stage and there will then be the highest service of all. This is the bracelet of the promise.
Together with this, you have the box of decoration of all the virtues. You have a box of a variety set of decorations. Whatever decoration you want at any time, just wear that set at that time and remain fully decorated. Sometimes, wear the set of tolerance, but wear the full set! Don't just wear part of the set! There should be the decoration of tolerance on your ears and the decoration of tolerance on your hands. By wearing the various decorations at different times, you will be revealed to the world as angels and deities. Constantly keep this trimurti gift with you.
You know how to fulfil the responsibility of friendship, do you not? Double foreigners make very good friends, but you must keep this friendship eternally. Double foreigners are clever in making friends and also clever in breaking up. You won't be such that, one moment, you are friends and, the next moment, you are not, will you? BapDada is pleased to see you double-foreign children and how, as soon as all of you in all the four corners of the world received a signal, you had that old recognition. The Father found the children and the children recognised Him. Seeing this speciality, BapDada is congratulating you. Therefore, constantly remain a conqueror of Maya. Achcha.
To the eternal friends who fulfil the eternal relationship of long-lost and now-found friends, to those who tour around the garden hand-in-hand with the Companion, to those who constantly use the Godly golden gift, to those who are master bestowers and always full, to the master bestowers of fortune for all, to such loving and co-operative children everywhere, to the children in the corporeal form and the subtle form, love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting the foreign teachers :
BapDada is extremely pleased to see the instrument teachers. You stay at your own places with so much love and remain constantly stable as embodiments of power and continue to give the experience of all powers. You no longer have the form of ordinary women or girls, but you are the most elevated serviceable souls. You are the showpieces in BapDada's showcase. Seeing all of you, all souls recognise the Father. Every instrument teacher has the responsibility of world transformation. Do you consider yourselves to be unlimited servers? You don't consider yourselves to be servers of one area, do you? You may be sitting in one place, but you are still lighthouses, are you not? You are those who spread light everywhere. Have you become a small bulb that only gives light to one place or have you become a lighthouse giving light to the whole world? Are you simply a light, or are you a searchlight or a lighthouse? You have maintained very good courage. You are all doing very well. In the future too, continue to do the best of all. You teachers are constant conquerors of Maya, are you not? What would be the condition of the students if Maya came to the teachers? If Maya came to you once, she would go to them ten times. This is why Maya should only come to salute you teachers, not otherwise!
The form of an instrument teacher is one who is constantly cheerful, constantly a master almighty authority. Remain constantly seated on such a seat. The place of residence of teachers is an elevated seat. You are not living at the centres, but on an elevated stage. Maya cannot come onto this high stage, that is, onto the heart-throne. If you come down, Maya will come. You Pandavas are also BapDada's co-operative right hands, are you not? Those who look after the gaddi are called right hands. All of you Pandavas are victorious. You have played many games with Maya so far. Now, bid her farewell and, from today, constantly celebrate having bid her farewell for all time. You have been given a very good chance and you are also taking that chance. Achcha.
BapDada meeting groups:
BapDada is pleased to see the fortune of each and every child. Each of you children is claiming your own fortune. At the confluence age, the fortune of each of you children is your own and each one's fortune is elevated. Why? Since you are the children of the most elevated Father of all, the fortune also becomes elevated. There is no father more elevated than this One and there is no fortune greater than this. The Father is the Highest on High. You do remember this, do you not? "The Bestower of Fortune is my Father!" What intoxication could be greater than this? A physical child has the intoxication of his father being an engineer, a doctor, a judge or a Prime Minister. However, you have the intoxication of your Father being the Bestower of Fortune! The Highest on High is God. Do you constantly have this intoxication or do you sometimes forget it? What would happen if you forgot your fortune? You would then have to make effort to claim that fortune again. You have to make effort to find something you have lost. The Father has come and saved you from making effort. For half the cycle, you had to labour in your interaction with everyone. In performing devotion, in the field of religion, you had to labour in everything. You have now become free from all labour. Now, on the basis of interacting with one another for the sake of God, even your interaction with everyone has become easy. You do everything in name as an instrument. Those who do everything as an instrument in name always find everything easy. It is not interaction with others but just a game. They are not storms of Maya but a gift given to you, according to the drama, to help you move forward. Therefore, you are liberated from all labour. There is no effort needed in order to receive a gift! Those who save themselves from such efforts and who are constantly master bestowers of fortune with the Bestower of Fortune, are called elevated souls.
BapDada meeting a group from San Antonio:
Do all of you consider yourselves to be special souls? Which place have you come to? Just think how many souls in the world would have the fortune of coming personally to celebrate a meeting face-to-face! What greater fortune than this could you want? Constantly keep this fortune of yours in your awareness. Then, souls who see the happiness of the attainment of your fortune will come closer and create their fortune. Remain constantly happy! You have become the Father's children. Therefore, what did you receive as an inheritance? You received happiness, did you not? So constantly keep this inheritance with you. Don't leave it behind. You have become masters of the treasures of happiness. So constantly continue to fly in happiness. There is no question of trying. If you say that you will try, you will continue to cry. Do you have to try in order to become a child? So, neither try nor cry! Leave behind the words that you will try. Constantly keep the Father and the inheritance with you! Remain combined! Wherever there is the Father, all the treasures will automatically be there. Constantly remember this one thing: The Father is with you! The inheritance is your birthright.
At midnight, greetings for the New Year:
Greetings to all the children for the New Year for the whole year. To such invaluable jewels who have recognised the Father and who have put on the crown of the responsibility of revealing the Father, to such constantly serviceable souls, the specially beloved souls wearing the crown, to the children who are seated on the throne, please accept greetings personally by name.
Residents of London, and instrument child Janak, and the original jewel, daughter Rajni, and also child Murli (Jayantiben's parents) and the extremely loving, young daughter Jayanti, who is equal to the Father, and all the children who are engaged in service with you, such as Brij Rani, you are all showing your splendour very well. Whatever service you do is filled with spirituality. In this way, each of you children should accept greetings personally by your own name.
This is the New Year for new enthusiasm and new zeal. This year, consider every day to be a festival and continue to give enthusiasm. Remain constantly engaged in this service. Achcha. To all the children, BapDada's love and remembrance from deep within the heart.

May you be a double server who does the service of serving with spiritual vibrations as well as with words.

Just as you serve with words, similarly, together with words, also serve with your attitude. Service will then take place fast because words can be forgotten at some time, but an imprint is made on the mind and intellect by vibrations. So, in order to serve in this way, let there not be any wasteful vibrations for anyone through your attitude. Wasteful vibrations become like a wall in front of spiritual vibrations. Therefore, keep your mind and intellect free from wasteful vibrations. Only then will you be able to do double service.

Instead of complaining (fariyaad), stay in remembrance (yaad) and you will receive all rights.

TODAY MURLI || 27/12/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, tell everyone the secret of the three fathers in the form of a story. You cannot receive your inheritance until you recognise the unlimited Father and become pure.
Image result for SHIV BABA
QuestionBaba is completely new. What new introduction of Himself has He given you?

Human beings have said that Baba is brighter than a thousand suns. However, Baba says: I am a point. Therefore, Baba is new. If you first had a vision of a point, no one would believe that. This is why everyone receives a vision according to their belief and devotion.

Song: Salutations to Shiva.  

Om Shanti
Incorporeal God speaks. If "God speaks" is simply said, they remember the name of Krishna, because nowadays everyone calls him God. Therefore, it is said: Incorporeal God Shiva speaks. It is said: God, the Father. To whom does incorporeal God speak? To the incorporeal children, the spirits. It doesn't seem right to say "Spiritual God speaks" or "Ishwar speaks." It seems right to say "Incorporeal God speaks." He wouldn't say this again and again. He is very incognito. A picture cannot be taken of Him. If you made a point and wrote, "God speaks", no one would believe it. No one knows the accurate name, form, place or time of God. If they were to know the Father, they would also know the creation. However, it is fixed in the drama for them not to know this. It is only then that the Father can come again and give His introduction. The Father says: It is only when it is My part to purify the impure that I come and give My own introduction. I make the old world new. People who live in the old world worship the people who used to live in the new world. You children have to explain this. Since the rishis and munis all say that they don't know the Creator or creation, how could you know? If you know the Father and creation, then give us that knowledge. They can never give that knowledge to anyone. They cannot give the inheritance. You children are receiving your inheritance from the Father. You know that the unlimited Father has come to give you the inheritance of the new world, that is, to give you happiness. Therefore, sorrow will definitely end. That is the land of happiness and this is the land of sorrow. This land of sorrow is now to be destroyed. The new world has now become old and it will then become new. The new world is called the golden age and the old world is called the iron age. There would surely be few human beings in the new world. In the golden age, there was just the one religion. At this time, there are innumerable religions and there is also sorrow. There is sorrow after happiness and happiness after sorrow. This play is predestined. No one knows who causes you sorrow. Ravan is called Maya. Wealth is not Maya. Vicious human beings know that the deities were viceless, but they have the intoxication of the vices. The deities have the intoxication of being viceless. There are no impure beings there. Only at the confluence age is the secret of purity explained to you children. You then have to explain this to others. The Father would not sit and explain to the whole world. It is you children who have to explain to others. However, many methods are needed to explain to them. Tell everyone that Bharat was heaven, the new world, and that it has now become old. Only the Father is the Creator and He Himself says: I establish the new world through Brahma. I adopt you children. Brahma's name is Prajapita. Therefore, He would definitely have to adopt so many of you children, just as sannyasis adopt their followers. A husband adopts a wife, saying: You are mine. Here, you too say: Shiv Baba, I belong to You. Whilst sitting at home, many are touched in this way. What do they then say? Baba, although I have not seen You because I am in bondage and I cannot come to You, I still belong to You. You do definitely have to become pure. Impure ones cannot go into liberation or liberation-in-life. Impure ones call out: Come and purify us! You children should explain that Bharat was heaven. Lakshmi and Narayan were the masters of heaven and so there must definitely have been their dynasty. There was the new kingdom in the new world, but that doesn't exist now. There are all the other innumerable religions, but the deity religion doesn't exist any more. For how long will this old world continue? Those people say that the duration of the golden age is hundreds of thousands of years. There is also praise of the Great War. When there was a little conflict a while ago, they said that that was the time of the Mahabharat War. They have shown the war of the Yadavas and how they destroyed themselves with missiles. Sometimes, they write that there was a war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas and sometimes they write there was a war between the devils and the deities. Immediately after the devilish world, there is the deity world. These are impure and those are pure and so how could the pure deities fight? They exist in the golden age whereas these exist in the iron age. So, how could the two of them fight? Deities are non-violent and devils are violent. How could deities enter hell? You are now at the confluence age. The new world is being established. You are making effort for that. You should also explain the secrets of the two fathers in the form of a story. In the golden age, there is just one father. They don't remember the unlimited Father because that is the land of happiness. In the copper age you have two fathers. Even while having their worldly fathers, they remember the Father from beyond this world. It is the soul that remembers his Father because it is the soul that experiences sorrow. There are sinful souls and charitable souls. It is the soul that listens. Sanskars are in the soul. Those who don't have divine sanskars praise those who had divine sanskars. It is remembered: You were worthy of worship and you are worshippers. When you become worshippers, you sing: I am without virtue; I am virtueless. They have virtues; we have no virtues. Those who were worthy of worship then became worshippers. You were worthy-of-worship deities and then you yourselves became worshippers. You have taken 84 births. For half the cycle, you are worthy of worship and then, for half the cycle, you are worshippers. This account has to be explained. There are deities, warriors, merchants and shudras and, at this time, we are Brahmins; we are BKs. At this time we all have three fathers: a physical father, the incorporeal Father from beyond and the third one is Prajapita Brahma through whom He teaches us Brahmins. You have heard the name, "Prajapita Brahma", have you not? Creation takes place through Brahma. You too are Brahmins. You too should remember the Father. The Father says: I have come to take you back. The incorporeal Father speaks to you souls. You even say: I shed a body and take another one. The name and form of the body change, but the soul is the same. The name of the Father is also just the one name, Shiva. He doesn't have a body. You should note these points down and explain them according to the person in front of you. We BKs are claiming our inheritance from our Grandfather. He is teaching us Raja Yoga and giving us knowledge. To change from human beings into deities is also an aspect of knowledge. It is at the confluence age that you receive this knowledge through which you will claim your inheritance in the new world. He comes into the impure world and establishes the pure world. The Father has now come to take you back home. According to the drama, everyone has to return home. First of all, there is the sun dynasty and then the moon dynasty. Then they become merchants and then shudras. That is the tree of incorporeal souls. This is the tree of corporeal human beings. There are the Brahmins, deities, warriors, merchants and shudras: the whole of the variety-form image is included in this. The number of Brahmins continues to grow. The rosaries of Rudra and Vishnu will be created. There cannot be a rosary of Brahma because Brahmins keep changing. This is why the rosary of Rudra is worshipped. These are new things. These things are not in the intellect of anyone at all. They have said that the duration of a cycle is hundreds of thousands of years and this is why everyone feels that everything you say is new. You receive new things for the new world. Baba is also, in fact, new. Those people say that He is beyond name and form or they say that He is brighter than a thousand suns. They receives a vision according to their belief and devotion. If they were to have a vision of a point, none of them would believe it. Because all of these things are new, they all become confused. The sapling will be planted of only those who belong here. You children have now understood very clearly and so you also have to explain about the Father from beyond. For half the cycle you have been remembering Him. You only remember those who give you happiness. Ravan is everyone's enemy and this is why they burn his effigy. Ask them: For how long have you been burning an effigy of Ravan? They would reply that they have been doing this eternally. They don't even know when Ravan comes. Ravan doesn't exist in the golden age. Ravan is the oldest enemy of Bharat. He is the one who makes the spirits impure. Who is the enemy of souls? Ravan. Together with the soul, there is also the body. So, who is the enemy of both? (Ravan.) Is there a soul in Ravan? What is Ravan? He is the vices. It isn't that there is a soul in Ravan. The five vices are called Ravan. The five vices are in souls and they make an effigy of those. You know that there is now sorrow and that you then have to go into happiness. Therefore, the Father would surely come and take you there. He alone is the Purifier. Just as other souls come, similarly He too comes. When they feed a departed soul, they invoke that soul. They consider him to be the soul of their father, and they invite a brahmin priest to do everything. They believe that that soul comes and speaks. Yes, this One's coming is unique. This is the chariot of God. He is also called Bhagirath (the lucky chariot). It is not a question of water; all of this is a matter of knowledge. The Father explains: I enter an ordinary body and name this one Brahma. I don't adopt him. I enter him and then adopt you. You say: Shiv Baba, I belong to You. Your intellect's yoga goes up above, because Baba Himself says: Remember Me and your sins will be absolved. Stay on this pilgrimage. For instance, even if this Baba goes somewhere, you still have to remember Shiv Baba. Shiv Baba went to Delhi and Kanpur in this chariot. Let there be the remembrance of Shiv Baba in your intellects. You mustn't stay down below. Your intellects should remain up above. Souls remember the Father, the Supreme Soul. The Father says: My residence is up above. You mustn't wander around after Me here. Remember Me up there. You souls also reside there with the Father. It isn't that the Father's residence is separate from yours; no. Make these things sit in your intellects. You should explain to each one individually, just as you used to explain in Karachi. That is better. When you explain to many together, the vibrations of one another don't allow them to stay. Devotion is performed in solitude. This study too should be studied in solitude. First of all give the Father's introduction. The Father is the Purifier and we are becoming pure through Him. The Father says: Children, if you become pure in this final birth you will become the masters of the world. This is such a big income. The Father says: You may do your business etc. but simply remember Me. Become pure and the alloy will be removed with the power of yoga; you will become satopradhan. Your stage will become constant, stable and karmateet. Your intellect should continue to churn this knowledge. Continue to explain to your friends and relatives too. This was explained to you in this way in the previous cycle too. This is not a new thing. Baba comes and explains to us every cycle and we then explain to the people of the world. Bharat was truly heaven and it will become that once again. This cycle continues to turn. How could the golden age be hundreds of thousands of years? There isn't even that much population, because there would then be countless people. There are four ages and the duration of each age is 1,250 years. You will continue to explain just as you yourselves have understood. The tree will continue to grow. Sometimes, there are bad omens, and then they are removed. The Father explains: It is very easy to explain Alpha and beta. The main thing is the pilgrimage of remembrance. There is effort in that. You are given this business of remembrance after a cycle, but it is incognito. This is a difficult subject. You have to remember Alpha because it is Alpha that you have forgotten. No one knows God. It is remembered that there is extreme darkness without the Satguru. Only the one Satguru takes you into light. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) Make the soul satopradhan with the power of yoga and reach the constant, stable, karmateet stage. Make incognito effort for remembrance and also study in solitude.
2) In order to claim the inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life, you definitely do have to become pure in this final birth.

May you be a "number one", victorious soul who becomes completely pure by renouncing any trace of all the vices.

Brahmin life. It is this personality that enables you to have success easily in service. However, if there is a trace of even one vice, then its companions would definitely also be with that one. Just as happiness and peace are with purity, similarly, the five vices have a deep relationship with impurity. Therefore, let there not be any trace of even one of the vices for only then will you become "number one" victorious.

Take one step of courage and you will receive a thousand steps of help.

TODAY MURLI || 26/12/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the more jewels of knowledge you donate, the fuller your treasure-store will become; your churning of the ocean of knowledge will continue and you will be able to imbibe jewels well.
Image result for SHIV BABA
Question:What are the signs of souls who don't have unlimited happiness in their fortune?

They listen to this knowledge, but they are like an upside-down pot; nothing sits in their intellects. They say that this knowledge is good and they praise it. They agree that it should be given to everyone and that this path is very good, but they do not follow this path themselves. Baba says: That is their fortune. It is the duty of you children to do serv ice. Continue to relate this to thousands of people. At least subjects will be created. Make effort in the same way that the mother and father do and claim your inheritance from the unlimited Father. Imbibe knowledge and continue to make others equal to yourselves.

Song: I have come having awakened my fortune.  

Om Shanti
There are always two types of fortune: one is good and the other is bad; one is of happiness and the other is of sorrow. Bharat has the fortune of happiness and also the fortune of sorrow. Bharat itself was the land of happiness and it is now the land of sorrow. If your house is new, that is good fortune. If it is old, that is bad fortune. Bharat itself was new at first and has now become old. Only you children can understand these things. The world doesn't know them. Your attention is drawn to these things. Children, you were so fortunate! The deities were the masters of the world. They are not that now. Their good fortune changed and became bad. It is something to understand how and when you have good fortune. Only the one unlimited Father is the one who explains to you. When was the fortune of Bharat elevated? When it was heaven. It now has bad fortune. They even sing: O Purifier, come and make our fortune pure! When Bharat was pure, it had very great fortune. That same Bharat is now impure because it is vicious. There are both the vicious and the viceless. If we become viceless at this time we will become deities. People continue to call out to the Father. At the Kumbha mela they definitely sing: The Purifier is Sita-Rama (Rama who belongs to Sita). A river is not the Purifier. When people's fortune becomes bad, they have such stone intellects! This is a play of happiness and sorrow. Who causes sorrow? Who gives you happiness? The pictures of both are very well known. For happiness, everyone remembers the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul: O Remover of Sorrow and Bestower of Fortune! This proves that the Father never causes sorrow. Those people think that it is God who gives both happiness and sorrow. No one even understands something that is worth a few pennies (something so small). The Father has now made your intellects divine. He has opened the locks on your intellects. You know that the world cycle continues to turn. When the world becomes old, there is sorrow. You have now received three eyes. You can ask everyone why, since they sing out to the Purifier to come, they are sitting there at the river. To have sacrificial fires, to do tapasya, to study the Vedas and scriptures are all the path of devotion. The Father says: I cannot be found through those things. I come and grant you salvation when your devotion comes to an end. You need the knowledge of yoga. You also need the knowledge in order to become pure. It is not a question of becoming pure by reading the scriptures etc. The conscience says that when Bharat was pure and completely viceless, it was very wealthy. Who made it so wealthy and pure? Did it become that by people bathing in the Ganges or by them reading the scriptures? You have been doing that all the time, but nevertheless, you still call out: O Purifier, come! Only when the time has come for the impure world to come to an end will the Purifier Father come and establish heaven. The pure world is the golden age and the impure world is the iron age. No one understands that the Purifier is only the one Supreme Soul. They sing: The Purifier is Sita-Rama (Rama who belongs to Sita). The Father explains that the meaning of this is that the Supreme Soul is the Rama of all the Sitas. They say: The Bestower for All is Rama. He is the Bestower of what? They don't even know this. The Father explains: The Bestower for All, Rama, is the incorporeal One. Their intellects are completely locked; this just doesn't sit in their intellects. In the golden age, all have divine intellects. The very name is the Lord of Divinity, the land of divinity. At this time, you children are also becoming lords of divinity. Souls become golden aged. Your intellects are now iron aged. A golden-aged intellect takes happiness and an iron-aged intellect takes sorrow. People distress themselves chasing after poison. Look how much upheaval they create when someone wants to follow purity. Devils such as Kans, Jarasandha, Dushashan, Putna, Supnakha are remembered. All of those are memorials of things of the past. It is definitely the praise of the confluence age. Everything of the confluence age is remembered. The Father says: I only come once to purify the impure. You know that Baba's business is to purify the impure. The Father is the Creator and so He would definitely create a new creation. Ravan is the one who makes you impure and the Father is the One who makes you pure. His correct name is Shiva. People celebrate Shiv Ratri. You understand the meaning of ratri (night). The Father will come when devotion, that is, when the night ends and the day comes. The Father says: Children, now become pure! You now have to return home. There was the golden age and the cycle now has to repeat. I am changing you children from human beings into deities. Deities too were human beings. It is just that they were beautiful, that is, they were pure whereas the human beings of today are ugly, that is, they are impure; there is no other difference. Bharat was golden aged. It is now iron aged. Souls have alloy mixed in them. That can only be removed with the fire of yoga. Previously, they used to read the term, "˜Manmanabhav'. They didn't understand the meaning of it at all. You have to connect your intellects in yoga to the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. However, no one even knows His form, so how could they have yoga? Since they say that God is beyond name and form, with whom would they have yoga? God speaks: Manmanabhav! Renounce the arrogance of the body! Consider yourself to be a soul! What is the form of a soul? They say that a soul is a star that resides in the centre of the forehead. Therefore, the Father of souls would also be like that. They then say that He is beyond name and form. They say of the Father that He is the brahm element, that is, the element of constant light. Just as you cannot reach the end of the sky so Brahm too is unlimited. OK, even if someone does reach the end, no one receives liberation or liberation-in-life through that. Only you children understand the meaning of liberation and liberation-in-life. The world doesn't know anything at all. They even sing: He is the Ocean of Knowledge, the Seed of the human world tree. He is the Truth and the Living Being. He is the Purifier and so He would definitely come in the impure world. You explain that when knowledge exists, there cannot be devotion. Knowledge is the day, the golden and silver ages. Devotion is the night. Explain to everyone that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, not water, is the Ocean of Knowledge. Baba continues to explain to all of you very good methods to give Baba's message to the whole of Bharat. In fact, the mela of souls and the Supreme Soul is remembered. The Supreme Soul is only One. It isn't right to say that God is omnipresent. The Father Himself comes and liberates everyone from sorrow. Everyone remembers Baba at a time of sorrow; they cry out so much! Ask them since when they have been doing that and they would say: "From time immemorial". Nevertheless, no one has become pure and they just continue to become even more impure. Your intellects are now filled with all the knowledge. Knowledge is said to be the day of Brahma. It is not said to be the day of Vishnu because it is only now that you receive knowledge. Day by day, you continue to receive refined points. Liberation-in-life is a matter of a second. They then say that He is the Ocean of Knowledge. No matter how much you continue to write, you will not reach its end. When the Father finishes explaining everything to you, your examination will also end. From the beginning you have been listening to so much. They have made a very small Gita now. There are so many things of knowledge. It is very easy to explain. There was truly just the one religion in the golden age. Now, there are so many religions. There is so much upheaval. There is upheaval amongst themselves. When there was just the one religion, there was no mention of war etc. There was happiness and nothing but happiness. You have the secrets of the cycle in your intellects. It has been explained to you children how you take 84 births and how the cycle repeats. You are now becoming satopradhan from tamopradhan with the power of yoga. You have now become theists. You have also become trikaldarshi. No one else in the world knows the Creator or creation. Only you children know this but you don't imbibe or explain to others, and so you forget the points. If one lot of treasure doesn't sit in their intellects, how could the second lot sit in their intellects? If you continue to donate, your treasure-store will continue to become full. Your churning of the ocean of knowledge about how to explain to others will continue. There is praise of devotion when knowledge doesn't exist. Those who remain occupied in service have intoxication in their intellects. Everyone is numberwise. A maharathi is one who continues to imbibe knowledge and who makes others the same as himself. Such a soul receives a status accordingly. All of this is incognito effort. You now belong to the Father and so you understand that you will definitely receive the inheritance of heaven from the Father. Ravan doesn't exist there. The kingdom of Ravan is separate from the kingdom of Rama. You children understand that the Ramayana and the Bhagawad etc. have stories in them from this time. This is a play of dolls. The Father explains: At this time the whole tree is tamopradhan; it is to be destroyed. You have all the secrets in your intellects. Baba continues to show you so many methods for explaining to others. However, only a handful out of multimillions understand. The sapling is being planted. Those who have been converted into other religions will all continue to emerge. In fact, Hindus really belong to the deity religion. You have to explain: You people of Bharat are from the roots of the deities. It is deities who are worshipped. Your religion is the deity religion. At first you were deities and you then became warriors, merchants and shudras. Now become Brahmins again and then become deities. We will explain to the people of Bharat. The sapling is now being planted. The Father sits here and explains how He converts you from shudras. You will become Brahmins and then deities. The explanation is so good. If someone asks you if you have studied the scriptures, tell him or her: I studied all the scriptures on the path of devotion, but only the Father Himself comes and grants salvation to everyone. This is why you call out to Him: O Purifier, come! If you explain tactfully, they would definitely understand. You children need courage to explain to others. It appears that the drama will make you do service. In the previous cycle too, this one made this much effort and claimed this status. You have to make full effort to claim your inheritance from Baba. Since we are receiving the inheritance from the Father, why should we touch the inheritance of Ravan? Why should we not become sweet? We have to become full of all virtues. This is Raja Yoga to become Narayan from an ordinary man, that is, it is the yoga to gain a kingdom. The Father says: I come at the confluence age of every cycle. This is the age of the stage of ascent. All the rest are ages of the stage of descent. There are the stages of ascent and descent. This cycle should remain in your intellects. The Father sits here and tells you souls, you children: Remember Me! Don't become impure in this last birth and I will make you into the masters of the world. Will you not obey Me? Otherwise, you won't even be able to receive unlimited happiness. At least become pure in this birth! I guarantee that I will make you into the masters of the world. Will you not even obey the Father? The arrow will quickly strike the target of those who are to become flowers. If they don't have it in their fortune, they will listen to this knowledge like upside-down pots. You explain to so many people at the exhibitions. They all say that this is good. They say that this path is very easy, but they themselves will not do anything. They simply praise this and tell others that it is good, but they will not follow this path themselves. What will happen through that? It would be said that it is not in their fortune. Such souls will become part of the subjects. However, you children should be interested in serving. You have to relate this knowledge to thousands. You should make effort like the mother and father to claim the inheritance from the unlimited Father. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) In order to claim your full inheritance from the Father, become extremely sweet and full of all virtues. Don't touch the inheritance of Ravan.
2) Imbibe knowledge and do service with spiritual intoxication. In order to claim unlimited happiness, take all the advice that the Father gives and follow it.

May you be a protector of the yagya and with the current of the vibrations of yoga, make the fortress strong.

Just as you Brahmins make plans to expand the family, similarly, also make plans so that no soul steps away from the Brahmin family. Make the fortress so strong that no one can go away. Just as they put up electric fences everywhere, you also put up fences with the current of the vibrations of yoga. When the thought has emerged in you to make the fortress of the yagya strong with powerful vibrations of yoga, you would then be called protectors of the yagya.

Knowledgeable souls are those whose stage is the most elevated even while they perform ordinary actions.

TODAY MURLI || || 25/12/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

"Sweet children, the night of the iron age is now coming to an end. The Father has come to create the new age. Therefore, awaken and have your sins absolved with remembrance of the Father."
Image result for BK JANKI IN CHRISTMAS
QuestionWhat are the signs of children whose intellects continue to become satopradhan?

AnswerThey continue to have thoughts of making others equal to themselves. They continue to create methods to benefit themselves and others. They remain engaged in service day and night.

QuestionWhat is the biggest task that you children have received?

AnswerThe task of giving the Father's message to the whole world is huge. No soul should be left out of receiving the Father's introduction. Day and night, continue to think about how to blow the conch shell and explain to others.

SongAwaken! O brides, awaken! The new age is about to come.  

Om Shanti
Who woke you up? Who is it who is saying "˜brides'? You children understand that the unlimited Father is only One and that His real name is Shiva. All the other names given are names from the path of devotion. The only right name is Shiva. People celebrate His birthday, that is, God's birthday. The birthday of incorporeal Shiva is also remembered. When a soul takes a body, the body is given a name. Shiva is the name of that Soul. He is called the Supreme Soul. What is the name of that Soul? The name that is remembered is Shiva. Shiva Jayanti (birthday) is also remembered. You would not say, "the birthday of souls". The God of the Gita is incorporeal Shiva. Shri Krishna is the name of a body because he is a bodily being. It is Shiv Baba who comes and awakens the brides and gives His introduction and says: I have come to create the new world. Now, constantly remember Me alone. You have to conquer Maya. Baba is also called the Purifier. Deities were pure and have now become impure. This is why everyone calls out: O Purifier, come! Come and liberate us. From what? From Maya, Ravan, or the devil. People are unable to understand that they now have to return. The new age, the golden age, is now about to come. The new age is also mentioned in the song. That is the pure world. The Father only comes to purify the impure. The new world is called the new age or the golden age. This is the iron age, the old world. All are sleeping in the sleep of Kumbhakarna; Baba comes and awakens them. Maya has put everyone to sleep in the dark night of ignorance. The Father now says: Children, awaken from the sleep of Kumbhakarna. It is now the end of this old world. Death is just ahead. The night is now coming to an end and the day is to come. Therefore, awaken! You understand that Baba has come. We too were sleeping in extreme darkness. Baba has now come to change the night into day. Baba says: I have come to bring the day, that is, the new age, for you. Now remember Me and your sins will be absolved. Because all are impure at this time, everyone says: Liberate us from this Ravan! No one understands when the kingdom of the devil began. The Father comes and frees you from the claws of Ravan. How? Only when the Father comes can He tell you this. Then we can explain to others from our experience. Everyone has to become impure while coming down. I, the Purifier, have to come at the confluence age. Human beings of the world are in extreme darkness. They believe that hundreds of thousands of years of the iron age still remain because those wrong things have been mentioned in the scriptures. The divine age is now to be established. It is only the Father who changes the extreme depths of hell into heaven. The Father would not create extreme depths of hell. You children now have the firm faith that Baba is teaching us. He has been teaching us for a long time. Trimurti Shiva Jayanti is now going to come. You have to write: Shiva Jayanti is also the Gita Jayanti. When they celebrate Shri Krishna Jayanti, they don't celebrate the Gita Jayanti. Krishna is a small child. Only when he grows older could he relate the Gita. Trimurti Shiva Jayanti means the Gita Jayanti. These matters have to be understood well. Those people have separated the Gita Jayanti because they believe that Krishna is a small child; how could he relate the Gita? The Father teaches Raja Yoga to only you children. "˜Liberation-in-life in a second' is also remembered. When you sit in a school to become a barrister, you study how to become a barrister. The aim and objective there is for you to become a barrister. However, to claim a high status in that then depends on how you study. Those who study well claim a high status. If they don't study, they receive a low status. Everything depends on studying. You have come here to change from human beings into deities. However, among the deities too, the status is numberwise. Some are first class, some are second class and others are third class. All of these things are incognito. How we are establishing our kingdom cannot enter the intellect of anyone else. The Mahabharat War is about to take place. However, the Pandava community will not fight. The devil and the Kaurava communities will fight among themselves and be destroyed. Therefore, you children now have to make effort. You also have to explain. Baba continues to give you directions from time to time. How would the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, teach you Raja Yoga? He would surely enter a body. The Father is now giving you shrimat: Children, you have to stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. Remember Me. This is the fire of yoga through which your sins will be absolved. Day by day, you continue to receive many good points. The point about the Purifier too is good. People call out to the Purifier Father and then they go and bathe in the Ganges. You can write in big lettering: The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is called the Purifier. He is also the Ocean of Knowledge. He purifies the whole world. It is a question of the whole world. How can the world become pure? The Ganges and Jamuna rivers have always existed. It is now the time of the iron age, so there are problems. In the golden age the rivers will flow properly. However, no one becomes pure through them. You have to explain this very clearly. You also have to distribute leaflets. You have to distribute them on seeing each individual. You definitely have to explain two or three main points. In fact, at this time, all are impure and vicious; it is everyone's stage of descent. Guru Nanak said that God washed the dirty, impure clothes. Bharat definitely has to become elevated. This is called the corrupt world. Only the deities were elevated beings. At this time no one can become that because it is Maya's kingdom. However, they do receive the happiness of their devotion. Here, a creation is not created with the power of yoga. A creation takes place through vice. At first, there are few people and, when there is growth, they fight among themselves. Everyone first has to experience happiness and then sorrow. This applies to human beings. In the golden age, human beings are happy and so the animals etc. are also happy. The Father explains: Write this and this! Trimurti Shiva Jayanti is also the Shrimad Bhagawad Gita Jayanti. You then also have to explain it. Those who understand these things want to explain them to others. How can there be expansion unless you explain to them? According to the drama, whatever part each of you has of understanding and explaining, you are playing that part. The part of devotion is becoming more and more powerful day by day. It is remembered that people's eyes open when the haystack is set on fire. You children have to blow the conch shell. Day and night, you should think about how to explain to others. You have to give the Father's introduction to the whole world. This is such a big task! The world is so big! There are many religions and many lands. In the golden age, there is just the one religion and then expansion continues to take place. You understand that it is only through Prajapita Brahma that Brahmins are created. They neither show the Brahmin clan nor the One who creates it. You have to explain that they only show the Kauravas and the Pandavas. You are Brahmins. There are the Prajapita Brahma Kumars and Kumaris and so Prajapita is also definitely needed through whom the different lineages emerge. They show the deities, warriors, merchants and shudras, but they have omitted the confluence-aged Brahmins. They remember "Trimurti Brahma", but there is no meaning to "Trimurti Brahma". Who can explain to them? You understand that the incorporeal Father sat and explained to us through the mouth of Brahma. Children are born through the lotus lips of Brahma. When He speaks to you, Brahma also hears. If you didn't exist, what would Shiv Baba do? All of these things are not spoken to just one. In the scriptures, they have mentioned the name of only one Arjuna. Whatever point emerges at any time, you should busy yourself in that service at that time. Everything is explained to you very clearly. However, it requires effort to stay in yoga and become pure. It requires so much effort to renounce poison. It is because of poison that there is fighting. Therefore, you children have to pay attention to service, that is, you have to study and then teach others. Only in this service is there benefit. You should have this concern. Those who ask the new ones to fill in a form have to be very clever. At the time of them filling in the form, ask them: You are making spiritual endeavour. Do you want to go to the land of liberation? Only the one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Master of the land of liberation. That Father comes and purifies us. The bathing etc. only takes place in Bharat; they don't do that in any other religion. Those people bow their heads in front of their religious leaders and offer them flowers. They sing their praise. They don't even know that the Purifier is only the one Father. Now, at Christmas, people celebrate Christ so much. However, people still remember: God, the Father. They call out to Him. They (Christians) too will receive this knowledge. Baba continues to tell you: Make these pictures so that they can also be sent abroad. Your intellects should work for the benefit of the unlimited world. Baba's intellect continues to work all the time. Very few value these pictures. The Father had them made through divine vision. There should be so much regard for them. However, there isn't that much regard. Very important, first-class service takes place through them. According to the drama, some will emerge who will make these pictures. As you progress further, such intelligent ones will emerge, they continue to invent new ways in service and that people will become happy on seen them. English has spread everywhere. There are so many languages. There must be English-speaking people in every country. This is why Baba also takes up English as well as Hindi. Eventually, these things will emerge in all languages. It is very easy to explain to anyone. However, when it doesn't sit in someone's intellect, it is seen what that person would do. Those who have wealth and don't donate it are called misers. They hear through one ear and let it out through the other. Each one of you definitely has to be concerned for your own progress. You must not be coloured by company. Remain busy in service. Otherwise, there will be a great loss. You must definitely try to make progress for yourself. "Baba, I will go and do the service of making many others equal to myself." You should have such thoughts. Such ones are called those with satopradhan intellects. Those who have tamopradhan intellects neither benefit themselves nor others. They are called senseless. One with a satopradhan intellect is sensible. Some have very severe karmic accounts. Even though they understand everything, they remain trapped. At this time you have to remain busy in service day and night. This is an income for yourself. I have to claim the full inheritance from the Father. Otherwise, there will be a loss every cycle. First of all, benefit yourself and you will then be able to benefit others. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) Don't be miserly in donating the wealth of knowledge. Create methods for your own benefit and also the benefit of others.
2) Study and teach others the study to change from human beings into deities. Pay full attention to doing service and to studying. Settle your severe karmic accounts with the power of yoga.

May you become a combined form and constantly experience entertainment with the company of the Companion.
Whenever you experience loneliness, do not remember the Father in the Point form. That would be difficult and you would get bored. At that time, bring the stories of the entertaining experiences into your awareness and also bring in front of you a list of your attainments of self-respect. Do not just remember Him with your head, but be combined with the Companion in your heart and experience the sweetness of the love of all relationships. This is "Manmanabhav" and, to be "Manmanabhav" in this way is to have entertainment.

Continue to say, "Yes, present indeed" according to the Father's shrimat and you will receive a right to all powers.

TODAY MURLI || 21/12/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, never stop studying because of sulking with one another. To stop studying means to leave the Father.

QuestionWhat is the reason for service not growing?

AnswerWhen there is a difference of opinion among you, service doesn't grow. Some children stop studying because of a difference of opinion. Baba cautions you: Children, don't have any conflict with one another. Don’t listen to gossip. Listen to only the one Father. Give your news to the Father and He will give you directions to become 16 celestial degrees full.

QuestionWhat is the first and main reason why you stop studying?

Answer:The sickness of name and form. When you become trapped in the name and form of a bodily being, you don't feel like studying. Maya defeats you in this respect. This is a very big obstacle.

Om Shanti
You children sitting here have the faith in your hearts that the unlimited Father has come and that He is giving us the unlimited inheritance. You are personally sitting in front of Him. You know that He is the Father of all souls. He explains to you through this body. He explains to you in the same way every cycle and gives you your inheritance. No one else can give you this knowledge. Baba explains: You mustn't ever remember bodily beings. The five elements are called evil spirits. Therefore, you mustn't remember bodies made of the five elements. Although Maya causes many obstacles, you mustn't be defeated. Let this remain in your intellects: I belong to one Baba and none other. You shouldn't even love the body of this Baba. If you love anyone's body, you get stuck to it. Baba knows that males have such deep friendship with one another that they become trapped in each other’s name and form. They have so much love for one another that they even forget Shiv Baba. Even two kumaris have so much love for one another that it is as though they are lovers. No matter how much knowledge you explain to them, Maya doesn't leave them alone because they oppose God's directions. Although they take knowledge, their stage continues to fluctuate. The sins that should be burnt away with yoga don't burn. There are many like that but Baba doesn't mention any names. Secondly, Baba says: You must never stop studying. Although you may not get on with a Brahmin teacher and your heart is distanced, you must definitely continue to study. Continue to give Baba your news. Eventually, Baba will end the difference of opinion. Because of some difference of opinion, many children ruin everything for themselves and stop studying. You mustn't stop studying under any circumstances. Many fall in this way. Baba cautions you: Children, you mustn't listen to gossip from anyone. Listen to only the one Father. There are many children who have the illness of body consciousness and die through this disease. Children are given the order: Constantly remember the Father and continue to praise Him alone. Shiv Baba alone makes the iron-aged impure world pure and elevated. Baba is concerned for the children, that perhaps Maya will kill the children or make them ill. When children don't send their news, I understand that they have been slapped very hard by Maya. This is why everything is explained in the murli. If they don't have it in their fortune, they become engaged in their own business. Some become trapped in the name and form of one another in such a way that it is as though they are lovers and beloved. Then, they don't even remember Mama or Baba. They continue to remember each other. It is Maya who creates all these obstacles. If they don't have it in their fortune, no matter how much Baba tells them not to speak of wasteful things, they still continue to do so. On the path of ignorance some write their biographies. We don't have to write our biographies. We mustn't remember anyone except Baba. When Nehru died, people remembered him so much! If you also remember in the same way, what is the difference between them and you? A lot of understanding is required on the path of knowledge. Until you have yoga with Shiv Baba, the locks on your intellects will not open. You are then unable to do service and your status is destroyed. This is why Baba continues to caution you, that if there is any difference of opinion, write to Baba about it. Not everyone has become 16 celestial degrees full. Some are still weak; they would be making mistakes. Sensible children would instantly write their news. When some see that another person has anger in her, their hearts are removed from that person and then they stay at home. Sometimes, a Brahmin teacher also tells them: You mustn't come to this centre. You have to give service news to Baba. Baba would be pleased that the children are giving Him their service news: Baba, today I explained to so-and-so and asked him what his relationship with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is. Baba gives you the inheritance of heaven. He also gave it 5000 years ago. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is placed here. Baba continues to explain that if any of you see that there is disservice taking place due to a particular reason, you should immediately give that news to Baba. Not everyone has become complete. You children have to explain everything. The Father says: I reveal Myself to the children. How could I be personally in front of many children who don't even know Me? I tell the children: Sweet children, follow shrimat, make effort and make your lives elevated. You are going to become the masters of the whole world. The more you remember Me, the higher the status you will receive. There is no question of expense in this. This is just an education. Those who have it in their fortune become very strong. Maya is such that even those who were here for six to eight years are no longer here. They are not sulking with the Father but with their Brahmin teacher. Baba is sitting here. If you sulk with Shiv Baba, you leave Him. How would you be able to listen to the murli without Baba? Secondly, when someone has a part of trance, they sometimes say, "Mama came in so-and-so”, or “Baba came in so-and-so". That too is Maya. You have to move along very cautiously. You have to understand from the way a person speaks. Some have the evil spirit of Maya in them and then they say: Shiv Baba has come and is speaking the murli. It is Maya who creates all of those obstacles. Many become traitors. Many deceive Baba in this way. You have to protect yourself from all of those things. You have to pay full attention to the study. Otherwise, Maya will distress you a great deal. Many storms will come. Herbalists say that the sickness will first erupt but you mustn't be afraid. Baba explains that, while you are moving along, Maya pokes you in such a way that she makes you forget Baba. She will try hard to defeat you. Your battle is with Ravan, the five vices. The more you remember Baba, the more your sins will be absolved. Those who conquer Maya will conquer the world. However, this is not a question of a physical war. Only when you have the power of yoga can you receive the sovereignty of the world. At this time, there is the power of yoga and also physical power. If both Christians were to come together, they could become the masters of the world; they have that much power. However, that isn't the law. There is the story of the two cats that were fighting. Look how Krishna is portrayed holding the globe in his hands! Your remembrance should remain all the time. You mustn’t stop studying for any reason. There will definitely be obstacles. Maya is such that she scalps you or gives you heart failure. Therefore, the Father says: Forget everything else and constantly remember Me alone. By remembering the Seed, you will also remember the tree. While living at home with your family, take this course. Devotees wake up early in the morning and perform their worship. At Kashi they have made small alcoves. Each one sits in an alcove and chants, "Vishwanath Ganga" (The Lord of the World who brings the Ganges), but they don't know anything; they simply say that God is omnipresent. They call themselves those who have yoga with the elements and the brahm element. This Baba is experienced in everything. That One sits in this one's chariot and says: Renounce all of that. They have made everything into toys. They have made toys of Vishnu, Shankar, Krishna and they sit and worship them. They don’t know any one of them and yet they spend a lot of money worshipping them. They make stone idols and decorate them. The wealthy even put jewellery on idols. You know that whatever they do with that deep love on the path of devotion, I give them the fruit of that. In their next birth, they become good devotees. If someone donates wealth, he takes birth in a wealthy family. If someone donates a great deal, he takes birth in a royal family. Nevertheless, there isn't happiness for the whole time in this world. This is why sannyasis don't believe in happiness. They believe it is like the droppings of a crow. Therefore, how could they teach you Raja Yoga? No one, apart from the unlimited Father, can make you into a master of the whole world. The Father is now personally explaining to you children. I have come once again to teach you Raja Yoga. I have entered Krishna at the end of his 84th birth and named him Brahma. I definitely need Brahma and also Prajapita Brahma whom I can enter in order to come here. How else could I come here? This is the chariot that is fixed for Me. I enter him every cycle. It is written that establishment takes place through Brahma. Of what? Of the land of Vishnu. You are now making Bharat into the land of Vishnu. Others don’t understand that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has a part. They celebrate the birthday of Krishna. It is the Father who changes hell into heaven. Those who become Brahmins and make full effort will become deities from Brahmins. It is remembered that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, establishes three religions: Brahmin, sun dynasty and moon dynasty. There, for two ages, there is just one religion; there is no other religion. However, look how many religions there are in the other two ages! You children should pay full attention to the study. Otherwise, you will have to cry a great deal: the T ribunal will sit for everyone. They will show you: These are the sins you committed. That is why I tell you a great deal not to commit any sin but to become a charitable soul. If you commit sin, you accumulate one hundred fold punishment. If, after belonging to Me, you indulge in vice or if you disobey the Father’s shrimat, a lot of punishment will be accumulated for you. That punishment is very severe. The Father says: I am the Resident of the supreme abode. I come here into this old world and give you your inheritance. In spite of that, you continue to defame My name. This is why it is said that those who defame the Satguru cannot claim a high status in the sun-dynasty clan; they fall. They make a vow: I will live as Your obedient child. They even write this in blood. They even promise the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, that they will become His children and claim their full inheritance from Him. However, Maya is such that they are no longer here today. If, after making a promise, you become impure, you become deceived a great deal. That is disobeying God, is it not? Baba continues to explain everything through signals. Maya will distress you a great deal. Otherwise, why would there be a battle? To become a master of the world is no small matter! You mustn’t make mistakes. You mustn't stop studying at all. Take advice from Baba and then He is responsible. People make so much effort to study. They work very hard at the time of their examinations. As you make further progress and you see that that time is very close, you will also busy yourself in studying day and night. That time is now going to come very soon. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) Don't speak about wasteful things with each other. You must never come into any conflict of opinion. Never stop studying under any circumstances.
2) Never disobey Baba. After making a promise, keep it firm forever. Always have an interest in doing service.

May you be constantly carefree and stay in limitless happiness with the awareness of your unlimited rights.
In today’s world, even when people receive their customary rights, they claim them with so much effort, whereas you have received all rights without making any effort. To become a child means to claim a right. When you say, “mine”, you claim a right. So, this is a wonder of oneself, the elevated soul. Stay in the happiness of this unlimited right. This imperishable right is fixed and when something is fixed, you remain carefree.

Fly at a fast speed with everyone’s blessings and you will easily cross the mountain of problems.

TODAY MURLI || 20/12/17 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban || ENGLISH || (OM SHANTI)

Sweet children, the Father has come from the faraway land to establish both a religion and a kingdom. When the deity religion exists, it is the kingdom of deities. There is no other religion or kingdom at that time."
Image result for SHIV BABA
Question:In the golden age, all are charitable souls; there are no sinful souls. What indicates that?

No one there suffers for his or her actions in the form of illness. Illnesses etc. here prove that souls are experiencing punishment for their sins in the form of suffering for their karma. That is called the karmic accounts of the past.

QuestionWhich of the Father’s signals can only far-sighted children understand?

AnswerThe Father signals: Children, while sitting here, race with your intellects’ yoga and remember the Father. If you remember Him with love, you will become a garland around the Father’s neck. Your tears of love become beads of the rosary.

SongAt last the day for which we had been waiting has come.  

Om Shanti
You children heard the song and understood the meaning of it. Bharat is very big. The whole of Bharat cannot be taught. This is a study. Colleges will continue to open. This is the unlimited Father’s university. It is called the Pandava Government. A sovereignty is called a g overnment. You children now know that the sovereignty is being established. Religion plus sovereignty is religio-political. The deity religion is also being established. None of those of other religions establish a kingdom; they simply establish a religion. Baba says: I am establishing the original eternal deity religion and kingdom. This is why it is called religio-political. You children have to become those with very far-sighted intellects. The Father has come from the faraway land. In fact, all souls come from the faraway land. You too have come from the faraway land. The souls of those who come to establish a new religion come from far away. They are founders of a religion whereas that One is called the One who establishes a religion and a sovereignty. There was sovereignty in Bharat. There were the emperor and empress: Emperor Shri Narayan and Empress Shri Lakshmi. You children would say that you are now following shrimat. All of us people of Bharat have been calling out to Baba: Come and change the old world and make it into a new world of happiness. There is a difference between an old home and a new home. You only keep your new home in your intellect. Nowadays, they build very fashionable houses. They continue to think: We should build such-and-such houses. You know that we are establishing our religion and kingdom. We will build palaces in heaven studded with diamonds and jewels. Those of other religions don’t understand that Christ came to establish Christianity; they don’t understand it at that time. It is only when it has grown that they call it the Christian religion. There is no name or trace of those of Islam or any other religion (at that time). Your signs continue from the beginning until now: there are images of Lakshmi and Narayan. You know that it used to be their kingdom in the golden age. There, you won't have the knowledge of whose kingdom it was in the past or whose kingdom it will be in the future. At that time, you only know the present. You now know the past, present and future. First of all, there was our religion and then other religions came. Only at the confluence age does the Father sit here and explain. You have now become trikaldarshi. In the golden age you won't be trikaldarshi. There, you will continue to rule the kingdom. There will be no name or trace of any other religion. You will continue to rule the kingdom with pleasure. You now know the whole cycle. People know that there truly used to be the deity religion but they don't know how it was established or for how long it continued. You know this. You ruled in the golden age for this many births and then you took this many births in the silver age. They should also know about this. You children know that the unlimited Father truly is teaching us. You know that this is the end of the last of the many births of the Krishna soul. I have come and entered him. He definitely has to be named Brahma. Brahma becomes Vishnu and Vishnu becomes Brahma. This knowledge of the Trimurti is very simple. This is incorporeal Father Shiva and this is the inheritance you receive from Him. How did you receive your inheritance from the incorporeal One? Through Prajapita Brahma, you are changing from Brahmins into deities. Then, after 84 births, those same deities will become Brahmins. You should keep this cycle in your intellects. We are Brahmins, children of Brahma, and we are also the children of Rudra (Shiva). We souls are incorporeal children. We remember the Father. It is very easy to explain using these pictures: We are doing tapasya and we will then go to the golden age. It should remain in your intellects that we are changing from human beings into deities. Then we will become emperors of the deity religion and rule the kingdom. Only by having yoga will your sins be absolved. If you continue to commit sin even now, what will you become? When people go on a pilgrimage, they don't commit sin; they definitely remain pure. They believe that they are going to the deities. People always first bathe before going to a temple. Why do they bathe first? Firstly, because they indulge in vice and, secondly, they have also been to the latrine. Therefore, they first become clean and then go to have a glimpse of the deities. They never become impure while on a pilgrimage. They go on the pilgrimage of four places while remaining pure. Therefore, purity is the main thing. If deities had also been impure, what would be the difference? Deities are pure and we are impure. You know that Baba has adopted you through Brahma. In fact, all of you souls are My children, but how would I teach you? How would I teach you Raja Yoga? How would I make you sweetest children into the masters of heaven? You know that Baba is establishing the new world. Therefore, God would definitely make the children worthy of that and give them the inheritance. When would He make you worthy? At the confluence age. The Father says: I come at the confluence age. This Brahmin religion in between is something different. In the iron age there is the shudra religion. In the golden age there is the deity religion. This is the Brahmin religion. You belong to the Brahmin religion. This confluence age is very short. You now know the whole cycle. You have become far-sighted. You know that this is Baba's chariot. This is also called Nandigan (a bull). He would not ride the bull the whole day. A soul sits in a body all day long. If he were to become separated, the body would not remain. Baba can come and go as He pleases because His soul is His own. He says: I do not remain constantly in this one; I can come and go in a second. No one else can be as fast a rocket as I am. Nowadays, they have invented so many rockets and aeroplanes etc. However, the soul is the fastest. Remember the Father and He will come. If, according to his karmic accounts, a soul has to take birth in London, he would go and enter a womb there in a second. So, it is the soul that runs the fastest. Souls cannot go back to their home now because they no longer have that strength; they have become weak. They are unable to fly. There is a huge burden of sin on souls. If the burden were on the bodies, they would be purified with fire, but alloy is mixed in souls. So, it is souls that carry their karmic accounts with themselves. This is why it is said that that is the suffering of his past. A soul carries his sanskars with himself. Some are crippled from birth and so it is said that they must have performed such actions in their past. There are the actions of many births that have to be settled through suffering. In the golden age there are only charitable souls. These things do not exist there. Here, all are sinful souls. If sannyasis were to become paralysed, it would be said that that is the suffering of their karma. Oh! but why does even someone who is a great soul like a ‘Shri Shri 108 Jagadguru’ have that illness? It would be said that that is the suffering of his karma. It would not be said of the deities. When a guru dies, his followers would definitely feel sorrow. When children have a lot of love for their father, they cry. When a wife loves her husband a great deal and he dies, she weeps. If the husband had made her suffer she wouldn’t weep. If there is no attachment, she would understand that that was destiny. You love the Father a great deal. At the end, Baba will go away and you will say: Oh! Baba who gave us so much happiness has gone away. At the end there will be many left behind. You have a lot of love for Father. At the end, Baba will go away and you will say, “Baba went away after giving us the kingdom.” You will shed tears of love, not of sorrow. Here, too, children come and meet the Father after a long time, and so they have tears of love. Those tears of love will then become beads of the rosary. Our efforts are for becoming the garland around Baba's neck. This is why we continue to remember Baba. Baba's order is: Continue to stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. When there is a race, they are told to run to a goal, touch it and come back. That is numberwise. Here, too, those who remember Baba more and race ahead will go to heaven first and rule the kingdom. All of you souls are racing with your intellects’ yoga. You are sitting here and racing there. We are Shiv Baba's children. Baba gives us a signal: Remember Me. Become far-sighted. You have come here from the faraway land. This foreign land is now to be destroyed. At this time you are in Ravan's land. This is Ravan's land. You will then go to the unlimited Father's land. There, it is the kingdom of Rama. The Father establishes the kingdom of Rama. Then, half way through, the kingdom of Ravan is fixed according to the drama. Only you children know all of these things. That is why, when you ask them questions, no one is able to answer them. If they were to say that the Father of souls is God, the Father, what inheritance should you then receive from Him? This is the impure world. The Father did not create the impure world. It is very easy to explain to anyone. You have to show them the pictures. The picture of the Trimurti is very good. There isn't such an accurate picture of Trimurti Shiva anywhere else. They show Brahma with a beard. They don't show Vishnu or Shankar with a beard because they consider them to be deities. Brahma is Prajapita, the Father of People. Some have shown him in one way and others have shown him in another way. You children now have all of these things in your intellects. These things don't enter the intellect of anyone else. It is as though they are crazy. Why do they burn an effigy of Ravan? They don't know anything. Who is Ravan? When did He come? They say that they have been burning his effigy eternally. You understand that he has been an enemy for half the cycle. There are so many dictates in the world. They have kept the name of whoever explained something. Some kept the name, “Mahavir”. They have shown Hanuman (monkey god) as Mahavir. Why have they kept the name, “Adi Dev Mahavir”? There are Mahavir, Mahavirni (female Mahavir) and you children sitting in the temple. They are the ones who conquered Maya and this is why they are called mahavirs. You too have come by chance to your own place. That is your memorial. That is the non-living one. Nevertheless, you definitely have to put up pictures until they come to the living one and understand. You can explain the secrets of the Dilwala Temple very well. You had studied this for that is why that memorial has been created on the path of devotion. It requires a lot of effort to establish your kingdom. You also have to take the insults because you have to become Kalangidhar (form of Krishna who was defamed and took defamation). All of you now take insults. I have been defamed the most. They even insult Prajapita Brahma. All the friends and relatives become upset. They would not insult Vishnu or Shankar. The Father says: I take the insults. You have become My children and so you also have to take your share of that. Otherwise, this one was occupied in his own business. There was no question of insults. I am the One who is insulted the most. People have forgotten their religion and karma. Baba explains so much. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:
1) Become far-sighted. Have your sins absolved with the pilgrimage of remembrance. Never perform sinful actions while on the pilgrimage.
2) Become a mahavir and conquer Maya. Don't be afraid of defamation. Become Kalangidhar.

May you be an embodiment of success who achieves success in your words and deeds with the seed of thoughts.

The thoughts that you have in your intellect are the seeds whereas the words and deeds are the expansion of those seeds. If you check your thoughts, that is, the seeds, while remaining stable in the trikaldarshi stage and make them powerful, you will then experience easy success automatically in your words and deeds. If the seeds are not powerful, your words and deeds will not then have the power to be successful. You definitely did become embodiments of success in the living form for this is why other souls attain success through your non-living images.

Burn the rubbish of waste in the fire of yoga and your intellect will become clean.